The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 17. Nix my new sword.

The trip from Heather to Heather wasn't what I thought it would be like. I thought I would go through a long colorful tube on acid, but instead I just popped into Heather number two...or is it one...never mind. Walking through Hyrule fields on a warm summers day, I could tell from the giant gold pyramid that this is the Twilight princess version. 'Thought still bss ackwards.' I would think that Heather would be dreaming about other things, like; boys, cats, dogs, having a date, or swimming. Well aside from being in a dream in the Zelda universe which is super awesome. I have to find Heather before I do anything. 'Now where should I begin?' A wolf ran by chasing a rabbit, the wolf was black and was being ridden by a familiar black imp. 'Its Midna! Oh and probably Heather too!' I rushed after them like a madman. Big mistake.

The feminine black wolf transformed back into a human master sword drawn and shield up. The blonde haired, blue eyed Heather was ready to fight. Towering over her five foot five height I couldn't help but laugh like a madman. She lunged giving a wide horizontal slash aimed at my stomach. 'Time to test weapon making.' I dodged her with a back step conjuring two matching zweihander's. Duel wielding these weapons felt awesome. Thankfully weight doesn't matter in dreams, but my enemy did. She didn't give me a chance to properly set up my stance.

Side stepping to the right dodging a forward thrust, I slash with both weapons spinning my entire body in a wide duel sweep from behind. Heather barely got out of the way and charged again in a jump attach. I lunged forward rolling under her. She recovered from her miss only to turn her head just in time to feel a backhand from the flats of my swords. Heather flew out of Hyrule field towards kakariko village with a loud 'smack'. 'Opps, that was a bit too hard. Welp. I should go after her.' sheathing my temporary over-sized swords, I fled back to her.

Walking into the valley where Heather should have fallen took some time. By the time I entered the dusty village built against the walls haphazardly, night had set in. The only light that gave any visibility was from the various houses dirt covered windows. Heather stood at the center of the village pissed to the moon. She held her sword tightly flexing her fingers over the handle. She didn't have a shield. 'Maybe she lost it?' Walking up to her with a smirk on my face, I tried not to burst out laughing again. It was hard to take her seriously.

"You alright hero of flight?" I giggled.

"Yes I am you wretch." She growled. I couldn't contain it anymore. I fell on my back laughing in hysteria.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" she yelled.

Doing my best to control myself, I got back up trying not to burst back into insanity. "Sorry. It's just so hard to take you seriously." I giggled. "Heather, If I had a camera I would sooo be taking pictures of you right now. You are just super adorable."

"How do you kn-kn-know my real name?!" She stuttered.

"Because." I say. "You aren't going to attach me again for no reason?"

"No." she deadpanned.

"Ok then. Welp, I should change the scenery."

"What?" In that moment of confusion, I changed the dream from the Zelda universe to something more appropriate.

We were both now in her hospital room looming over her ruined body. It was pretty much like my room. Plain, white, a random plastic chair, machines quietly humming, and a body that looks like Dr. Manhattan went through and attached a bunch of tubes throughout her body. Heather still in her green tunic didn't care to what she was seeing. Crossing her arms giving a 'not impressed' glare, I figured out really fast that she doesn't care that she is like this. We stood on opposite sides of her bed staring up each other.

"Is this suppose to be a joke or something?" She sassed.

"I wish it was. You look a lot prettier back home." I said.

"Who the fuck are you?" She growled.

"I sorta expected you wouldn't know me, so ill make it short." I say. " You and I are friends in an alternate world, but I found a really, really big problem with you. You see, the reason I am here Is to fix your entire existence before both of you die to the point that neither of you will go up or down." I explained.

