The Real McCoys

by JusSonic

Chapter 1: Flashback to before Rainbow Rocks

Chapter 1: Flashback to before Rainbow Rocks

The morning begins in the human world of Canterlot Heights. People are waking up a brand new day to begin their activities. In a mansion, a boy is waking up in his room, tired and having messy hair. He groans and checks to see what time it is.

Ben smiles at the time on the clock. It is now 7 o'clock...and on a Saturday too. Good, time to get up and get going. He is going to meet Twilight and the others at the Sweet Shoppe for some hanging. He manages to get his usual clothes on, Triforce shirt and all, fixed his hair nice and neat. Ben wants to look nice and neat for Twilight. Perfect!

Before he stepped out of his room, Ben then remembered something.

"Oh! Almost forgot." Ben said. He then ran over to a nearby tank, where his pet monitor lizard Nightclaw was sleeping. "Here's some breakfast, Nightclaw."

After Ben slid down the railing of the stairs, he came into the kitchen. The boy spots his mother, Principal Celestia, washing dishes by the sink. He smirks devilishly while sneaking up behind her. Ben hold his breath as if he's about to roar and try to scare her....

"Don't even think about it." Celestia said bored without even turning around. Ben let his breath out, frowning.

"Awww, mom, how did you know?" Ben ask with a pouty look while grabbing some treats off a nearby tray.

"I'm your mother, I know everything, Ben. So where are you heading?"

"I thought you knew everything."

Celestia smirks, shaking her head while ruffling Ben's hair, much to his embarrassment. The woman comment with a giggle, "A smart aleck, just like your father."

"I'm heading to the Sweet Shoppe to hang with Flash and the others. I'll catch you later, mom." Ben said as he goes by. The boy passes by his grown up wolf Koga who is sitting under the table. He passes some treats which the wolf was happy to eat. "Hey, boy."

"Ben, stop treating Koga like that. He's on a diet."

"Yeah, yeah." Ben remarks, rolling his eyes as he heads out. The boy yelps as he almost collides with his aunt Vice-Principal Luna who is coming in. "Oops! Sorry, Aunt Luna!"

"It’s okay, Ben." Luna chuckles as Ben rushes out. The woman smiles as she chuckles, "Always in a hurry. Just like when you were little, Tia."

"Yeah, but I always remember not to fattening up the family dog." Celestia remarks, giving a look to Koga who is finishing licking his lips. Honestly, Ben spoils that wolf!


Somewhere, mysterious happenings are taking place. A phone is being held while a number is being dialed. Someone's voice is heard on the other end, "Hello?"

A figure spoke in a demonically like voice into the speaking part of the phone, "! I shall feast on your entrails and devour your sooooooouuuuulllll!!!" A familiar voice is heard giggling in delight, trying to detain herself.

A woman's voice spoke on the other end before hanging up in terror. A pause...then laughter is heard like mad as Rainbow puts down the voice changer design with Rarity giggling, holding her cell phone which has a weird device on it. The Main Five, Flash, Sunset, the CMC and Vinyl Scratch laughs a bit.

"Gotta admit, Rainbow, swiping 'de device fer phones 'ta keep caller IDs fro' finding well as 'dat voice changer design." Applejack remarks with a smirk while Rarity took the Anti-Caller ID device off her phone. "A stroke o' genius, sugah cube!"

"Yep. The Dragon Strike Force had truly found a way to change the ways of prank phone calling." Rainbow remarks with a smile as she sits in her chair in satisfaction. "It's the gift that keeps on giving."

Scootaloo checks her watch, frowning as she ask, "What's taking them so long? I hate waiting."

"Right. I mean, Nyx should be here with Twilight and Ben right about now." Sweetie complains in agreement.

"Patience is a hard virtue to swallow, Sweetie Belle." Rarity said as she hangs up her phone calmly. "They will get here."

"Hey, there's Ben now." Sunset said as she spots Ben coming into the Sweet Shoppe. The girl waves her hand to get his attention. "Over here, Ben!"

