The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch 22. Party till i'm purple.

When in doubt, party always wins.

Their comes a time in everybody's life when you have to escape from someone that tried to kill you, only to meet them hours later by accident. Tia and I have an interesting relationship that started out as with a bang. I mostly didn't do anything wrong, but being labeled 'The prince of darkness' by her very own lips, automatically making me public enemy number one, till I saved her ass a few hours prior, 'Maybe.'I left her a note on what I did that night, doing my own investigation of the attach and what I did after my search for information. If she is her doing a small task like adding a new town to the map, then she must have put someone in charge with the finding of Aqua, and being her must show that she is giving the middle finger to the attach taunting for another round. A smart move in most cases, but this chick has some serious firepower and not afraid to use it.

Tia was giving me the 'look,' a look of; annoyance, disbelief, regret, anger, and a dark sense of humor. She know's I will not get very far if I run away with my tail between my legs, and if I were to stun and run, ill get jail time or worse. So the only option she things I have is staying till the end of the ceremony and come back with her to Canterlot, but I always have a plan when it comes to running away. I just need to wait for the right moment.

Celestia brought me to a secure room within the hotel, furnished for royalty, laced to the moon, and guards everywhere. It was the new penthouse of the hotel, which is kind of stupid due to the fact this building is only three stories tall. 'No view.' Sitting down at a table that I cannot put to words. It looked nice, an expensive dark wood styled into a simple rectangle, but is seemed out of place with all the gold and white.

Azura sat close beside me trying her best not to be noticed by the princess. I know she is out right afraid of her, I could tell by the many tremors she sends against my side whenever the princess is in sight. 'Speaking of which, her she comes now!' The princess sat on the opposite side of the table still giving me, 'the look.' Thankfully the table is just high enough that Azura can sit comfortably without being seen. A servant brought some fancy looking china and poured tea into a cup. The only cup.

"So ah, how are you?" I asked bringing my wing around Azura to calm her down in a hug.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

"Good good. Sooo, are you still going to make me a chevalier?" I smiled in hope. She raised a brow silently telling me a , 'do you deserve it' expression.

She took a sip bringing the cup tray thing up with the cup using telekinesis. Happy with the taste she put it back down. "That depends."

"Let me guess. You want me to give you all the in's and out's of the five 'W's' about me?" I said.

"If we have enough time. Mayor Steal Heart is still setting up the event." she said taking another sip of tea. "So you may start, but if you leave anything out that is important, I might consider it as, treason" 'Triple shit.'

"That is understandable, but I must warn you, I must follow the laws of time, so I cannot tell you certain things till they have already happened."

She nodded the go ahead.

After an hour of telling a, lose version of everything up to this point, crossing off; I am a human, Azura is a windigo, the ship is still working, i'm a chaos magic user, 'Maybe my aura feels too different for her to recognize as one,' my latin magic, everything yet to come in the future, luna's secret weapons before the war ended, and a bunch of small things that are unimportant and the elements of harmony.Tia was very pessimistic about me being able to change between forms like a changeling, but not be one, and that I have a higher ability with magic then most unicorns. She was more livid at the fact of my eye, thus her reply at the end wasn't what I wanted to hear.

"So, now that you know everything that you should know. Can I go?" She looked at me in deep thought while taking her final sip of tea.

"Yes. You are deemed unfit for Equestria, thus I am going to ask you to leave and never return." 'Ouch.'

'I guess it's time to run.'

I teleported Azura to the safest place I know with a letter for her and Fluttershy to read. 'Sorry Azura, but you will be safe there till I have a place to work from.' Tia felt my magic activate and the cast made her anger to a livid expression saying, 'I now what you are NOW, chaos user!' I would have teleported out too, but she would have followed my magical aura like a bloodhound. I have to escape by foot.

I kicked up the table in her face and bolted through the window before the guards could catch me. Flying as fast as I could from the town, Tia caught up with magic. Flying just behind me, she launched several spells in an effort for a kill rather then a capture. Dodging to the best of my ability, and trying to speed up to out run her, was a losing battle. Tia kept useing magic to keep herself as fast as I was, making any attempt of outrunning her near impossible.

"GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD!" She screamed from behind, and just after, a spell connected with my ass, sending me crashing down to the ground, and letting the beast free.

I landed skidding on all fours and eyes to slits. The beast was free. The being hidden behind those deep warm eyes, viscous and unrelenting. When ever I fight, I do my best not to get hurt while doing it. The problem is that I am not a berserker, but something worse. I don't feel joy in hurting others or feel the rush of battle. The adrenaline stops flowing through my heart, my vision clears and my thought becomes faster than a super computer. I go cold, and see all motion happen before it is written in stone. I don't stop till the deed is done. It's not like before, not fuelled by an overcharge of hate filled magica, or an unrelenting bloodlust to swim in. I just want to kill the person who caused harm to my body without mercy.

