The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch 18. Do you like my sword.

Hard work is good work. It fills a place in our hearts that gives us a wondrous sense of accomplishment like no other. Every scratch, bruise and cut is a remainder of every once of strength you gave to make something beautiful. Cherish it, and use it to make your next piece of work better then the last.

"Who are you," pointed Heather.
"Shouldn't I ask the same question," pointed the other Heather.

After my time in nightmare land, I decided to see how well things were going on in Heather. Both of them were fighting in a white void as their griffin counterparts. I sat back and watched their scuffle. It was funny for awhile, but now they are getting smart. During their fight I studied my new eye. Activating the eye of holocaust had its own over-powered thing it could do. Like all op eyes in my belt, this eye lets me have control over all forms of fire, water, air, and earth. All elemental's in a nutshell. The problems are happily simple and don't really do much other than make me more weak to the elements. 'A fair trade, even though I could do all of that already.'

"Did you meet a super hot guy in your head just like me?" said the other Heather.
"You mean Winter, right?" said my Heather.
"He has a name?!"
"You like him!"
"You don't!?"
"EWWWW. NO!" my Heather yelled. "How could I like that dragon pervert."

The current conversation the were having got really weird, really fast. I left them alone for awhile to let them to sort things out on their own... somehow, while I find away to fix them. The best place I could think of was the Canterlot archives. Hearing Heather number two talk about what she would do to me, told me it was time to go.

"You would so screw him if you could."
"Nn.n n n no!"
"Your blushing. You're so me."
'Heather number two was super dirty. I wish she could stay to hear my Heather be embarrassed like a little school girl, but I had to go. Now then... who's head should I pop too?'

The head of Twilight sparkle isn't what I thought it would be like. I thought it would be filled with immense understanding of magic, not just theories and concepts. Slightly disappointed, I rummaged around till I found a place where I can learn about how magic affects the soul of the caster. Passing by things I already knew, I found what I was looking for. Not to my surprise soul magic is a very taboo topic among Equestria, but Twilight here is going to a one time class about it. 'Perfect. Now I can expand my knowledge from my hellfire experiment.'

My little experiment with my hellfire enchanted sword Nix told me two things of how hellfire works; One. Hellfire eats magic and burns the soul for all eternity on the outside. Two. If hellfire is placed at the center of the soul, the flame will eat said soul inside out to complete nothingness. I wouldn't have been able to use this spell if it weren't for the eye of holocaust, 'golden eye.' I am glad it activated when it did or ill be still fighting a goddess.

Speaking of Goddesses, Tia is inside Twilight's mind with me. They're many possibility's of the princess presence of being here, but I don't want finding me be one of them. Setting my curiosity aside for latter. I cast the same spell I did to make my double back on earth, but in pony form.

My temporary unicorn body was inside Twilight's dorm room. A slightly over-average stallion with a white base coat, short black wild mane and tail, with one white scythe and a black scythe together in the ying yang shape, and the opposite color of each other in the form of an eye as those little dots, right eye blue and left eye gold. I jumped into me and took complete control. Twilight's dorm room was filled with books. I could bet their is more books here then their is in the school library.

The flash of magic inside Twilight's room woke up a certain baby dragon. I looked down at the just waking up spike at seven in the morning, one hour from class. 'Shit.' Spike walked passed me not realizing that I was there. He walked over to Twilight and started to give her a wake up call. Not wanting to become an awkward house guest, 'or false rapist,' I teleported out of her room where I ended up in the main lobby of; Canterolt school for gifted unicorns.

"Hello there mister." said Doctor True heart, my old friend. 'Double shit.'
"Erm... Hello. Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" I asked.
"You must be new here," he says. "Yes I should be at my normal job, but the school ask's me to come every now and again to help patients here whom are bedridden. One such mare who is a frequent trouble, has fallen ill. Again. So pardon me, I must get going. Have a nice day." He said while trotting off.

"You too!" I yelled back.

'That was a close call.' The main lobby of the school was fairly roman. white roman pillars for support, many halls that led to the various class rooms decorated with newsletters, bulletin board's filled with club sign-up's and art. A dome at the center of the lobby had illustration's of well know mage's like; Star swirl the bearded, Celestia, Luna, Clover the cleaver, and many others that I did not know. Just as I was about to search for the classroom holding the class I wanted to see. I saw True heart stop just a several meters down the hallway to the dorms, out of the corner of my eye and turned around. 'Triple shit.' True heart walked back up to me straight up to my face, and examined my eye.

Stepping back and searching for an escape goat, the Doc pulled out a notebook for some reason."Uh, is something wrong Doc?" I asked nervously.

"Did you know, your iris is burning a golden flame?" He asked.

