Dear Cuz'

by theNDinspector

Side A

Dear Apple Bloom,

This letter is a bit different than normal, and I’m sure you’ve noticed the plastic thing inside of it. I’m told it’s a caset tape. That confused me for a bit since it didn’t stick to anything like tape does, but there is this ribbon inside of it that can record your voice and you can play it back if you have a recorder for it.

So me and my friends here in Manehattan recorded something for you and I hope you enjoy it. Also, you can record on both sides. All you have to do is turn the tape over and hit the record button, so you can send us something back. That would be really cool if you did.

Anyways, Mom is about to take us to the theater tonight, but promised that we could go to the post office and send this over. Hopefully we can get that one-day service I keep hearing so much about. I hope to actually hear from you soon.

Your cousin,
