//------------------------------// // One Of Us // Story: A Changeling Through Equestria // by DeadEcho //------------------------------// I popped in a dark, desolate land with a faint breeze rustling the dead grass and bones that surrounded me. I looked around and saw some very creepy ponies with the same cutie mark. They all gave the same smile which gave me a very subtle message to screw everything and run. I ran farther and farther all the while the land growing darker and more desolate. I had to get out of there. Every single time I come in contact with other creatures they end up evil. As I continued from what seemed to be the edge of Equestria I found a thick, black fog that seemed to go for miles. I looked behind me and saw those creepy monotone ponies very slowly advancing on me. With nowhere else to go I went through the fog. As I entered the fog I realized that I can't believe that I was in the exact same place I had started. I heard a big rumble and the ground started shaking then I saw the fog come closer together. I was being closed in by some inanimate piece of water. I saw that all the ponies just slowly stood still staring at me with soulless eyes but this time with not a smile but deep regret. Every single one of them with sadness surrounding them. I slowly walked past them and I noticed murmuring of the ponies. They kept saying "I'm sorry" and "It's making me do this". I found a pony and asked them who was doing this to them and all I got was "Please help end our eternal suffering." I heard a rumbling again and fog drew closer again and the ponies seemed to be even more depressed. I just prayed that Fluttershy would wake me up soon. I had nowhere else to go now so I entered the town and saw a bunch of ponies mourning and several others which seemed to have the life sucked straight out of them. I noticed a laughter and all the ponies cowered and tried to hide as the place grew pitch black. I heard a bunch of soul piercing screams and then light came again. I looked around and saw a bunch of ponies that looked as if their life was sucked out. It was just like the others I saw. I looked back behind me to find that the fog started to destroy everything it came across leaving a trail of death and despair. I saw a huge castle which I couldn't make out the material it was made of. The earth rumbled again and the fog was getting dangerously close to the town. I started to climb the tower when I heard an evil laughter once more. The place blacked out and I appeared at the top of the tower and saw a demented looking creature which appeared to be made from the souls of all those ponies that were brutally killed. "Hello Azalea It's good to finally meet you." "Who are you?!" "My name is Somnium Scriptor Mortem but you can call me Somnium for short. I bet you are wondering what I am but right now that isn't important." "Why did you kill all those innocent ponies?!" "Oh Azalea, you are so innocent which will make this next part all the more satisfying. Trust me on this when I am done with you are going to welcome death's sweet embrace." "What did I ever do to deserve this. I haven't done anything wrong." "Oh everyone says they haven't done anything wrong but even if that is true it is so great to invoke fear in everyone. I especially love it when I scare someone to death. Their soul will just grant me more power and my castle and eventually will allow me to make my army grow." "You can't do this to the innocents. This is just pure evil." "107 times." "What does that mean?" "Those lucky ones that had the honor to meet me have said that specific phrase 107 times. But anyways the next time you dream the game will truly begin. Here is a skull to commemorate this wondrous occasion and I bid you adieu. Oh one more thing I am going to make it where you can't rely on your precious Fluttershy to help with your problems anymore. Anyways I hope you have a great time in the real world and I will be waiting here. Don't worry I can wait a while because the next time you sleep might be your very last." Just as he said that the world started to fade and I woke up from the horrible nightmare. At the very least it was just a dream. I was proven wrong as I saw I had my original body back and saw a skull on my flank. I need to get help now or else I will die.