Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Helping Greg... or am I?

I know, it looks like I'm getting lazy because I'm not updating a lot. Well, to be truthful, my days are getting more and more busy. Don't worry, I'll do my best to update everyday, just need to make time.

Chapter 5 (Chapter 130)

The next day, almost lunch

"Okay, let's see how you do with this first customer." Greg says, levitating a brush over to me.... with weed bristles.

I pulled it from the air and raised an eyebrow, "Is this a good idea, Greg? I mean, really, a brush made of weed?"

"Weedy Brush." He stated.

"Uhhh, yeah, is a Weedy Brush a good idea?" I asked, rubbing the back of my head.

He nodded and pointed to a mare, who was sitting at a bench reading a newspaper, "The mares will love it."

I sighed and shook my head, "Worst idea in history..."

"Just do it."

I rolled my eyes and trotted over to the mare.

Once I was close, I held the brush in one hoof and smiled, "Well, hello young lady."

She looked up from her newspaper and smiled, "Hello... sir?"

I sighed, "Yes, I'm a male..."

She blushed and held up her hoof, "Oh I'm so sorry! I just though... since you have your mane down and... holding a brush."

I facehoofed, I knew letting Greg push my mane down till it hung down was a bad idea.

"Yeah... I'm actually selling this brush." I stated, holding out the brush.

She smiled and stood up, "You are? Hmmm, explain this brush to me then."

I gave a nod and a forced smile, "Well, there's not much to explain. You comb your hair with it and it gives it a... 'pleasant' smell."

She rubbed her face, "I see..."

I held up my hoof, "Um, one last part. If you hold it over a fire and put your mouth on the handle, you can... ummm, smoke it."

She raised an eyebrow, "Smoke it?"

I nodded, "Yes... Smoke it. You just put the long part in your mouth and suck the smoke up into your mouth and exhale it..."

[.... Lance, you know nothing about smoking...]

She smiled and took a step closer, "Interesting." Her eye lids lowered and a sly smile formed on her face, "You know, I wouldn't mind putting your long part in my mouth and sucking out the 'smoke'."

I gulped and took a step back, "I'm married..."

Her shoulders dropped, "Oh... I see..."

[NOOOO! Lance you moron! This is free sex! Free. Sex!]
{.... Shut up Break.}
<I'm sorry, Lance. I try to keep him under wraps.>
{Try harder.}

"So, you buying this or not?" I said.

She sighed and fished out a bit in her saddlebag, "Sure... why not."

I handed it to her and took the bit, "Uh, nice doing business with ya..."

"Like wise.." She said as she began to trot off. Disappointed.

I turned and trotted back to Greg, who looked pleased.

"Nice, made your first sale." He said, levitating the bit from my mouth.

I chuckled and shrugged, "It's easy once you..."

"YO! What did I tell you!" I heard a.... VERY familiar voice yell out.

I looked to the side... and did a double take.

Greg stomped up, a blunt hanging loose in his lips and pointed his hoof at... Greg.

"What did I tell you?!" He yelled out.

Greg, the one I've been with, hung his head, "Sorry boss... I just though I could make more money for the business."

Greg, the one who just showed up, snarled, "No, I told you not to leave the warehouse. Your only job is to stay there with the Pinkie clone and run the factory."

"WHOA WHOA! Whoa." I said, stepping between them. "Two Greg's? What the hell is going on here?!"

The Greg who just showed up chuckled and puffed on his joint, "That there is my clone."

I facehoofed, "I should have known..." I then stared at Greg seriously, "Greg, why are you using small colts and filly's as workers?!"

He raised an eyebrow, "I'm not... I'm using stallions and mares."

Okay, I'm confused, "No... back at the warehouse, there's children working, not adults."

Greg dropped his blunt and stomped up to his clone, "I think it's time we have a serious talk. I told you to watch over production and help run it. Not take over and fire all my workers!"

"But, we don't have to pay kids..." The clone said, cowering.

"We don't use kids! Even I know that's wrong!" Greg yelled as he began to walk off, using his magic to drag his clone.

"Please! I was only trying to help!" The clone yelled as he was drug off.

I shook my head and sighed, "Why am I not surprised?"

"I can give you a surprise." A mare said behind me.

I sighed again and turned to see the mare from before, "Get out of here, I already said no."

She hung her head, "Well, at least I tried."

As she walked off, again, I rubbed my face.

[FUCK! Lance, come on! Free fucking sex!]

