Chrysalis Always Wins!

by Garfield23

Chapter 3-Chrysalis's deadly promise

The sun was getting low over Sweet Apple Acre when the news of victory reached Applejack; she was discussing with the wonderbolts the possibility getting word to the other military bases when Big Mac and Sparks burst in.

“Captain Applejack! We have just wiped out two of Chrysalis’s armies at once!” Sparks said with her usual confidence high “So when do we march on Canterlot?!”

Big Mac was the one who brought Sparks back to Earth with a bump “But now that we have done that, I doubt Chrysalis will take it as easy as she did today” he said with dull reasoning.

“OH, come on Mac, we’ve destroyed her ability to attack” Sparks boasted “I’m just going to tell Commander Sword the good news”

“Wait!” Applejack snapped as she turned to Big Mac “I want triple the guard on the walls tonight! We just bucked a hornet’s nest of trouble and now we wait for the sting!”

Sparks turned concern on her face, despite being brash and hot-headed, Sparks was a smarter pony than most and over the last day Applejack had learned to accept advice. It had been her idea to station archers in hiding places throughout Ponyvile “What do you think Chrysalis will do?” Sparks asked all her bluster had fled for parts unknown “What if your Zebra friend can’t help us?”

Applejack sighed “I wish Twilight were here, she’d know what to do and I feel like I’ve been shoved in the deep-end before I even learned to swim” she said “All we can hope for is that Chrysalis doesn’t attack again until we get reinforcements!”


Chrysalis flew up towards her room, her mood was still sour but breaking Twilight’s will was defiantly reason enough to cheer up. She flew in through the open window of her room, as she laid down on her bed she decided that when her two new play toys arrived she also decided to remove her extra appendage. As her spell was cast, there was a knock on the door and a changeling guard entered with two chains in his hand.

“Your highness! I have brought your replacement slave girls!” he hissed as he pulled in a struggling Princess Cadence and Rainbow Dash. The guard gave the chains to his queen and bowed “Enjoy!” with that the guard took his leave.

Chrysalis got up from the bed, walking over to Rainbow Dash and grasped the pony’s firm breasts “Kind of small but wonderfully sensitive! I love your mane and that flank looks firm” Chrysalis taunted as she continued to feel Rainbow up and down “I look forward to fucking you in front of Twilight!”

“UP YOURS!” screamed Rainbow as Chrysalis placed a finger in her vagina “I….mmmm” she was interrupted by Chrysalis shoving a ball gag in her mouth.

“Oh well, I guess you’ll have to watch for tonight!” Chrysalis said as she chained Rainbow Dash to the wall before redirecting her focus on Cadence “No foreplay for you seeing as I already fucked you”

Cadence didn’t struggle as Chrysalis pulled her forward and began to play with her breasts “What do you want?” Cadence asked in a whisper.

“Well…I fucked you before I imprisoned you in the Canterlot Caves” Chrysalis mused as she began to play with Cadence’s exposed pussy “So how about you fuck me?”

Cadence suddenly felt strange as Chrysalis’s spell hit her and as she looked down she saw a massive pink dick appear from where her vagina should have been “NNNOOOO!” she screamed as it finished growing “I hate you!”

“Comes with the territory” Chrysalis said simply as she pushed Cadence onto her back and looked hungrily at the massive pink cock “I better lube you up, if I’m going to take this monster between my legs and it’s been too long since I tasted cock. That’s the beauty of being a changeling, I can change my body for survival or pleasure, it’s the perfect survival method and it’s why no pony can beat us. You will be mine forever!”

Cadence moaned despite her rage, as Chrysalis took the cock into her mouth and began to suck the delightful treat. Chrysalis loved the sensation of sucking the struggling mare’s delicious cock, the sight of her perfect bust heaving as Cadence took shaky breaths and how her mane spread out behind her.

“If…if…you…think…I’ll cum…your dreaming!” Cadence gasped out as Chrysalis began to twist her tongue round the massive member “I…I’m no…n…no...toy!”

Chrysalis groaned as she raised her mouth off the member “You’re nothing but a toy! Your mine until I lose interest” she said as laid down on top of Cadence so she could look her in the face “But maybe a good kiss will convince you to accept your fate!”

