The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch 21. I have a TOWN?!.

Place thing here.

Waking up to a rustling of a certain griffin cuddled up to my side, made my heart melt.The slight thought of being the one giving warmth during a time when all I do is kill, put me at a slight ease. Even though she tried to kill me, twice. Once with black magic, the other with a twig. As much as I could think at the time, all I saw within that trapped being, was loss. Loss of all life she once had. I know windigo's aren't really the best thing to associate with, and one that is well known for some terrible deeds done in the past, but I know deep down she has a chance. All she needs is someone to guide her. A fool I may be in trying, but its worth a shot. Unlike most I find myself encountering, the people that end up on my hit-list, those who are too far gone to be saved. I know this from a single look without the need of magic. A trait that is only gained by being on your own for most of your life.

I left her be doing my best not to wake her up. I'm sure she'll make up a reason as to why she ran in my tent almost bawling, ill let her play innocent. Though down the line later in the day, she'll go back to, 'I am all powerful' mode and make a scene. Resting my head back down, I closed my eyes and tried to piece together the events that took place last night.

While I slept, I took the liberty of going through every single head of every single pony in Canterlot, just to see if they known anything about the attach, and if they didn't, I erased it from memory. Sadly, this was the case for everyone. No-one will know what happened last night, nor have any evidence to the contrary. The only person that will know, is Celestia. That way when the show starts, this event wont have changed the outcome. 'I wish I had the time to search through one of the cultists, but none survived nor gave me the chance to search.

Then there is Aqua marine; The Royal Equestrian Fleet Admiral of the Navy. Now most wanted criminal. The leader of the militia group that attached the princess and tried to get The Windigo Grimoire for her own selfish deeds. She almost did it too, but only due to that magic staff being destroyed. That staff from what I could tell. Is capable of absorbing every type of magic from the user and prevent it from regenerating. That staff was her only trump card, and it failed. If my intuition if correct, that staff is enchanted with some nasty dark magic. I don't know what her motives are, or why she needs the book, but I can take a big guess. She needs the book to take over Equestria, and do what every crazy villain does afterwards. Enslave all the ponies to do some abstract task for no reason. Though ill hand it to her, she had a good plan. Get to the top of military, supply weapons to her followers, wait till whatever she was after was in reach, and attach with a small army. Till I came around, decimated her mini army, and possibly made her, 'I want to kill him slowly,' list. As much as I want to just forget about it, and go on my marry way, I just can't. While I am still in a coma, ill travel the land as I am now, and figure out where she is and what she is after. She must be in hiding now, but it shouldn't take long for me to find her.

Speaking about hiding, I must change my current appearance to something more suitable, like my griffin self. I got up carefully so that I don't wake up my little companion, and left the tent to change. It was morning and the sun was shining through the colour changing leaves. It was the beginning of autumn around mid september, two and a half months since I first arrived, and back at the first trail I walked out of the hospital. 'I should check on that warren to see if it is still empty.' A cool breeze swept by making me shudder. The days are getting colder and shorter, which means I must get something warm for Azura when It starts to rain like crazy. I did the spell turning me into what I should look like as an older griffin. My colors still the same, white bird half, black cat half, wings bigger, muscles stronger, fur still a bit fluffy, hair tuff longer, beak more like an eagle, and six foot six sitting down. 'Perfect,' I thought. Poking my head in to check on Azura went one of two ways. The first way was that she was still sleeping. The second way was that she woke up and freaked out calling for me to save her. It was the latter.

"Hey hey, it's ok. Its me Winter." I pleaded. She took a better look at me and saw my off place emerald left eye and calmed down.


"Sorry, but I am sorta still a criminal and I don't want any unwanted attention." I defended.

"Then maybe give me some warning next time?"

"Maybe." I smiled.

After that minor mess, I put away all the camping stuff back from a store I stole from via magic, and stole breakfast, also by magic. I and Azura ate a simple egg and toast breakfast with juice, and started walking down the river to the first warren I slaughtered. When I said that we were going to a diamond dog warren, Azura purred at the thought of gaining followers, but that thought died when I told her I killed almost every single one of them a while ago.

"Tell me peasant, why are we wasting our time going to a ghost hole in the ground?" She asked.

"I forgot most of the loot, and if it is still there, I want to take some with us for road cash." I replied.

"How do you know its not plundered already?"


I know the trek by foot would take a while, a day and a half from my last count, which should give me enough time to work with Azura's, 'people skills.' They aren't that bad, but her calling everyone a peasant would give some odd looks. 'To me mostly.' Most of the walk was i silence. Not that I mind, I enjoyed the scenery. The free flowing grass, soft to the touch. A clear blue sky, the wind that flowed like a brisk wave through my fur, and the dirt. The most wonderful thing to feel after spending most of my time on cold steel and hot cement. Azura however didn't like it. Every bug she came across lead to her shrieking in terror, every animal that passed by made her hide under foot, and every stick she broke made her jump five feet high. It was funny for me to watch, but the most horrible thing for her to experience. 'And she wants to rule the world.' I mused. After a good while of walking, she was starting to slow down. Azura would fall behind for a minute, then had to run to catch up. I figured she could use the exercise and learn when she reaches her limits. Though it was apparent after the tenth sprint, that it was time for her to rest. I picked her up by the scruff and placed her on my back for rest.