Celestia landed facing me in a pant for air. I must have gave her an exercise she hasn't felt in years. I didn't give her time to breath. I lunged at her using the combined thrust of my hinds and wings to accelerate near the sound barrier and used my natural griffin magic to negate wind resistance thus causing a sonic rainboom, punching her face at mock one, sending her flying miles away. I followed with my current speed, to catch up with the flying sun butt, hitting the double rainboom mark on the way. I grabbed her throat as she was recovering from the initial hit and drove her into one of the mountains near her prized city. Half of the mountain fell from the massive impact of the tackle.

Tia fell weakened but not out. She sent many more light rays at me in the hope of an instant kill. One such ray came for a direct hit. I caught it in my hand still in flight using my natural abilities, and crushed it into nothingness. I bolted down at her hitting mock one again half way down catching several more spells along the way and combined them in my hand. I punched her into the ground with both the force of my speed and the magical energy she gave to me for free, taking her down for good.

I loomed over the defeated Celestia, not broken externally but internally. She only showed signs of dirt throughout her coat, but her free flowing mane stopped and the fact she can't get back up, told me she was down. She looked up at me with fear in her eyes. She knows I am capable of ending her life and that I could have won in a single spell. I know she is getting to the point where she would have to rely on the elements to save the country, and being defeated so easily would force her to search frantically for them. I will not let that happen. I grabbed Nix, turned on silver eye and did they same thing I did to Moirai.

I broke from my eye of foresight spell shaking for what was going to happen when Celestia returns from the bathroom. If I were to follow it through though. I looked down to Azura who was looking at me differently then she was before. She used to be scared of Tia, but now that emotion was directed at me more than anything. I looked away in regret of what she must have felt around me. I hung my head feeling miserable, miserable about what Azura must be feeling about me right now. Feeling miserable about this impossible situation I am in. The only thing that is keeping my mood in a general place, is that I know how to do a sonic rainboom without having to fly at the speed of sound. Now I have to change my original plan to something else, 'but what?' I can't just run away or tell her anything, she'll try to shoot me down bringing out my demon created from the sweet seclusion of solitude, ment to protect me from losing myself to the harm of others who want to harm the thing I try to protect most.

Celestia came in just like my eye showed me. Sitting down doing the same thing's she did before, except Azura didn't hold onto me for comfort, she stayed far away from both of us, behind the curtain, and I can't do anything to fix it right now. Celestia looked at me like I wasn't in trouble, giving me an expression that everything was going to be alright. 'At least the look went away.'

"What is the matter Winter?" Celestia questioned me like a child. I looked up from my slump only to fall back into it.

I sighed...

"You don't want to know." I said shaking my head.

"How so?"

"Because this red eye showed me what is going to happen within the next hour if I follow it, and I don't like it," was my solemn reply.

"You can give me a bit more than that. I am not your enemy."

"Are you sure?"


"Alrighty then. I kill you for being a moron about everything you think is right, when in reality, you doom the entire world to utter destruction, just because you can't handle the truth." I spat. Celestia dropped her tea cup sending it crashing down to the floor breaking into a million pieces, shocked at what I just said. 'Wait this can work, I can use my current angst for shock value!.'


"OH! But that's not all!" I say. "If you don't let me be on my way to help you save Equestria from Aqua marine, by being a knight, and receiving the debt, which is actually two million bits not two billion so that I can work in secret! Then You die, the elements are permanently destroyed, Nightmare moon, Discord, Tirek, Sombra, and a whole bunch of assholes having their way with everything with a warm hole, just because; I AM A GRIFFIN WITH MAGIC. YOU RASIST PIECE OF SHIT!"

Celestia's eyes went wide, as did Azura's, the maid who dropped the replacement tea cup, all the guards and the mayor coming in to bring us the news that the ceremony was going to be held back for a bit, and the guards outside the door, jaw's dropped in utter shock. Without thinking I scooped up Azura placing her on my back and walked out slamming the door behind me on the way out. Why? To use my depression to hide all truth without being questioned for it.

"Hey! Get back here." Ordered a guard. I threw a punch just in time to use his running force and my fist to knock him out cold, and continued on my path while erasing the memories of my audience from the conversation, except for the fact that I just swore at the princess to keep shock value.

I left the building feeling slightly better then before. Azura didn't know how to react to what I just did. 'At least her fear turned from of me, to for me.' She stayed quiet while I walked through town. I got to say though pony time and human time for construction is way off. Normally it takes just over a month to make one house with a team of twelve. But that might be me.' I could bet they had a team of unicorns levitating all the materials in place, a team of earths to keep it steady, and a team of pegasi to hammer it in. Making it possible, but the cost would be very expensive for a crew like that.

