The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 16. Normal is for losers.

Sitting down beside Winter in the creepy house wasn't pleasant. The smell of mold, smokes, and general rot burned my nose. The walls were slowly peeling from the lack of maintenance, like flakes of skin falling off in hard pieces made of paper. Winter sat on the destroyed red couch, tattered, color fading away from existence. Winter sat there comfortably without a care in the world, while I sat on a dirty matching recliner feeling the springs doing their best to drive themselves up my ass, along my back and down my legs. He could have brought me anywhere like; a castle, a lake, a mall, hell, even beside a highway would be nice, but noooo. Just a creepy house that is half destroyed, possibly filed with mice.

I didn't bother too speak for awhile. Too many questions enveloped my mind. After all the things I have seen throughout my life, Winter basically gives it all the finger and walks away in a suit, top hat, monocle, and matching cane, dancing the river dance, all while on a car made of candy driven by polar bears. He hurts my delicate brain. Then again, whatever flows through his head must be hard on him.

Worrying about Moonlight, his obsession with magic, and his deadly curiosity for the unknown, puts him in a place distant from his very few friends. I don't know who he is, what or how. He doesn't talk much about himself. Whenever I tried to bring up who his parents were like, he goes silent and changes the subject. It's clear that area is off limits, but holding onto something that bothers him, isn't healthy. If he can't let it whatever it is go, it'll fester deep into the wound, making it unhealable. I'm no doctor, but at the rate he's going, he will not have anyone to relate too.

The question he asked of me was a bit strange.'Winter is Winter. isn't he?' I know now that he and I are from earth. What's more different than that? I followed Winters hand lifting into the air. Flicking the air back an forth, like an orchestrator. I followed the rhythm he was making with his movements. It was slow yet frisky. I was mesmerized. Bobbing my head with the flow of the silent song, I felt my emotions conflicting. When the tune sped up, i felt happy. When it slowed down, I was sadden. The unknown tune slowly ended, as did my trance. Realizing what was happening, I snapped back before he notices. 'Why is my thoughts so scattered?'

I looked into his deep old eyes, lost. The tune he played moved me, even though no sound was heard. That's when I saw it. The glimmer of a azure flame locked away in the farthest reaches of his heart, only shown through his eyes. It was wild, cold, destructive, menacing. I shuddered in fear. Anyone can lose themselves in his eyes, protected by his warm gaze, but he hides something. A trait that he does his best to keep hidden. Pure apocalyptic malice. He caught my worry and shied away, turning his head hiding what I found.

"Winter are you alright?" I asked. He broke off from his day dream, Giving an over-sized sheepish smile, not a care in the world.

"Figured it out yet?" he replied Trying his best to keep away from a subject I want to know. I wouldn't pry, but if it becomes a problem. His friends need to now. Soon rather than later. 'I should take his hint and follow up with him.'

"Yep. You're a nut-job." I say. "Other then that. I don't know."

"I'm a dragon, not a human. Ill just let that sit in for a minute." He smiled.

He curled his arms behind his head rolling his off color eyes back into his screwed up skull. He hummed a jolly tune, taking all thought from me, preventing all logical reasons. I looked at him like I was watching a cat and dog get funky. I had no words for him. My face contorted in odd ways, trying to contemplate what he just said. 'How in the hell is he a dragon?!' Just when this day couldn't get any weirder, I find myself in a room with A drama lama, Jesus, and husky named Buddy, a wolfish looking man, and add strippers dancing to the Harlem shake to the mix, because that's what it feels like. I tried to figure out how his brain works before I face-palmed realizing that was impossible at this point. That and other things.

I gave a long winded sigh bringing up my hand to chew on a thumb nail, giving him a worried glance. Winter is either; going insane, is already insane, or is insane and getting worse. This eight out of ten man in a baby griffin body is really a dragon that could stop time. 'What next. He'll tell me that he can use my body as a portal back to earth?' Shaking my head I might as well, go with it before more crazy happens.

"How are you a dragon? I thought you were a griffin?" I asked. He broke from his state of wonder with a wide smile covering his face.

"Well. A while ago while I was still awake, I decided to do some experiments that involve changelings. I figured that I should have a spell ready just in case one was among us and stuff. Once I had it ready, and you and Moonlight were out of the house, I tested it. The spell is called 'forma versa,' or form reverse. I thought the spell would change me back into a human in my room. 'I didn't.' Instead, I turned into a black dragon. " He explained. "If that makes any sense."

That makes no sense to me as I don't know shit about magic. I looked at him not happy with his cheep explanation, but what I saw was confusion enveloped in his eyes. He didn't know much either. Knowing him, he would have an idea sooner or later. 'Would that spell of his work on me and the others too?' I thought. It is possible with him and magic, but having a spell that would show the world who I really am, was unnerving.

"Have an idea why?" I asked.

Winter moved from his spot and stood up walking around the empty room. "Yep, but it is hard to explain."

"Can you give me the short version?"

"Alrighty then. You know how I told you that my soul was split due not resonating with this worlds magic so well?
Welp. When two halves merge into one, both were destroyed. One half had all my Equestrian stuff, and the other had all my human stuff. The Equestrian stuff was somewhat save but the human stuff was gone. I believe that the chaotic energy from the transformation and the merge, turned me into a dragon to replace the human half."He explained. "I could go into much more detail, but it would take forever."

