//------------------------------// // The Past // Story: Goodbye to the Past, Hello to the Future // by SpringLight Song //------------------------------// ~16 Years in The Past~ Thunder filled the night sky with a loud boom like sound. Music Note, a tan female unicorn with curly green mane, ran down the street, jumping slightly with every boom of the thunder. She ducked under a doorway and looked around before continuing. As the rain soaked her, she reached a small house with a bright blue door. Pushing the door open, the heat from inside made its way out. Stepping in, she used her magic to pull off the soaked scarf. A loud sound of pans hitting each other came from the kitchen. As she walked into the small kitchen, she noticed a mess of flour all over the ground. Standing in front of the oven was a tan unicorn filly with blue and green mane. The small filly turned to her mother and smiled brightly. She looked back at the oven and jumped slightly when the timer rang. She struggled to pull the pan with her yellow aura of magic, dropping the pan to the ground. A purple aura surrounded the pan and quickly put it on the table. "Spring Song, What is this?" Music Note asked, as she picked up the filly.The filly beamed happily at the pan and then smiled at her mother. She closed her bright yellow left eye and thought for a few minutes. "Mama, me.. um... make pie" Spring Song said as she opened up her eye. Her mother smiled sweetly at her and shook her head. She looked at the pie and quickly took a tiny piece. "Where is your foalsitter?" She said as she looked around for the teenager. Spring Song closed her eye again and thought for a little bit. "Mimi.. go bye bye" She said as she stared at her mother. Her mother narrowed her eyes in disappointment. She saw that Spring Song was yawning and put a smile. "I'll eat a piece, but you need to get to bed. It's really late." She said as she pulled a spoon our of a drawer with her magic. Spring Song looked at her mama and yawned, causing a cute little hiccup to come out. She rubbed her eyes with her little hooves and shook her head. Closing her left eye again, she looked at her mother. "Me no want bed. Me no night night." she said a few minutes later. Her mother shook her head and picked the filly up in her magic. She walked down a small hallway, filled with pictures of the filly. She stopped in front of a navy blue door with the name "Spring Light Song" on a small metal piece hanging from a tack. She gentle pushed the door in and walked towards a small white bed with bright green sheets. She laid the filly down on the bed and softly tucked her in. The filly grabbed her mother's hoof and hugged it as she closed her yellow eyes. After a few minutes, the filly was asleep and her mother pulled away her hoof. She left the room and walked down to the messy kitchen. With a sigh, she magically grabbed a broom and a dust pan. She gave a rather heavy cough, using her right hoof to cover her muzzle. As she moved her hoof, she noticed that it was covered in blood. ~15 Years in the Past~ A tan unicorn filly with a blue and green mane stood next to a hospital bed. She held onto the left hoof of a tan unicorn with a green curly mane. The only noise that came from the room was the beep of the hospital machine and the soft sobs from the filly. The filly climbed up onto the hospital bed and laid down next to unicorn mare. She let go of the hoof and hugged the mare tightly. "Mama" The filly said softly with a sob as she nuzzled her mother. The sound of the door made the filly look up quickly. Standing in the small room was the Princess. She looked at the pair laying on the bed. The filly turned back to her mother and laid there. After a few minutes, she drifted off to sleep. The mare opened up her purple eyes and looked around. Noticing the Princess, she bowed as well as she could in the bed. "Your Majesty, you got my letter." The mare said with a raspy voice. She took a deep breathe and winced when she felt a pain in her chest. She looked down at the sleeping filly and then back up to the Princess. " I must ask you..." The mare started before a horrible coughing fit began. She waited a few minutes before continuing. "...Your Majesty, if you can help my little one find her father. " The mare started to cough again while the machine started to beep faster. "My little pony, If I may, how do you expect me to find the father of this filly." The Princess said as she looked at the sleeping filly. The beeping of the machine began to quickly slow down. The mare realizing that she only had so much time, looked up at the Princess with pleading eyes. "He is part of the royal family." She said as she felt the last of her breathe leave her. The machine started to flat line and a nurse came running in. Princess Celestia picked up the small filly and gentle carried her away from the room. "Who is your father, little one?" The Princess asked as she stared at the filly. ~13 Years in the Past~ A young tan unicorn with a blue and green mane smiles as she quietly walked down the hall of the palace. She passed many large doors and entered into a huge library. Looking around, she noticed an other unicorn, this one slightly older with a yellow coat with red and yellow hair checking out a stack of books. She smiled softly at the other unicorn before making her way toward her favorite section, The song books. She closed her right yellow eye and concentrated on using her magic to lower a few books. When she thought she has a decent amount, she made her way to the librarian. She pulled out a small card from a small bag under her mane. The librarian checked the books out quickly and the tan unicorn left quickly after thanking the librarian. She slowly walked down the hall making sure not to drop the books she was holding. She made her way down the hall before bumping into an older male white unicorn with light blue hair. Her books fell all over the hall and she stood up. Holding her hoof out, she tried to help the older unicorn. As she helped him up, the unicorn stared at her with wide eyes. The tan unicorn mumbled her sorry and moved down the hall before closing her right eye and using her magic to levitate her fallen books. The white unicorn male stared at her, before continuing his way to the throne room. Sitting on a thrown was Prince Celestia. She looked at him and smiled slightly. "Mr. BlueBlood, With what may I help