
by Icare

Let the fun Begin !

Shock said to the guests he gathered :

"Stupid creatures ! If only you were a bit smarter you wouldn't be here ! Don't blame me for what will happen to you ! You should've thought about that before rejecting me ! What did I do to you ?! What ?!"

Looks like the plastic bag trick worked quite well : 3 ponies were held captive , and only one of them managed to hit Shock before collapsing .

Muffled cries were coming from the gagged mouth of the ponies .

They were tied down to the pillars holding the cave , and their bounds were tight .

"But don't worry ! I'll throw my own party ! With all my friends !"

A maniac laughter got out of the mad pony mouth , and his eyes got wider and wider .

"Let's see...What do we have here..."

His eyes wandered over a toolbox filled with saws and hammers , but his choice pointed toward a blowing torch .

"Meh...I'll need that later ."

His hoof stumbled on a nail gun ,creating a wide smile on his face.

"You know , I never used that one , and even weirder , this cave wasn't filled with these tools before . I see that Kaomet really wants his souls ..."

Sunset Mist , at the see of the nail gun, started sobbing and shaking : she knew what would come next .

Slowly making his way to the captives , Shock thought of every uses of the tools .

When he arrived in front of her , he considered her : she was beautiful , with her golden mane and icy blue eyes . She was crying .

Shock allowed himself to brush with a hoof the mane of the beautiful mare , but he didn't got the reaction he hoped .

She swung her head away and tried to shake of the hoof of the mad pony .

His eyes got angrier as he shouted .

" You still avoid me ?! Even when I invite you to a party ?! But you'll see ! Tonight , I have friends everywhere : the ones tied down and the ones in my tool box ! And , how unfortunately , you are not on this list . I don't see any reason to keep you with us , excepted if the others want to ."

He gave a look to the two others who stopped sobbing . They tried to make him understand with muffled sounds and cries .

"No ? No one wants to keep her ? Well ... Now it's your turn to be friendless . But don't cry yet , my friend naily here will cheer you up ."

The mad pony pushed the nail gun against the hoof of Sunset and she began to cry .

"No need for tears , it didn't helped me to cry , so there's no reason that it'll help you ."

As he pulled the trigger , a loud bang echoed in the cave .

The two others couldn't see what was going on , but as soon as Shock turned to face them , the understood .

Blood was splattered across his face , and his hooves turned red .
Sunset Mist lost consciousness because of the pain.
He laughed .

"Now , who wants to be my friend and enjoy the party I prepared ?" Asked the psycho pony .

They knew the answer was obvious : to live , they needed to play his game and be his friends . Maybe they could leave the cave ? Maybe they could signal to the others about the horror happening down there ?

A cry came from behind the psycho : Sunset Mist was still alive , but the state of her hoof was horrible .

Her hoof was crushed by the pressure applied by the nail and the bone was destroyed and couldn't be saved .

She started crying again , asking for mercy .

"You see your friend ? Well , the one who don't want to stay at my party will end in the same state , or even worse , depending on how I feel ."

The two intact ponies opened their eyes wide . They weren't scared by their fates , but by how Shock said it .

It was with a calm voice and a meditative tone , not even showing the slightest emotion . And he was smiling .

This night would be very special .

The party has begun .