"Hey Flash, girls." Ben said as he came over to sit with his friends. "Is Twilight and Nyx here yet?"

"No, not yet." Fluttershy said quietly. "We were hoping they be with you."

"Yeah, so where the hay are they?"

"Keep your jets on, Benjamin. I'm here." A familiar voice spoke up. The gang turns to see Twilight, wearing her glasses but still has her clothes from when the girl first met her new friends, coming over with her sister Nyx who waves. "Oh, I hope we're not too late."

"Uh oh. Nerd alert!" Rainbow jokes a bit, getting a bit of a chuckle from Vinyl.

"Rainbow." Ben said, rolling his eyes at this. He got up to help his girlfriend into her seat. "To your seat, my lady."

"Thank you." Twilight said smiling as she sat down near Ben. Nyx goes over to sit with her friends. "So, how are things at Canterlot High? Especially since..."

"Yeah, 'de incident wit' 'de Battle o' 'de Bands." Applejack remarks with a chuckle, recalling that incident. "Yeah, it was intense, but things got cleaned up. Shame yew miss it, especially since yew went back 'ta Crystal Prep after what happened wit' Boris."

"Oh yeah, Boris the Animal." Nyx remarks with a cute chuckle, her friends follow. "Boy, was that fight intense."

"I would never forget that one." Flash said while tuning up his guitar. "Sunset was still gaining acceptance at the time."

"I haven't forgotten." Sunset said with a sigh while sitting back in her chair. "I was reformed, though most of everyone didn't trust me..."

"Are we going into a story of what happened?" Sweetie ask Sunset curiously.

"Yes, yes we are..."


It was one week after the Fall Formal. Twilight, the Equestrian version, went home with Spike, Ben, Nyx and Phobos, the ones from her worlds. As things are cleaning up and going back to normal (without Sunset's reign), Flash and the Mane Five sat near the statue, pondering on what to do with Sunset.

"Girls, come on. We have to help her. I know what she did was wrong... But deep down, she's alone. I don't want her to be upset. After all we did promise Twilight we would help her." Flash said, glancing at Sunset who is taking a break from rebuilding the entrance to the school after she ripped it open during her Demon state.

Fluttershy nodded while adding, "Flash's right, we should help her. After all, she did said that she didn't know that there was another way to win students' trusts.

"Oh, I dunno." Rainbow said in doubt and concern. "After what she did to us, would we even trust her?"

"Right, shoot, she lied 'ta us before an' Ah can't stand liars." Applejack remarked, bitter over the lies and trouble that Sunset has given him.

"Not to mention what she did to me as well!" Rarity exclaimed with a scoff. "Why bother?"

"Awww, come on, girls!" Pinkie exclaimed, hanging over the statue. "People should be given another chance! We gave each other another chance at friendship and we should do the same thing for Sunset!"

"Yeah, but where do we start if we need to get Sunset to redeem herself?" Fluttershy asked.

"One step at a time!" Pinkie exclaims, jumping off the statue, putting in one step. "Anyway, Twlight would want us to help her with friendship, so it's time we do so."

"You're right. An’ so would ‘de rest o’ ‘de group ‘dat went wit’ her." Applejack said with a smile.

The group nodded as they headed over to the tired Sunset, who looked up to see them. Rarity spoke up, "We decided, Miss Shimmer. We shall honor our promise to Twilight, the Equestrian one, and help you with friendship."

"That way, you may never be alone again." Flash said to his former girlfriend with a grin.

Sunset sighed, "Thanks. I promised - I'll try my best to make friends. Hopefully I don't cause any more problems."

"I sure hope so." Rainbow remarked.

"Right! We will have more fun than doing the movie 'Cupcakes'!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

"Pinkie! I thought we agree to never bring that up again!" Rainbow exclaimed, shivering at the thought of making the film that resulted in her own death (fake, of course).

