The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch.19. Azura.

Tia lead me to a secluded room in her castle for a private talk. She left me inside this basic stone room with a stone table at the center dimly lit by a gem lamp bolted to the roof. It was pleasantly cool. The room was magically enchanted to prevent any unwanted attention from leaving, like the talk we were about to have. Tia went to go talk to Twilight sparkle. Apparently, Twilight was asked to do research on how magically powerful I am, not that I mind. I have no clue either, for all I knew I could level half of all Equestria in a second.

Tia walked into the room not pleased. 'I wonder why?' I gave her a happy smile watching her place a old looking book onto the table. She gave me a dark glare knowing that I had the upper-hand. The best way to handle with authority of her stature, is brutal honest, but at the rate i'm going ill end up in jail. Not that it'll matter. I could break out in ten seconds flat. I sat smiling away while Tia tries to get my angle. 'Why am I here? What do I want? Whats my goal?' Must be flowing through her head.

"Why are you really here?" she asked getting more comfortable on the cold stone. 'I might as well tell her.'

"I am here for information about soul magic. Why?"

"Because you don't look like the type to need that kind of power."

"Let me tell you this; I need it because I carry spells that utterly vaporizes the soul into complete nothingness. I need more information before I try to fix a friend of mine who's soul is split in two, and I don't want to fuck up." I explained. Her glare turned from annoyance to hate. The same hate she had for my the first time we met. She didn't like the fact that I could prevent the afterlife to whoever I don't like. I don't think ill be getting out of this one as easily as the last.

"Is it worth damning yourself to eternal torment in Tartarus?" she asked.

"Yep, and if I had a choice again, ill happily go for another round."

"Then take this damn book. I can tell in your eyes that you wont use it for evil, but you cant leave with it from this castle." she spat.

"I am sorry Tia, but this book must come with me." I said.


"Because someone close wants it for themselves. If this book stays anymore time within this room, it'll be lost forever." I said switching to the eye of dreams. Tia notices the color change and that my gaze was aimed at the door. A certain admiral was waiting outside the door with a small force.

"What do you mean? Answer me!" she yelled.

"They're is a small force outside this door waiting to get their hooves on this book. I cant tell you their intentions for it, because your admiral is the first pony that is immune to my eye, and that is supposed to be impossible." For the first time since I came to Equis, I was actually worried about something. Tia could tell my cool was gone, not being able to handle a situation for the first time, made me feel threatened.

"My admiral?!" she gasped. "What does she have anything to do with this!"

"I don't know. I would like to stay and chat, but ill be taking that book now. Goodbye Tia."

With that moment I grabbed the book and teleported out of that room, just in time to see the mini army burst through the door to find nothing. I also jumped Celestia out of there just in case. The jump was random, thus I ended up in a place very random, like falling into a lake at the bottom of mount Canterlot. The land wasn't hard due to pony physics, but getting wet was. I dragged my ass and the strangely dry book out of the water and did my best to get dry.

I sat down beside a fire with my new stolen book called; The Windigo Grimoire. A book made of black leather with a rib-cage spine and the name written on the face. The book was fairly big, about two and a half inches thick. Canterlot was lit on fire on battle of some kind. A battle I chose to miss, not because I wasn't capable, but the factor of a certain admiral fighting the crown with a small army. Aqua marine I believe was her name. She can somehow block me out, which shouldn't be possible. I can normally enter a situation as a chameleon, able to take on anything that comes my way. I don't fight, if I don't know if I can win. Not being able to use my ultimate cheat code put me on edge, thus I chose to leave the fight.

I placed Celestia in her throne room to have a bit of a chance. I know all will turn out alright and life will return to normal, but something was pulling me back, like I was needed there. I placed the book in front of me looking at it with curiosity. This book was drawing me in, but not like the fight going on upstairs. The wind picked up making the trees rustle to life. Life around me died to silence as I opened the first page. The book jumped to life launching a beam of black light into my eyes causing me to lose consciousness.

Waking up in the black void caused by the book as my dragon form. Looking around in the nothingness I realized the book is sentient and is trying to take over my current body.'Figures. why can't I have one normal day?' I asked myself. I popped on the eye of dreams to regain control. The book was having a hard time to even touch my consciousness, I decided to make a friend.

"HEY. BOOK O UGLY! LOOKA HERE!" I shouted as loud as I could.

Hisss, Let me in you wretch! said a pleasant seductive female voice.

"What if I don't want too?" I asked. "Why don't you show yourself?"

I can't, your heart is untouchable.

"Hmpf. sour puss. As much as I like to have a talk with another creepy being, Ill let you off with a warning. Let me go, and I wont kill you."

You DARE bargain with life you mortal!


Prove it.

