Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Greg's... business

Chapter 4 (Chapter 129)

I walked into my house with Spark on my back, who was still passed out.

<This kid is so adorable!>

I trotted over to the couch and laid him down on it. I then placed Spitfire's flight goggles on his chest and turned to go to the bathroom.

Before I could even take three steps, I heard Twilight ask from the kitchen, "What's wrong with Spark?"

I looked over at her and chuckled, "Oh, he just passed out after seeing his idol."

"Spitfire?" She asked with a smile.

I nodded, "Mhmmm, I took him to see her after the show."

Twilight smiled happily and trotted over, "I bet he enjoyed that..." She then began to look over my prosthetic wings, "Did you do any flying?"

I smiled sheepishly, "Maybe..."

She narrowed her eyes and gave me a stern glare, "Lance! The doctors said you shouldn't be flying till they are fully set! You could break them off if you don't be careful!"

I gulped slightly, "I know... I'm being careful, promise."

She sighed and smiled, "You better be." She then trotted over to my side, "Now, lets see the damage."

I rolled my eyes and fell to my haunches.

Twilight slowly stretched out my left wing, carefully looking over each feather and checking to make sure the fake bone is still in place.

I turned my head and smiled.

She had her tongue sticking out, focusing on looking at my wings.

She gently placed my wing back on my side and moved onto the other wing.

Once she finished, she put it back on my side and wrapped her forelegs around my waist and put her head next to mine.

"So, what's the damage?" I asked, rubbing my cheek against hers.

She giggled and squeezed my waist, "You're lucky, your wings are still healthy. Just please be careful."

I smiled and leaned my head against hers, "You know me Twi, I'm only careful when I want to be."


I chuckled, "Oh, you know I'm joking."

"Mhmm." She gave me a peck on the cheek and let go of me. As she turned, she stomped her hoof and turned, "Almost forgot, Greg came by a while ago and told me to tell you to meet him at his place."

I sighed, "Did he say why?"

She shook her head, "No, he only said to meet him."

I rubbed my face and glanced around, "Where's Kara? And Fawn?"

Twilight furrowed her brow for a second, "Hmmm, I think I saw Kara taking a nap on our bed. And Fawn's off playing with one of her friends."

I smiled and nod once, "Good, I may want to do a family thing when I get back."

Twilight smiled slyly, "What are you planning?"

I turned from her and began to trot to the door, "You'll see." I then did a little evil laugh, just for effect.

"Oh Lance, I'll never figure out your mind." She said with a laugh.

[Damn right you'll never figure out our mind!]

I let out a laugh and opened the door.

Skipping ahead ten minutes to save time

I trotted down the street, eyes on the large warehouse down the street... Greg's new home slash place of business. I'll never know how he got Pinkie Pie to move to Canterlot and live in a warehouse with him... Well, her home was completely destroyed...

After another minute of walking, I finally arrived at the large overhead door.

I furrowed my brow for a second before slamming my hoof against the metal door.

Inside, I heard the sound of my knock echo off the high walls.

Seconds later, the doors began to open, slowly moving upwards.

The sight that greeted me... didn't surprise me in the least.

Inside, sitting at hundreds of tables, were small colts and fillies, all of them working on different projects.

[I always knew Greg would be the one to bring child labor to Equestria.]

I walked in, getting a few glances from the kids at the tables.

I stopped at a table and looked at what they were doing.

Are they making... tooth brushes?

"Yo! Lance, over here!" I heard Greg yell, causing all the children to cower slightly.

I looked over to see Greg trotting towards me, a whip curled up on his side.

"Uhh, a whip?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He looked at it and chuckled, "Oh this? It's just a thing me and the children use to play a game."

"Uh-huh... Twilight said you wanted to see me?"

He grinned, "Oh yeah! I finally figured out what I'm going to sell."

"And that is?" I questioned.

"Walk and talk with me." Greg said, starting to walk down a role of tables.

I followed and looked around.

"You see, I figured it all out. What am I good at? Making weed of course! So, I though, how do I sell this to ponies. I then..."

A small colt limped up to us and stepped in front of Greg.

"Mr. Greg, I think I sprung my hoof." He said, holding up his hoof.

Greg looked at the colt and smiled, "Oh, how did it happen?"

"I fell." He said simply.

Greg nudged me, "The kid fell." He then looked at the colt, "So, you fell while not working."

He shrugged.

Greg grabbed his hoof, "Does it hurt."

The colt nodded.

Greg's horn flared and the kid jumped back.

"You fixed my leg! Thank you!"

Greg smirked, "Get back to work... or we get to meet Mr. Whiplash."

The kids eyes widened and he quickly ran off.

"Good kid..." Greg muttered, "As I was saying. Since I'm good at making weed, why not make weed products."

He leaned down and picked up a tooth brush, "Take this for example. It's a tooth brush with weed in it. Gives you a high without smoking it."

He handed it to me and began to walk.

I tossed the weed brush to the side and followed, "And what's with the kids?"

Greg chuckled, "Simple, they don't have to be paid. All I have to do is give them candy and boom, free labor."

[I can already see disaster in Greg's future with this idea...]

"Hmmm, yes... great idea Greg." I said, a bit worried and unsure.

Greg laughed and pulled off the whip, "Yep, best idea ever."

He then began to walk along the roles, whipping the whip a few times, "Work! I want each pony to have at least forty boxed backed by the end of the day!"

Hmmm, what should I do?

[Chose A! Leave and let Greg do what he wants! I want to see how this turns out.]
<No! Chose B! Save the children from Greg!>
{I chose....}
[A! Chose B and I'll fucking make you rip off your dick!]
{.... I chose A!}
[Good boy.]

I sighed and began to back up, "I'm going to get out of here Greg, got places to be."

He stopped and looked at me, "Wait, I still haven't told you why your here."

I sighed, "What is it then?"

He laughed and levitated up a few boxes, "I need your help in selling some of my products."


He nodded, "I've come up with over forty different uses for weed, and I need someone like you to show them off."

I shook my head, "Not interested..."

"Do this, and I'll tell you all about my secret project of making clones of all the bronies." He said with a smug look.

"Clones? Really? They better not be like Jun." I said, giving him a stern look.

Greg shook his head, "I fixed that problem..." He held up a hoof, "Nice try, I'll tell you all about them after you help me sell all those."

Damn me and my curiosity...

"Okay, I'll help you. Just tell me what I need to do."

Greg smirked, "I knew that would work." He then began to trot past all the children, "Let me get my co adviser, The Pieinator, and we'll be on our way."

All the children let out shocked and scared gasp at the name.

"It's Pinkie, isn't it?" I said worriedly.

He nodded in response.

"I didn't know Pinkie could be violent..."

Greg laughed at me, "Oh no, she's not violent. She just annoys the hell out of the workers. To them, that's worst then me."

I couldn't help but laugh, because I had to agree with that.

Pinkie Pie in crazy mod is much worst then getting physically hurt.

[So fucking true bro.]
<Weed products? This should be interesting....>