The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 15. Eye of dreams.

The calm hum coming from the engines vibrated the air around the ship, bringing a smooth mist that follows the tip of the wings that glide against the oceans surface. The jet stream that breaks off at a certain point rises up into the air, creating a long wispy cloud before dispersing back into misty nothingness. Leaning on the sun warmed guard rails, letting the cool sea breeze flow though my fur, keeping my body temperature low from the blazing sun. The taste of salt somehow moved its way onto my mouth every-time I yawned from the uneventful day, bored out of my mind.

It has been four days since Winter fell into a coma, and in that time I took up the helm of The Winters Aria. Having to sort out the five hundred fifty four new members. It wasn't a hard task, most of them filled out their new positions like a hand in glove. Though it was thanks to Rose and Brownie that made it even possible. Most of the new crew came with their family. Husbands and wives. kids and elderly. It was thanks to Winters quick thinking, and the remainder of the town that chose to be left behind. Giving up their kids while they died to the black sun that emerged from the center of the island. Three thousand died that day. 'All because of Winter and this ship.'

I had Brownie figure out how the ship works, while I got Rose to train security to keep order among the crew. Moonlight however, was hit hard. I don't know what she sees in Winter. 'Is it admiration? Nobility? Harmony? Innocence? I doubt it.' He is anything but those traits. Someone like him who is capable of such destruction. 'Isn't normal.' I figured from Moons stories of how nice he is despite of his flaws, actually made me feel something for him. Thankfully, this ship is a flying hospital. The ships med bay as everything from MRI'S to a full Chemotherapy center. Winter was hooked up to life support, and was being taken care of. I've seen Moonlight visit him everyday since he flipped under. Though every time she leaves his side, she hides in her room to hide her sorrows. 'Why though. Why does she care so much for him? She has seen his worst yet she holds him close to her heart.' I shook my head in frustration slamming the railing with my fist.

The door the deck opened up behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see my visitor. I saw an over average brown griffin with deep chocolate eyes. He wore a grey maintenance jumpsuit, that covered most of his body. A belt was tied around his waist holding on a couple of random tools, and a notebook. He gave a smile walking up to me, only to stop and lean over the railing looking outward to the ocean.

"Hey Brownie. Whats up?" I asked.

"Not much. You?" He smiled.

"Just thinking about things." I say. "Have you worked out the in's and outs of this ship yet?" He frowned, which is something he only does when he finds a problem he cant fix.

"Yes and no," he replied.

"Hit a roadblock?"

"Yep, and a big one." he replied.

"Never thought that would be possible." I giggled. "So whats is it?"

"Welp. Aside from the obvious, this ship is different. The instruments in the various decks, are far to advanced for this era.
The ships structural integrity, is so strong. I can bet it can smash into a mountain side, and hurt the mountain.
The mass amount of firepower this ship can give, is equivalent to a planet destroyer, and last but not least. 'Is 3D pulse-sonic radar mapping a standard feature?'"

He twiddled with his thumbs and looked aimlessly down at the over-weaponized hull spotting a seagull land on one of the guns. I don't why, or how this ship came to be either. When I asked Winter, he said, 'I could tell you, but I won't. All you need to know is magic did this. and I don't know a thing about magic.

I leaned backwards against the railing feeling the warm bars heat my back while I snake my way around them with my arms for support.
"Well, when you put it that way, you make this ship sound amazing, but don't see the problem though."

"It''s hard to explain." He glittered.

"Can you show me instead?" I asked.

"I think that would be better."

He got off from the railing and motioned to me to follow.

I followed him through the stairwell back to the bridge. Here he stood in front of the main console that watched over the other stations that lined the walls ten feet below with a round table with the 3D map at the center, that showed the world in full. Brownie pulled out a notebook from a pocket on his chest, and sat on his haunches going over whatever was written inside.

I took a little detour grabbing a cup of coffee at the, refreshment table that was put here. The lone table with only the coffee machine, sugar bowl, cream carton, stir sticks, and several cups. I carefully walked back to him using my tail to stir the stuff I put in, while balancing the cup on my back.

Grabbing the warm foam cup from my back placing it in front of me while I got comfortable on the hard metal ground. "So. What is it that you're going to show me?" I asked trying to find the sweet spot for my ass to not sore.

