The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch.13. Lullaby for a prince.

Lullaby for a prince.

My little brother stood before me; Taller, stronger, and crazier then ever before. His grin was unnerving, making my skin crawl, causing the hair on my neck to stand on end. He wasn't right. Like all sense of reality around him was encasing Storm in an aura of poison. I feared for those who had to bring him here. The air around Storm killed all living things that got too close. A bird who flew into his path dropped dead, falling to the ground with all life sucked out, wrung into a prune of leathery skin and bone.

Remembering how the future plays out, I need to stall him as long as possible. If I try to fight, I die within the first minute. If I attempt to run, I die within the first two minutes. 'How should I go about this?' He shuffled in place waiting for my reply. I need to keep him here for five minutes so Heather and Moon can safely evacuate most of the towns folk. 'Time to play a game.'

"So. . . You and I are, brothers?" I asked pointing back and forth between us.

"YEP!" He cheered hopping in place.

"I have a little brother, not a big one." I say. "If you are what you say you are, then tell me something that only my real brother would know."

"Oh, that's easy." He said flexing his wings. "You always go down town and do things. Well, not anymore."

"Everyone knows that. Try again." 'You spoiled brat.'

"Umm. I got nothing." He frowned. 'Figures.'

"You are not my brother. Go away, I don't want to talk to you." I say turning my head around with sass, making a pouty face.

"Yes I am. Deus said so!" He whines. That settles it, he gave up the one name that doomed him. He was defiantly, my brother. Though, I needed to confirm it even if I learnt it in' foresight vision.' The best way to stall him, is to make him jealous. If I keep him happy, he'll get bored and kill me before I can save the islanders. 'It is time to make him angry.'

"Ooooh I bet. Did she tell you you were. Special? That you are her number one man?" I chuckled.

"Yes. She. Did. She said I will be the best griffin ever! That I'll live in a castle, and eat as much candy as I want." He explained. 'So simple minded. Welp... Time to drop the waifu boom on him, and see how that go's.'

"Oh really? Good for you. While you get to eat candy. I and Deus will be making children together. Maybe have a house by a lake. Get married or something like that." I smiled. His smile — Died.

"What?" He asked. 'He is almost there.'

"Opps. Didn't she tell you? Before I was turned into a griffin, she and I..."

"Hugged." He tensed up, breaths quickened.

"No..." He shook his head in defiance.

"Kissed." Storm tried to dig his claws into the dragon scales. His anger growing strong.

"She wouldn't..."


"How dare you!" He screamed.

"Fucked." His right eye twitched. 'He finally snapped.'

"You . . . You violated my GODESS!" He boomed. "You are not worthy, to even breath in the same air as her!"

"She has a crush on me. The was there before she even met you. Besides, she doesn't care about you. Deus only brought you here, because she didn't want you to ruin our lives." I spat. 'Though, what I said was probably true knowing how she acts around me.'

He paced back and forth in front of me mumbling to himself. I could not understand the words he was saying, but one things for certain. 'I just pissed him off beyond what a normal person is capable of. His smile slowly returned along with maniacal giggle fits that didn't stop.

"No. 'Heheheheh.' That can't be right. You, you raped her, ya that's it." He laughed. "You forced her to do your bidding, 'hehhehehe.' She's a victim you are just a. . . A prince of darkness — taking all light from whoever you touch."

"I know you don't lie. You never do. I was going to kill you, and wear you as a backpack, but I think I won't." 'Yep he is on the moon eating bananas.'

"So instead of killing you. 'Hehehehe.' I am going to get someone to turn you into a girl, shouldn't be hard with magic. And if that doesn't work, I can always cut of you dick and use a drill as a substitute. You can be my personal sex pet. Ya that sounds good. Rape you over and over again, like you did to Deus." He said. "You and I bonding, the screams that I'll make you cry as I shred your cunt as my little whore. I'll break you, make you wish for more!" He laughed uncontrollably.

I think, I made a horrible mistake. This wasn't what I was expecting. I was hoping to crush his spirit, not make him want to turn me into a cum sponge. 'New plan.' I have to hold him down for another two minutes. I can hear the sounds of the loading cranes, hauling the last of the survivors into the ship. He is becoming more wild, and I don't have the eye anymore to predict what he is going to do. 'I guess I have no other choice. I have to trap him somewhere long enough to get the ship out of here.'

"You are a weak..." I said. He froze from his pacing.

"Pathetic..." He spun around and tensed his muscles.

"Waste of skin that no one will EVER! love." He hated that word. Being a full on psychopath, he will never be able to feel, love. He loath's anyone who has it, expresses it, enjoys it. It sets him off into, 'full metal punching fits,' on anyone who he deems a target for his wrath. I thought of a spell to lessen the damage from the hits, he was about to inflict. He charged, jumping into the air in front of me swinging his leg from the speed of his charge.

"Corpus praesidio plenus." I said just in time to block his punt.

His kick sent me flying off the ship. Colliding into the stone fort. The spell did its work. Without any pain, I got up and searched for where he would come from. I saw the silhouette of storm entering the building, into another room. I got up sore as hell and flew with haste deeper into the base. Storm managed to catch up — Struggling to fly at full speed in the tight corridors, I made a sharp turn into a nest of hanging wires. Using my small body to fly through the mess was a challenge. Getting caught on a couple of hanging wires, I see Storm come barrelling down the hall into the mess. I managed to break free just in time to see Storm get caught like a fly in a spider web. He slashed out wildly, slowly cutting himself from his entrapment, while I teleported back to the bridge.