“No….mmmmm!” Cadence began before Chrysalis’s lips crashed into hers, Chrysalis’s snake like tongue pushed to be let into Cadence’s mouth and as it pushed in it wrapped itself round Cadence’s tongue. Cadence tried to fight back but the tongue then forced its way down her throat.

Chrysalis then grabbed hold of Cadence’s incredible breasts, she loved how the stubborn mare squirmed as she began to play with her nipples and these were so damn sensitive. She then lowered a hand down to Cadence’s moist member and guided it into her dripping sex. Oh this was glorious, with all the power from the princesses, now at her service, all the darkest spells were possible and she was the goddess of a new Equestria. She had access to an endless stream of slaves and she had the chance to humiliate her worst enemies.

“Oh! Yeah!” Chrysalis gasped as she began to move her hips up and down “You’re the perfect slave!”

Cadence face contorted in rage “I’m not your slave!”

Chrysalis smiled evilly as she said “You know I fancy a change” as she said the last word, her body began to change with a bright glowing light and when it cleared, there sat Twilight “Ah, that’s much better!” Chrysalis said as she took a quick feel of her breasts “You know with this smaller body your cock feels even better!”

“You evil Bitch!” Cadence cries as tears leaked out her eyes “Leave Twilight alone!”

Chrysalis evil smile increased in evilness as she said with utter cruelty “I’ve already had her so many times” she muttered with glee as she felt Cadence’s cock pulse and she lifted off her. Chrysalis then placed a gag on Cadence as she guided the cock into her ass “Now fill my ass!”

Cadence had no choice as she felt her new appendage release its load “Twilight will stop you!” she tried to say through the gag but it came out a series of moans.


Twilight tried her best to make her father’s body look dignified as she pulled a curtain over his headless body. Tears still took over sometimes as she tried to imagine how she’d ever break the news to her mother.

Twilight took a shaky breath as she started to sing “I’ll never be sad as I look into the future’s glow. I’ll face my fears and be strong for your memory and hope. There’ll never be a moment where you’re not far from my mind. I wish I could…see…you’re…face the day I face my fears and overcome them!” she choked out the last words as sobs overtook her “I was always proud to be your daughter!”

Suddenly the vibrators attached to her breasts started to activate and she couldn’t suppress a moan. Chrysalis was coming to rape her again. Suddenly a thought came to her, turning into a idea and then formed into a plan.


Applejack and Spike are chatting when an elegant Zebra entered the room dressed in a beautiful brown dress “Zecora! Great to see you!” Applejack jumped up as she made her way over to the surprised zebra “So you have what I asked about?”

“Indeed Applejack, I have the root to put the foes of yours and mine into deep slumber!” Zecora said with a smile “I look forward to the freedom of Canterlot”

Applejack smiled as she took the herb and said “I hope we can save my friends before any long term damage is done!” as she added the herbs to two massive metal spears “These bombs should put Canterlot to sleep when we attack!”

Spike stepped next to her as he took a sniff of the brew “Theeew, that would knock out a…a…” he collapsed as the smell of the brew knocked him out for a moment.

“Perhaps caution would be best” Zecora said as she helped the dragon to his feet as he came around “The herb I brought also has become known as Sleeping’s embrace”

Applejack couldn't help but smirk “I’m sure the changeling won’t see it coming!”


Chrysalis pulled a struggling Cadence towards the throne room as she continued to grope her. It was insanely fun to tease her first captive. As they reached the door Chrysalis stopped her smile fading, she pushed open the doors and saw Twilight standing with a smirk on her face.

“Why aren’t you crying?!” Chrysalis spat with anger as she looked over the defiant unicorn, who was standing with a continued look of defiance and the defiance in her eyes made Chrysalis sick with great rage “You should be broken!”

Twilight smirk grew all the more “Why? You murdered my father but I’d rather focus on the way to avenge him!” Twilight stated with a dry tone “I will never break to your will!”

Cadence smiled, Twilight never ceased to amaze her and how resistant the mare was “Well done, Twilight” she whispered as her chain was given a forceful tug and forced her to stand in front of Chrysalis “Twilight will not be broken!”

“We’ll see about that” Chrysalis growled as she had a wicked thought “I want you to fuck her!” as she shoved Cadence forward. It was at that moment the slave collar around Twilight's neck ran out of magical energy and became useless.

