//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Le Café de la Vie. // by AKA MrJ //------------------------------// Today started off well enough. Despite needing to close Le Café de la Vie for today, Justin was confident that he would be open again tomorrow, hopefully with some new employees. But for now a trip to the markets was needed. Justin hadn't really gotten the chance to explode Ponyville despite being here for eight days, hell he had barely stepped outside in those eight days, so really this trip had multiple goals. One of the goals was to get the resident ponies get used to his presence, some of the stares he was getting were making him uncomfortable. Glancing over the shopping list, Justin was very happy with himself for thinking ahead and bringing a cart. This feeling dampened slightly when he heard (and felt) someone jump into the back. "Hiya! Whatcha doin!?" came the ever hyperactive voice of Pinkie Pie. "Morning Pinkie, I'm grocery shopping," Justin said, "I need to restock everything after being open for seven days straight." "Cool! Can I come? Pleeease?" "Pinke, it's just shopping, not really the most exciting thing to do. But if you want to, you're more than welcome to join me." "Yay! Can we stop at A.J's?" "That's actually my first stop, why?" "Because I still haven't given her an invitation to your party tonight! Duh!" Justin stopped walking. To the extent of his knowledge he couldn't remember any reason for someone to throw him a party. Hell he'd never even been to a party that didn't revolve around a holiday or birthday. Plus this was the first time he had of this. "Pinkie," Justin asked, "what party, and why wasn't I told about it?" "Because it's a surprise party!" Pinkie said, apparently ignoring the fact that she just ruined the surprise, "if I told you about it than that would just ruin the surprise." "But you just did." "Did what?" "You just told me." "Told you about what?" "About the surprise party!" "What!? How did you find out!?" Justin sighed and resumed his walk, deciding it would be easier to not answer Pinkie. Arriving at the marketplace he immediately made his way over to Applejack's stand. Applejack was unloading the last of her cart when Justin and Pinke approached. "Morning A.J." Pinkie half said half shouted. "Morning Pinkie, morning Justin. What can I do for ya?" greeted Applejack. "Good morning, Applejack," said Justin, looking over his shopping list, "let's see, I'm gonna need a barrel." "Sure! That'll be twenty-five bits." "Alright." Justin said pulling a coin purse out of his cart, counting out the coin. "Hey, aren't you going to haggle a bit?" asked Pinkie. "No Pinkie, I am not." Justin said, handing Applejack the bits, "There are only times I would haggle with someone is if I was, a). At an auction house. b). Negotiating a business transaction. Or c). Calling out a vender for ripping me off." "Ohhh. So that means you trust A.J. to be fair with you. Right?" "...Right." "Well thanks sugarcube." said Applejack. "You're welcome." Justin said, loading his barrel onto the cart, "Thanks for the apples. See ya." "See ya'll later" The rest of the trip went well, he even had more change than expected. Although Justin suspected that some of the good deals had been given to him due to ponies wanting him to go away. Still, he was done shopping quickly, he might even have some free time before tonight's party. As Justin approached Le café de la Vie, he saw a line of ponies waiting for him. This was strange since he had put up a "closed for Sunday" sign up, until he remembered the second sign saying "interviews at one o'clock." Counting thirteen ponies, then counting thirty-two seats in the café Justin got an idea on how to get this out of the way quickly. "Can have your attention please!" Justin shouted, "anyone here for a job, please wait while I unload the cart. Anyone here who is not looking for work, please come back in an hour." Nobody moved. "Alright then wait a moment and I'll be right with you all." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking over the half filled seats Justin wondered if he should have done this differently. "Alright all eyes on me." Justin said with all the authority he could, "Now I am going to be as clear as I can. Anyone who commits to working here will be starting at six-thirty, and ending at nine. I don't need anybody who can't work full time. If you show up tomorrow, you'll be working the front of the house. Waiting and bussing tables, dishwashing, taking out trash, running errands, etcetera. Make it a few days doing that, I might start letting you into the kitchens." "If you show up tomorrow I expected you to work. That means being on your feet- hooves from start to finish. Now I can't hire all of you, but I can give you all a chance IF, and only if you put forth your best efforts. Now are there any questions?" A hoof was raised, it's owner a pale blue pegasus who asked, "What's the pay?" "Twelve bits per day," Justin answered, "that's the minimum. Bonuses are given accordingly. Any other questions?" Nopony answered. "Right then. See you here six-thirty tomorrow morning." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaning back into his couch Justin, looked over his mail which he had neglected all week. Granted it was only three letters, but he should have read them earlier. The first one was an invitation to the Sugarcube Corner later. No doubt what that was. The next letter was from home. It wasn't easy sending letters between worlds but it was doable. Provides you had a reality bending God as a friend. The letter was mostly about how much his family missed him, and about how his siblings finally got their tattoos. Justin set the letter to the side mentally composing a response letter. He was snapped out of this thought as he read the final letter. Reading, than re-reading, it remained the same. "Dear Justin. I thought it best to write ahead rather than surprise you. At the invitation of our shared friend Discord, my sister and myself shall be joining him Monday, April 13th, for lunch at your restaurant, Le Café de la Vie. I look forward to our meeting. -Celestia. P.S. I'm especially looking forward to the cake." Well. Now Justin was stuck, April 13th was tomorrow, and if he was to impress the princesses. Correction. Help Discord. That meant starting tonight, or going to bed early and getting up early. But that meant missing tonight's party. Justin sighed, standing up and heading to the bedroom. "Good thing I don't like parties that much" he muttered.