//------------------------------// // Getting to the Lobby // Story: Hoof of the South Star: The Movie // by Mod On Death //------------------------------// The doors to the theater cracked open to reveal a slim, teenage colt forcing through the space in the door, closing it behind him as he exited. "When you get to the ticket booth, be sure to-" "BE FIRST OR DIE!" somepony in the crowd yelled out, pushing the group forward and starting a riot. The teenager tried to get back into the theater before being crushed, but only managed to let the mob inside the theater. The first target the mob went for was the ticket booth. "Come on!" Scootaloo yelled to the other three who had curled up in order to protect themselves. "We already got our tickets, so let's get to the snack booth before they get there!" "Scootaloo's right!" Apple Bloom declared before following her friend. The other two quickly joined up with them while they saw the chaos going on at the ticket booth. The dealer didn't know who was putting money down and who was grabbing the tickets he tried to print out. At least his area was bullet proof. The mare at the food booth would soon seen the oncoming tide. "I'll have a box of Cookie Crumbles and a Gummy Trees," Scootaloo ordered. "I'll just have a small popcorn and a large soda," Sweetie Belle added. "Nothing for me," Apple Bloom said modestly. "Since I assume you don't have gems to eat, I'll have, let's see...hmm...what would you suggest?" "I personally would tell you not to eat anything cooked. It'll probably take longer for you to digest it than you can live," she joked. "But yeah, I like Gummy Trees." "Okay. I'll take two of them." As Spike placed his part of the order, the mob from the ticket booth started to move in. "That'll be twenty-two and three-fourths bits," the mare told them. "Wait, so how do we divide this up?" Apple Bloom asked them. "Oh. I forgot to bring my own money," Scootaloo admitted. "Spike, can you cover mine?" "I'm not sure how much mine counts toward the bill." As Spike tried to figure it out, he spotted the line started to push in behind him. "Let's just give her whatever we have before this gets ugly." The group dumped out whatever they had and tried counting it off to get the closest they could to the bill. "Alright. Looks like you have twenty-three bits here. Let me just get you your change-" "Keep it!" Scootaloo yelled as the group grabbed the food from the counter. Each of them secretly wondered what one-fourth of a bit in change looked like. "Wow. We're making great time," Apple Bloom remarked as she walked behind Spike and Scootaloo, making sure they didn't drop their food. "Sweetie Belle, why did you get a large-" She looked behind her to find that in the midst of the actual mob that had apparently broken out, Sweetie Belle was at the soda machine filling up her cup. "SWEETIE BELLE!" Apple Bloom yelled out, trying to get her friend's attention through the chaos, "GET OUT OF THERE!" Sweetie Belle nervously filled up her cup and stopped. Just when they thought she was finished, she decided to put a new soda in the cup. "STOP MIXING DIFFERENT SODAS TOGETHER AND COME ON!" Sweetie Belle topped off her drink with some ice, some of the soda spilling out when it came down. She capped it and got away from the machine just as a large stallion got thrown into it, soda exploding everywhere. "This'll be interesting to see when we leave here." Spike and the others walked away as the mob had devolved into some insane semblance of a society where somepony stood atop the machine and distributed the remaining soda. "I think we're in Number 8." Just as he said this, the door opened, revealing a stallion and a mare. "Excuse us," the quiet mare with a bell for a cutie mark said. "Me and my coltfriend were going to get some snacks." "I don't think that's a good idea," Sweetie Belle informed them as they entered the theater. Whatever was going to happen in the lobby would hopefully not be their concern.