//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: A Royal Tarriance // Story: Shining Force of Equestria // by cosmic flash //------------------------------// A Royal Tarriance         Max awoke to the sounds of chirping birds outside his window.  After clearing his mind for a few moments and got his bearings he realized that he was not dreaming. More importantly, he realized that yesterday was not a dream for he was still a pony.   “Well so much for hoping that yesterday was the result of Luke’s stout,” the unicorn mused over the thought of strong dwarven ale. “I had better go ahead and get up. Maybe today I can actually walk without nearly breaking my nose,” Max thought to himself. Slowly Max removed his covers with a hoof and reached over the edge of the bed in an attempt to stand. With great determination on his face, as though he was facing down an arcane horror, Max slowly placed his hooves on the floor and rose into a standing position. Max felt ecstatic for his triumph despite how mundane it would be for anyone else. “Now just one leg after the other,” Max said to himself. Max slowly walked over to the door.  He felt very proud of himself for a moment and then became slightly depressed once he realized that he felt for pride in the ability to walk 5 steps to a door.  Max was not allowed to continue this for long due to.. “SMACK.. oww,” the door suddenly opened hitting Max soundly across the muzzle. “Geez can’t a guy catch a break? Again with my nose and blunt force trauma,” exclaimed Max. “What are you… Oh, I am so sorry! I didn’t know you were behind the door,” nervously said Twilight,   “I came to wake you as Spike has just finished making us breakfast,” said Twilight, “I hope you like pancakes.” “Well I …GURGLE,” as Max was about to respond his stomach growled loudly. “I guess, I can take that as a ‘yes’,” said Twilight while giggling behind a hoof. Twilight led Max into the dining where they both sat down. In front of them lay a heaping stack of pancakes covered in butter and blueberry syrup. Max’s mouth began to water at the scrumptious site. But Max hesitated to dig in as he still did not know how to do unicorn magic. Twilight was about to start eating when she noticed the look of trepidation upon Max’s muzzle. “Magic will take time to teach, but why don’t you use your hooves to hold the silverware thats what earth and pegasus ponies do?” asked Twilight innocently. Max returned her question with deadpan stare, “What do mean use my hooves? How can anyone hold something with hooves? that doesn’t make any sense. You may as well of asked why I can’t fly!” retorted Max. Instead of responding Twilight simple picked up the fork in her right forehoof. She then raised the hoof and fork in front of Max’s face. Max was about to say something else snarky when he noticed what was before his eyes. For Twilight had her right forehoof in front of him and on the end of it as if it were glued was a fork.  Max just stared at it for a minute trying to process what his mind told him was impossible.   “H.. How are you doing that?” Max stammered. “It is very simple just place your hoof on an object you want to pick up and think about grabbing it,” Twilight said simply, “All ponies have magic within them and all can use to it pick things up with their hooves.” Max hesitantly brought his right forehoof up and placed it upon the fork in front of him. He thought about the feeling he would use to pick it up with his hands when he had hands that is.  Much to Max’s surprise the fork rose from the table with his hoof as though it were attached to the bottom of it.  With renewed zeal Max aggressively tore into his stack of pancakes. A few moments later, “BUUURP!  ahh,” Max belched with a feeling of contentment as he was now full.  Twilight secretly hoped that Spike had not payed too close attention to Max’s terrible table manners.   “I guess, you really were hungry,” deadpanned Twilight, “Anyway at least your aggressive eating has allowed us to stay on schedule.” “Schedule for what?” asked Max. “Knock.. Knock,” was rapt upon the door. “Oh it seems we are right on time, too,” said Twilight. “Spike start a pot of tea for us please.” “On it,” said Spike. “On time for what?” asked Max. Twilight got up and opened the door, “Princess, you are right on time please come in.” Max was watching from the hallway as Twilight was greeting was Max assumed was this land’s royalty.  Max then watched a huge white pony entered into the home.  She was so large that she reminded him more of a horse than a pony.  She had the horn of a unicorn and the wings of a pegasus.  Most peculiar though to Max was that her mane and tail seemed to blow in a non-existent breeze. She wore gold regalia and had a golden crown upon her head.  Max caught himself staring with his mouth open just in time for Princess Celestia to address him. “Greetings my little pony, my faithful student has told me much about you Max,” said Princess Celestia. Max out of instinct went to bow as was customary before royalty.  Unfortunately, for Max he did not know how to bow yet as a pony; As Max went to kneel down he lost his balance and landed smack on the ground with his muzzle flush to the floor. “oww,” grunted Max. Celestia let loose a tiny giggle, “It seems that it is indeed true that you are not originally a pony.  