All I want is a friend

by burdockwing

Chapter 1.

All I want is a friend
So this story is an alternate ending to cupcakes that brings pinkie through a very tough and bloody journey. So if you haven't read cupcakes then don't read this.

we join our ponies in the most brutal dissection of our feathered rainbow friend.
chapter 1

As Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity entered the pastry shop the smell of delicious cake filled the air, the cakes were at the counter. "Hello there Mrs. and Mr. cake where are Rainbow dash and pinkie pie? We were told they came in here?" said Twilight "Hello dear! I'm afraid that I haven't seen either of them." said Mrs. cake, as twighlight thought for a moment on where they might be a loud shriek filled the room. A look of horror spread across the group. They instantly whent looking for the source of the shriek "what? Whered it come from?" said Applejack "I think it came from the basement!" said Mr. cake. They all stood in the basement looking for any evidence of their friends. "Shhhhh...I think I hear something." said Twilight. They heard a muffled sound from underneath them "now stop moving Dash or ill keep missing the bone!" they found the secret trapdoor and were faced with a gory seen of a wingless rainbow dash and the brutally gory decor. The stench of death and blood was what made the cakes puke on sight. At the sound of this pinkie turned around with a wide grin "How nice! you guys came to watch me work!" pinkie said "'s crazy" Dash was bleeding and in tremendous pain. "Pinkie what are you doing!" said Twilight, Applejack didn't give her a chance to explain. A hard kick to her gut flung her across the room and as she hit her head everything went black. She could still hear the frightened ponies screaming for an ambulance and to get dash out of the harness. Then the blood curdling screams as the obvious sound of dash going into shock and flailing around like a fish.
Pinkie awoke in a harness and in a padded cell. "Huh...he..hello why am I here?" she said to the armed guard she could see through the bars on the door. Pinkie didn't know what was going has something to do with the blackouts she's been having lately. She would often appear in places not even close to where she was and she was assured by a voice that it was just running some errands. Besides the voice brought her some awesome cupcakes! "There has to be a mi-" she was interrupted by Twilight, Applejack and Celestia herself walking through the door. there was an awkward silence and pinkie said "why am I here...Twilight can you help me up?" a pure look of disgust came from everyone. Celestia said in a bold voice "Pinkie pie you are charged with the murder and torture of many ponies which is punishable by death but I will allow you to explain you're self to your friends." Then pinkie heard her friend "Don't worry it's just a joke! They tell lies!" Pinkie didn't listen "WHAT!" " nearly killed Rainbow Dash! She can never fly again! That was her life!!!" said Twilight obviously still shuddering from the ordeal. "What are you talking about? is Rainbow Dash okay!?" Apple jack was furious "You murdering whore! those brutal murders and those sick decorations in the basement and those fucking cupcakes that you fed to other pony's you sick fuck!" said applejack while she was tearing up over the traumatic events. Pinkie didn't know what was happening but she was hurt by her friends words very much "She says I'm not allowed in the basement!" Pinkie said with tears streaming down her face, this peaked princess Celestia's curiosity "What do you mean? Who is this 'she' you're talking about?" pinkie was scared and confused "She...she'" Pinkie thought for a second and was scared when she realized she never thought about it. She never even saw her before, she just hears her voice. She just remembers when they met. After she thought her friends abandoned her during that birthday ordeal some pony just came to her party, she was sitting next to rocky and she just started talking. "don't give us a bunch of bull shit pinkie! there are countless deaths and rainbow is in urgent care!!!" Twilight yelled "What? please.." as pinkie moved to get up AJ and Twilight moved back for fear. Celestia slammed pinkie against a wall with her magic "It doesn't matter! you're execution has been scheduled for tomorrow!" Pinkie struggled to get free but finally fell to the ground "what...I just woke up after finishing my chores for the day!" pinkie said sobbing. Twilight looked at Pinkie "It's been three days since we caught you! you've been doing nothing but screaming and flailing around!" pinkie was shocked and still confused "t..twi...Twilight please I thought...I thought I was you're friend!" Twilight