Uniformed Equality

by TheNewYorkBrony

What's With The Riding Crop?

Today was a normal day at Canterlot High. No evil she-demons, no jewel wearing sirens. Just a normal spring day at a normal high school.

This was something Sunset thanked every god she knew of for.

Granted, after some interesting recent events, there wasn't anything truly 'normal' about Canterlot High anymore. (Sunset herself was proof of that.) But she was finally glad after months of proving herself redeemed that she could sit back, relax, and have an uneventful lunch with her five friends.

That is, until the cafeteria doors burst open.

In walked a student in a black and white school uniform wearing a band with an equal sign on her arm, carrying a riding crop.

Sunset banged her head on the table.

So much for normal.

"Greetings, students of Canterlot High. I suppose you all are doing fine on this fine spring afternoon?" The girl asked, pacing across the cafeteria floor. The entire room had went deathly quiet when she had made her entrance, and all eyes were on her.

"Who in the hay is that?" Applejack whispered to Pinkie.

"Oh! That's Starlight Glimmer! She was elected student president last week!" Pinkie bubbled, reaching for the pudding cup on Dash's tray.

Rainbow mushed her in the face, effectively keeping the surgar crazed girl away from her lunch-time dessert. "We had a student election last week?"

"Uh...yeah. It was announced on the announcements like four times last Monday." Pinkie responded. "Don't you guys pay attention to anything that has to do with school at all?"

Applejack blinked. "Ah'm sorry darlin' ya lost me at 'school'."

"And anyway how could she have won? I've never seen her around here before," Dash pointed out, grunting as she continued to keep Pinkie at bay.

"Well considering how both you and Applejack had no clue about the elections, it would make sense that you have no idea about any other students outside our group," Rarity proposed, filing her nails.

"Okay...so who exactly is Starlight Glimmer?" Sunset asked. The name sounded like a combination of hers and Twilight's.

"She's a senior like us. She moved here from the city a while ago." Pinkie said, sighing in defeat when Rainbow coughed into her pudding cup. She was always persistent when it came to pudding and other various sweets, but once germs were involved, her determination fizzled out.

Starlight cleared her throat, bringing the attention of the humane six back to her. "As you all know, I was elected your student president last week. And as president, I promise to make this school equally as fun and comfortable for all." her eyes shifted around the room as other students murmured about what she had just said.

"What's with the riding crop?" Vinyl Scratch asked.

"Oh this?" Starlight asked, waving it around. "It's just for show. I assure you I won't be using it on anyone," For some reason she looked at Sunset and smiled. "Oh, you must be Sunset Shimmer. I've heard so much about you." she said, the smirk never leaving her face.

Sunset tried to look as emotionless as possible. "Uh...thanks?" she answered half heartedly.

"You tried to rise to the top with power, and didn't view yourself as an equal to your fellow classmates," Starlight continued. "What I'm about to do to this school will probably benefit you the most." she added ominously before walking back to the center of the cafeteria to address the entire student body again.

"Uh...is anyone else feeling like things are going to get really bad really fast?" Rainbow whispered behind her hand to the rest of the girls.

"You're telling me," Rarity agreed. "Something about her gives me chills, and not the good kind."

Pinkie gave her a confused look. "There are good chills?"

Rarity rested her hand on her chin. "Why, yes of course darling! Like when you finally take your bra off after a long day at school, or when you're home alone and finally sink into a warm relaxing bubble bath after ma-"

"Ahem!" Applejack coughed loudly, blushing. "Ah think we're getting a little off topic here," she added, jerking her head in the direction of Starlight.

"You're right, my apologies," Rarity said, flipping her hair.

Pinkie looked even more confused. "What? What was she going to say?!" She demanded, looking at everyone with her eyebrows turned down in curiosity.

"Er, anyone got anything to distract her with?" Applejack asked around.

At that moment each girl reached into her individual bag in search for some random item that would grab Pinkie's attention.

"I got a chewed up pen," Sunset said.

"I've got an empty pack of gum," Fluttershy offered.

"I've got a half eaten candy bar," Dash said.

"I have some needle and thread," Rarity added, then quickly shoved both items back into her bag. "On second thought, let's not give Pinkie a sharp object."

The others nodded in silent agreement.

Applejack pulled out an empty fizzy cider bottle and handed all the items to Pinkie. "Here, knock yourself out."

"Ooh goody! I can make something!" Pinkie squealed, taking the random pieces of junk.

"As I was saying, I want to make sure all of our students feel comfortable and happy here. No one left behind, and no one left out. We'll all spend our last year here equally." Starlight finished. "Any questions?"

Vinyl's hand went up. "Uh, yeah. Why do you keep talking about all of us being equal? I'd say we're pretty equal already," some students at her table and around her nodded and mumbled in agreement.

"That's a wonderful question. You see, that's why I ran for student president because instead of telling you all, I wanted to show you." Starlight responded.

Flash raised his hand. "Um, how?"

"With these," Starlight said, stepping aside with her arms outstretched.

The cafeteria doors opened again and in walked Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna sporting the same outfit she was.

Everyone in the cafeteria gasped when they saw the older women wearing the uniforms.

Principal Celestia cleared her throat. "As principal, I must say that what Starlight is doing is seriously something to be considered the mark of a leader, and you all should follow in her example."

"Is she high?!" Dash barked. "There's no way in hell I'm wearing that!"

"Ah'm agreeing with Dash here those things are more ugly than a black eye from getting kicked by a horse," Applejack said. Then back tracked. "No offense, Sunny."

"None taken." Sunset shrugged. "I'm a pony, not a horse."

"Aren't they the same thing?" Pinkie asked, chewing on the half eaten candy bar.

Sunset shook her head. "No, not entirely. You see actually-"

"Are you all done with the chit chat?!" Starlight barked, scaring the everything out of the girls sitting at the table.

"Y-Yes?" Fluttershy squeaked, hiding behind her hair.

"Good. Now to go off of what Principal Celestia was saying-"

"I'm sorry darling but I simply cannot wear such a horrendous outfit! I mean really! Black and white? In the middle of spring? Spring is the time for pastels and floral prints not dressing like monster hunting secret agents!" Rarity scoffed, flipping her hair. "Honestly! I'm all for equality but there simply has to be a less fashion killing way!"

Starlight stomped over to Rarity. "Your fashion sense should be equal to mine. There is no being different. From now one we are all the same. One entity! One school!" She shouted to the rest of the crowd.

The other students cheered, persuaded by her words. They mirrored her chant. "One entity! One school!"

Somewhere in the back Snowflake let out a loud, "YEAH!"

The humane six looked about themselves, sharing worried glances as the students crowded around their student president, chanting her name.

Pinkie let out a long, "Ooooh boy."

"This might be worse than The Dazzlings," Sunset murmured as she and the girls got lost in the crowd.