//------------------------------// // Tuesday( Part A to be inserted into part B) // Story: Of Wubs and Men // by MoltenXKid //------------------------------// (Mason’ POV) I sat in the living room; the sun almost peaked in the sky. In front of me were three shot glasses and an unopened bottle of Jack Daniel’s peach mix (A gift from Chloe from long ago). Apparently it was made from some local peach farm- Sweet Nectar Farms or whatnot. Truth be told: I hate peaches, which is weird because I’m from the peach state. Unfortunately it was the only thing to drink in the house since Vinyl chugged everything else. I was debating whether or not to brave the horrible taste of peaches, so I could get a slight buzz going. I could have just gone shopping, but that involved moving, so it wasn’t happening. I could have drank water, yet I’m already seventy percent that; why add more? With a lack of options, I chose the peaches. I grabbed the bottle and was about to open it when the two ponies living with me decided to walk in. For some odd reason, they were dressed and not naked as usual. Each one had a bag as if they were planning for a short trip. When they noticed me just sitting on the couch in a white tank top and boxers, a confused expression graced both their faces. “Mason…what are you doing?” Vinyl asked. “Same thing I do every morning; I sit here and think about what I’m going to name our children.” I responded, “I know you ponies love your meaningful names. So, Vinyl, I think if it’s a boy, I’ll name him Jazz. If it’s a girl…maybe Melody or Viola. And our kids, Octy, their names will be…Never mind…you look as if you’re about to kill me.” (Octy’s POV) Mason…he’s a good stallion. Decent sized heart…not bad looking…but he doesn’t know when where to draw the lines with humor. One would think after the first joke incident, he’d learn. Apparently, he’s a harder egg to crack. Least, I think he was joking about the children. One can never tell with him. I watch as Vinyl’s eyes began to glow and shimmer. I knew that shine. It was the same shine whenever she got a huge job. It was the same shine when her song made it on the top ten list. It was the same shine that happened when I expressed my love for her. Mason may not have known what he did, but I did. Quickly, before Vinyl could respond to his tomfoolery, I spoke, “Why aren’t you ready to go to that party?” “Well, I wasn’t really planning on going,” he responded, “Wouldn’t have been enough time to make it.” “It’s better to try than not at all.” “Maybe, but it’s too late now. Time I just accepted my fate.” “But…” “The way I see it, we have two options. You both can sit with me and take shots of Jack, or you can force me to go. I’d choose the former… It’s peach flavor.” (Andrew's POV) “Damn it…” cursed Mr. Anderson as he slammed the dusty phone book closed and hung the phone on the receiver. “Everything alright?” I asked him. “No,” Mr. Anderson rubbed the bridge of his nose, “Every Dj in town is booked or says it’s too late. The Djs out of town won’t come in because the drive it too far. This is why I tell people to book this place three weeks in advance. Not two days before.” “Is the Dj necessary for the party?” “No…the kid’s mom said they can live without one, but it’s more of Pinkie Pie wanting one for the kid.” At that moment, I heard the hum on my beautiful wife. Her shorts slightly too tight and slightly too high. Her shirt revealing just the lower bit of her stomach as it got round with child. She had that glow of pregnancy about her. Unfortunately, it was cancelled out by her deflating mane and the worrying aura she was releasing into the atmosphere. She went from area to area checking the decorations to make sure they were perfect. Even if they were already, she double, triple, and quadruple check them. I walked to her, wrapped my arms around her neck, and laid my head on her shoulder. She seemed to calm down a bit and her hair fluffed up a small amount. Still, I knew she was anxious. “You look beautiful today,” I whispered in her ear. “Did you guys get a Dj?” she replied in a quiet tone. “No…” “How can we have this party without the Dj?” “Well the mother said we don’t need one…” “But the birthday colt wants one, and how can we not give the birthday colt what he wants on his birthday? That’s crazy! That’s preposterous! It clearly states in the Birthday Handbook-volume three- that the birthday colt/filly gets their every wish! He’s not getting his wish ,Andy!” “I know how much parties mean to you, but it’s not like we know a Dj we can just pull from thin air...” After I finished speaking, Pinkie’s eyes widened in realization; her hair inflated back to its original size; and the worrying aura changed to one of excitement. She broke the grasp I had on her and ran to the stage- where the sound equipment was- as the party goers started to file in. She reached her hand deep behind the equipment as If she was reaching into a bag, feeling for something. “I almost forgot, Andy. I do have a Dj I can just pull from nowhere. I used to do it all the time in Equestria. Though, I can only hope she’s here.” (Mason’s POV) Before I knew what was going on, I was being lifted, then carried into my room. When we arrived, my body was suspended in the air by Octavia, and Vinyl used her magic