Kharn's adventurous exploits in Equestria

by rhysofpeace


There was frantic screaming and a constant flashing of red lights accompanied by the frantic screeching of the Vox caster, built into his helmet, picking up the desperate calls of the imperial guardsmen that were stationed aboard the Dawn's Hammer, Captain Fabien tuned out the frequency that the Guardsmen were using and spoke under his breath "may the Emperor forgive us" his voice was filled with sorrow and regret but it was only a momentary lapse in his usual demeanor. He looked around the bridge of the Dawn's Hammer to see who remained, five tactical marines, an ancient Contemptor dreadnaught known as Darrius armed with a heavy conversion beamer and a contemptor pattern Kheres assault cannon and the Terminator Armour clad Librarian Bramorus, the only survivor of the squad that was sent to destroy the plasma reactors in an attempt to destroy the ship, denying the traitorous scum the spoils that they sought, but as could be seen by his horrendous wounds, they had failed. Through the thick heavy sealed doors of the bridge a harsh guttural voice reverberated throughout the bridge " BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" Captain Fabien thumbed the activation rune on his power sword and held it aloft, his other hand held the plasma pistol that had ended countless live Xenos and traitor alike "FOR THE EMPEROR" the few surviving ultramarines returned the cry as a chainaxe made short work of the supposedly impenetrable blast doors.

Kharn stood staring at the pitiful sight before him "IS THIS IT?" he screamed out in rage at the small collection of survivors, Darrius wasted no time in firing the Conversion Beamer at Kharn and the sound of the conversion beamer firing muted the cacophonous blare of bolter fire, Kharn rolled under the hail of fire as it hit what remained of the blast doors completely disintegrating them, Kharn brought up his plasma pistol as the other remaining space marines began to turn to face him ,Darrius' Assault Cannon began to spin as he prepared to fire "DIE TRAITOROUS SCUM" Darrius' Vox caster seemed to struggle with the sheer volume that the ancient dreadnaught was able to produce.

Kharn let loose two shots from his plasma pistol, all the while strafing towards the Dreadnaught, each shot found their mark downing two more tactical marines. Kharn was no more then a few meters from the dreadnaught now, he allowed the plasma pistol to magnetically lock onto his armor, behind his mask he smiled, he could feel the presence of his god within him urging him to kill, he wouldn't even need Gorechild for this, he flung the mighty axe towards Captain Fabien who sidestepped ,dodging the axe by centimeters, one of his Battle brothers was not so lucky and found that the hefty chainaxe had embedded itself in his chest.

Kharn leaped towards Darrius as the conversion beamer began to hum, Kharn grabbed the hefty weapon and in one swift fluid motion ripped the arm off it's joint, and using the motion to sweep it under the dreadnaughts legs causing it too fall feebly onto its back the Assault cannon firing hopelessly at the ceiling of the ship, he pointed the Beamer at the body of the dreadnaught just as the beam fired. Kharn swung the now useless hunk of metal to the side crushing several navigational screens.
Captain Fabien stepped forward signalling for the remaining two tactical marines to stop firing they complied but never dropped their sights from the traitor before them "Kharn" the space marine walked slowly towards the traitor that was now silent and unmoving " I see no reason that such a" he spat the next words out of his mouth as though they were poison "worthy warrior should die at the bark of a bolter" he pulled out his power sword and thumbed the activation rune, he then put a foot on the chest of one of his fallen brethren and spoke a quick prayer to the Emperor as he pulled the axe out "should you have any honor, you-" he was swiftly cut off by a ball of plasma disintegrating his head, Kharn fired a second shot hitting one of the two remaining tactical marines, the last marine standing opened fire as Kharn closed in on Gorechild. He made a straight beeline into the hail of bolter fire dragging the legendary chainaxe along the floor causing a blazing trail of sparks to run behind him.
The space marine switched to holding the bolter in one hand and unsheathed his chain sword but before he could activate it Kharn had closed the gap and brought Gorechild upwards, gorily slicing the space marine in twain, the Armour offering no resistance, as though it were butter.

Kharn raised his arms and bathed in the shear joy and appraisal that he felt emanating from his patron God, the fight had been long, it had been difficult the only the thing he regretted was the end he turned to look at the trail of death he had etched, he had hoped that the final battle on the bridge would be a magnificent tapestry of gore and violence and yet only one dreadnaught, a single captain and a handful of tacticals were all that he could offer up to Khorne, the sound of a raspy cough laced thick with clotting blood drew Kharn's attention " you whoreson" an injured space marine librarian, leaning heavily on his Force staff, croaked as he coughed up blood "i shall send you into your beloved, Emperor damned, warp" a trail of ethereal fire leaped forth from Bramorus' fingertips, Kharn made no attempt to dodge the flames "YOUR COWARDLY MAGIC WILL HAVE NO SWAY IN THIS BATTLE SORCERER"
Kharn hated all heretical followers of the false god, but none more so then the cowardly psykers. They hid behind their warp spawned powers, but what good were they against his unholy blessing from Khorne.
Beneath his helmet Kharn smiled. He'd have to kill this one slowly and ensure that every last drop of blood left it's body. It might just make up for the disappointing battle.