"Hey!? I can handle myself you know!" she spat.

"Sure miss cuddles, but I know when it is time for you to rest, so get comfy. We have another day to go." I chuckled.

"I am not, 'Miss cuddles,' you are!" she growled. I could tell she was blushing from that comment in embarrassment.

"Riiight. Then why didn't you sleep in that nook I put you in?"

"Because it was too cold, and you are my servant."

"How? I placed you in a blanket and enchanted the area so you wouldn't get cold, and last I checked you owed me. So I'm not you servant." I mused.

"That's... Because...SHUT UP!" she said while punching the back of my head, which was as effective as trying to kill someone with a spoon. She sat quietly after hurting her hand with my head, cursing away under her breath. I continued to walk along the riverbed till I found a good place to rest, while singing a jolly tune.

"I can't decide whether you should live or die..."

"Shut it." growled Azura.

"Oh you'll probably go to heaven.."

"Shut it!"

"Please don't hang your head and cry..."


"Hheheheheh, No wonder why my heart feels dead inside, cold, hard and petrified..."

"I'll fucking kill you!"

"Lock the doors and close the blinds, we're going for a ride!" I sang while she started to attach my head again.

"It's a bitch convincing people to like you.."

"I HATE MUSIC!" she screamed yanking my fur. ' Annoying her is fun.'

"If I stop now call me a quitter. If lies were cats you'd be a litter..."


"Pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled. Slug ten drinks I wont get pickled...." I sang. "Why?" I laughed.

"Because simpleton. Music is for the poor and homeless. I can not stand to hear such stupid sentiment."

"Fine ill stop, you big baby." I sighed while she got back into her comfort zone and settled down.

"Thank you." she sassed. 'Wait for it.'


"I can't decide whether you should live or die!"

"FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOU!" she screamed while attaching my face.

After walking a good six hours straight and a little fight with a now pouting Azura, because she lost. We stopped at my old camp sight, a perfect area for rabbit hunting and a much needed meal. I could do what I did at breakfast for lunch. Azura kept her distance, only staring death at me constantly. I'll hand it to her, she really hates music. I could have done my usual spell, but that song was so catchy when I first heard it, I just hand to share. Even if it cost some pain from her little claws to my face.

I prepped a fire and waited for her to come on by for a bit of warmth. It took awhile for the fire to grow via magic, but once it reached a good size for cooking, I went hunting. I could have got Azura to do it, but she would have made an excuse or sassed me away. Leaving her by the fire I walked into the chest high grass. Prowling around trying my best not to disturb my favorite snack, was a challenge. The wait and noise this body made was mind numbing. I cursed after I failed to catch one my usual way, but the rabbits could feel every step like a bomb went off. 'God I miss being little.' Hearing my stomach grumble told me it was time to cheat. I turned on silver eye ad found every rabbit within a one hundred mile radius. Using magic, I caught a good ten and brought them back to the fire for cleaning. Azura looked at me unimpressed as I walked to the river to start skinning my catch. After which I took the meat and fur to the fire for cooking, disposing the rest of the entrails. Azura glanced at the food with hunger in her eyes. She practically salivated at the sight. Jumping next to me while I cooked the meat.

"Hungry?" I smiled.

"Famished." she replied staring down the rotisserie rabbit. I gave myself the first stick of meat giving thanks for the meal, even though I cheated, and gave one to Azura who gave me a disgusted glance for my little comment on the food. Just as she was about to take her first bite, I took back the food causing her to miss.

"Hey! I was about to eat that!" she said trying to grab back her food.

"I know, but you can't eat this. Its for griffins who are grateful."

"Oh you little piece of shit." she says. "Do you know who I am? I can kill you whenever I want too. Now give me back my food or ill light you on fire!" I finished my first load during her rant and placed her food in my mouth and slowly started to close in on it.

"HEY?! Stop it, it's mine!" she cried. I pulled away from it before I got too close.

"Then stop being so ungrateful, and properly give respect for your meal."

"Never." she glared. It took a second for her stomach to say otherwise.

"Are you sure?" I smiled putting her fill back into motion for my mouth. Her tummy rumbled again.

"This is child abuse." I had it just within biting distance. Azura grimaced as I was about to eat her food, but it was thanks to little girl syndrome that changed her mind.

"FINE! I will do your stupid little prayer, just give me back my lunch before you ruin it." she whined. I handed the kabob back to her and directed her on what to say, which she pouted through the entire thing.