to dress me since I wasn’t dressed for outside activities. “You don’t have many clothes to wear, do you?” Vinyl asked, “Just cargo shorts and random designed shirts.” “This is kidnapping!” I yelled, “And partially sexual harassment...” “How so?” Octavia asked. “Well, I’m being forced to go somewhere against my will, and I’m dangling from your arms mostly nude. Could you hurry and dress me?” With a flurry of blue magic, the clothes Vinyl had chosen covered me. I breathed out a sigh of relief which was ended when Octy threw me on her shoulder and followed Vinyl to the front door. There was no point in struggling since the grey pony was stronger than me (only by a little…). “We’re not gonna make it,” I stated. “There’s no harm in trying. Or would you rather pay that citation or worse…jail time.” “Not jail…there’s no alcohol in there.” I joked. “Are you ever serious?” “Only when his life depend on i-“ Vinyl’s sentence was interrupted when a pink hand grabbed her by the collar. In the blink of an eye, she was gone. I looked to Octavia who let out a sigh of annoyance; I grew worried. Without delay, the pink hand returned and grabbed Octavia, causing me to fall to the floor. I hot the wood floor hard and grew anxious as I crawled backwards to the wall. “ Where did the ponies go? Is the hand coming for me next?” I thought. My breathing grew heavy. I tried to calm myself down, yet couldn't. Soon, the hand returned. It loomed over me, fingers wiggling in excitement. I closed my eyes and felt it grab my shirt and pull. For a split second, there was nothing. No sound, no movement, just nothing. I simple existed. Then, the world exploded back. I heard a crowd talking in front of me. I felt the cold air from the AC flow over my skin.My eyes opened and I saw the sound equipment and my laptop in front of me. Lastly, I heard someone whisper something in my ear. “Repeat after me…” The voice spoke. “Hello, party goers!” I repeated what was said in my ear, “We’d like to wish a Happy Birthday to the Birthday colt…erm Boy from his aunt in California. This is for you!” In the next instant, there was an explosive cheer. The sound reminded me of part of what I had wanted to remember about this business. It was the excitement of the moment, the buildup to the music. I looked at everything, and then I looked at Vinyl. She seemed to be standing in awe of a retro looking turntable. “M… My bass cannon,” she whispered. I could see her touching it softly, her hands moving over the worn patches, and then she flipped a switch with caused the front to open and display one of the biggest speakers I’ve ever seen. My eyes switched over to Octavia and I noticed her eye twitched. “Play something cool!” a young voice shouted. “Yeah! Something cool!” another joined in. “Something cool! Something cool! Something cool!” a chant of young voices began. “Play Freebird!” someone in the back shouted. Looking at my gear, I saw Vinyl pull two old school LPs, place them on the turntables, and in the next second I heard the heavenly choir open up as she began to assault the crowd with wubs. I began recording the mix she was throwing out, sampling it, and replaying it with some I had done before. The effect began immediately. The chant from the crowd changed into a kiddie version of clubbing. It was adorable. (Pinkie’s POV) I smiled as the birthday colt danced. This was what a party was supposed to be! The birthday colt or filly getting the party they wanted, and everypony having fun. I looked toward Octavia, and I grinned. I still remembered her Welcome to Ponyville/brand new Pony party! It was so much fun… It was too bad that her friend Ludwig Beethooven had a stick in his plot! He was so sour about the music, and then he tried to drag poor Octy away from the party, and you don’t leave your own party early! “I really wish that you could have forgone finding that thing, but I am glad that you found it for her regardless,” Octavia said as she watched Vinyl having fun. “I’m glad I did too. I had a twitch, and my flank itched, then my nose felt all sneezy, and I knew that I just needed a bass cannon. So, I had to think of where I could get one. I know Andy would have gotten one made, but it wouldn’t be the same, and that’s when I remembered where I put it, so I pulled it out, and set it up!” I said smiling. “This is the greatest party ever!” the birthday colt shouted as he jumped around. I smiled and watched him. I remembered the cake, and I took off to the kitchen to get it. Luckily, I made a super, extra, huge cake just in case anypony extra came. (Mason’s POV) The party was a success. I was actually surprised at how much of a success. The kids and everyone else seemed to love our sounds, but it finally it started dying down. We stopped the music for a bit while the kid unwrapped his gifts. I saw a brand new immersion rig, and shook my head. Tons of power, and that kid was going to be plugged in for weeks. Too bad, he'd miss time playing with the puppy he got. I looked toward Vinyl who was happily showing Octavia everything on what she called her bass cannon. The thing was loud, that was for certain. Loud, and played with amazing clarity. Well as much clarity there was with mixing. Weirdly enough, there were no wires leading from it. Maybe an internal power source? “You