Maho-Shojo Sunsetta!!!

by Vocal Chord

Secret Attack! Sunset's Hidden Battle Strategy?

We now return to Maho-Shojo Sunsetta, where a new foe has just arrived to try to defeat Sunset! Will Sunset be able to defend herself this time?

Sunset Shimmer came to school the next day with the empty hilt tucked into her back pocket.

"Some sword," she said absent-mindedly. "What am I supposed to do, throw it at people?"

Fluttershy was standing outside the school, against the portal-statue, with a forlorn expression. "Fluttershy!" called Sunset. "Something up?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"Is it bad?" asked Sunset. Another nod.

"Are you gonna tell me what it is?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I--I'm okay..."

"Is it embarrassing?" asked Sunset. Fluttershy nodded again, and Sunset shrugged.

"Then I won't bother you about it. I'm not exactly having the best week, either."

"I--I got caught..."

Sunset blinked. "Caught? Doing what? No offense, but of all the people to be caught doing something, I'd assume it'd be Rainbow Dash."

"C-caught...doing bad things..."

Sunset's eyes widened until they almost encompassed her entire head. "O--kay..."

"Very bad...all over Rainbow, too..."

"Enough information, Flutters! No more talking from you, thanks!"


The bell rang, and they walked to class together. Sunset tried not to make it awkward, but the sheer mind-buck of the information she'd just received couldn't help but spark a bit of curiosity.

"Was it fun?"

Fluttershy let out a sound like a mouse being stepped on. "Um...I wouldn't say no, but..."

"Really? Rainbow Dash, too? I'm sorry, I just can't imagine it..."

"W--well, it was by accident..."

"How do you do that by accident?"


That day at lunch, Sunset took the opportunity to get Rainbow's side of the story.

"So...all of a just happened?"

"Yeah," replied Rainbow. "Right outside, on that wall there."

Sunset nearly choked. "Ou--*cough*--outside...*hack*...why?"

"It's all warm out there," replied Rainbow. "Much more comfortable than some dusty school. Although, sometimes, when nobody's looking, I just curl up on one of the library's couches and go it alone, you know? Takes away so much stress."

Sunset Shimmer hurled all three-hundred-ninety-four baked beans she'd eaten onto the lap of a nearby Jet Set. "I--*retch*--I think my brain just tried to kill my ears for hearing that..."

"What? Don't you do it?" asked Rarity from the other table. "I certainly don't, even though the prospect does sound relaxing. But I know Pinkie does, too, and AJ and even Cheerilee every once in a while."

Sunset Shimmer got up, clutching her stomach, and walked towards the girls' bathroom, her face green enough to double as a traffic signal. "Was it something I said?" asked Rarity.

Sunset Shimmer finished pouring cold water over her head and spat out a stray baked bean. "Why...why must's just so wrong..." She smoothed out her now-cold-and-wet hair, put on a brave face, and walked back out into the mentally-challenged world she lived in.

A tall young man in a tan vest stopped her at the door. "Going somewhere, Sunsetta?"

"I dunno," said Rainbow Dash. "It's not like you guys mind watching me, and Pinkie's okay with doing it anywhere, so what's gotten Sunset so bothered?"

"Perhaps she doesn't like how tired it makes you," said Rarity. "I've only tried it once or twice, and I can barely wake up afterwards."

"Or maybe she's just really, really--" Pinkie Pie was cut off by a massive explosion coming from where Sunset was supposed to be.

"Really in trouble!" finished Applejack. "We gotta go help her!"

Sunset Shimmer struggled to escape the coils of perfectly-groomed hazelnut hair constricting around her waist. "Y--you're not gonna--*cough*--get me that easily!" half-shouted, half-coughed Sunset. "I'm--*cough*--not afraid of hair!"

"You should be!" replied the young man, whose perfect hair had inexplicably grown into a maze of hairy tentacles, not unlike The Mane-iac, who he totally ripped off without a second thought. "But if you give up the Sapphire, I might consider sparing you. Maybe."

The hair wrapped tighter around Sunset's middle, almost crushing some of her organs. "N--Never!'

The man sighed. "Then I, Trenderhoof, shall crush you like the fiery-haired insect you are! But very quickly, because I'm going to be late for the magazine photo shoot. It's not easy keeping these locks perfect, you know."