"Ignoring that comment, we will do our best to help you." Rarity said with a smile to her new friend who gave a smile of hope.

"It may done take a while, but we can git ya friendship an' acceptance." Applejack said, winking an eye to her friend. "An' 'dat ain't no lie!"

"Everybody!" Apple Bloom exclaimed excitedly as she, Sweetie and Scootaloo rush up to the group. "Yew won't believe whose coming! They're here! Our best friends' human version are here!"

"Yes! They're here to study! That means-!" Sweetie said, getting excited by the minute that she could burst.

"We can finally have fun together with them! Just like before! This is gonna be great!" Scootaloo exclaimed eagerly, pounding a fist into one hand.

"Wow! I'm glad to hear that!" Pinkie exclaimed, jumping and down.

"It's great to be around Ben and Twilight again." Flash said with a big smile.

"If they're coming, they are enrolling right now!" Rainbow exclaimed eagerly as she jumped up...landing on her face. As she got up, the girl groaned, "Ugh, would I do anything to have wings again.""

"Well, the magic is gone, I guess." Fluttershy said, then she remembered something. "Well, except for..."

"Yes, yes, we know, Fluittershy, we know." Rarity said with a chuckle.

"Come on, everybody. We'd better go an' meet them now!" Applejack exclaimed with a smile, wanting to meet the human versions of her friends.


The girls didn't waste time in getting over to Principal Celestia's office since they knew that she would want them there. Twilight, Ben and Nyx were there, along with Twilight's brother Starlight, all of them were a bit excited to be attending school here, even though it was the Equestrian versions of the first three who had experience.

"Twilight, great for you to be here...even though you are on an exchange program." Sunset said, brushing her hair a bit.

"Right, my brother Shining is excited too for us coming here." Twilight said with a grin to her friends. "He is in college right now, planning on enrolling in the police academy after graduation."

"I can't wait to make some friends here!" Nyx said excitedly.

"You already did, though it was...your other self." Sweetie said with a giggle, recalling Nyx's Equestrian self who was here temporarily.

Celestia finally finished putting Ben's enrollment form away. The principal grinned to her son as she spoke, “Ben... You don't know how happy I really am to see you here in my school. I'm glad to have you here., son.”

"Thanks, mom. I'm also glad to be here, too." Ben said with a smile, scratching the back of his head. Twilight giggled as he added, "It's so hard to believe that everyone we know are here, too. It's great to have everyone we know here."

"Yeah... I can't wait to meet the other me. It's gonna be great!" Nyx exclaimed happily.

“Yeah! Me too. I want to know what they looked like.” Starlight said, wanting to meet the Equestrian version of his sisters, along with Nyx. How sad that the boy had no clue as to what happened to his other self!

"Unfortunately, you can't." Luna said in concern to the students old and new. "As we had said before, the portal to their world was closed. It's impossible to get to them. I'm sorry."

"Aw, man!" Nyx groaned.

"I know. I was hoping to know my other self is like." Starlight said gloomy.

Sunset gulped a bit, recalling what the Superior, when she was bad, once told her. The girl said, "I'm sure you will find out...eventually..."

"Still, it would've been awesome to meet myself." Ben said, crossing his arms while groaning.

"It doesn't matter. But more importantly, you will be making more friends." Celestia said, hugging Ben a bit while nodding to Twilight and her siblings. "I hope that will sharpen your confidence, Ben. I believe you would do the same."

"I know I will, Mom." Ben said as he hugged his mother back.

"Good. I believe that you have class to get to." Luna said, motioning the students to leave to get to class.

Twilight and her friends left to attend some classes. Celestia smiled as she said, "I'm just glad to see my son here. But..." The woman sighed in concern. "I wonder why Shadow Dragon and his team decided in becoming staff members at our school. I feel like... this is too surprising..."

Luna nodded in agreement with her sister, adding, "Yes, it is surprising. Ever since you and your former husband had an argument, Azure hasn't been speaking or talking with anyone of us." The woman scoffed a bit. "I'm just glad that he's not here to punch Jack's face. It would be hilarious to see that."