look like you could use some cake!” a far too cheerful voice said. I turned to see a familiar pink hand and I nearly fell off of the seat I was on. I looked up the arm to see another Pony. She was smiling, happily so, and grinned at me. I reached up, and took the offered cake and gave a slight smile back. She bounced, seriously bounced, from where she was over toward some guy. They talked for a little before she kissed his cheek and bounced off to the kitchen. “Hey Mason, how you diggin’ your first Pinkie Pie party?” Vinyl asked, “Too bad it’s for a bunch of foals. Otherwise we could have really gotten you broken in good. Octy remember your party? That was so-,” she stopped when Octavia placed a finger on her lips. “I don’t think that Mason is really ready to hear about the events of that party, not yet anyway,” she replied. "Really, Octy? Do you not trust me with your dirty pony secrets? Affairs! Scandals! " I announced in a low tone before placing a piece of cake in my mouth. (Vinyl’s POV) Everyone’s first time trying Pinkie’s cake is different. I ,for one, ate the whole thing in one bite. Octy simply smiled. Mason, on the other hoof, began to tear. Even as he cried, he would shovel another fork of cake into his mouth. This continued for a while until the plate was empty, which I could tell brought him some sadness. He sat the plate down and sighed; there was nothing else to do. “You could go mingle with these people, you know?” I said to him. “Most these people are married with kids. We have nothing in common.” He responded. I simply smirked as I turned around and noticed Pinkie standing, making sure the party was still going alright. “Well, while you mope, I’m going to go talk to Pinkie.” I walked away from Octy and Mason; they were talking about getting more cake. Anyway, I walked through the crowds of people chattering amongst themselves. Mostly catching up with one another or gossip. My name occasionally came up as the party goers would look at me. Not with weird stares, but with a sort of awe or appreciation for me playing. I suppose these people accepted Pinkie, so why wouldn’t they accept me? After stopping by the Birthday boys colt’s table, I continued to Pinkie, who welcomed me with a surprise hug. One that was too tight and pushed my stomach back towards me. “Are you…” I began to ask. “YES! I’m with foal! Isn’t it amazing!” She finished. “That’s great! Who’s the father?” Pinkie pointed towards a guy standing next to an older man ,who kept the refreshments stocked. He wore a collar shirt with khaki pants and had a half smile on his face as he watched the party. Though, behind the smile, I could tell there was something...I don’t know, but there was something. “He’s not half bad looking..” I stated. “Oh, he isn’t!. He has the nicest, kindest, biggest heart of anypony! Plus, he’s not bad in the hay either.” “By the looks of your stomach, I guess not.” “Sooooo, how’s your life?” “Living in L.A. Sunny place with lots of jerks...just like Canterlot.” “And your stallion friend? “He’s a cool guy. Laid back...humorous....Bit of a lightweight, but cool nonetheless.” “That’s it! No stories? With you, Octavia, and him, your nights have to be pretty crazy!” It took me a second to comprehend what she was saying, but when I got it, I think a blush appeared on my cheeks. “Noonononono! We’re not that way. He’s just my friend...a good friend.” “Pssh! You expect me to believe that? I saw the way you looked at him on stage. Compassion, happiness, thrilled to be next to him. All these things were pouring off of you.” “Whoa Pinkie...I see what you’re getting at, but no. He is only my friend.” Pinkie grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to look in the direction of Octavia and Mason. He was trying to steal Octy’s cake, but to no avail. She simply slapped his hand away. He tried this multiple times before finally giving up. When they both noticed me looking, both waved. I, of course, waved back. Now Mason ,being the sneaky devil he is, took this chance to snatch slice of cake away and eat it. Once Octy noticed his crime, her look turned sour. I didn’t see what happened next since Pinkie turned me around, but I did hear loud punch come over the crowd’s noise. “...’Only a friend’ you say. That smile of your’s proves otherwise.” “Whatever, Pinkie. You’re seeing something that isn’t there.I’ve been living with the guy for like a month. Pretty sure it would take longer for feelings to develop. Plus, I love Octavia already.” “Oh you unicorns. Always thinking with your horns and not your hearts.” “Huh?” “Just because you head thinks one way, “Pinkie pressed the middle of my forehead then the middle of my chest. “Doesn’t mean your heart feels the same way. Also, what make you think that you can only love one person? Vinyl, stop being so silly! Love isn’t only meant to be given to one person. Don’t you love your parents too?” “I do, but the love you’re talking about is a different kind of love.” “That’s true ,but what makes you think that love can’t be shared either? Something special like that deserves to be shared with those who you care about.” “Alright...alright. You’ve given me something to think about, but enough lovey dovey stuff. Time for the real questions: Ya have anything to drink that’s not kid friendly?”