With the last of the civilians safe and sound aboard the Aria. I start up the ship calling up the anchor. Moon blasted through the door panting like she ran a full marathon.With the ship coming to life I look at the tired Moon. 'She must have pushed herself beyond her limits.' She stood up waiting for more orders.

"Where is heather?" I asked.

"Keeping, the peace, with our guests." She replied in between breaths.

"Good. I need you to fly the ship away from the island. Can you do that?" I asked. She looked at me puzzled.

"Why me and not you?"

"I need to hold someone back while you escape."

"Escape from what?" 'Thirty seconds left.'

"Just get out of here, I will be fine." I smiled. This didn't help her mood. Nevertheless, I showed her the ropes then left to see the ship fly away from the island to a safe distance. I flew back to the top of the roof, of the fort. I saw Storm finally break free from his bindings and caught up to me on the base. And right behind him, was the four ships that came with him.

" I found yoooou!" He cheered. The other ships surrounded me, the captain from one of them jumped down beside Storm.


"End of the line ya murderer!" Yelled the green, eye patched stallion, with an Irish accent.


"You think ya can kill my brother and get away with it? HA!"


"Nope!" I yelled back at the one eyed leprechaun.


"Boys! Get the nets ready!" Eye patch ordered.


I focused all my magic for a single spell.


Many of his crew, popped out over head. Many pegasi was above me head waiting with their heavy duty fishing nets.


Storm got ready to bolt at me tensing up his hinds for a hard sprint.


"Get ready!" Yelled captain green.


My spell was ready. My heart was racing, I calmed it down so I don't make a mistake. The captain yelled 'aim.'


Storm bolt from his spot faster than a bullet. The captain yelled, 'fire,' making his crew cast the nets. And the sound of a bomb, went off.


"Mora, imperium." I said. Time stopped just like the first time I did it. Storm was frozen in mid air, one metre away from me. The nets froze just on top, and the antimatter bomb froze halfway to the fort from the centre of the island. A pure black ball of death stood before me. The others didn't know it was there. My ship was at a safe distance away from the island. This bomb would erase all existence of this island and all its inhabitants, weapons, vehicles and documents of all who came here, like a black hole. 'They probably thought is was something else, when they were told to deliver it.' I flew from the island to my ship. Not wanting to waste anymore time thinking.

I barely made it back to The Winters Aria. Almost falling into the ocean from the lack of energy, I safely made it to bridge. I sat beside the frozen Moonlight, struggling to stay awake. The expression that plastered her face was of pure horrific terror. Heather was right beside her with a gaping jaw of the same fearful origin. I couldn't help but smile. I looked over the console to see a black sun within the island, eating the place from reality. I could feel I was way beyond my normal limit for this spell. The second I release it, I could die. Sitting in front of the two, I laid down and released the spell. Ready to face the consequences.

I collapsed laying down. I tried to stifle the massive amounts of pain, coming from every muscle cramping up. Moonlight down to see me, convulsing like a wacky waving, arm flailing, tube man. She looked back at the island just in time to see it vanish from the world, never to return. My spasms stopped after a good agonizing minute had passed. I couldn't breath and I was very tired. My eyes didn't want to stay open anymore. My magic caused seizer hurt Moon and Heather. The sight must have I bin to watch. I hear Moonlight order Heather to bring something. Even at such a close range, I could not tell what she wanted. 'My hearing was failing.'

"Little one, are you alright?" Cried Moon. I smiled and gave a curt nod rubbing the left side of my face on the cold steel.

"What's wrong?" Asked the unsure Moon. She laid my motionless body so that I could be comfortable.

"I'm. . . I'm just sleepy. Can I have a nap?" I asked. This just frightened her more. She yelled down the staircase for Heather to hurry, before coming back to lay beside limp body, keeping me warm.

"It's ok little one. It will be ok." I heard Heather back from her trip.

"No it won't Moon." I slurred. "Maybe if I close my eyes for a little bit, everything will be fine." My breathing slowed, making it harder to think clearly.

"No Winter! Try to stay awake!" Cried Heather. 'I am still unsure as to why she cares for me to the point of tears. Maybe she doesn't know how to react? Is it from Moon telling her stories? One day I'll find out. One day.'

"Moon? Can you sing me a lullaby?" I asked. The lack of oxygen began to make me delirious.

"Moon. What's wrong with him?!" Asked Heather. I felt the wet tears falling from Moon, landing on my head. 'I went way to overboard, didn't I?' I asked myself.

"Ok little one, I know one." I heard Heather fall to her butt defeated. Again. Moon sang to me.

"Hush now, quiet now
It's time to lay your sleepy head
Hush now, quiet now
It's time to go to bed.

Heather joined in making the familiar song a lovely duet. Moons tenor tune with Heathers alto mixed perfectly together.

Hush now, Quiet now,
It's time to lay your sleepy head
Hush now, Quiet now,
It's time to go to bed.

Both in unison .

Driftin' (driftin') off to sleep.
Exciting day behind you.
Driftin' (driftin') off to sleep.
Let the joy of dream land find you.

Moonlight stopped for a moment, while Heather continued.

Hush now, Quiet now.
Lay your sleepy head.
Said hush now. Quiet now.
It's time to go to bed.

Heather stopped. Moonlight started up again.

Hush now, quiet it now, it's time to lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed.
Hush now, quiet now, close your sleepy eyes.
Hush now, quiet now, my how time sure flies.

Both in unison again.

Drifting, drifting off to sleep the days excitement behind you.
Drifting drifting off to sleep let the joy of dreamland find you.
Hush now, quiet now, lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, quiet now, it's time to, go, too, be d.

My eyes closed, shutting me away from the world. Losing myself to dreams, that never come. To the darkness of magic. To the limbo where all bad griffins rot for all eternity. Unable to escape.