This was a nice little town. A lot better than just a random hotel used for capturing unsuspecting ponies for the slave trade. I found myself walking towards the new school. It made sense to have one, I counted at least two hundred different individuals and plenty of kids walking around. I walked into the schools playground where a carnival was set up to keep the kids away from town hall.

I sat down on a bench placing the still silent Azura beside me. She looked at the jungle gym then to me, confused as to what she was seeing. All I could think of was how my presence affected her. 'Maybe she saw the anger from my non magic eye, and it scared her.' I know Azura is older than me. Much older. Yet, it's like she is slowly regaining her innocence. Though I have intended it to happen when I took all magic and knowledge of magic from her, but the rate it is going astonishes me. Then again, the amount of playful teasing, and the fact she doesn't know what to do without me must be helping with it.

I looked down to where she was sitting, except she wasn't there. I jumped off of the bench searching frantically for her. Just as I was about to lose it, I felt tugging on my tail. I turned around to see Azura with a mare holding two cones of ice cream in her mouth. I settled down from the thought that Azura ran off forever looking at the mare. I took the cardboard tray from her mouth placing it on the bench.

"Azura don't run off like that! I almost would have leveled the town!." I scold. She hung her head deflating to shame. The mare gave me a curios look. "Well?"

"I..I.." she sniffled.

"Um...Sir?" the mare chimed in. "It is ok, she just wanted to get you a treat because you looked gloomy. Don't worry. The ice cream was on me, I hope you don't mind?" 'Azura went out of her way to cheer me up, after I was putting myself down for frightening her.' I calmed down realizing that I was making a scene.

"Sorry...Things have been very rough for me as of late, thank you for the ice cream."

She smiled slightly and walked away. Azura wouldn't look at me after my snap. 'Why am I so protective of her?' I thought. I picked her back up placing her on the bench. She kept looking down like she just did thee most unthinkable thing in the world. 'Why though? We only known each other for a day.' I handed her ice cream to see how she would react. She gave a glance to it only to shake her head not wanting it anymore. Feeling more like crap, I was becoming more and more lost.

She saw my demon, the demon responsible for protecting me as a last resort, created during my extensive solitude in my room hoping that someone would save me from my neglect as a child. It put fear into the hearts of even the strongest. Celestia saw it, Heather saw it, and Moonlight saw it. No one stays the same once they see it. They say the kindest are the most viscous and cruel when provoked. I believed it. She must have thought she was the most evil thing in existence, but after seeing it. She must have realized how wrong she was. I know she is just sticking around so I can take of her, but I wouldn't be surprised if she left. I wouldn't blame her, I would be too. 'Would she? I am already slowly losing friends I just have gained. Heather is, was there, but is now on a fast train away, and Moon? I just don't know, but it is more than likely.

I picked up Azura for no reason, but to leave. I took her just out of the edge of town. I placed her down not wanting to meet her eyes. I know I am more sensitive than a normal person should be. I can feel everything that another person is feeling, a skill I am both proud of and loath. I'm proud because it lets me help those I know who can be helped on a much deeper level then any normal person is capable of and I loath it for pushing those I want to be with, away. I thought I could handle this. Take Azura around Equestria seeing everything there is to see. But it only took a day of how wrong I was. Ill leave it up to her.

"Azura..." She looked up at me like she just did something wrong again.

"I am sorry..for earlier. I didn't mean to snap, I...I was just worried. I know what you saw held within these eyes and it scared you. I would understand if you stayed and went with someone else, but I don't want to force someone I hurt, to be with me. I know I wont be getting anything done here, so I decided to move back to my ship. I checked using silver eye on the crew and found out that most of them, worked with the pony I am hunting. Once I am done sorting them out, I will most likely lose my only friends in this world. And..." Azura wrapped her little arms around me bawling. 'Why though!'

"Don't go. Mommy dexter said you would take care of me."

My heart stopped. I didn't think I would ever hear that name again. In that moment I realized that her aura felt too new for her to be a windigo. I just shoved it off not knowing what a real one felt like. Then again, her memories also felt new like the were implanted or something, and if they were, then. At that moment when I picked up the book for the first time, I didn't feel any magic coming from it. So did...did Dexter send this girl ahead of time? Then why? Why do I feel like I am inclined to protect her so much. And if she was sent, then it would explain as to why she is acting the way she is. She is confused about the memories implanted from her real one's and must be thinking that the implanted ones are the real thing!

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Mommy Dexter said that a griffin with magical eyes is my birth father and that would take care of me and raise me when she go's away."

"Who is your birth mom?" I asked not wanting to believe it.


'Great just when my life couldn't get anymore strange the one time I screwed a goddess I knock her up and have a kid who is smarter than a teenager and when my body is healed up, the same height and a father too...At least my depression is gone.'