I bit my bottom lip and began to trot back to my house. Maybe Twilight's made lunch... I'M STARVING!

Spark's POV
Hallway out side of lunch room

I pulled my head up from the water fountain and gulped down the water.

I wiped my hoof across my mouth and began to trot to the cafeteria.

As I stepped through the doors, I got a whiff of burned cabbage. Well, looks like I'm not eating today... again.

Instead of going to the line, I trotted over to my usual table and planted myself in the seat.

Seconds later, Lurka, one of my friends, slid into the seat next to me and exhaled.

"I hate this school's lunch. You'd think that since it's all big and fancy, it would have a decent food selection." He grumbled, shaking his hoof at the lunch line.

I chuckled and shrugged, "Hey, it's school, what do you expect."

He sighed and looked at me, "Yeah, just wish they would at least allow us to bring our own food."

"Well, remember when the...."

"Wow, you guys should see this." Star Chaser said as he dropped his tray on the table.

"See what?" I asked, looking at him.

He pointed to the lunch room doors that lead into the hall, "You know that new mare? The one who just moved here?"

I shook my head.

"Well, she made the mistake of walking into the older kids. And dang, they're not holding back this time around."

My right foreleg shook slightly, "What..."

Star Chaser sighed, "The older colts, the ones in fourth grade, cornered the new filly. They're doing what they always do, insult and then beat. I was going to stop, but seriously, I only look out for me and my friends."

I stood up, knocking my chair back, "Where?"

Star Chaser looked at me and laughed, "What, you going to fight them or something?"

"Where?" I repeated.

He pointed to the back doors to the cafeteria, "They uh, cornered her out there."

I twisted and began to walk pass all the other students, a determined look on my face.

"You're going to get your flank kicked!" Lurka yelled out, causing everyone to stare at me.

I kept walking forward, pushing past a few colts.

Once I reached the doors, I threw them open and looked around. I instantly saw four colts huddled up in a corner, laughing.

I let out a hot breath and stomped towards them.

They're breaking my top value: Don't hit filly's!

I stopped a few feet from them and growled, "What are you guys doing?!"

The group turned to me and laughed.

One of them stepped forward and gave me a hard shove, "Why don't you go back to your foal friends and leave us big kids alone."

I growled and gave him a harder push, "Why don't you leave that filly alone!"

The rest of the group wooo'd at this and began to snicker to each other.

The colt in front of me glared and stepped towards me, "You're going to wish you never did that."

He slammed his head forward, slamming it into mine.

I stumbled for only a second before flaring my wings and launching myself into him. When I slammed into him, we both went to the ground, with me on top.

But, the second I began to slam my hooves into his face, his friends instantly surrounded me and began their own onslaught of hooves.

As I tried to block, I winced. One, this was a bad idea. Two, four on one isn't good odds. Three, all I've done is give them a punching bag to warm up on before they get back to the filly.... Damn.

"Get off of him!" A loud commanding voice yelled out, "Or you'll have to deal with me."

They all stopped and gasped in horror.

"No! We're just.... Run!" One yelled as they all ran off, while the one under me struggled to get me off.

The second he was able to knock me to the side, he was instantly running down the hall as if his life depended on it.

I exhaled painfully and forced myself to stand.

"You okay, Spark?" Mr. Bleak asked as he walked over, his school bags on his side.

I winced and smiled, "Yeah, I'm... fine."

He nodded and began walking to the lunch room, "You got to be careful, Spark. I can't always be there for you."

I smiled weakly, "I know..."

I rubbed my face and turned to see the filly, a smile on her face.

"Thank you so much! Those bullies were saying so many mean things!" She said, her face still wet with tears.

I shrugged and smiled back, "It was nothing. My friend told me a filly was getting picked on, so I just did what my dad always tells me to do. Protect."

Her smile widened, "Really? You came to help me on purpose?"

I nodded, a smile still on my face.

She wiped her eyes, "Thank you."

I chuckled and held out my hoof, "Names Spark."

She took my hoof in both of hers and smiled, "Mines Starlight."

I looked down at her holding my hoof with hers and blushed, "Uhhh, nice name..."

She giggled and began to pull me towards the cafeteria, "Come on! Let's get something to eat, then we can talk some more."

I gulped and smiled nervously, "Yeah... let's..."

What's wrong with me? I only act this way when Nova touches my hooves...

What's going on?

Congratulations goes to Honey Pie for finally getting in the story and getting what she wanted XD