and Applejack were still disgusted "You were! But now you are just a piece of worthless murdering shit!" Twilight yelled sobbing and then both her and applejack ran out of the room. "Tomorrow, it will be at three o'clock." then the princess left. The door slammed and locked. pinkie scared and disturbed and worried about rainbow dash just sat down sobbing "wha...what happened." "nnnnnothing" a creepy voice that sounded slightly like hers said "Who are you!" "pinkie I'm hurt I thought we were friends?" "I don't even know you! What are you...where are you!" pinkie realized in fear that this was all real and something had to be seriously wrong "I thought I told you not to think about it." "What were you doing with me" "I...neeeeeeed you, I ammmm you" "!!!!HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP ME!! Some pony any pony! Get me away from it!" "pleeease I thought we were friends?" "No! they were my friends now what happen!" "I looooovvvve gaaaaammes so I made a game of it...and dash's number came up!" "wha...?" " You said they were delicious. Im alllllllllll yoooouuuu haaaaave, when the shit hit the fan who wassssss therrrreee for you? who caaaarrreeed for you, I loooove you." pinkie felt scared yet loved and slightly happy this only made her more scared. She fought the urge to simply accept whatever happened and be embraced by a friend "Go away! I don't love you! I hate you! I hope you die!" there was silence as pinkie laid curled up in the corner "he...hello? Are you there?" more silence befell the room, pinkie felt so very alone and scared "I...I'm sorry! Please come back!" nothing but silence, then pinkie realized she was completely alone and she broke down sobbing in the dark...dark lonely scary room.
That night at the urgent care
Rainbow dash awoke after three days of a small coma do to physical and mental pain. Feeling sick and in pain she remembered the horrible events that took place. She move to get up while pushing off a oxygen mask with one hoof. "your awake! How are you feeling?" Twilight jumped up from a chair, rainbow just stared at the end of the bed and said "Are they gone? My wings." "I'm sorry rainbow dash but they couldn't reattach them...I'm sorry." Fluttershy said in a kind voice. Dash just looked at AJ, Twighlight, Rarity, and Fluttershy and started to cry. Apple jack was the first to comfort her. everyone began to tear up and Twighlight said "Don't worry Pinkie pie is to be executed tomorrow." Rainbow dash didn't know whether to disagree or to approve, she didn't know anything anymore.
Pinkie was wondering of death and what exactly she did to those "countless ponies" she was enraged at this unjust execution but more enraged at what "she" did to rainbow dash. As she lay there thinking over all this, the cell door opened and in came three guards. They undid her coat and told her to follow them. As pinkie walked to what was her death with one guard in front and two in back she was scared. pinkie inched closer and closer to a court yard with Celestia on a wooden platform with another pony by her side. As she drew closer she realized it was Twilight then she thought "My friend! My friend is to kill me and for what something I didn't do! Bu...but maybe I am!" then rage enveloped her and she jumped over the guard in front of her. she dove in front of a building going for a forest in sight "This isn't happening! I don't except this fate!" Celestia and Twilight appeared in front of her, and the sight of her "friend" merely enraged her more as she ran towards the forest. She dodged Twilight and the princess and ran into the forest. "After her! retrieve all the guards we can spare I want her dead!" Celestia yelled, pinkie looked back to see Twilight with a hateful face filled with rage and the rage in pinkie was replaced with sadness.
Pinkie ran for what she thought were hours but got tired. Pinkie went into a large hollow tree and cried "my friends...all gone...I...I want to die." she laid in the tree fully aware of the forest being stormed with guards. She put foliage over the entrance into the tree and hid but could still hear the guards all around her yelling to not anger the princess further and find the murderer. Pinkie wept silently for fear of being heard and the night came. Pinkie stayed there for two days. She was hungry and scared so she left the safety of the tree after hearing the guard say she must have made it into the field on the other side of the forest. Pinkie was very weak and didn't know what to do, she remembered the one thing her parents said to her the day she left the rock farm "Pinkie anytime you need anything...remember your family is always here for you." this slight beam of hope gave her energy and she was off.