you?" She said as she turned to face a chief standing in the corner of the room. "Good Afternoon, Aunt. I came to talk about the tax money and such documents." The male said as he bowed slightly. A maid entered the room quietly, set up a tray of tea on a table, and quickly left. Celestia used her magic to make two cups of tea and they floated over to the pair. "I do hope that everything is going well with the funding for the orphanages." Celestia said before taking a sip of her tea. "The funding is going well in many of the major cities. I have many of my people reassuring that all the new rules and regulations are being met." BlueBlood said as he lifted the tea cup in his magic. He looked at Celestia and frowned for a minute. "Aunt, as I was walking down the hall a filly bumped into me. I did not know that you had taken another student." He said before taking a sip of his tea. "I have not. It may have been possible that you saw a current resident of mine." She replied as she looked down at the papers in her magic. " That is quite possible, this filly reminded me of a maid that used to work for me." BlueBlood said. "I believe the maid's name was Music Note." Celestia had been taking a sip of her tea when he said the name. Her eyes opened wide and she turned her head to the side as she took a spit take. A Bit Later The room was small, it held two beds and a small window. On one side of the room, it was completely empty, the bed was without any sheets and the walls had nothing. On the other side, the bed had green sheets. On the wall was a few pictures of a tan unicorn mare and a filly. Spring Song sat on her bed, holding a book in her magic. She had her left eye close and was gently flipping each page over. She began to hum along to the words written in the book. The small window was open, letting in a soft breeze. A bird flew onto the window still and sat there. She flipped the page and smiled. A knock on the door was heard and she turned towards it. "Come in." She said as she lowered her book onto the bed. Princess Celestia opened the door and walked in followed by the male she had accidently bumped in. Spring Song got off the bed and bowed slightly. "Spring Light Song, you do not need to bow to me." "Sorry Princess Celestia." she said as she stood up straight. She tilted her head, closed her left eye and looked at the male unicorn. He looked back at her with wide opened eyes. Celestia looked at the pair, smiling slightly. " Spring, I would like to introduce Prince Blueblood LI. He is going to be helping me find your father." Spring Song walked over to him and stared up at him. She smiled slightly and hugged his leg. "Thank you, Mr. BlueBlood" She said as she squeezed his leg a bit. Celestia smiled. " I hope that we will find him soon." ~11 Years in The Past~ "I just don't understand." Spring Song said as she paced in her room. Her hair was up in pigtails and she had round glasses. She looked out the window and frowned. " Spring, I think it would be better if you just calm down. I am sure that the Princess is doing everything she can." Said a mint colored unicorn with a cyan mane with a white streak. "Lyra, it's been years. I just want to know who my father is..." Spring said with a sigh. A knock came from the door and Spring walked over to it. She opened it slightly and smiled. BlueBlood entered the room and a white unicorn colt with a straw color hair. "Mr. BlueBlood, how are you?" Spring said with a smile. "Good, Spring. I come with news." He said as hugged the filly slightly. He let go and made a wave to the door. " If you would, let's take a walk." Spring Song nodded her head and waved to Lyra before hurrying out the door. As the three walked, Spring kept looking at the colt. She would answer occasionally at any question that BlueBlood would ask. They made their way towards a door and were rushed in by a guard. Standing in the room was Celestia, holding a vanilla folder in her magic. "Spring Light Song, we have finally found your father." Celestia said as she gestured to a chair on one side of a table. Spring walked over to the chair and sat down as the other three sat across from her. The vanilla folder was pushed toward her and she took a deep breathe. She took of her glasses and closed her left eye. With her right hoof, she slid the folder open. The room was silent for what felt like an eternity , although it was only about two minutes. Spring's left eye opened and looked up at the three. She silently got up and moved towards BlueBlood. She stopped in front of him and closed her eye. She looked up at him and felt the tears start to roll down her cheek. With a jump, she hugged him tightly. "Daddy" She whispered slightly. A Few Months Later Spring Light Song stood in front of a gate of a mansion. She took a deep breathe and pulled out a key. As she opened the gate, a colt came running towards her. "Spring!" He screamed as he pushed her over and hugged her tightly. "Blue! How are you?" She said as she hugged him back. "Good, Big Sis! Father is waiting for us." He said as he let go and helped her up. He pulled her slightly and stopped when she refused to move. He looked at her and noticed that she looked frightened. "Blue, What if your mother doesnt like me?" She asked. "Don't worry. She will love you" He said as he pulled her forward. Spring stood still as a white unicorn mare with a light grey mane walked around her. She stopped in front of her and looked displeased. "What did you say your name is?" The mare asked as she looked at her hoof. "Spring Light Song, Madam" Spring said with a smile. The mare shook her head and frowned. She looked to her right and a maid appeared. " Take Miss Song to her room" The maid nodded her head and picked up Spring's boxes. Spring shook her head and closed her left eye. She used her magic to hold her boxes and smiled at the maid. "Oh You do not need to carry that!" She turned to to the mare once more and smiled big. "Thank you, Stepmother." As the mare was left alone she rolled her eyes and screamed for her butler. The butler ran into the room and stood at attention in front of her. " I want her name changed. If she is to be added to the family, she must have a royal name." The mare said as she walked over to a window. The butler followed her and stood slightly behind. "I think, maybe, Blue Heart." The mare said. She looked at the butler and smirked. "Yes her name is now Blue Heart."