Life is too short

by Rangerdash115

rally the troops

Dash awoke on a wooden surface, not fully awake, she tried to feel around. As her senses came back to her she realized she was moving, she stood up and looked around. She was on a cart being dragged through a muddier, smellier, and unpleasant ponyville, she was being hauled towards town center, she knew this because they had just passed sugarcube corner. The sweets shop was not as Dash remembered it earlier, the roof was partially destroyed, the door seemed to have been kicked in, and the wall had a large hole in it. Later as they passed the library that twilight had lived in since she moved to ponyville, Dash was shocked as she saw the tree house burning as twilight stood outside of it crying to a small purple dragon.
“Twilight, Twil-“, Dash felt a hoof on her shoulder; she looked and saw a grey earth pony standing there
“ma’am, stay quiet, please, it is okay to mourn for our loved ones at this time” he spoke with sorrow in his voice.
“What is going on?” Dash asked the pony she didn’t even know was there until now
"you must've been out a while, some griffons and some wierd machines burned down ponyville and killed many of us" Dash had her mouth agape, she was astonished, how could this happen? why would the griffons attack? what happened to her friends? they suddenly luched forward, throwing rainbow and the grey colt forward aswell.
"get out, follow the brown colt in the uniform over there!" the driver was a tall, buff, stallion, he was also grey. Dash and the grey colt got of the cart and went to the brown colt standing there in a green battle uniform and a helmet with goggles over the eyes.
"follow me, we will pass two tables, one with a uniform and one with a helmet, pick them up, put them on, and head to the center of town" his voice boomed, Dash and the grey colt followed the soldier. standing on a podium was a strange creature in camofluage clothes and had a weird item in its hand.


And that's when i came into the story. hold up, you might be confused, well let me tell you MY story.

first of all, i am cpl. josh "viper" wells, i am (was) a U.S. army sniper. i was on a helicopter with my squad, bravo 6, and we were heading to a huge firefight in the city 2 kliks from our base.
"wells! you got your ears on?" i snap out of a daze i formed when i was staring at a cluster bombing, it was the c.o., seargent connors, "i need you to keep focused, we got insurgents all over." he yells over the noise of our gunners on the side of the chopper.
"yes, sir!" i scream aswell."when do we land?" i ask, but the thump from the helo answers my question. we piled out the side of the chopper and dove to the ground. i got up and ran to the edge of the rooftop and placed my trusty m14 into position.

target 1, distance 50 yards, no wind, bang dead. target 2, distance 57 yards, bang dead. target 3, distance 75 meters, incoming rpg, wind almos-, wait rpg? rpg!!!! *BOOOOOOM*
i fly off the building from the massive explosion behind me, oh, look the ground is coming right at me.*CRUNCH*

i wake up to a startiling scene, the middle of a field with some weird orange thing in a cowboy hat staring at me.
"oh god, im dead arn't i" i groan.
"well should be after that fall, plus hitting that apple tree." the creature says, in a country accent. "anywho, what in thee name of celestia are you?" i t becomes clearer in my vision, its an orange horse with a stangleley more humanized look to it,but how is a horse, or should i say pony, talking, let alone southern english. i must think of something to say, something intelegent. so i say "gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, it's a talking horse!!!!" yeah, intelegent. it is startled by my scream. "oh, sorry sorry sorry, i don't want to hurt you, odd talking horse thing." i say.
"i aoin't no horse, im a pony! any ways names applejack. and you?" it says
"uhh, my name is corporal joshua wells, but my friends call me viper." i say as i start to get up, look around, i seem to be in a field of apple trees. i look down to see if im intact, i'm still in my digital fatigues with all of my gear, even my m14 is still strapped to my side.
"well mr.wells, what are you?" she asks
"a human, what country is this anyways?" she looks shocked
"this is equestria, land of ponies. and we dont have humans around these parts." applejack says with a confused look on her face.
"well, i guess im stuck here, so can you tell me where i should go?" i ask
she smiles and says " you an stay with me until we figure out more things about you" she says almost to happily. hmmm applejack i wonder why that sound familiar? i thinnk to my self as we walk to a barn looking structure.