Back at the hospital Rarity and Applejack were enraged "What do you mean 'she got away'? there's a blood thirsty murderer on the loose!" Rarity said, Applejack was also angry "We need to kill her ourselves she must be going back to her old place!" Apple jack yelled, Fluttershy broke down and started crying after this conversation on killing one of her best friends and she dove into the arms of a reassuring Rainbow dash still in a hospital bed. "Well...I don't know she looked...scared...don't you think that were being a little drastic? She is our friend." Twilight said not being so sure of her previous thoughts "I am not friends with a murder like her! look at all the things she did!" said rarity enraged even more at Twilights suggestion to pity a murderer "Yes and she needs help!" "You were the one who asked to be the one to execute her!" Apple jack said "Yes and I saw her, she was scared, hurt and confused!" "Fuck you Twighlight! there's no w-" Dash interrupted "Well...I did notice that she was if she was trying to pretend to be pinkie..." apple jack had a somber look then Applejack continued "It aint make no difference. She's dangerous whether it was pinkie murdering those ponies or something in her mind." the room grew silent except for Fluttershy still crying in Dash's arms. "How are you Rainbow dash?" Rarity said trying to change the conversation to calm Fluttershy down "im fine... Just sad that I can't fly" she said while beginning to tear up. She held Fluttershy tighter and buried her face in her mane.
Pinkie was stopped by a passerby and was given a sandwich. She was very grateful and touched by the gesture of kindness. They said their goodbye's and parted ways. Pinkie was a social creature, she loved kindness and friendship. Pinkie had to dodge into the bushes whenever seeing a Pegasus in the air for fear it was a royal guard. Pinkie eventually made it back to the rock farm she grew up at and was filled with joy while making her way towards the door. She went to knock on the door but was pegged with a rock. She turned to see her sisters holding rocks preparing to throw more, Pinkie dove off the balcony and ran around the house to find her parents standing in front of her. They were Shocked at the sight of her. "Dad!" Pinkie was relieved "What the hell are you doing here!" her father yelled in a hateful voice she had never heard before. Pinkie was shocked at the look of disgust from her mother and rage from her father "We were told of what you did and you are no daughter of mine! Get the hell outta here!!!" pinkie was about to breakdown and cry but was struck by a barrage of rocks from her sisters then she was struck hard with a bone jarring strike from her father. Pinkie was held down and stuck several times in the face by her father's hoof. She struggled to get up but was blinded by her blood, she fought to stand then ran. Pinkie tripped over a rock but got up quickly and kept running, she was blinded by all the blood but her tears quickly washed it out of her eyes. As Pinkie ran over the hill towards ponyville, all she heard was her father yelling "You ever come back again and I'll kill you!" Pinkie was hurt, her whole family turned against her in the blink of an eye. She went from a run to a slow walk. Pinkie walked back to the forest, while walking she saw a cave and decided to sleep there. At least no one could find her, by the time she was in the cave it was completely dark. She felt her way to the edge of the cave and sat against it then began to cry. "What now? I have no one, I can't go on like this..." she curled into the fettle position and kept crying, but then she felt some pony hold her. Pinkie heard a voice much like her own say "You still have me, you always have meeeeee." pinkie felt not so alone and wished to be held tighter, as if she knew what she was thinking she held pinkie tighter. Pinkie felt loved and safe, she dare not open her eyes for fear to see no one there. Pinkie cried but slowly went to a whimper then she fell asleep feeling secure, safe, and loved.
