The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 23. I'm a baby daddy! Well I'm done.

Never saw that coming now did ya!.

I like my life, I like the way I go about it. I don't have many hope's, wishes, or goals. I just go with the flow and cool things happen. Some are small like making a few hundred bucks just by standing, or become a being that seduced a god just for giving a hug to a stranger. But they're some things that happen that put me in the field of fire. Things that I miss because I didn't, or more likely, 'couldn't' see coming. Things that you just can't plan for. Like become a dad, who is five years old by body age. I have to admit, the spell that was used on Azura was amazing.

Implanting false memories for protection, give spells for use, have a system to make sure she got to where she had to go, before she could become normal again. I sped it all up just by doing what I do best. 'Be playful to little kids.' The false memories gradually erased themselves when the person she was looking for was found, her personality kept and what ever schooling she was given kept, and the new memories kept. Everything else that shouldn't be her's vanished, giving her a normal life. Though I wished she wasn't given to me at this point. Ill have to go into hiding after this little dispute with Aqua and before the game starts, just so I could figure out how to raise her and grow up with her. 'How am I going to explain this to Moonlight?'. I just wished the spell took a longer time before dispelling.

Her and I after our little thing, was taken back to the hotel by a guard. We both went in silence without a struggle. Our own minds filled up to the moon in questions about each other. She must be wondering what will happen to her if I chose to leave her somewhere more safe. While I just raped my brain, trying to figure out if she is part god. Though that theory ended when I realized that; her mother couldn't pass her powers down due to the fact she is not her successor. A blessing on my part.

Celestia sat in the same place at the brown table, except there was no servant, no guards or mayor waltzing in. It was just me, her, and Azura huddled up beside me. Her face was filled with, something. Like she didn't have anything to say what she wanted too. Thankfully my mood was better, the big old slap to the face from the possibly dead Dexter filling my life up with more crazy then it need's to be. Again.

"Winter... I do not know what to say about earlier. So I will ask you this one question; Is what you are hiding, not ment for this world to hear?" I thought about it for a moment until I was happy with a simple yes.

"Very." I said. Tia looked away in deep thought, possibly trying to convince herself to let what is hidden, stay that way.

"Fine, I will try to accept it, even though the mystery upsets me."

"Do I still get what I came here for?"

"Yes, Ill have one of my accountants give you your rightful payment for making this town possible, and as for you knighting, Ill set it up for the twenty first of december. Will that be alright? It wont be for another two and a half months."

"It is fine, but I want to do something with it?"

"And what will that be?"

"I want to be knighted as both my dragon half and as my griffin half. For logic reasons. I might be switching a lot in the future."

"That... can also be arranged." She sighed.

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to bash my face in the nearest brick wall for not using protection."

The town was named later in the day to; Silent hill. I had some say in the final product, by changing the original name within everybody's heads for the lulz. After that, was a traditional feast and party, where the princess left to do other duties. Azura and I didn't stay either after the town was named. Not because we didn't want too, it was because we both were worn out from the events prior. I took us straight to the bridge of my ship to start the sort and file of my unwanted cultist crew. When Azura heard we were going to see my ship, she lost all her gloom and cheered up, and when she did, I did.

I teleported us both to the bridge of my ship. Just before I left. Tia said my payment would be waiting in Canterlot. I might as well get it after I am done dealing with home ship home. Popping into the bridge went exactly as I thought it would be. Someone was toughing my console and a bunch was snooping around the lower stations. The person flying was none other than Heather herself. She looked at me startled unsure what to say or do, but then she saw Azura and calmed down a bit. She was still concerned about who I am and Azura. I could tell by her slowly moving tail to the 'battle stations' button. I lifted a hand with sass flicking a finger back and forth shaking my head, causing her to retreat from her effort.

"Hello Heather. How are you?"

"Who are you and how do you know who I am?" She asked. I saw her eyes dart to something behind me telling me that theirs was a sneak attach coming.

"I am the guy that will rip apart whoever is behind me, that's who." I smiled. The person behind me moved around to the front. I remember her, 'it was Rose.'

"Hello Rose how are you?" Her scowl turned into surprise.

"How do you know me?!" Rose ordered.

"Please don't yell. All will be explained in due time."

"Who are you then?" asked Heather.

"I am you number one favorite griffin, Winter." Both of their jaw's dropped.

"What did I say something? Is their lint in my fur?" I said searching my body.

"How can you be here? I thought you were in a coma!" Yelled Rose.

"I still am ya know. I am like this due to magic."

"That is not an explanation." Said Heather.

"I know."

"So why are you here?" asked Rose.

"To kill a bunch of people."

Their reaction was exactly as what I expected. 'Utter horror.' I didn't care at the moment, I was more worried about me. I let their shock settle before I get a barrage of yelling. While I waited for their brain to process, I fixed Heather. I forced her soul back together letting the one I knew most have full control. I should have done this when I first got the info on soul magic, but I was more busy plotting against Aqua. Rose pushed me against the wall holding a small firearm to my face. Little Azura came to my aid, but I gave her a look stopping her from getting hurt. She sat glaring daggers at Rose.

"So you just came back to kill the people you saved! Is that it! After you slaughtered an entire island of peaceful beings!"

"ROSE!" Heather shouted.


"I am sure he has a good reason for it."

"A reason! He just said her was going to kill a bunch of people. What reason does he have to justify it!"