"Trenderhoof!!" The sound of fangirl squealing erupted from behind Sunset. Rarity flew out of nowhere, phone camera flashing. "He's here! In my school! EEEEEEEEEEE..."

"Hello?! He's trying to kill me!" shouted Sunset. "Seriously, what is this, a badly-written action story?!"

"Shut up and let me crush you!" said Trenderhoof. "I only took this job because the Emerald Empress made me, and if I do it wrong, I'm not going to get the supreme power she promised me!"

"Well, ain't that honest," said Applejack. "I wanna marry him."

Rarity's shoe came out of nowhere and embedded itself in Applejack's hat. "OVER MY DEAD, DECAYING BODY!!!" shouted Rarity, hopping in place and removing her other shoe.

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Screw it. Maho-Shojo! Transform!!"

Trenderhoof's hair fell away from Sunset as a burning ball of fire engulfed her--

"Hang on!" yelled Sunset. "Last time, it was ribbons of fiery light! Where's the consistency!"

Then Sunset's face melted off--

"Okay, I'm sorry for interrupting you. Please, don't write that."

...Good. Moving on:

...engulfed her, and her clothes melted into boiling lava, which dripped away to reveal her magical girl skirt and jacket and stuff. With a flash of fiery light, Sunset fell to the ground already holding a fireball in each hand, her hair flaming.

"I am Maho-Shojo Sunsetta, and I still don't have a cool catchphrase!"

Trenderhoof laughed. "You really think you can win that easily?"

Sunset smirked. "Wanna find out?" She lobbed both fireballs at Trenderhoof.

A shield of perfect hair formed in front of him, and the fire bounced off harmlessly. "Fireproof hair gel," he said. "Your powers are useless against me! I knew Gilda shouldn't have just rushed in there. Now I'm gonna win, because I actually took the time to find out your weakness!"

"Wait, what?"

Trenderhoof's hair reached into a nearby hallway and retrieved one of the gigantic water canisters from on top the water dispenser. "Fire doesn't do so hot against water!"

Sunset had no choice but to run away as ten gallons of icy-cold H2O were lobbed after her.

She fell to the floor, gasping. "C--Cold..." She tried to summon fire, to no avail. "Powers...useless...lights...fading...dramatic death speech...starting..."

"Use the Sword!" came a voice Sunset looked up, her vision blurred by the water.

"Who? What?"

"It's me. The Sword. Get the Sword out from your butt pocket and use it!!"

"Butt it..."

Sunset stood up shakily. "What? Still thirsty?" asked Trenderhoof.

Sunset reached behind herself and pulled the Sword out of her pocket. "Sword of One Thousand Swords!" she yelled. " some sort of...weapon-ey thingy!"

The Sword ignited, growing a five-foot blade of blinding white fire. "That's seriously so cool," said Rainbow Dash. "Just like that one anime!"

"TASTE MY HEAT!" shouted Sunset, swinging the Sword and sending a blade of white-hot fire towards Trenderhoof. "On second thought, that's some really bad wording, but I'm sticking to it!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO why must we always scream 'nooo'?"

Trenderhoof's hair fell to the ground in a singed pile. "I'm ugly!" he shouted. "I can't be trendy if I'm ugly!" Suddenly, he smiled. "But I can make 'ugly' trendy! I'm a genius!"

Sunset transformed back to normal. "Well, that happened. I feel better now. Who wants chips? I want chips. Anybody got any chips?"

The day ended, and Sunset Shimmer met her friends at the statue. "Sorry about earlier," she said. "You know, the whole 'doing to Jet Set what everyone wants to do to Jet Set' thing. I just had no idea you were all so...perverted."

"What?" asked Rainbow Dash. "We were talking about napping. Fluttershy fell asleep on my shoulder yesterday. You shoulda seen her face, too! Priceless!"

"You...were talking about..." Sunset turned a shade of red that complemented her hair perfectly. "I hate myself..."

"What did you think we were talking about, silly?" asked Pinkie Pie. "Cause I think I know, and I only do that with AJ every weekend or so."

Sunset Shimmer ran home, screaming things about mind-buck.

"What?" asked Pinkie. "I was talking about doing homework."

Another foe defeated by Maho-Shojo Sunsetta! Will the Mikah-Hakim ever learn? Will another, even stronger foe appear? Will Sunset Shimmer always have a dirty mind? Find out next time in...
Maho-Shojo Sunsetta!!!