"You don't say." I deadpanned.

"How long has this been going on for?"

"Since the day I was born." I said. He took a step back from his observation's just to give me the strangest face I have ever seen a pony could make. It was in-between major constipation, and watching a full grown dragon and mouse get lucky.

"Oh... is it healthy?" he asked.

"Very. Don't you have something to do?" His eyes and face bolted back to a more, realistic expression before he ran off muttering gibberish while he ran. Not wanting to stay for anymore examinations, I went for class. 'weird things are weird.'

"Alright class please find a seat and wait quietly for the professor to arrive for the lesson!" announced somepony.

Walking into the over-sized class room with a giant blackboard with five hundred plus seats creating a multilevel semicircle around the board. A podium was placed in front of the board for the professor to use. I found a seat at the back of the room so that I won't be noticeable. It took some time for the other students to enter to room. The wait was boring, but it didn't take long for the class to start. I look over my right shoulder to find Twilight sparkle, spike, and a hoard of books and quills on the desk she was sitting at, while I had just a simple note book and a fountain pen. A couple of ponies looked back snickering towards Twilight. I gave them a dirty look making them turn around glaring back. The professor took sometime to arrive, but when he did. My jaw dropped. It was god damn True heart. 'Shit verses predator.'

"Hello class. Today we will be discussing the more taboo of magics. This class is an example of where thee most violent of beings stem from, and it is required for all graduating students to take, in understanding of how the dark magics I will be explaining, will effect your very being. So! Lets begin." He cheered.

The class went by slower then death by boredom. Everything that the Doc had said; I already knew, or something that was irrelevant. My note book laid empty while Twilight wrote down at least twice as much then what the Doc had said. When I wasn't smashing my face in for the four hour class, I was watching twilight and her partner spike write down a mile a minute wondering, 'how in hell! can you right like a machine!' I just had my note book as a, just in case there was something new I haven't figured out yet. Shaking my sore head, I left the room to tired from smashing my head in.

Walking down the hall to leave and try somewhere else for information, a familiar voice perked up behind me. 'Shit verses REVELATIONS!' Turning around I see a very curios princess. She seemed to be in a happy mood, but not have my silver eye activated I couldn't tell for sure.

"Excuse me sir, but I don't believe you are a student here." said Celestia. 'Honesty is a virtue' I repeated in my head.
Not going to lie... to an extent. I told her the truth head held high.

"Nope. Just sneaking in to learn things I don't have to money for." I smiled.
Tia gave me frowned for a moment before calling over one of her guards with a motion.

"I see. Then why would you such a thing. You know it is against the law to trespass on royal property without permission," she said. 'Plan A; See how well she can handle a person who can find a way to bend the law. It helped me when I got caught stealing food back home.'

"Last I recall, schooling is free to any who can obtain it. So I thought I could go into any school for a class or two. Besides. Not like ill learn anything here. This place is full of reject mage's to rich for proper magical training anyway." One of her guards jaw dropped, like I just said something worthy of the wrath of princess Molestia. Her curiosity turned to admiration. 'Not a good sign.'

"That is rather cleaver of you to point out, but. Last I check this was a place for all the most talented of unicorns to hone their skills to their highest potential."

"Then your best battle mage from this school, should be able to beat me quiet easily in a duel, or is that reserved for more stupid things like; turning apples to oranges?" I challenged. Her other guard jaw dropped like I just crossed the line. Her admiration turned to calm spite, the reaction I was waiting for.

"Your expression tells me that, I am right. That your more applicable studies taught here, are utterly useless in real world situations. Go ahead, prove me wrong." I snickered. They're come's a time and a place to make a god angry. I had both the time and place to do it. Celestia wasn't mad so to speak, but very irritated.

"Very well, if that is your wish. Ill arrange a duel with CSFGU finest, but I warn you. Bending the law to your favor will not make you any friends in the future. The duel will take place in the school arena within the next hour. If you lose I expect you to pay for your trespassing and other laws you may have broken. Do you understand?"

"I understand, but if I win I need some information about something. I wont tell you what it is till after I win. Deal?"

"If you win Ill make the arrangements, and Its a deal." She walked of slightly more moody then she was before she met me. Though if I do win I can get the thing that I need to help heather with, but if I lose...ill just commit suicide and pop back into my original body. I don't have time to spend in jail.