He looked up

"Ya, see the main console?" He asked.

I took a sip of the oh so wonderful coffee. Only to wince in pain from burning my tongue. "Yep." I said putting my cup down glaring at it.

"Do you see that strange button closed off?" He pointed.

"Yep." I say. "What's it for?"

"It's for a super canon at the bow of the ship."

That wolf head button with rubes for eyes, was for super weapon! What does it do?! Is it dangerous? Looking at the stylish button wondering if it was ever used. Wait. 'Did it make the black sun?' If so, then Winter 'was' the one responsible for annihilating the entire island.

"Ummmm. How do you know?" I said trying for another sip.

"I test fired it."

I unloaded the contents all over his face, burning his eyes with boiling hot coffee. The reaction was delayed. It took him four seconds before the pain set in. He clutched his eyes screaming a man girly screech, rolling on the ground.


"Sorry Brownie. I'm really sorry." I gasped.

He sat back holding back his tears, eyes bloodshot and slightly tinted brown.

"But how can you test it without telling me, or anyone. You could have killed us all!" I yelled.

"But I didn't." He grunted rubbing his eye.

I was furious. Brownie, out of all his stupid curiosity. He went out of his way to endanger over five hundred plus people. Just to figure out what a stupid button does! I grabbed his neck with both hands shaking him back in forth. 'You moron, Ill shake until that brain of yours starts working again. Even if I give you a headache.' Flailing him like a ragdoll, was fun. His arms swung wildly trying to break free from my grip. He manage to try to say something at first, but it was gargles. I let up a bit to hear a bit more then hearing; "BLLLLRRRRAGGGGAGAGA."

"...can..." He choked. "" I let go making him kiss the coffee stained ground burning his face. Again.


I walked him to the med bay to see if his eyes were alright. While I was there, I thought I would visit Winter. The halls, and corridors throughout the ship was something out of a Sci-fi movie. Crisp clean white walls with doors that opened seamlessly without any motion. The blinding lights, and subtle sounds of AC or the heater go off in a certain area. Brownie and I walked together in silence. It was due to ;One part coffee canon. Two parts friendly throat hugging.

The silence didn't last for long. Brownie went on explaining how the button opened the wolf muzzle at the bow, and it could be only used by someone of great magical power. I was relieved to hear it, but. The only one that has the capacity to use the canon. 'Is Winter.' The more I hear Brownie go on and on about the destructive capability. Makes me wonder if Winter was the one that destroyed the island. My suspicions grew as more radical thoughts enveloped my mind, but I have to wait for Winter to wake up to know for sure.

Walking into the medical bay of the ship was a transition from; fifty shades of grey too, one shade of white. The overly cleaned deck ment to keep us healthy or patch us up, would make you color blind. This deck looked like a hospital was put into the ship, rather then match the scheme of the ship itself. I parted ways from my friend and followed the signs that led to the room where Winter was kept. Going through the white halls was a bit unnerving. The utter silence that could swallow all sound that could make a rampaging dragon barrel through torching everything, and you'll still be able to hear a pin drop. I came up to the room I was searching for. The door was white with a little tray beside it, holding onto his papers.

Room 343
Resident; Winter.

Walking into Winters gave some sort of ambiance to the deck. The sounds coming from the various machines keeping Winter alive, hummed quietly in the background. Moonlight thankfully, wasn't here like she usually is. I sat beside Winter. Tubes coming from his mouth to help with breathing and eating. An IV was clearly visible, coming out of his arm bringing him fluids to keep him hydrated and have the necessary vitamins he needs to stay healthy. It was a pitiful sight. Tied down to prevent him from moving in his sleep.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked knowing he wouldn't answer.

"Just a traveler." said a deep smooth wolfish voice. 'Who said that?' I looked around the room, but nothing was there. I look back to Winter, then the voice spoke again.

"Just because I'm asleep, doesn't mean you can stalk me like a creeper," the voice spoke again.

"WHERE ARE YOU!" I jumped up looking frantically throughout the room searching for the intruder.

"I'm in the bed you idiot!" I looked at the bed to where Winter was laying. Confused.

"Is that you Winter?" I asked.

