Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Spark's stand against himself

A short recap chapter that I forgot to add.... Yes, this part was actually suppose to be in the beginning of part 2. I've been wondering why no one was making a comment about it, and the reason why was because I forgot to save it.

So, here it is, just take this has chapter 3... Even if it doesn't fit in this spot. But, I see this as important, so I'm going to rewrite it.

Chapter 3 (Chapter 128)

September 20th, 2014
Unknown Location
Spark's POV

*Cough cough*




I sat up and groaned as I felt my broken rips grind against each other.


I forced myself to stand, but fell back to the ground, going into a coughing fit.


Why isn't he responding?! He was right beside me before...

Where is he?

Why is it so dark? Why is the floor so cold? Why is...


I began to look around, trying to stand.


I finally got to my hooves, but when I took a step, my right foreleg bent backwards. I fell to the ground, slamming into the hard stone floor face first.

Tears filled my eyes as the pain in my beaten body sky rocketed.

Nova.... please... please be okay...

"Dad! Please! Where are you?!"



I looked around again and saw her immobile body laying a few feet away.

I gritted my teeth and began to pull myself forward, letting out yelps of intense pain every second.

Once I was next to Nova, I turned her over to face me.

Tears fell from my face and onto hers.

I put my head on her chest and listened.


I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that she was at least alive.

"Awww, now isn't that precious." I heard behind me.

I winced at the voice and turned to face the one who was talking.

At first, I couldn't see anything, then a small lamp came on. The pony holding the Lamp smiled, "Well Sparky, you think you can protect that little mare there in that state?"

I growled and stood, keeping weight off of my broken foreleg, "You... You will not lay a hoof on her!"

"We'll just see about that." He said with a smirk. He put the lamp down and flared his wings, "So Spark, ready for rematch with me?"

I staggered slightly as I moved into a weak fighting stance, "I don't care if your a clone of me, I'm still going to fight you till my last breath!"

The Spark clone laughed, "I see... Such brave words for one so young."

"I get it from my dad." I said, glaring at him with bruised eyes.

The Spark clone smiled evilly and began to walk forward, "Well, let's see if you fight like you dad."

I gulped and looked back at Nova, "I will not let him hurt you anymore..."

I turned back to my look alike and gritted my teeth, "Do your worst..."

"Oh, I will." He remarked as he closed the distance between us.

I know, that's to big of a cliffhanger, but you'll have to wait a while for it to take place.

Also, you now see why Part 2 is called "Clone wars, Lance's pain".