Pinkie awoke weak from hunger and decided to go into a town for food, she had no bits but she could snag an apple or two from a cart. Pinkie combed her hair to lay flat and found a jacket hanging out to dry by a nearby cottage. As she walked into town there were several guards, probably nothing but she kept her distance. She bumped a cart full of apples and knocked over a few but quickly picked them up "sorry, here" she said casually while picking up the apples "you keep 'em" the heavy set colt said, "Thanks!". Pinkie had worked for applejack several times and knew that they never keep an apple that fell. As the starving pony indulged in her only food for days she noticed someone on the sidewalk yelling "Pony murders case special! Read all about it!" she remembered the horrors she had committed but she didn't know what she did exactly. She spotted a pony toss the latest issue near the trash can and decided to read it. she walked into an alley to read it "Pony named Pinkie pie murdered several dozen ponies brutally: WARNING CONTAINS GRUESOME CONTENT. The ponies were only identified dead by a dress made of their cutie marks. The bones used to decorate the room where the murders took place. The ponies were tortured and kept alive only to watch their organs and entrails removed. The bodies were never found but due to cupcakes found at the scene being made of pony, they believe they were baked and eaten. Several ponies around town confess to having eaten these cupcakes. the only survivor Rainbow Dash has been tortured brutally, her wings were completely removed, she is in critical condition having experienced traumatic mental and physical pain no other info on this pony can be retrieved due to patient doctor confidentiality." Pinkie was shocked yet knew it had to be this bad "Don't listen to this paper." a voice said "You did hurt my friend! And so many others! I...I have to go see dash!" "no you don't!" "I...I don't care!" pinkie said angrily "She won't be your friend again! No one will! I...I'm all you have!" "Leave! Get away from me whatever you are...I don't're a horrible sick fuck!" there was silence once again "you're in my head and I want you to leave me alone I can't be your friend after what you did!" "...what we did..." "no I would never do this..." "well you did..." pinkie said nothing, and there was a long pause "I loooove yooooouuuuu." pinkie said nothing "say something..." pinkie kept her eyes shut "hahahahaha...say something!" pinkie remained still and silent "SAY SOMETHING!!!!" pinkie flinched at the loud angry voice "pinkie...please...SAY SOMETHING!! SAY SOMETHING!! SAY SOMETHING!! SAY SOMTHING!! SAY SOMETHING!! SAY SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then nothing...silence....peace. pinkie opened her eyes and knew she gave up the last friend she had...she was on her own no one else would love her again, she began to cry, alone forever...forever's a long time.
Back in Ponyville
Twilight began to think of helping pinkie and was confused so she asked rainbow what she thought. Twilight walked into the hospital room, as always Rainbow had an extremely spaced out look and a depressed voice. She was disturbed and everyone knew she would never be the same after that ordeal. "Hi dash how you doing today?" It took her a moment to respond "Good...the doctor says that I'm pretty much healed...but...he said I couldn't leave...why?" Dash looked at Twilight with a blank expression "Well...everyone is worried about how you are doing...what you went through was very horrible and...your oddly unfazed..." Twilight said with a worried look "I...I..." Rainbow decided against saying anything "...I need to ask you something about pinkie..." Rainbow looked at Twilight showing she was willing to listen "well...I was wondering...If you think that pinkie could be helped...I might be able to talk the princess into it" Twilight said as if worried of offending Dash. "Well...yeah she's a friend and we need to do everything we can to help her...she would never do anything like this." "Hmmm... I'll start looking into spells for mental illness." as Twilight left, Rainbow thought of all the good times she and pinkie had, but also what she took away from her "'s all gone...I'll never become a wonder bolt, I'll never fly again...because of her" Rainbow dash was confused "No friend would do that..."
Pinkie made it into Ponyville by means of disguise and some hair dye she robbed from a store, she didn't like anything she was doing but she needed to get to Rainbow. Her mane and coat were all blonde and she straightened her hair as well. She dyed her cutie mark and replaced it with a blotch...she's not an artist. Pinkie now went to the hospital, and went to the front office "Hello I'm from the royal guards here with some questions for Rainbow dash." she said in a poorly imitated voice "Hi they said you would be here...umm...she's asleep but you can wake her up if" pinkie started to get worried "Is there a problem?" "Well...if you don't mind me asking...what's your special talent?" the nurse asked "ummm...psychiatry...I'm a therapist." "ohhhh, it's an ink blotch." pinkie smiled sheepishly "Her room is on the fifth floor, room twenty eight."