After our lunch of eight rabbit kabobs for me and two for Azura, I went for a afternoon nap. Settling down in a spot along side the river just far enough that I would still feel the heat from the fire, I rested my head on the nice cold earth. Azura had other plans. She went on and on about how we should get moving, throwing a temper tantrum, and tried to beat me out of my spot, but I was a very patient person. She made claims of running off, going for a swim or pretending to be kidnapped in an effort to get back on the road. I knew better. I know when I need a break, and I definitely/i] know she needs a nap too. It took some time for her to give up, cursing the world away at how lazy I am. Not that It mattered. I can't start my search without a place of operations anyway. My first warren that I cleared out should still have a lot of loot left for me to use, and I plan to use all of it. If this is not the case, I will head back to my ship and work from there, but it is more convenient to have a place within the enemy's target. Just as I was about to hit sleep mode, I felt a little claw shake my head. I opened an eye to see what little Azura wanted.

"Yes?" I questioned a furious griffin.

"Why are you wasting time? Aren't we suppose to stop a cult from destroying Equestria?"

"I am not wasting time, I already have everything planed out. I can afford a few days of procrastinating if I want too."

"Shouldn't you spend that time to make back up's?"

"I know I should, but it's not every day that I get a; normal, relaxing afternoon that does not involve something weird happening every second." I say. "Plus you look like you could use a nap too."

"I do no need rest, I am a..."

"Griffin that needs a nap." I cut her off.

"How dare you cut me off like that peasant!"

Not wanting to go for another round of claw to face, I picked her up and forced her to lay down by my side, trapped underneath my wing. She tried her best to squirm out, but to no avail. Trapped, livid, and tired. Azura fell asleep within a minute, like a light weight. From first hand experience, I knew how fast it take's to pass out. I smiled closing my eyes, and let sleep take over.

After our nap, and round of sheepish mumbling from Azura for lasting one minute awake laid down, we set out for the warren. I decided not to take the long route choosing to fly the rest of the way, which made Azura very nervous. I picked her up, placing her on my back and told her to hold on while I flew close to the ground. And just as I thought; she screamed, held on in a death grip around my neck, and prayed for her life. The trip only lasted for five minutes, but the sight of a trembling fluffed out baby griffin, to me, was adorably funny.

"It wasn't that bad." I chuckled.

"Shu... Shut up! We could have died!"

"How? I was only flying a hundred miles an hour, and I was close to the ground. If you were to fall off, you would have landed in the river."

"And get eaten by the fish!" She cried. I tussled her head fur for her stupid complaint.

"I like how you are over a thousand years old, and have the fears of a normal child."

"That's... Because... Shut up!"

"Right, any who, we should get to the warren in a few minutes, so lets not dilly dally anymore." I said pointing to the general direction.

If I was to be told that pony logic is like everything is fast than it should be, I would have smacked up up side the head for being stupid. The warren secret entrance disguised as a hotel, became a small town. And I can bet a lot of my loot was used to make it happen. They're is now several houses, a doctors office, shops of many kinds, park was made, a school, and the hotel was expanded. 'How in the hell?' I asked myself. I walked into the town with Azura riding on my head. I didn't find a town name anywhere, so I assumed it was yet to be named. Walking into the town I was stopped by a guard, but just any guard. A royal guard found in Canterlot! Azura could care less of the guard, but the feeling of things going wrong made my eye twitch.

"State your business," ordered the guard.

"Look, I'm just here to pick up some cash so can you let me get on my way?" I asked.

"Only if you stay out of the way. The princess is coming to name this town, and security is my top priority, so stay out of the way and don't make a scene. Understand?" 'Shit.'

I gave him a curt salute and went on my way now on a timer. Azura wasn't to pleased to hear that Celestia was on her way either. Not that I blame her. We both gave Tia a bad imprint of how we work and I pretty much told her that her prince of darkness is alive and better then ever. Azura knew her from being a book, that Star swirl had sealed up. I went into a trot to the hotel in the hope that something is left over.

The hotel was a fixer-upper before the town was made. Now it looked like the princess herself could dine in. Brand new white paint with black borders, new windows, and lengthened to support more than five people to about a hundred. Walking through the new doors with a snowflake logo, welcomed by the main staff. 'The two diamond dogs that I spared no less.' They directed me to the front desk where a familiar brown mare was standing behind. I remembered her name, it was hacksaw.

"Hello, welcome to the Winter hotel, how may I help you?" 'Great it's named after me. Brutal honest activate!'

"Hi, I am here to pick up a debt regarding an incident two months ago, I believe the bill is around two billion bits worth of treasury." I say. "So if you can direct me to the person who stole my stuff, and ill be very grateful." I said. Hacksaw looked at me as if I was insane, to be honest I would be too.

"Riiight, and who would that be?" she chuckled.

"I would like to know that too, Winter." spoke a heavenly voice from behind. Hacksaws reaction to the mare behind told me exactly who I think it was. Not wanting to believe, I turned my head to see someone I wish wasn't here right now.

"Oh, hi Tia, long time no see." 'Double shit.'