Celestia sighed, shaking her head as she spoke, "I guess you're right. But... I feel uncomfortable lately. I know I should be happy for him to be here for Iris. But... it bothers me something else..."

"I agreed. I've told the students to keep their mouths shut and keep the video shots from being show to anyone outside of Canterlot High." Luna said seriously. After the event involving Sunset Shimmer, the vice-principal orders the students to never say anything about what happened. After the incident years ago involving the Autobots and Decepticons in Chicago, the last thing the school wants is military forces investigating an 'alien matter'. "That includes the Dragon Strike Force. I have the feeling that they're here to investigate the situation."

Celestia nodded, adding, "That's not surprising. But yes, Luna; we should keep our guard up. We can't let anyone knows the secret."

"Agreed. I'm just glad that it's just the Dragon Strike Force who are the only ones here to investigate." Luna adds seriously. She hated for anyone else to notice and decides to use the matter to their advantage.


Twilight and their friends continue on their way, ready to go inside class. Just then, Twilight's phone began to ring, much to the others' notice.

"You guys go ahead. My brother keeps calling me again. He can be worry and protective sometimes." Twilight said with a meekish smile. The others nodded and headed on ahead while she took her cellphone out and speaks into it, "Hello?"

"Twilight... Did Celestia suspect you?" The familiar voice of Azure Phoenix asked Twilight seriously.

Twilight gulped and made sure that no one else was listening in. The girl had been asked by Azure to help investigate the incident that happened recently at Canterlot High. She hated to deceive her new friends, especially Ben, Starlight and Nyx…but Azure insisted on her status as a spy to be kept a secret.

Twilight then whispered into the phone, "No, sir. Not yet."

"Good... Do not let anyone get suspicious of you. Just do what you can to learn the mystery behind this incident." Azure said to Twilight seriously through the phone. "Celestia can't be trusted. They have to talk eventually. Above of all, beware the randomness ones. They can easily guess what you're doing."

"Don't worry, sir. I'm prepared for it." Twilight assured her mentor with a nod.

"Good. Shadow Dragon and his team will assist you to gain their trust for you. But be careful." Azure warned Twilight to be careful if the mystery behind what happened was found out, no matter what the cost.

"Yes sir. It will be done." Twilight said with a nod.

Twilight hung up the phone and followed the others. The girl could only hope she could figure out the mystery while not losing her new friends. This could be tougher than one can imagine it to be.


Ben relaxes as he sat on a bench near the school. The boy has a good time today, he can't wait to continue on coming here, being near his mother and his aunt Luna, along with more of his friends.

Ben was preparing to get out a magazine when he looks up, seeing a familiar man at work: his brother in law Shadow Dragon. The boy smiles and waving, getting the undercover agent's attention. Ben knew the truth about him...and suspects that Shadow Dragon has a reason to enlist as a teacher here.

"Ben..." Shadow Dragon said seriously to his brother-in-law.

"Hey, Shadow Dragon. Good to see you here. I'm surprised that you came here to be a Discipline Teacher." Ben said, amused by Shadow Dragon's choice of career. "That's surprise. Does this mean that you're gonna get Iris back together with ya? I can't wait to see that."

Shadow Dragon sighed, shaking his head as he said, "I know... But I have my mission to complete."

"Mission? You mean-! Azure asked you to spy on my mother and investigate the mystery?! I thought we put it behind us."

"I'm afraid it can't be avoidable. Azure wants to protect the world."

"Becomes like Attinger?!" The boy scoffs. Shadow Dragon glared at Ben. He doesn't like it when Azure Phoenix is being compared to Attinger, the same paranoid jerk who wishes to wipe out the Transformers, every last one of them. "Sorry... I didn't mean it. I also believe in Azure. Whenever my dad got into trouble, he came and help me. He was like a second father to me. I just don't like him becoming Attinger."