Tell me more of the ‘humans’ that you claim to have been.” Max picked himself up with a grunt, “well your highness, There is not much to tell. Other than our appearance being very different and more like hairless monkeys according to Twilight, we are not that different from the ponies of this world. We have kingdoms, we build castles, try to make the best future for our children and seek to protect ourselves from the forces of darkness.” “When you say ponies of this world, Do you mean that the ponies of your world are different?” inquired Celestia. “Indeed your highness,” Max paused to think for second, “In my world ponies and horses do not think, or talk, they are just animals and nothing more.” “I think I understand what you mean, So do humans have magic as well?” asked Celestia. “Yes, Princess, but not just humans there are many other races in my world. Elves, Dwarves, Centaurs, Wolfings, Birdmen,  Foxlings, and Dragonnewts just to name the more common ones, ” answered Max. “And, do these different races live in harmony? ” asked Celestia. “If you mean, do the races work together, than yes, Almost all of the kingdoms are of multiple races and not simply one race. ” said Max, “Though as of late the biggest issue in Rune was weather once fought for or against Runefaust and the hordes of darkness.” “That brings us the next point I wish to discuss. Please tell me of this great darkness I have been told was called Dark Dragon,” said Celestia. “According to the legends of my people one thousand years ago the ‘ancients’ , a long lost people of advanced magic and technology, fought and defeated the great devil king known as Dark Dragon.  Dark Dragon is the incarnation of darkness and he seeks to destroy or enslave all life. He was sealed in an ancient castle beneath the sea. Two kingdoms were formed to guard the entrance, Guardiana and Protectora.  ,”  said Max. “ Five years ago, an evil lord known only as Darksol appeared in Protectora. Using dark magic he corrupted the king and the leaders of the nation in order for them to begin a war of conquest upon all of rune. Protectora was no more and Runefaust was born. A nation bent on war and conquest. This is exactly what Darksol wanted for by increasing the darkness in men’s hearts with the tragedy of war would weaken the seal on Dark Dragon aiding in his eventual revival, ” Max said. “As time passed we of Guardiana soon found the conquerors on our very doorsteps. We stood little chance against the war machine that was Runefaust.  Myself and a few other young warriors became a small fighting force known as the Shining Force with the mission of stopping Runefaust and Darksol whose mad ambition it was to release Dark Dragon.  Whereas a large army would be noticed a small elite fighting force could move more rapidly and make strategic strikes against our foes, ” stated Max. “Eventually, it was revealed that I was chosen by the light to fight the forces of Darkness. I obtained the two ancient swords of power and with the help of the ancients forged them into the Force Sword, a weapon of such power that it could defeat the devil dragon,” Max paused in his storytelling to ponder, “I wonder why the Force Sword has split into the two original swords?” “I believe I can answer that, ” said Celestia, “Equestria has a high degree of latent magic and to overcome the natural barriers of our world takes a great deal of energy.  Not only did this eldritch artifact bring you and itself into our world but it also changed you into a pony so that you would have a form more appropriate to our world, I have little doubt that the amount of magic needed would have drained much of the magic from the sword, Thus the arcane force holding it together was weakened causing the sword to come apart and in this case splitting into two swords” “But, why did it bring me here?” asked Max. “I do not know, even I in my 1500 years of life have not seen all,” said Celestia “You may have some greater purpose to fulfill or it may simply be happenstance, only time will tell.” “Speaking of the sword Princess, does that mean there is another one of them, and if so has the other one been found? ” asked Twilight who was entangled in a forest of scrolls full of notes being taken. “Yes I do believe so, and no we have not found it yet, but I am sure it will turn up in time, ” said Celestia. “Anyway with the Force Sword in hand I lead the Shining Force to the castle of the Ancients where we confronted Darksol. Unfortunately he sacrificed himself to release the seal. We were forced to confront Dark Dragon, but in the end we prevailed and he was resealed, and now I am here and you know the rest, ” stated Max. “A very heroic tale, Max, But surely your heart must be heavy for you waged a war with your friends and must have lost some along the way,” said Celestia. “Huh, if you are asking if my friends were ever defeated by the enemy then yes that happened, but they didn’t die at least not permanently,” said Max with an ‘are you serious’ look. “Oh, come now there is no reason to withhold the truth, you cannot heal if do not grieve and to do so you have to admit they are gone.  Equestria has been at war in the past and I have lost so many that I care for to it. Surely this is also the case for you,” solemnly said Celestia. “Uh, like I said no one died permanently. When one of my friends fell we would go to a priest and make the necessary offerings and they would be resurrected.  