"Can I ask you one more question?" I asked.


"Why can't I have one day with you that is normal?"

"Normal is for losers." He chuckled.

I gave her an easy chuckle. My life was never normal. I was always a walking ball of chaos. Being turned into a dragon, the eye, seducing a goddess, and much more. It saddens me that I wont become a draconequus anytime soon. Then again, I don't think that will ever happen. My train of thought is static at the moment, and it feels like I'm talking to myself; in my my mind. 'If that makes any sense.' The problem is Heather.

Heather...How are you even alive right now? I know I should be asking the same question to me. 'Wait...Never mind.'

'Am I talking to myself right know?'


'Shit. Well this doesn't make sense.'

I know! Anyway, whats wrong with Heather?

'Well brain, inside brain. Half of her soul is back on earth in a body that is in a coma.'

Ohhhh. That explains a bit.

'To what?'

The rip she is holding, plus how the eye is reacting, is making this conversation possible!

'So we better fix it soon or we'll become more insane than what we are now.'


'Well stay out of the way so I can concentrate. ok?'

Ill try. Bye!

Shaking my head to the strange looks I have been getting from Heather for the past minute, I sat back down on the couch. I supported my head with the palms of my hands held up from the knees. My new eye had its perks, and so far, no flaws. The eye lets me have complete control over anyone without the problems that all mind controlers have. Doing some experiments; I had a max range of the entire world, I can warp the person with utter absolution to my whim, and even alter the soul itself. The problem with the eye I found, wasn't so severe. The mana cost was insanely lower then foresight by like an eighth , and if I go overboard Ill just have nightmares. 'That could kill me.'

When I first went into the mind of Heather, I ended up finding that half of her is on earth and the other is here. Normally this wouldn't be the case, but then again it is still possible. I am surprised she lasted this long. Such strain would vaporize the soul into nothingness, yet here she is. Something at the other side is keeping her hostage. Something magically powerful equal to a god. If that's the case, then Ill have to fight it, and bring the rest of her back. 'But is that what she wants? Then again, if a god of some-kind is holding her hostage then he/she would have to be stopped.'

Having a rip open this long could make it grow big enough that time and space sync up, which will cause problems on both sides like; time wells,(Step in for a second and travel for a million years and vise versa.) anti-matter zones,(Many black holes all over the worlds.) void gates, (Which once you step in you are ripped too shreds, atom by atom.) both worlds merge into one, both worlds go bye bye, and much more.

Since I can control the soul, I could use hers to go to the other side, but without form. Ill have to make a double and deal with whatever is holding her hostage. It wont cost me much chaos magic, but neutral magic will be impossible to regenerate, so latin spells are emergency use only. If I do indeed have to fight a god ill have to use the eye of foresight before hand and have a very good memory and weapon. Ill just do what I do best. 'Be so crazy that the god will fear me.' No plan in place I was ready to start explaining to Heather of her current situations. 'Shit. I am talking to myself again.' Looking at a staring Heather trying her best to go cross eyed sticking her tongue at me, I realize that she has been making faces to get my attention.

"Heather?" I giggled. She blinked a couple of times while shaking her head dizzy from her stare.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss" She smiled.

"Ill just lay it flat with you. You are going to die in... forty eight hours from now," I said.

"WHAT?!" She yelled. "WHY?!"

"Well you see...Half of you is holding open a portal back to earth, and it is slowly erasing you entire existence."

After explaining all the minor details with her, she went quiet. She sat in the chair unsure of what to say or do. Though, I would be too if I was told I had to make a choice to stay in a fantasy world, or back in the place I was born in. Heather had a solemn staring contest with her feet, twiddling her thumbs ever so slowly.

"You alright Heather? I know this news I brought you isn't pleasant, but you need too chose sooner than later." I spoke softly. She nodded her head.

She looked up to me searching for answers she can't find on her own. Lost and unsure. The cross-roads she is in, is between her friends here and her family at home, which I am sure is worrying about her. "What am I like on the other side? You can see it, can't you?" She asked.

"Do you really want to know?" I replied.

"Yes." she cracked.

"Very well then."I say. "You are in a coma. You are missing; a leg, an eye, an arm, a kidney, half of your face is scarred up beyond recognition, your jaw is held together by wire, you don't have a natural rip cage anymore, and...."

"That's...That's enough. I...I won't have a normal life back home. I bet I look horrible don't I?" She cut me off.

"Very much so," I sighed. "So, you are staying?"

"Ya...Might as well, but while you are at the other side. Can you...can you tell my parents that I am alright and in a better place?"

"Sure." I smiled. She smiled back.

I sent her back to her own head and prepared for more crazy. Ill have to travel through a link in-between minds, close it on the way back, possibly fight a god that is holding the link open, create a double on the other side, not die, all while having a limited source of latin magic and slow recharging chaos magic. 'Alrighty then, if this works out the way I want it and all things go just right with my theory. I can create a double here and walk around the ship while still being in a coma.' I entered her mind and was instantly pulled to the other side. There is just one word I have to say before I go.