Shadow Dragon sighed, "He's nothing like Attinger. Rest assure, Azure is finding a perfect evidence to show the President to remove him. Without it, they will trust Attinger than Azure."

The two doesn't trust Attinger, the one who has been ordering a team to wipe out the Autobots, behind the president's back. Ever since the incident in Chicago years ago, the robots from Cybertron are labeled fugitives to those who now feared and despise them. Even their human allies aren't safe, and no one knows if most of them are still alive.

Ben sighed in concern, "I guess so." He hopes Shadow Dragon is right about that.

"Good. Listen. Just be friends with them. And no matter what happens, be careful and avoid being under suspicion." Shadow Dragon said, giving out advice to Ben to be friends and maybe see if there's evidence of what happened at Canterlot High previously. "If you have any evidence, Azure will decide on it. I know it's wrong. But we need more evidence to confirm whether or not if the aliens can be trusted."

Ben sighed, "Alright. I'll try."

Ben is not sure if there are any aliens to be deal with...especially when the "last ones" are lookalikes of him, Twilight, Nyx, Spike and Phobos.


While the Dragon Strike Force is investigating secretly about what happened to Canterlot High before, and while Ben and Twilight, going secretly behind each other and their new friends' backs with their missions, another party is plotting as well. Two figures are meeting in secret, doing some plotting.

One of them is a dark gray man with black spiky hair. He wears a black suit, a silver tie, a red shirt, black pants and silver. He is known as Sombra, one of the student teachers at the school.

Sombra is one of the school's resident mad scientists; using a telekinesis-inducing helmet (which he can use to levitate cars, fire energy blasts and create force fields) and capsules of a special gas designed to create illusions of his victims' worst fears greatly magnified (he got the idea for the latter from a few Batman comics) to keep the school cowed into submission and cement his place as one of the school's top bullies.

His colleague is a woman with long dark cerulean hair with very dark gray skin. Her eyes are Moderate harlequin with vertical Dragon-like pupils within a normal round one. She wears a green coat with holes at the sleeves and dark blue pants with holes in some parts. The woman also wears long dark cerulean shoes. She is Chrysalis, another student teacher.

Chrysalis is the lead actor in the school's drama club and is a mistress of disguise with a fascination with insects and arachnids (even having a large number of trained ants, roaches and wasps). And so far, no one even knows the real reason as to what she and Sombra are up to.

"So do you think what they said is true?" Sombra ask Chrysalis while doing some updates to his helmet.

Chrysalis smirked, rubbing a hand through her hair while saying, "Only one way to find out. But to do that, we need to be good teachers."

"Other than that, we shall questioned every student. We'll find it and use it for our gain."

"And of course, our colleague need it too. He said that he wanted to test them for power and extinction. The Humans will bow and tremble in fear."

"Yes... We can't wait. But we need some henchmen to assist us." Sombra said with a sinister chuckle, concerned as to the henchmen part.

"Agreed..." Chrysalis said with a smirk, noting some recruits that can be used for the job at hand.


"Wow, Boris. Where did you get this equipment?" Boxco ask Boris in amazement. He and Dum are in another room with their boss who is wearing some sort of gauntlets that sparkles as if ready to zap anyone.

"Let's say, I got connections you don't know about." Boris said to his men with a smirk. "With Sunset on the straight and narrow, it's time for me to take over the job as Big Bully on Campus."

"But isn't this a school, not a campus?" Dum-Dum ask Boris confused.

"That's an expression, dummy! If anyone, student or teacher, gives me any trouble, they are in for a SHOCK of their life."

"Yeah, but I like the Red Devil look better." Boxco exclaims, recalling the Red Devil form that Boris once took when Sunset's plan was almost a success. "Now you report to shooting out electricity."

"I can also fly as well...and got a helmet and armor." Boris scoffs as he presses a button on the backpack that the villain is wearing, causing a helmet and armor to appear. "All shall bow down to Boris!"