Pinkie braced herself for whatever she was to see, she opened the door and saw her sleeping friend in bed. Pinkie inched forward and was startled when Dash turned on her right side, Pinkie noticed her exposed back, there were bandages around her rib cage and two red bumps on her back where her wings used to be. Pinkie walked up but then rainbow screamed "Pinkie! No! Noooooo!!!" then she fell back to sleep. Pinkie held back a scream. Pinkie was filled with sadness, what did she do to her friend to traumatize her so? Pinkie put a hoof on Dash's head "I will make up for this dash...I swear...I'm so sorry...I'll make up for it somehow." she picked up the chart on the end of her bed "...nail's in hoofs...amputated wings...severe mental trauma. Recommendation: two years of physical therapy? No less than fifteen years in mental wellness institute? Oh my Celestia...what have I done?" Pinkie then heard loud hoof's like lot's of ponies were running, she thought there was no way they could have known of her. She realized with horror that she had only dyed one of her cutie mark's. The door broke down as Rainbow jumped awake. "What's happening?" Dash said, but then she noticed the blonde pony in her room had three balloons as a cutie mark and then Dash was frozen with fear. "Don't run! Or we'll use force!" one of the armored guards said. Pinkie had come too far to die so she jumped out the open window. She grabbed a branch but it broke and she hit other branches. She then collided onto the ground, not high enough to break anything but high enough to knock the wind out of her. She got up and ran into some ponies backyard then hid in the house. There she waited and was alert for any pony in the house but there was no pony. Pinkie watched out of the windows and saw the guards run looking for her down the road. Pinkie was relived and then took the liberty of making herself at home. Pinkie ate some food then took a shower, she found out that the dye she used was washable and her disguise was ruined, pinkie expected the pony's that own this house to be home soon but there was a note on the counter it read "Please be sure to water the plants and feed the fish thanks big bro! love, Flower wishes" Pinkie found a towel, dried up then took the liberty of feeding the fish and watering the was the least she could do.
Pinkie full and clean in the first time for days felt rejuvenated and decided to sleep in a real bed. she fell asleep thinking that maybe...maybe there was a potion to help Dash in Zecora's home library. Pinkie was determined to help Rainbow dash get better, she thought to herself "I will not allow Rainbow to spend a minute in a loony bin! I'll do anything and everything to make up for what I will I get her to listen...I'll make her listen...and maybe...there could be something to help me...something is seriously wrong with me."
Fluttershy burst through the door into to dash's hospital room with the hope to see pinkie but there was only all her other friends. "Pinkie got away, they think she made it back into the forest, so they are searching it again." Twilight said, having all the connections she did, she was updated on the latest news whenever possible. Fluttershy had an obvious look of disappointment "Wh...why was she here? Did she hurt Dash?" "No but she was going to." Applejack said with a look of anger, Twighlight had a stunned look on her face "There's no way to be sure about that, the nurse said she was in here for five minutes before the guards came in, if she was going to do anything then she would have done it by then!" Applejack rolled her eye's and said "Please Twilight, look at what she's done!" she pointed to Rainbow dash. Dash was still shaking with fear "...Dash what did she do to you" Twighlight said with a concerned look on her face "Nothing...but seeing her face remi...reminds me...of *sob*" "Look how easily she got here! through town and into a hospital, we have to find and stop her or anyone of us could be next!" Rarity said, "Shut the fuck up!" Fluttershy yelled fed up with all this talk of finding and killing one of her closest friends "What the fuck are you thinking she's pinkie! Our best friend!! She never gave us a reason to believe she would do anything like this! we need to find out what made her do what she did! This isn't pinkie!" everyone was stunned by her sudden aggressive behavior "She's right they say by what they can tell the murders took place roughly two months ago and they found no sign of anything happening before this. I've been looking into medical cases about these types of symptoms and I found several, something about the brain creating a separate pony due to a chemical imbalance, some shock, or for some cases where the patient was trapped or lost for a long time and they were needing social interaction." Twilight said accidently letting her nerd show "Pinkie was the most social pony ever!" Rarity said "Well then was shock?" "From what?" Fluttershy said "Dash. Didn't you say you found pinkie freaking out when you went to get her for her surprise party?" Dash wiped her eyes and said "Yeah...she was talking to things...and she started talking to the wall behind a pile of rocks." Dash said "She was screaming something about a 'she' when she was in the insane asylum." "But how would she go into shock from something as simple as that?" Rarity said "Well you said yourself that she was an incredibly social pony, she really needs her friends...and we just abandoned her without even trying to help her." Twighlight said, Applejack was still mad "That medical mumbo jumbo aint got nothing to do with what she did! Those ponies just tried to get out of going to jail!" Applejack said furious at the idea that her friends would take pity on a murderer, then she stormed out. "We need to help her!" Fluttershy said "The princess might be willing to listen...then again she sounded extremely mad when she ordered all possible guards to kill pinkie."
