If I Needed Someone

by Plumas Railblazer

Chapter 2

The next day Adam awoke to see that his bedside clock read 8:00. The time was early for him, especially still being in later adolescence. He blamed the wake up on his time on the orchard where he woke at dawn every day. Nevertheless he got up and feeling his stomach decided to make breakfast. He put a couple of potato fritters in the toaster and promptly took a shower and changed into a new pair of shorts and a Beatles shirt. After his small breakfast he went on his computer and, noticing a file on his desktop, remembered what he had to do that day. Ever since the fifth grade Adam had been a rock drummer. Beginning with Beatles songs he eventually made his way up to various styles of music with classic rock being his central. He was in a band through late middle school and high school. They played all original songs and gained local notoriety. After senior year however, the four went their separate ways promising to meet
again, but Adam had his doubts. Opening up the file on his desktop he pursued the flyer reading,
"Adam Palmer, Skilled drummer, looking for musicians for jamming and possible performances. Specializes in rock and jazz" The poster then listed his phone number, and email.
Adam printed out 25 copy's of his poster and left the house. He pasted up the posters on various public notice boards around town, particularly around bars, coffee shops, music stores and venues. Upon arrival back at his house, he bided his time minding his own business playing his Train Simulator and Rocksmith with the occasional First Person Shooter to mix things up a bit. Upon realizing the time, 2:00 he made up a simple bowl of Orzo Pasta and set his table next to the tv. While Adam ate he watched part of a documentary on the British musical Invasion of the 1960's. Once lunch was finished, Adam flipped off the tv and put his bowl in the sink. He went back to his computer and pulled up Train Simulator. He had pulled up a scenario on the recently released SF Bay Area route when the phone rang.
"Hello?" Said Adam.
"Yeah hi." Said a scratchy voice.
Recognizing the voice from her music he jumped back in his chair slightly. It was the lead guitarist of the Rainboom's, Rainbow Dash.