My Final Decision

by Sillyponyme

Adagio and Aria will Suffer

The entire way back to Twilight’s castle, Sonata grumbled about Adagio and Aria. She was angry, scared, sad, and it all came to the need to kill Adagio and Aria. She wanted to leave Equestria and never return, after all, what was there to return to? She would get rid of the two sirens that ruined her life and then she would stay. There was no returning to the place where she was born. If her race was going extinct, she would make sure that she wouldn’t be around to see the end.

Sonata and the others walked into the mirror room. “I’m gonna kill her for what she did, for what they did. First Adagio and then Aria, they will pay for everything they have done.” Sonata said out loud and clearly. She didn’t care who heard her.

Twilight and Sunset looked the most worried by what Sonata was saying. Celestia was saddened by Sonata’s words and Luna wasn’t sure how to feel. On the one hoof, she felt angry with Sonata but on the other hoof, she felt sad. Luna also felt like she should feel sympathetic but she wasn’t sure why. “Sonata, maybe you should stay and relax for a while. You should give yourself time to calm down.” Sunset put a hoof on Sonata’s shoulder. “Sonata, we can talk about it. We can figure something out but killing Adagio and Aria won’t solve anything.”

Sonata pulled away from Sunset and stepped in front of the portal. “It will solve something, they won’t be able to hurt me anymore. They won’t hurt anyone or anypony ever again. They deserve to die.” Sonata turned around with a bloodlust in her eyes so threatening, it scared everypony in the room. “They will PAY…FOR EVERYTHING THEY HAVE DONE TO ME. THEY WILL PAY FOR TAKING MY MOTHER AWAY FROM ME. THEY DESERVE TO DIE!” Sonata turned back, tears in her eyes and jumped through the portal followed shortly by Sunset. “Go away Sunset, I don’t need you here.”

“Excuse me if I disagree with you. I may not understand what you’re going through but--”

“NO! You don’t get to say anything. They are going to die, I’m going to make sure of it. THEY DESERVE IT!” Sonata walked away determined to take care of the two sirens that ruined her life.

Sunset wasn’t sure what to do, what could she do? Sonata was in no mood to listen to reason. The only thing she could think of doing was to follow Sonata and that’s what she did. She had to make sure the crazy siren didn’t get herself killed even if it meant getting beat up a bit for following. Sunset followed Sonata to the door and then stopped the siren from continuing. She had to try to get through to Sonata no matter what. At the very least, Sunset had to calm Sonata down. Sonata wasn’t thinking clearly and whether she liked it or not, she needed help. Sunset took a deep breath and grabbed onto Sonata’s shoulder and flipped her around.

Sonata was ready to punch Sunset right in the face but stopped. She couldn’t waste her energy fighting with Sunset. “I know you want them dead Sonata and I’m not going to stop you from doing that but at least calm yourself down so you don’t die doing something stupid.”

“I’ll be fine, now let me go.”

“No Sonata, look out the window and tell me what you see.” Sonata shrugged and looked at the windows but they were covered by something from the other side. She shrugged and Sunset continued. “Exactly, as far as you know, Adagio and Aria could be waiting for you to come through. They would shoot you before you even had the chance to speak.”

Sonata groaned irritably but she knew Sunset had a point. If the two were waiting for her, then she would be sure to die. “Then how do you suggest I kill them before they kill me?” Sonata continued to stare at the window.

Sunset shook her head, Sonata was insistent on killing Adagio and Aria. Sunset found two possible solutions to keep Sonata from doing something she would regret and keep two needed sirens alive. The first suggestion, Sunset was ok with, the second one, not so much. “Look Sonata, you need them both alive. Your race depends on them staying alive and you know it.”

Sonata looked at Sunset and nodded. “Fine, I’ll keep Aria alive, I don’t think she is as big of a threat.”

Sunset groaned wondering just how Sonata had become so dead set on killing. Sunset couldn’t deny that she would be ready to do the same thing as Sonata but they were two complete opposites. Sonata was happy and cheerful, Sunset was less so but not so violent anymore. Unfortunately, her past was about to save two sirens and it made her want to throw up. “Fine but if you really want to punish Adagio and Aria, take their magic away from them. Force them to do want you want them to do. I’m sure they won’t like it, believe me, I should know.” Sunset felt an large lump form in her throat. She had just suggested to Sonata that she turn her enemies into slaves. She had just told her friend to do what she tried to do to everyone at Canterlot High with the exception of taking magic. Then again, she kind of did that too.

Sonata thought about this for a minute and came to the conclusion that Sunset was right and gave her friend a nod. “Let’s go, I can’t wait to make her suffer.”

“Sonata, let’s go out the back but before we go, may I ask you something?” Sonata groaned but allowed Sunset to ask. “When I first met you, you were so cheerful and happy. Even when you were being mean, you never acted the way you are now. Don’t tell me that I would do the same thing as you. I know I would but I grew up petty and selfish despite the ponies who were with me. You had a bad influence from the moment you met Adagio and Aria but even then you haven’t ever wanted so badly to hurt others in the way you do now. If I’m wrong then by all means, tell me and I’ll drop it but something tells me that there is more to this situation. What happened Sonata because I’m worried?”

Sonata wanted to turn and walk away, her past was none of Sunsets business. How could Sunset be so blunt with her? Just because she had been blunt before and Sonata had been happy once she knew why Sunset had been so blunt doesn’t, who was she kidding? Sonata let out a defeated sigh. Perhaps she would feel better if she just said something. “It’s a short story Sunset, a short story from a long time ago. When I was with other sirens, sometimes I would get mad. I got so mad that I wanted to hurt other sirens. It didn’t even have to be a big thing. All anyone had to do is look at me funny and I would attack them. I never knew why but I did it. My mother would lecture me about the need to be kind to others. She taught me how to control my anger and it was because of her that I could stay calm. Now with my mother gone, and Adagio and Aria being the reason for my mother’s death, I lost it. They took the only siren in my life that treated me lovingly. To be honest, there were few that actually liked me. I thought Adagio and Aria were a part of the few.” Sonata fell to her knees and began crying when she felt two arms wrap around her. She looked up and saw Sunset crying along with her. “Why are you sad?”

Sunset smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I don’t like seeing my friends in pain.” Sunset stood up and held out her hand for Sonata who gratefully accepted. “Come on, let’s go around back.” Sunset smiled but saw Sonata’s eyes widen. “Sonata, are you ok?”

“Sunset, watch out!” Sonata yelled and pushed Sunset out of the way as a baseball bat hit her in the head knocking her out cold.
Sunset turn around and felt a split second of pain before falling unconscious.