Pinkie managed to sneak out of the house without being noticed. she made it into the everfree forest and was now watching Zecoras house waiting for her to leave. Pinkie sat there for hours and finally Zecora left with her mysterious hood on. Pinkie made her move and snuck into the hut. There was many things she excepted to be used for potions and brews, But she found the small library of incantations and recipes she was looking for. She started to look through all the books, many filled with letters and symbols she never saw, probably from Zecora's home land, but she found some books in her language and one in particular caught her eye. It read "Mental potions" there were many potions to induce love or other emotions but there was a section strictly form mind alteration, there was illusion, and a few others but one sounded promising "Amnesia spell: some things are better left forgotten." perfect! Pinkie was about to get the necessary ingredients and then she saw a book labeled "Equal exchange and not so equal exchange" she started to read, it said stuff about a dead animal put under a tree forces the tree to bear fruit, taking some ponies life can cure any disease, most of them were about taking some ponies life for something not even worth it, but she got to a ritual for limbs she read intensively "Eye for an eye: for one to endure pain and give up a limb willingly then place it on a table along with a lock of hair or anything from the old limb they hope to give, will regrow a limb. The pony must be ready to receive the limb. Reopen the wounds where the limb used to be on the pony ready to receive, then burn all that lies on the table and shout this chant 'May bones crack and flesh tear! I remain awake through the pain to heal what was lost! Turn back the clock let time reverse! Bring back what once was theirs! As I bleed onto the ground and am greeted by death may all be as what once was! Death! I have a trade to make! Hear my words! And bring back what once was!' If all goes correctly bones shall sprout then the flesh will grow on in one day." pinkie felt optimistic! She grabbed a book on the anatomy of all the types of ponies. Then grabbed all the necessary ingredients and left filled with hope.
Back at the hospital
"What do you mean I have to stay longer! I'm not even wearing bandages!" Dash yelled almost in tears "I'm sorry! But we...just...thought you'd feel safer here, what with that pony still on the loose." the nurse said "It's been weeks!" she said while bursting into tears. Back out in the hall Rarity was standing beside's a doctor "Okay I think you should calm you're friend down." the doctor said when realizing this could go badly. "Rainbow Please! what's wrong!?" Rarity said walking into the room pretending not to know anything "She says I still need to stay!" the nurse bid a hasty retreat as Rarity comforted her friend "It's okay, you need protection! besides how would you get to your ho..." Rainbow looked up at Rarity and began to cry uncontrollably, Rarity was regretting every word about reminding Rainbow that she had no wings. Rarity held Dash tightly and Rainbow hugged her back. The doctor walked into the room and shared some good news "Well Rainbow, if you are getting cabin fever I believe we could make some exceptions and you can go shopping or visit some friends! As long as you would...allow us to give you some protection, we can do it tomorrow." Rainbow began to perk up, the thought of getting back to a normal life was making her feel better already "Oh! I think that's a fabulous idea! I can help you pick out some clothes that will look stunning! And I promise nothing to frufru!" Rainbow looked up at her gratefully and nodded.
