If I Needed Someone

by Plumas Railblazer

Chapter 1

"Next stop Canterlot Station" the PA blurted as Adam packed up his roomette on the train he had taken from his home. Adam was returning to Canterlot from his uncle's house in a small orchard town out west. He was a graduate from Canterlot High School and had been recently accepted into West Manehatten University for further education. It was the midst of July and things were pretty warm outside, despite the heat he wore a pair of sweatpants plus a shirt wearing the logo of the Western Pacific Railroad. He was just about ready to leave the roomette when he met a conductor in the hall who offered to take his bag for him which he accepted. Upon arrival at Canterlot he stepped off the train with the conductor handing him his bag. With a simple "Thanks" from Adam with "My pleasure" as a response from the conductor Adam stepped off the stainless steel sleeper car and made his way to the front of the train. Ever since he was a kid he had always had a small passion for trains. Once he reached the engines he took a look, admiring their sleek streamlined appearance and listening to the whir of their engines at a standstill. Then, with the wave of the conductor's hand, and two blasts on the horn, the train began to gain speed. Adam stood aside waving his hand at any conductor leaning out the side with usually a friendly response. Once the train had left the platform he made his way to the stations car park. After retrieving the keys from the attendant he made his way to his car. It was a simple Sudan, nothing too interesting, but it was enough to get just about any job done. He put his suitcase in the truck and made his way out of the car park. He flipped on the radio as the first few bars if a familiar song played. He drove through the gentrified east side before moving north through the working class neighborhoods until reaching his house in middle Canterlot Heights. The house was nothing too interesting, a single story two bedroom two bathroom with a kitchen and living room plus a garage even though Adam never bothered to use it. He made his way inside and set his suitcase in his bedroom intending to do laundry after some rest. He sat down at his computer and did what he pleased. At about 7:00 in the evening he got up from his desktop and decided it was time for dinner. Adam was never one to cook too fancy and so he simply made up some spaghetti with Marinara sauce plus a market Caesar salad for the side with a glass of milk. After dinner, he washed the dishes and took his clothes to the laundry. He started the wash and picked up his Fender Stratocaster. Hooking it up to Rocksmith on his computer, he played for about an hour before staring at his wall clock, realizing the time he decided to call it a night. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, stripped down to his underwear and climbed on to his queen size bed. Feeling good that he was home again made sleep find him easily.