Within minutes the entire school was buzzing with excitement. Walking to the arena many of the students either cheered me on or try to put me down, unfortunately it was the later. Practically most of the school flooded the bleachers before the match even starts. I walked to my position waiting ever so patiently with a wolfish grin plastered on my face. I had an unfair advantage in terms of fighting power, but ill go easy on him. 'Not.' I giggled. The princess stood over in a special VIP both, watching the overkill I was about to ensue. The arena was a typical setup; a big colosseum style place, magically enchanted to protect the watchers from any harm that could befall them. Dirt covered most of the open roofed section of the school. The afternoon sun was right over our heads scorching the earth. A perfect environment for fire based magic. My opponent entered on his side of the five hundred meter long and wide area. It was clear it was a strong stallion, white base unicorn and blue mane. Shining armor. 'Of course. well I cant hurt him beyond repair, but a very hard hit will do.' I thought.

"This is a friendly duel. Both parties know the rules and must act accordingly.
The match will begin at the sound of the horn." said the princess herself.

'Oh I will Tia, ill play fair. Ill just use three one shot spells.'

The crowed boomed with cheers for shining armor. At the corner om my eye, I see Twilight sparkle. She wasn't cheering for her brother, but rather studying. See was studying me, her gaze was always on me. Shrugging it off i focused on my current enemy. Time to get a feeling for this eye. The horn blasted into the air singling the start of the match. I teleported high into the air and used my eye for the biggest area of effect spells I could think of. Shining armor was unaware of where I jumped to. Focusing my magic through my horn feeling the spell build up, I released a torrent of azure flame mixed with lightning down, filling the arena. I cast a hover spell for my to watch Shining armor do his best to keep his shield up from the relentless attach. He sees me in the air. I can tell he had a very angry face on right now. 'Time to cool him off.' since the golden eye lets me have complete control of all elements, crystal is one that I can use. I charged up for another spell and quickly cast in down. A strong vibrant silver beam left my horn and connected with the ground. Within a second the ground under Shining erupted, freezing him and all the electrofire around him, even his shield in solid crystal. I teleported down to see the damage.

The bystanders made no sound. Not even the princess. She just looked as shocked as the rest of the rich snubs watching, all except Twilight. I tapped on Shining's frozen head and dispelled his tomb. He fell limp passed out from the strain he was put through. I was almost there too. Crystal is hard to cast, that last spell drained me down to my reserve's. I dispelled the rest of the mess while I walked away leaving a firebomb just in case. While walking away Shining armor got back and tried for another spell. The crowed cheered him back on, but to no avail. I spent the last of my neutral magic to activate the bomb. He took one step and blew up in a ball of flame the size of a small building taking him down for good. I didn't even watched the explosion. I just walked away without a care in the world, and to add more salt to the wound I put on some shades while doing it. Where they came from I will never know.

The match was over before it even began. I am rather disappointed of another five second fight with magic. I think next time I should just use physical attaches, that way the fight will last longer. With Shining armor down for the count, I marched straight into the VIP both for my reward. Tia met me half way more annoyed then the last.

"So, you have proven yourself to be quiet capable in the field." said a slightly pissed off allicorn.

"Indeed. That's because I am an archmage in all forms of magic. I could have taken him down in one spell, buuuuut then that would have been no fun." I smiled. That fact that I was telling her the truth put her on edge. Using her Tia sense she could tell if I was lying or not. 'Time to put her on overdrive.'

"Now then my reward."

"You said information about something, what shall it be? But be warned, I can not tell you the most important of Equestrian secrets."

"Don't worry about though's. I already know them all. Why I want is information about soul magic?" I asked. The first thing I said made her go into fight mode, the second thing put her into flight or fight mode. It must be what I want. Though I don't want to mess with that kind of power without any knowledge before hand. I could learn every secret there is to find, but that's for another time. I need to fix Heather sooner rather than later.

"Why would you want that?" she growled.

"Welp," I sighed. "I need this information because of friend. She is in need of her soul put back together and I do not trust a Zebracan potion to do the job." I explained. The princess and her guards calmed down a bit, but not enough to get rid of her death glare off of me.

"I see, but that kind of magic is forbidden and even knowing of its existence is a crime." she said. 'Time for plan B. it always works.'

"Yeah I bet it is. However, I know when your sister is going to return and how to stop her." The next second involved me getting pined down by her guards and arrested. 'Pony logic.'

"How do you know that?"

"Don't you want to know who is the next barer of the elements of harmony?" I smiled. She motioned for the guard's to let me back up.

"I would very much like to know."

"Let me tell you this. You give me what I want, and Ill tell you what I know." I smiled. She gave a very dirty frown. She knows that I hold the info for thee most powerful group of ponies and their rainbow canon. She can't get rid of me, yet. Thank god for her royal lie detector.

"You wont use this knowledge for evil?"

"Tia. I have better things to do. Like make a flying castle." That lighten her mood a bit.

"Then lets go somewhere quiet. Sergeant can you please collect my pupil she sould have some information about this stallion."

"Yes, your highness."