Cadence turned round in horror “N…NO!” she stuttered

Suddenly Twilight stepped forward and reached an arm around Cadence “It’s okay” she said as supportively as she could as she guided Cadence’s cock into her “I…MMM…your sooo big”

“WHAT!? NO! IN THE ASS!” Chrysalis screamed as she realised that Twilight had put the cock in her vagina “GET OUT OF HER!”

Cadence realized Twilight’s plan and smiled “Keep going! Okay!” she said as she began to thrust in and out.

Twilight was pleased, if she was going to be impregnated, then it may as well be by somepony other than Chrysalis and then she could deny her tormentor her prize “Oh Cadence you feel great!” she moaned intend on angering Chrysalis even more “I want you for myself!”

Chrysalis lunged forward grabbing hold of Cadence’s right breast “Pull out of her or else!” she screamed as she gave Cadence’s breast a cruel twist “That slut’s body is mine!”

Twilight simply laughed “I’ll never be yours!” she said as she wrapped her legs round Cadence’s waist “Keep going Cadence!”

Cadence winched in the pain as Chrysalis began to slap her breasts in frustration but kept thrusting “I’m soooo close!” she moaned as her member pulsed with energy “You lose, Chrysalis!”

Twilight felt it inside her, the flow of semen enter her womb and she was pleased “HA! We did it!” she said triumphantly as she relaxed her legs and Chrysalis pulled Cadence away. Chrysalis looked on as small drop of liquid left Twilight’s pussy and she yelled enraged “Too late, bitch! That spell…is very effective…I’ll be with foal…in mere moments…I will never be your…breeding puppet!”

Chrysalis face suddenly smirked as her horn glowed with magic and the two mare were chained to a wall “This is a temporary delay, if you do become pregnant, I’ll let you give birth…” she said with a cruel lick of her lips “…And then I’ll kill the foal in front of both of you and then you’ll be bread with me!”

Twilight smile faded as a tear leaked out her eye “N…N…NO!” she whimpered

Chrysalis preferred the mare in despair as she teased “First I killed your brother, then your daddy and in a few mouths I’ll kill your foal! And that’s not forgetting Appleslut, when I take Sweet Apple Acre and enslave the population, I’ll be sure to cut the throat of Applejack and her family!” as she placed a hand on Twilight’s belly and gave it a small rub “So enjoy your little victory. For it will be your last!”

Cadence and Twilight were left to cry as Chrysalis slammed the doors shut. “Your highness, what are your orders?” a changeling guard asked shaking slightly.

“I want Sweet Apple Acre demolished!” Chrysalis declared as she activated the vibrators attached to Twilight “Also bring me the pony Fluttershy!”


Big Mac and Cheerliee were on patrol on the road to Canterlot as the sun began to creep over the brow of the mountain. The two were finding the experience kind of nice as since all this had begun they had not had time to be together. Not that was much of a change but still being together was nice.

“So…um…is that a new dress?” Big Mac asked blushing as he admired the yellow and green dress that hugged Cheerliee’s hips “Shouldn’t you be wearing combat gear?”

Cheerliee giggled “I just thought it’d be a nice change. There’s not much combat gear in my size” she said as she looked at Big Mac in his reddish tartan combat armour “That isn’t Equestrian gear? Is it?”

Big Mac laughed “Yep, it’s gear from the city of Edintail in the far north and it was the only stuff in my size” he said as he readjusted the purple thistle badge on his helmet “A regiment of Earth ponies from Edintail arrived a few hours ago”

Cheerliee sighed “It suits you” as she gave her bow a readjusting heave “I just wish you didn’t have to wear it”

Big Mac sighed “Our friends need us” as he too readjusted his weapon “If they captured you, I wouldn’t stop till you were safe and sound”

Cheerliee said with a mocked look of distress “Oh my hero!” as she raised her arms dramatically “I’m sorry, I would do the same but it just sounded funny”

Big Mac suddenly stopped as he looked towards Canterlot with a look of horror “Th…Th..Th” he stuttered weakly

“Mac what is it?” Cheerliee asked turning to face the direction of Canterlot “That can’t be!”

Big Mac said with fear thick in his voice “We have to get Sweet Apple Acre and warn the others!”


“How many?!” Commander Sword asked visibly shaken as he stared at two panting ponies before him.