"Let him down so he can talk!" Heather argued.

"Arrg... Fine, but I will shot him if I see fit!" She let me down but kept the gun aimed to my head. Azura ran to my side and hid behind me glaring at Rose. I rubbed my sore neck from the choke hold, and brushed down whatever fur became matted. I cleared my throat and spoke up.

"Every single person in this ship but; Moonlight, Brownie, Heather, Rose, and me. Belong to a cult that was responsible for destroying the island, and they are proud of it. This cult they belong to just tried, a couple days ago no less, to kill Celestia, and they almost did. If it weren't for me, Equestria would have ended and this cult would have set theirs sights on the rest of the world. Do you understand? I am not going kill those willing to change sides, so long as I say they are redeemable. So let me go about my business and stay out of my way." I explained.

"YEAH RIGHT YOU FUCKING LIAR!" Yelled Rose cocking her gun. Heather had to force her friend from shooting me, not that it mattered. I could have just stopped the bullet mid flight.

"Please don't swear in front of my daughter?" I sighed. They both stop fighting over the gun and just stared. The hostility in the air cooled at that moment.

"Wha...?" They both said in unison. 'Best. Fight. Stopper. Ever.'

"But I thought you were...How...Wha...?" Rose managed to say before she fainted. Heather was almost there too, except she knew that I was older than I look.

I informed Heather of the lose truth about Azura, and gave her more detail about the crew. I asked her to set up an interview station in the cargo bay and sort out who go's first while I visit myself. And try to explain to Azura why I was little and not big.

Looking over myself was depressing. I didn't like the fact that my life depended on machines, or a person to give me sponge baths, but it was sorta my fault to begin with. I pushed myself too far, putting me into a magic coma. A coma caused by an imbalance of two internal forces losing sync. It would have taken several months for it to correct itself, but I didn't have the time. Using a spell, I safely fixed the problem. Though it will take several hours before I wake up and continue my life as a child, the thought annoyed me, but at least my dragon half isn't as a child, it is where it should be. Six foot six upright, strong, and wolfishly noble. Azura looked up to me curios as to whom we were visiting, 'Time to break the ice.'

"Azura. Do you know who this is?" I asked.

"I don't, why? Is he going to be my new friend?"

"No, sorry. Remember when I said this body isn't my real one?"


"Welp, this is my real body."

Azura looked at me like it was a joke, I wouldn't blame her either, so to prove it I reached over to my left eye and opened it. It was green just like my eye is now. She looked back and forth trying to piece it together. I switched to golden eye, so did my real body, that's when it hit her. She thought she would have someone to destroy the world with when he woke up. Only to find out that that this boy, was me.

"Umm... Dad, how could you be my dad when your this little?"

"I made a deal with the devil, that's how. Don't worry about it, ok?"

"Erm...O...K" She frowned.


"Yes Azura?"

"Can I still beat you up?"

"Sure." I chuckled.

Heather set up the stage for the mass execution. A single table with every name of every person on the ship. The cargo bay had enough room for everyone to get comfortable. Griffins of every color was lined up and as the way Heather set it up, it was from least valuable to most. I put Azura in Moonlights care. I didn't tell her that I was awake, but I was a friend of the princess herself. Which eased her a bit. None of the personal took this seriously and was either talking behind my back or was trying to have a snooze. The first victim stood in front. On the list she was a janitor.

"Hello there...Blake, how are you?"

"Up yours!" she spat. I snapped my finger incinerating her to ash. A little harsh, but she was on the instant kill list. The rest of the pride screamed in terror to what they saw, but I had no time or heart.

"NEXT!" I yelled. On the list was another female janitor named...Jack.

"Hello there, and how are you tonight?" I smiled.

"Fuh...fuh...fine sir?" she stuttered.

"Good good. Do you deserve to live for being a New order cultist?" Her eyes went wide.


"Wrong answer." I snapped my finger again, instant killing her too.

After going through the five hundred sixty two pack of griffins, I had fifty two left standing. 'Barely standing.' The leftovers proved themselves to be worth living, only if they become my hunting crew of the New order. Heather threw up after seeing the ash pile of the one's not worthy of life, Rose didn't do much better, nor did Brownie we he came in. I got the survivors to clean up as a start while I jumped to my real body, incinerating the body I came to like. Terrifying everyone but Moon and Azura who was having a bath. I woke up sore as hell, small, and needing someone to take these tubes out of me. Not wanting to wait, I did so myself teleporting them all safely out. I got back up to my little haunches stretching out every joint possible. Heather came into my room sick to her stomach just a few minutes later.

"Hey there, how are you." I squeaked. Heather looked shocked. 'I wonder why.'

"How are you..."

"Sped up the wait." I cut her off.

"Oh. So what now?"

"I want you to send everyone off to bed. Tomorrow we plan to take down a group of over forty thousand people." I ordered.

"Just because you are back, doesn't mean you can order me around!" I raised a brow.

"I can." I retorted.


"Because I had to fight a fucking god to save you. A FUCKING GOD! Do you have any idea how hard it is to kill a god?" Her eyes went wide.

"You...You fought a god. For me?" She gasped in disbelief.

"That's what friends are for." 'I didn't think she would stay after watching me kill a bunch of people.'

"Thank you. "

"Don't mention it. Now then where is my little Azura?"