"Riiiiiiight. My angel guardian says I will be alright. You have no Idea about anything, do you?" 'Figures. She has already met the bastard. Ok plan B is a go'

I focused my chaos magic. As a griffin, the flow comes through my wings just like a unicorns horn, but this was different as a human. The magical energy moved straight to my finger tips from 'somewhere,' building up for the spell. Moving my hands together, a black ball of energy was created. Heather glared at me the entire time. The spell was ready. I cast it using Heather's body as a gateway. The room flashed a dark purple blinding anyone within range. When my vision cleared, I saw me as a black dragon in my current getup waiting patently, awake and alive. Heather looked at me confused unsure what to say or react. Not wanting to hear anymore sass from her, I jumped into that body and took complete control, kicking its consciousness into oblivion. I sent her back into her Zelda dream while I put this body through a quick test. Once done I cast an illusion spell making me look as my human self, just in case.

I used the eye of foresight while I waited for the 'guardian angel' to show up. Using the eye of dreams, I held everything I saw with absolute precision from my memory. I knew that this god was Moirai, the goddess of revelations, also her doctor. I pressed the nurse button to speed up my waiting time. The nurse, Moirai, and other staff showed up in ten seconds flat. They rushed into the room hoping to see a woken up Heather, but what they found was a man waiting to cross off a deed from his bucket list.

"Excuse me sir. Are you the one to press the button?" asked one of the nurses.

"Yes. Before you ask why, let me answer it for you." I purred deeply. "I wanted to speak with the doctor about something more private. Isn't that right Moirai?" She looked at me slightly amused.

"Indeed. Can you leave us for a moment?"

"Yes doctor." the rest said in unison. Once they left us alone, I couldn't help but feel slightly aroused to the sexy doctor, but now's not the time.

"So what can I help you with?"

"You can help by releasing Heather and ill be on my way."

She frowned crossing her arms leaning against the wall. "No." She said.

In that moment I remembered what happens next. She'll teleport us to the roof and try to kill me with a single hit. Knowing this, had a spell ready to summon a sword that should kill her. 'Maybe.' Moirai snapped her fingers, and I summoned the sword. We both ended up on the roof. Various vents for air conditioning, water pipes, and other things that would make fighting hard. It was evening. The only light present was from the lower streets and full blood red moon. Moirai kept a safe distance away snarling at my sword, clearly afraid of it.

"What is that vile thing you are wielding?!" She hissed. I gave a cheeky smirk and explained.

"Oh this." I pointed. "This is Nix. A sword forged from hellfire and the wielders skin blessed by the harbinger of the seven eyes of chaos. Me. Since my skin is black dragon scales. It is near impossible to break and very resistant to magic of all types." I smiled. 'Mission one; scare goddess is complete. Mission two; speed equals friend.'

Wielding a; four foot straight edge, one bladed, black, katana shaped, black dragon wings for the cross guard, a comfortable black leather grip in the shape of a rosario cross upside down to the guard with a white tribal snowflake inlay, and a crimson ruby at the center of the cross handle where the cross is. A white flame decal flowed along the blade to the tip making the blade look like white fire was frozen into the everlasting twilight made from the swords heart. The sheath was a simple black tube made from my scales. A white rune in the center on both sides, symbolizing its name. The sheath was in my left hand sword in my right. The sword felt natural in my hand, like a true extension of my very soul.

"No matter. Since you know who I am, I'm going to have to kill you." Moirai growled. 'Time to speed up.'

"Oh really?" I say while focusing my neutral magic for my entire body. "How about. Celerocelerocelerocelerocelerocelerocelerocelerocelero," I casted the spell. 'Mission two complete. Mission three; Epic music! and be crazy about it!'

Feeling like I was charged with the speed of light. I gave her a toothy wolfish smile. This put her on edge causing her to draw two matching desert eagles, but wait there is more! The guns turned into short, steam punk short blades with triggers and the barrels extended down the blade. She pointed the at me like a cheep gangster.

"Any last words mortal?"

"Yep! Musica ex magica!"