Applejack walked into Twilights house and saw Twilight and Fluttershy talking but they both stopped to see what AJ wanted. "Hi girls...I'm sorry for saying those things about pinkie, I just can't believe what she did to Dash." she said with a regretful look, But twilight had a worried look on her face "It's okay we all were shocked but we need to start thinking rationally! What are we going to do about Rainbow Dash!? They say they are going to put her in some sort of insane asylum because their afraid she might be to traumatized and might commit suicide or something worse! Like...she might try and cope with it by trying to understand what it was like! So she can understand why Pinkie did it!" Twilight said freaking out "What that can't happen! You need to stop reading those books Twilight!" Spike said walking in with cookies and punch "he..hey what ever happen to gummy?" Fluttershy said worried about the animals as always "I think he's over with the cakes why?" Applejack said "Well...animals have really good sense...if I talk to him I could find out whether pinkie was insane and if Rainbow will do anything drastic." Apple jack and Twighlight shared a questioning glance but both decided it was the best option so they decided to get gummy and catch up with Fluttershy later at the hospital
"Hi gummy how you doin?" Fluttershy said with a concerned voice, gummy just derped and did nothing else. "Oh my he is absolutely traumatized by the ordeal." Applejack holding the baby crocodile just raised an eyebrow, "um, excuse me was pinkie doing before she you know..." gummy bit a strand of Fluttershy's hair and growled, "I see...he says she was fine till two months ago she started to talk to some pony who wasn't there. She sounded nice but she borrowed pinkie sometimes." gummy growled again and coughed Fluttershy looked at Twighlight then said "And whenever she was pinkie she was really mean and always frowned, and talked about cupcakes...gummy doesn't like her when she turns into that other pony" then gummy frowned and shook his head. Everyone looked at her questioning her mental stability. Fluttershy took gummy out of Apple jacks hooves and placed him on the bed with Rainbow. Gummy frowned then snuggled up to Rainbow and whined "Oh my...he knows Rainbow Dash is depressed and unhappy." gummy made a low growl "She has some problems..." Fluttershy was saddened at the alligators response, then she pulled her friends aside "He says that she could turn...suicidal, she's in mental anguish and he feels she's getting worse." she said softly so Rainbow couldn't hear her. "What is he a doctor?" Twilight said "No but animals senses are far superior to pony's they can sense emotion just by being around ponies, angel saved me from suicide several times!" every pony looked at her "What..." they all said "...what" Fluttershy replied. They decided to keep Rainbow in the hospital for now until a further mental evaluation could be conducted. As for pinkie they didn't know what to do yet.
Pinkie now hoofing it found a cottage out in the everfree forest that she supposed was only used for winter get vacation. Pinkie went over everything she needed for the ceremony. She already had a hard top granite counter for the ceremony, she had all the ingredient's all ready, she had knives and a hacksaw. Pinkie didn't want to think of what she was going to do, she only focused on the positive, all she needed was Rainbow dash "I'll make up for whatever I put Rainbow through..." as she said that she wondered, how was she going to get Dash...she remembered the way to make a homemade sedative " do I know how to make a sedative..." pinkie was worried about herself but didn't care what happened after she fixed up Dash. Pinkie fixed it all up, she ran through what she was going to do and what she needed several times. Pinkie decided to get some rest, tomorrow was a big day.
Tomorrow was a big day for Dash, she finally got to leave the hospital in weeks! Rainbow was going to greet her friends and go window shopping with Rarity. She was about to go to sleep when she realized that every pony was going to be looking at her...judging her...what was she going to do...she spent hours thinking about all the ponies staring at her taking pity on her for being wingless...this only reminded her of all she lost...Rainbow couldn't stop thinking of her life dream of becoming a wonderbolt and how it would never come true. That night she cried herself to sleep. she wished one of her friends was there to comfort her but...she was alone in a dark...lonely...scary room. Rainbow Dash woke to Rarity walking in "Geez are you still asleep! Its three o'clock we've got to get ready! quickly quickly!" Rainbow was excited at the thought of getting some actual exercise and getting out of the stuffy hospital, she quickly tossed off the bandages. "My my you're wounds have completely healed!"Rarity said looking Dash over. Rainbow was glad she didn't need new bandages, the bumps where her wing were blended seamlessly into her blue coat she could easily pass as an earth pony! As they left Rainbow could tell this was going to be a good day.