It could get kinda expensive but I would rather pay the gold than lose a friend. The only thing I am upset about is the change in species and the possibility of being stuck here forever, no offense, ” said Max dryly. “Resurrection magic, but that is impossible, you must be mistaken, ” blurted out Twilight. “No, quite possible. I mean it doesn’t work on people who died of old age and only about half the time when someone is sick but it always works when there was a violent death, well almost always there is one exception to that, assuming they have received the blessing of the light prior to their death,” said Max. “What exception?, ” asked Twilight. “Well the king of Guardiana and the Varios the captain of the Guard were slain by the Sword of Darkness.  That sword separates the soul from this plain of existence and cannot be brought back.” glumly said Max. Twilight shuddered at the description of what the Sword of Darkness was capable.  “So, you mean to tell me that your people can bring back those that are dead with Magic. Oh I wonder if I can learn how to do that. Say Max can you teach me how to cast those spells,” enthusiastically said Twilight. “I too would lean more of this as the benefits to Equestria would tremendous,” said Celestia.   “Whoa whoa calm down. I am not a priest I do not know how to cast those kind of spells, or any at the moment for that matter, ” Max hastily said. “but, I am sure with the book on light magic that was found with me we can figure something out.” “Well then our path is clear. Twilight you are to instruct Max on unicorn magic as your highest priority so that with his help we may bring hope to the soldiers and families of Equestria should we ever be thrust into another war, ” said Celestia, “Now, I would like to examine the mystical sword, Twilight.” “Of course, Princess,” Twilight got up from her seat and opened a locked chest. Within was the magic sword that came with Max. She levitated up and in front of Celestia.  A wave of peace and calm came upon the three ponies in the room as they examined the sword. Celestia began to scan it with her magic. “This sword does indeed resonate with a similar power to the elements of harmony.  And you said there is another sword that is the opposite of this that made up your Force sword. How can something that vile be used for good.” “The Force Sword was made by bringing the light and the dark into balance. All of us have light and dark within ourselves and when they are in balance, in order if you will, a greater power is formed that can defeat even a darkness that can overwhelm the light,” said Max. Max was eager to see the great Sword of Light again that he once wielded against the witch Mishaela.  Max went over to the sword now that Celestia was done examining it and grasped it the same way he did with his fork earlier this morning.  Max was surprised when he felt a shock go through his hoof making his fur stand on end. “It seems that it does not recognize you due to your new form, ” said Celestia who was suppressing a giggle with a hoof. “sigh, Great it would seem that I have to earn the lights favor yet again.  Though hopefully we won’t need the sword of light, right. Twilight said Equestria has been at peace for over 1 thousand years right, ” said Max. “True, but your own nation was at peace the same amount of time was it not, but we can hope,” said Celestia. Twilight finished writing all of her notes and placed the sword back into the secure chest.  “Is there anything else, I can help you with Princess?” “No, that will be all today.  Please create a magic instruction regimen for Max and keep apprised of any developments you make with resurrection Magic. Best of luck my little ponies. I will hear from you soon I am sure. ” Celestia made her exit after giving Twilight a goodbye nuzzle and took her seat on a golden carriage pulled by four pegasus guards. The carriage took off for Canterlot leaving Max and Twilight to ponder their royal visit. “Well, we won’t be able to start you lessons until at least tomorrow. So why don’t I show you around ponyville and introduce you to my friends,” said Twilight. “Hooray, A day off at last,” said Spike. “Not quite Spike, I still need you finish organising the fundamentals of thaumaturgy section for me. This will be especially important now that I have to teach Max all about unicorn magic,” said Twilight. “Aww Man,” Spike pouted. “But once you are done you can spend the rest of the day looking at comic books if you like,” said Twilight with a knowing smirk. “Comics, Alright organising here I come,” said Spike with great vigor. “What are comics,” asked Max. “ Comics is a medium used to express ideas via images, often combined with text or other visual information. sort of like a picture book but more complex,” said Twilight, “I am sure Spike would love to show them to you later.” “Oh I cannot wait to introduce you to all of my friends. I am sure you are just going to love ponyville. Where to begin,” Twilight mused to herself. Twilight gathered her saddlebags and some bits in preparation to leave. Twilight then led Max out into what would be his first real visit to Ponyville… To be Continued...