The air was still, nothing moved under the blood moon of spring. The sounds of cars driving by, and in and out of the hospital parking lot. The wind picked up pace as the fear evoked deep within the Goddess of revelation, Moirai, grew. I wouldn't have thought I could actually make a weapon like this just with a small amount chaos magic, then again. Chaos magic gives middle finger to all sense of reason. I could quiet easily use the eye of dreams to keep her from moving and end her in seconds, but I need practice fighting as a bi-peddle. As much as I admire her sword guns, they would be somewhat useless on me. Moirai burst into flame for a second, and when the fire died down, she wore elegant silver armor reminiscent of a high level paladin in an angel type design, making her weapons a bit out of place. She stood on top of a vent a few meters away waiting ever so patently. I undid the illusion spell for my wings giving me the option of flight. This made the goddess take a step back. 'Time to get down to business.'

"Mirror, tell me something, tell me who's the loneliest of all?" I sang to the spell.
Using the added speed from the spell and the burst from my wings, I cleared the distance in-between her and I in a nano second.
I slashed vertically at her right side. Moirai was equally fast. She jumped back in time to feel the sword cut through her armor like butter. Using the momentum I twisted my body around giving her a roundhouse kick to her stomach sending her flying across to the other side of the building.
"Mirror, tell me something, tell me who's the loneliest of all?"
She recovered, glaring at me. She sent a barrage of bullets down my way. Using my speed, I side stepped to the right then lounged at her through the bullets, thrusting my sword for her heart.
"Mirror, whats inside of me; tell me can a heart be turned to stone?"
She parried my thrust making me lose my balance. Not wanting to be to close to me, she grabbed my exposed arm and threw my down on my back creating a small crater in the roof. She went for the throat in a downward thrust. I caught the blade in my hand and smiled without a struggle.
"Mirror, tell me something, tell me who's the loneliest of all?"
I threw away her sword, while I kicked upwards connecting with her face.
"Mirror, mirror, whats behind you? save me from the things I see."
I grabbed her free arm, bending her entire body forward. I rammed her face with my knee, sending her flying into the air. I jumped after her with my sword.
"I can keep it from the world, why won't you let me hide from me?"
Moirai regained her stature in the air, but it was to late. Using my speed, I managed to land two hundred punches throughout her body, causing her to puke up blood. I slammed down on her head after the barrage with both hands, sending her down at the speed of sound. Moirai, went through the cement roof into the hospital.
"Mirror, mirror, tell me something-- who's the loneliest of all?"
I bolted after her. She was trying her best to recover on the second floor of the twenty story building. Flying down near the speed of sound. I put my hands beside each other in fists, colliding with Moirai punching her down to the sub-basement. I recovered from the impact in seconds due to my hidden dragon appearance without a scratch. She got up slowly coughing up some more blood. She swiped it away with her free hand glaring at me. Not wanting to drag out anymore I pinned her down using my eye.
"I'm the loneliest of all" I finished.

She couldn't move, frozen in place on her hands and knees. I kicked away her other sword disappointed from our fight. I let her head move so that I could talk to her. She looked up to me as I brought her head up with the flat of Nix. She spat blood at my face, though it was pointless. I just stopped it with telekinesis and threw it back. She cringed from the gesture.

"You don't scare me mortal." She growled. I cut of her right arm. making her scream in agony.

"I could have done this trick at the beginning ya know, but I wanted some practice fighting. To my surprise, you suck." I said.

"Spare me you sentiment. If the others find out of this desecration, you will not survive."

"I really don't care." I said going into a crouch. "If you don't want to die. You will release Heather this second."

"Why do you care for her mortal?" she asked.

"Because, the state she is in could wipe out all of existence you dumb bitch." I spat. "You really don't think I don't know whats going on?"

"You have no idea what I am doing!"

"And what would that be?"

"It is none of your business!"

"As much as I like having this back and forth conversation. I'm going to kill you now and figure out everything later. Any last words?"

"You can't kill me! I am a god!"

"Yeah I can."