"I can think hellfire and destroy you, so let me go and lets talk like normal civilized beings?" I say. "You know I can."


Fine you wretch. Ill let you go. 'Well that was easy.'

"Thank you." I smiled.

She let me go and hovered in front of me, a green glow encased the book and a faint aura pulsed from the book. I cleaned my face and found a dark emerald eye instead of silver. 'Great, the greed from the book unlocked Avarice when she wanted my power. Four out of seven, new record.' I walked back to the flying book hearing explosions come from the city above. The book looked like it was purring from the chaos up above. Sitting down in the oh so sweet dirt, I started to a book.

"So. What's your name?" I asked. 'Time to make a friend.'

I don't need a name.


Because just a glimpse of my grandeur, causes fear in the hearts of my slaves.

"I like Azura, do you like that name?" I smiled not listening a single word she is saying.


"Yes, it makes you look more cute." I said. The books glow turned a slight shade a red before jumping back to its dark green glow.


"Hehe... You blushed, how can a book blush?" I giggled.

I uh...NO I DIDN'T! the book blushed.

"But you just did." I pointed.


How can I blush? How can you not fear me? How can you not fear a Windigo? she mumbled. She is just like a confused teen aged girl. Thinking she is unlovable just because she is what she is, and to fill that void. She has to hurt others to feel something. I don't know why she is a book, but one day she used to be a normal girl. Sure a Windigo girl, someone that has to live off of hate from others not being able to have the comfort of any sort of family.

"I don't fear you because I fear nothing. Sure I get worried, but it takes a lot for me to be scared of something. You are blushing because I am flirting with you. It is a bit weird for me to flirt with a book, but it makes something inside you, spark to life."

After all these years, I have not met such a fool like you. I have no such awakening feelings just because you see something that you can not see.

"That may be true, however. I can offer you a true body for a price."

I want YOUR body to be my weapon for my return.

"Did you know, this body isn't my real one? Just one I could jump to, but if you don't want you own body, I could just leave you as a book."

What? This is a fake! How!? I can sense you soul emanating from this form.

"It is just a spell I created. As you can tell. It works rather well, and before you say it isn't possible. I am a chaos magic user."

Hmm... A chaos magic user. No wonder why I can't enter you, and that body makes sense for you being one. Make me one and ill grant you with what you want. But take heed. I don't have feelings for you if you do. 'Jeez she is quick to think. Must be from all her time alone on a bookshelf.'

"Sure you do. Azura." I smiled.

I cast spell making her a suitable body, a five year old griffin body for shits and giggles. I shoved her soul and consciousness in the body and disconnected her from the book and rebounded it to her new body. Azura's new body was a work of art; delicate features, dark green eyes, dark green cat half with an emerald color flame tip of a tail, white chest, and several tuff's of fur hanging over her eyes. The book fell limp and lifeless onto the ground, while Azura woke up. She took one look at me with a sadistic smile.

"FOOL! I'M FREE. FREE. HAHAHAHhahaha...ha...." she stopped mid laugh and took a look down.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed. "WHAT AM I!?" she squeaked. I burst into maniacal laughter at how cute that was. Rolling on the ground while she tried to kill me with a twig raving at what I just did to her, which made me laugh harder. She stopped beating me with the stick and sat down giving me the most adorable glare imaginable. I collected myself trying my best not to burst out again, and gave her a soft smile.

"What did you do to me mortal?!" she spat.

"I just made sure you wont go on a mass murdering rampage, and prevented you from using your magic." I smiled.

"Then how am I supposed to take over Equestria?" she asked.

"You don't, but Ill tell you what you can do." I say. "You can come with me on my ship. After I settle things down in town. Besides, the look suits you." I said.

"Id rather be a book, and away from you." she says. "But since you said you'll take care of me, ill come. Only till I can get my powers back." she pouted.

"Don't be that way. Look on the bright side, at least you don't have to live off of hate anymore."

"I hate you. Does that count?" she said. I picked her up and threw her on my back, she tried to fight it, but lost to my magical superiority. I grabbed the book and teleported it to my room on the ship, while I take Azura to a safe place.

I found a safe place for Azura under a tree. The poor thing fell asleep along the way due too, 'little girl syndrome.' I did a spell to make her comfortable and hidden from the rest of the world. She was placed near the river to one of my favorite areas of this country. The Canterlot grasslands. Whoever is after the book, can no longer get it, and if they are after Azura, ill protect her. Only because she holds vast dark magics within her mind. Magics which I copied from her mind and placed it in mine, using the ability of my new eye I like to call; The eye of the chronicler, for its ability to copy any and all information perfectly in the casters mind. 'Cost unknown.' I also erased it all from hers just in case. I know why I am compelled to protect her, but that's for another time. I jumped to the fray where Aqua marine was leading the charge against the princess.