Power Ponies Origins: Rainbow Dash

by king fireball

Chapter 2 Having Power comes with Responsibilty

In a house not too far away, a dark blue and purple girl called Dash early the next morning because she heard a loud thoom outside her house last night.

"Dash I need to talk about what I saw last night." said Rarity.

"Oh that I'll meet you very soon." said Dash hanging up the phone.

Dash came in using her new teleporting power that was included. Rarity jumped and landed backwards on her swivel chair, the mere sight of what Rarity did made Rainbow burst out in laughter.

"Oh man Rarity you should see your face! Ha ha!" said Dash still laughing and almost busting a gut in the process.

"Oh ha ha very funny Rainbow, now what did you want to talk about?" asked Rarity as she got up from her seat and straightened up her chair until it was upright.

Dash explained to Rarity about her new found ability to control electricity and cause storms along with other weather phenomenon like tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. Rarity's thought process worked like a well oiled machine as she began to understand what was going on in her friends mind, in a way that seemed as if Rainbow was going to use that power for selfish purposes like cause a blackout or something.

"Dash please understand that having this power means you have more responsibility." said Rarity.
"Yeah, yeah I know about the whole responsibility thing. I just need a costume so I can be a superhero." said Dash.

Rarity nodded and walked over to her clothing line, looking over to see anything that would be suitable for her friend. After about a few hours of searching she found a bright blue outfit with white streaks on the sides of it, the sight of it made Rainbow do a fangirl scream which made Rarity have to cover her ears.

Meanwhile in a dark castle there lived a man who is hellbent on destroying anyone who try to bring any peace to the city of Metropolis, he looked at the screen that revealed Rarity's conversation with Rainbow Dash.

"There you are Rainbow Dash, you really think being a hero will help you when you know deep down it won't." said the Puppet Master.

Much of what the Puppet Master will do can cause bodily harm or a complete termination of everyone in the city, which made him very happy.

"You will be my puppet miss Rainbow Dash." said the Puppet Master as he sat back in his chair, laughing evilly.