"No. 'It's your magical fairy godfather'." he deadpanned. I sat back down staring at the bound baby griffin, baffled.

"How can you I hear you?"

"Hmpf. Why should I tell you." he sassed.

"Because I want to know."


'Why?' He asked. Why would I want to know how he is able to do the impossible. His mental voice was alluring and kind, yet. He is just a kid. It is not right for someone so young, to have so much power. To be able to kill without mercy. To have such a powerful ship that can destroy entire islands. How, how is he able to do what he does. What makes him tic the way he does.

"It isn't normal."

"Normal? The only people who is, 'normal' is mentally insane or has no sense of individuality, and tries to be someone they are not.
Trust me. If I was normal, I would be in an orphanage waiting to be adopted by some pony couple.
Counting the days, and bringing my hopes up for a family that ill despise later in life, because I was 'normal.'"


"Can you at least tell m e something?"


"Who are you really?"

"The real question is, Who are you Heather?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you were born in a small town called Warman. You have two brothers named, Jack and David. You, Brownie and Rose, all popped up here after a 'should be fatal car crash' cause by a drunk driver. You stayed on that island as you had nowhere else to go, and you have a crush on Moonlight. Shall I continue?"

My heart stopped. 'How does he know that?!' That was something that no-one knows about but me, Brownie and Rose. How is he doing this. If he knew everything about me, then why isn't he reacting like a normal person would... Wait. 'Why is his voice deeper?' Wouldn't my mind hear his normal high pitched squeak? Is he? Is he also a human? I thought that me and my friends were the only ones. Then if he is what I think he is then. Winter is older then what he appears to be.

"How are you doing this?" I asked slightly shaken.

"Its called the eye of dreams. It lets me have the ability to walk in the minds of others, and have complete control over them. Why?"

"How old are you?" I stuttered.

"That depends. My real age Is eighteen, but my body age is five. By the way. Is it alright if I look at your naughty/i] thoughts? I am looking into this one memory of you fantasizing about Moon and..."

Get the FUCK out of my head you pervert!" I screamed.

"Hmpf. Fine. you're no fun."

After a long mental conversation with Winter. I learned a bit about him, but not enough to figure out how he is able to do what he can do. I was relieved to hear that it wasn't his fault for the black sun. Though hearing that he is older than what he appears to be, was a bit unsettling, that and he can read minds now. 'I bet he likes being babied by Moon.' Having to get out of chores while he gets to do whatever he wants too. He told me he walked into the ladies shower room and was washed by the inhabitants. 'I wish he didn't tell me that,' and various other things, that I am rather jealous of, but thats for another day.

After a long day of learning things that I didn't want too. I went to bed. Having a cooking staff to help out with various shifts needing food that Rose set up. Gave me some days of freedom from the kitchen. Today was one of those days. Plopping into my wonderful bed after a warm shower. I covered up in a plain blanket. I closed my eyes letting my dreams take me away.

Walking into a decrepit, run down, victorain two story. The sent of stagnant air, and taste of mold and cigarettes made me gag. Only wearing a simple white T-shirt, and blue jeans didn't help me feel safe to wherever I was walking into. The living room had a torn up couch and a coffee table. Where the light bulbs should be, was a mess of wires. Walls were ripped apart and the kitchen visible from the living room was missing, like a giant took a chunk out of the house. What was there was a man. 'What.' I tip-toed slowly behind a wall, only to take two steps, hearing a loud, menacing creak from the chewed up floorboards. 'Shit.' I looked over to where the man was standing. He was gone. A chill ran up my spine, making the hairs on the back on my neck stand on end.

"Hehehehe..." Purred a deep wolfish voice. I slowly turned my head around, sweat gathering in my palms.

"Who's there?" I stuttered feeling my heart rise in beat.

The man that was in the kitchen sat comfortably on the couch. He wore a black trench coat, black leather boots, black cargo's, black shirt under the coat, a black collar with a silver buckle, a eclipsed crescent moon as a dog tag, short black hair that came down to his chin, scruffy as can be, a cheeky smirk was plastered on his face, and a deep blue eye on the right, the left was silver. It was like looking at a strong proud wolf in human form.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"The real question is. What am I?"