“We don’t know but we estimate approximately one thousand” Cheerliee said as she stared at the old stallion “But there could be more”

Commander sword brought his fists down onto the table with frustration “We barely have three hundred trained soldiers…and you tell me that there are two thousand changeling soldiers on the way! We don’t have the weapons to fight an army of that size! Never mind the ponies to use them”

Applejack realised a shaky breath as she ran a hand through her mane “Well we either run or we stand and fight!” she said as she rose to her hooves “I know what I know what I’m for!”

Sparks smiled “I’m ready for a fight!” she said as she picked up her shield “Dad…you once told me that a soldier faces the enemy without fear!”

Commander Sword turned to his captain and daughter “Fear is the way of darkness and I fear nothing” as he pulled out an old rusted blade from his side “Looks like the end has come but hope is my constant!”

Zecora smiled as she raised from her chair “I will not run, I want to fight for my home and…friends” she finished staring at Applejack.

Spike raised a claw and said “Twilight wouldn’t want me to run!”

Big Mac turned to Cheerliee and said “I’m in”

And so the defenders of Sweet Apple Acre prepared the farm and its new defences for the battle to come. Applejack along with many other ponies and their allies stood atop the walls before they heard the sound of trumpets but from the wrong side?

As they got to the south side a sight awaited them that brought hope to the defenders, a host of Zebra armed and ready for a battle. Applejack was amazed at the sight but her jaw was gummed up with amazement “Ah!” Zecora stated as she appeared by Applejack’s side “My people, I sent them a message asking for help and here they are”

“Bu…But how?” Sparks asked as she too looked amazed at the sight

“I too have magic of my own. Before I came here, I used a messager pigeon and used a speed enhancer” Zecora said as she waved to the lead Zebra.

“Excuse me! Are you going to let us in?” the lead Zebra who was dressed head to hoof in light looking green wooden armour. As he removed his helmet he had a scar above his left eye and a similar mane cut to Zecora “Sister, you said we were needed?”

“Sister?” Applejack asked as she stared at Zecora

Zecora rolled her eyes “My little brother, Zulack” she said with a groan and yelled to him “Sorry brother, give us a minute”

The doors were quickly raised as the zebra forces moved in and greetings were exchanged. Zulack and Big Mac both exchanged a friendly greeting before Zulack turned to face Applejack.

“I hope my warriors and I aren’t too late. I brought two hundred, we’re ready to fight and defeat the changelings” he said with a boastful tone “Maybe you’d do me the pleasure of fighting by my side”

Zecora groaned “Not five minutes and you’re already flirting” she snapped at the cocky zebra “I’m sorry Applejack; he’s like this all the time”

Applejack began to laugh with relief “It’s okay, at least we have more help and he’s not bad looking”

Then they heard it, the sound of many hooves marching towards them from the north side and they were up at the defences in a moment. The forces before them was beyond terrifying, there defences were unlikely to stand against such a formidable force. The forces behind the wall now barely numbered five hundred and they didn’t have the advantage of surprise like in their past victories.

“Well we’re bucked” a young soldier on the wall said with frustration but weirdly with a smile on his face.

A tall changeling stepped forward with a struggling yellow Pegasus in her arms “Defenders of Sweet Apple Acre, I am Queen Chrysalis, I demand you to surrender your forces onto my mercy and none of you will be harmed” she said as she began to play with the mare’s breasts “Or fight and none of you will live!”

Applejack was enraged “Put Fluttershy down!” she screamed as she loosed an arrow that startled the Queen as it landed just short of her foot but this gave Fluttershy her moment. The Pegasus wings surged to life as she flew away from the queen and over the wall “Help her!” Applejack screamed

Chrysalis smirked as she cackled “So the beautiful Fluttershy has chosen death!” she then yelled “KILL YOURSELF!”

Fluttershy’s slave collar went to work forcing her to pick up a broken arrow but Big Mac was there to get his fingers round the collar and in a motion the collar was destroyed “T…Tha…Thank you” Fluttershy meekly stated.

“So ends the weak fool!” Chrysalis cackled as she played with her mane.

“She looks fine to me!” Applejack yelled “You failed, like you’ll fail to win this battle and to recapture me!”

Chrysalis turned to her general “DESTROY THEM!!!” she snarled and with that the changelings surged forward!”