
by Serpent_Underscore

My Little Kerri (April Fools Day chapter)

Several years later...

Shaun, Kerrigan and Nicole were sitting at the table for game night, trying to decide what they would play. The time-honored choosing method of Rock Paper Scissors quickly left Kerrigan out in the cold as her hooves could only form rock, and her bout of psionic training earlier in the day had left her too exhausted to feel up to the task of shapeshifting into something with hands.

This suited Shaun and Nicole just fine, since Kerri always seemed to win whenever she got the chance to play Risk.

Kerri watched in mild fascination as the two adults matched each other's moves in an unprecedented streak of ties. Rock vs rock, paper vs paper, and so on. This was almost more entertaining than whatever game they ended up playing would be, particularly since she had the opportunity to sense their mounting feelings of incredulity firsthand.

"Ha! Scissors beats paper!" Nicole eventually called out in triumph. Just as she was about to declare what her choice would be, there was a knock at the door. Kerrigan sighed and started heading upstairs where she could stay out of sight while Shaun got up and answered the door.

Standing there were two strangers, both in immaculate black suits and sunglasses. "Mr. Carver. It's taken us quite some time to track you down." The one to the left said, flashing an identification for Shaun to see.

"We have reason to believe that you're harboring an extradimensional entity. Cooperation is in both of your interests right now." The one to the right said.

Kerrigan froze by the stairwell as she listened to what was being said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Shaun bluffed. "If you don't have anything better to do than to pull pranks I suggest you find a more productive way to occupy your time." His voice was confident, but Kerri could sense the unease and panic below the surface.

"Mr. Carver, there's no point in denying it." The man to the left said. "We've been monitoring your house for the last week and the... unique surveillance methods available to us have confirmed that she's here."

Seeing that Shaun wasn't becoming more cooperative, the man on the right sighed and burst into emerald flame. "Look, you don't need to be so afraid. We're not your enemies." Where the man had been just seconds ago stood an eerily familiar black form.

Shaun turned to look at Kerri as she came out of hiding, but she was just as shocked as he was. Bursting out of hiding into direct view of the doorway, Kerrigan skidded to a stop in front of the visitors. "Another alien like me!" she exclaimed in excitement. "Huh, you're a little shorter than I expected." She added.

The changeling snorted. "And you're a little younger than I was expecting. What, did you come here as a hatchling or something? And what's up with calling us aliens? We're Changelings for Chrysalis' sake."

A third voice from above the doorway called out. "Hey Gimmick, we should probably go inside if you want to get chatty."

The first changeling chuckled. "Right you are. Shaun, do you mind if we all come inside and discuss things where there aren't so many prying eyes?"

Shaun exchanged a glance with Kerrigan and Nicole. "Uh, sure. How many of you are there?"

"Just five of us." The changeling said as his companions buzzed down beside him. "Okay, technically six, but Andrew here is just as human as he looks."

A few minutes later, the five changelings and one agent were all seated inside the house. "So let me get this straight." Shaun said. "15 years ago there was an accident with a weather spell that sent Kerrigan here and de-aged her to an egg, and now you're here to take her back to your homeland to live among her own kind?"

"That's right." Nerium said. "We're also going to erase her memories and re-write them with her old memories and personality, then we're going to wipe away any trace that she once lived here. You won't remember a thing."

Nicole looked like she was about to say something furious, but Shaun spoke first. "No wait, please." He started. Nicole took his hand supportively. "Just, give me a moment with her please. All I ask, since...since this is the last time we'll see each other." Nicole looked at Shaun in shock.

Nerium looked at the human and nodded reluctantly.

"Kerri, my little Kerri. I love you with all my heart. You have done wonders to open me up from the man I once was. You..." Shaun had to pause a moment, to settle down, "... you have brought me so much joy in my life that I can't possibly ever thank you for."

At this point, Kerri too had begun to cry. That only made it worse for Shaun.

"These fifteen years we have had together, talking, playing, flying; all those have been so special to me. I just want you to know, that I will forever love you. It doesn't matter if we aren't biologically related, or of different worlds. I don't care what you may ever think of me, or if you ever even remember me, but right now, you being my Kerri, I want you," Shaun poked her on the chest, to physically show he was talking to her, "to know that fact. If there is ever a problem that happens, and you need me, don't hesitate to find a way to get me, okay?"

Nicole sat with her mouth open as she observed the proceedings, too dumbfounded for words.

"D-d-do I have t-t-to go d-d-daddy?" Kerrigan said.

Shaun simply nodded his head, as he stood up. Before he could fully gain his balance, Kerrigan jumped up onto him and hugged him tight. He could feel her tears on the back of his neck, and he returned the embrace.

"It's your actual home, Kerri. You don't belong here. You need to go back to where you belong."

"I belong here, with you!"

"No, you don't. You are limited here, only able to fly around the house. You have no friends, or other aliens, changelings, to relate to. I was only taking care of you until this time would come, but I never thought it would be this painful."

Nicole tried speaking up. "Uh Shaun, in case you haven't noticed, she does have friends. They were over just last Wednesday? She's not really into flying either." The others ignored her.

"I love you daddy..."

"And I love you too, my little Kerri."

They separated, as she lowered herself to the ground.

At this point all the other changelings had tears flowing, even the stone cold changeling commander himself.

"I'm so sorry Kerrigan." Gimmick started. "I...I honestly wish there was another way to do this. I wish I didn't have to do this. But..."

Nicole stood, unable to take any more of the weirdness going on around her. "Has everyone lost their minds?" She muttered to herself. Unable to get any of the others to even acknowledge her presence, she began pacing around the room agitatedly. In a distant part of her awareness, she could hear the changeling commander droning on about love, and about how well Shaun had raised Kerri.

It was surreal. All the changelings began thanking Shaun at once, and then one of them pressed its horn against Kerri's head while another did the same to Shaun. Once more, her presence was completely ignored.

There was a bright light, and when Nicole could see again all of the visitors were gone, including Kerrigan. All she could see was Shaun sitting in a corner and crying while looking at a photograph they had taken with Kerrigan a few years back.

"Okay, I'm ready to wake up now!" Nicole called to the heavens, then sighed and walked out the door to see if anyone else had gone insane.

Shaun sat by himself for several minutes, so absorbed in clutching the tear-streaked photograph that he didn't notice the gigantic black hoof reaching down toward him from the ceiling...

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. A Draconequus sat facing a group of giggling foals and hatchlings, a dollhouse resembling Kerrigan's old home lying on the grass between them. Kerrigan examined the figurine of her father closely, turning it around in her hooves before putting it back in its place.

"Funny, I don't quite remember it like that." She noted in amusement. "The dolls are pretty nice though."

"Oh Kerrigan, it's just no fun sticking to the facts!" Discord beamed at her. "Besides, it's rude to interrupt. I was just about to show them the grand finale, chocolate fireworks and everything!"

Kerrigan giggled and stuck her tongue out at the Draconequus. "Your interpretation sucks. Mine is a lot better. It's more plausible too, even with flaming wasp incident."

Discord smiled widely. "What? It could have turned out my way. Plenty of worlds in the multiverse you know."

"Riiiiiight..." Kerrigan laughed, rearranging the dolls with her magic. "Okay kids, just to set the record straight, here's what actually happened on my 15th birthday..."