Night Fall part 1- Into the Orphanage

by Fall

The Plan

A month had passed since the wonderful day out Pint and Bucky had shared with their friend, Fall the Pegasus. The trees had now lost all of their leaves and the warmth in the air was slowly being replaced with the forthcoming chill of winter.

“Why do toys have to be so expensive?” asked Pint as he looked into his saddlebag’s wallet.

Bucky shrugged as he said, “And we raked so many yards, too.”

Pint sighed as he closed his wallet and said, “I suppose we could’ve afforded it if we gave up our visits to the Flip and Scoop.”

“Do you think Fall would’ve wanted us to do that?” asked Bucky.

Pint lowered his head and sighed, “No.”

“We may not have been able to get her out again,” said Bucky. “But she always seems to smile when we stop by and share our stories.” He then grinned at Pint before adding, “Especially how I always beat you in Backyard Brawlers.”

Pint scowled toward his friend as he stated, “You’re a cheat! And you don’t always beat me.”

Bucky laughed as he nudged his pinto-spotted friend and said, “It’s that reaction that makes Fall smile every time.”

Pint’s expression changed as he asked, “It does?”

“Oh, yeah!” cheered Bucky. “While you’re getting all in a fuss you make the funniest of faces as your voice gets all squeaky and you go, ‘That’s not true! So not true! Blah, blah, blah!’.”

Pint felt himself about to argue with his friend. However he chose against doing so as he didn’t want to give Bucky more to tease him about.
“You know what?” asked Pint.

“Chicken butt!” proclaimed Bucky.

Pint shook his head at his comedic friend. Once Bucky got started it was often hard to stop him.
“No,” Pint said. “What if we brought our Backyard Brawlers to Fall and showed her what a match is really like?”

“Great idea,” stated Bucky. “But, I don’t know how well we could show her a game while hiding in the bushes.”

Pint narrowed his eyes, “I’m tired of having to hide in the bushes.”

“I also don’t see why the other kids tease her for ‘Talking to her imaginary friends.’,” stated Bucky with a frown. “There’s nothing wrong with a little filly like her having an imaginary friend.”

“And we’re not imaginary,” stated Pint as he stomped his hoof.

“So what do we do?” asked Bucky.

Pint looked up to face his Pegasus friend as he replied, “We’re going to go in and show every pony how real we are.”