I stood up. I touch her head and using the eye of dreams, I pulled out a pure white wisp of energy. I brought it to show her. Her eyes filled with anger died to absolute terror. She knew what it was. I lifted my sword into position and dropped the hammer, cutting the ball into oblivion. She cried out in a blood-curtailing screech. When she stopped, I released her to her fate. The goddess defiled, and stripped of her very soul, laid in a heap of tears curled on the ground, trembling. I sheathed Nix into her hilt and put the illusion spell back on for my wings, and teleported back to Heather's room. I took great pride ending a god. A feat no mortal could do. Sure it was a morbid goal of mine before I died, but looking through her mind of this plan of hers sickened me. She deserved to die. Though it would take a while for her body to fall, but once the body dies. That is what will remain. A body.

Back in Heather's room, hearing the sounds of police cars gradually getting closer, I sent my sword to my original body placing it beside my bed. 'Somehow.' With the goddess out of the way I had one finale task to do. Searching through the memories of Heather I found her parents house, and teleported there.

The blood moon vanished for the rest of the year. Clouds started to form telling the world it was going to rain soon. Naturally, this is a good sign that this years spring would be healthy and filled with new life. Heather's parents lived in a small suburban house on a quiet street in Edmonton. Lights were on inside the house signalling that someone is awake. Walking up to the door, I pressed the door bell. Hearing the sounds of motion come from behind the door, quickly grew louder. The door opened slowly by a middle aged man timidly peaking out.

"Hello. May I help you?" Said the man.

"Yes you can. Is Heather's parents here? I have some news for them." I said.

The man looked at me with utter shock. "I'm Heather's father. How do you know my little girl? Is she alright?!" he said with such hope.

"Yes I know her. I'm a friend of hers."I sighed not wanting to say what I was asked to say. "I see no reason to lie to you. Your daughter is going to die in an hour."

"What do you mean my little girl is going to die!" He shouted. 'God I hate yelling.' "That can't be! The doctors said she will make a full recovery!"

"I bet they said that, but her time is up and she must be let go."

"NO THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT!" Heather's mother came down to the door pissed to the moon. She must have hear the entire conversion, thus she joined in.

"You the hell are you to say our little girl is going to die. You aren't a doctor what gives you the right to say things like that!" I gave up. 'Time for shock and awe.' I cast another illusion spell making my dragon wings into angel wings. Showing them to Heather's parents under the remaining moonlight, the didn't dare speak again.

"I know it is hard to understand, but the truth is the truth. Heather isn't going to make it. You can say it's my job to bring her to the afterlife." I say softly as I could. "Heather asked me to give you a message. Would you like to hear it?" They both broke down, finally listening to my words. The mother teared up trying her best not to cry in front of the false angel. The father did his best to remain composed.

"Yes. We would like to hear our daughters message." he said, voice cracking up.

"She says; Don't let my lose take the light from your hearts. All of us must be let go sooner or later to the endless dreams under the sky of everlasting twilight. I am in a better place now. I love you both. Goodbye." Her parents finally hit rock bottom.

"Thank you angel. Take care of our little girl." I nodded and left them to grieve.

Back in the hospital in Heather's room for the third time. I terminated the body to atoms and jumped back into Heather's mind, leaving no trace that I was here. I grabbed this half of Heather's fractured soul and brought it back with me to Equestria, killing her body. The gate closed behind us preventing any disaster that would have happened. I threw this half into Heather's current body too tired to do anymore. I spent a lot of magic today, but not as much as I thought I would. Back as a baby griffin in the Canterlot grasslands, I washed me face. What I found in my reflection was a new eye to my growing collection. It was gold. Probably from taking pride from killing a god. 'Great, just great. Now I have 'Superbia' (The eye of pride.) to the collection. Three down four to go.' Ill wait a while before figuring out what this next over-powered eye could do. In the mean time I need some rest.

"I can't believe I killed a god. Well that's one thing off of my bucket list. Next up,' now that I know I can make a double.' Fun with the main six!."