//------------------------------// // Revelation // Story: Vengeance // by Icare //------------------------------// *sigh* A breath of relief echoed trough the silence of the night . The moon was bright and the sky clear , allowing to see trough the darkness without too much effort . The source of the noise was a pony , but not a typical one . "Maybe they're right...Maybe I shouldn't have went to this party...Maybe I shouldn't exist at all..." This pony had a white coat that pierced trough the dark , but the most visible part of his body was his eyes : Even tough they were dark blue , the reflection of the moon on them could tear the shadows of the night . "What went trough my head ? Why did I do this ? Why...am I trying ?" You could tell it's a Pegasus , but you'd be wrong : Because he never saw the sun , his wings got obscured , his eyes could see trough the night and his teeth got sharper from scraping away the bark of his favorite tree , conforting him in the idea that its his house. "Why is everypony so mean to me ? What did I ever do to them ?" Tears went to his eyes , as the memories of the last hour kept flowing trough his head. "I...I don't know what went wrong ! I just walked in !" The tears were dropping on his cheeks , making them shiny with the moonlight . "I want somepony to talk with...I need it." His jaws were tighten down , anger filling is heart as the sadness vanished away. The poor batpony couldn't hold being friendless anymore , he needed a friend as bad as he needed to breath . "you don't need them ." His eyes brightened up as he sought the source of the voice trough the darkness . "Wh...Who's there ? Show yourself !" shouted the lonely pony. "Don't be silly , you know who I am ." The stranger wasn't a pony , it was a orb . A really dark one. Fear was filling the spirit of the colt , making him paralyzed . "Are you going to hurt me ? Why are you here for ? And who are you ?" "My name is Kaomet , the spirit of anger and sadness." "Anger and sadness ? Why does that concern me ?" "Because ponies that stay alone and away from everypony is friendless. I saw what happened to that party . Really sad , isn't it ?" , asked the smoky shadow. "Why did they chased me ?" asked Star Shock , "Why are they so hateful to me ? What am I responsible of ? What did I do ?" "Don't you worry , I am here to make you an offer. A really intersting offer ." The young stallion raised his head , ready to listen . "Go ahead , I'm listening ." Shock didn't see clearly enough to be sure , but it seemed like he saw a smile . "I can bring you something , but at a cost . I can give you friendship , in exchange of a little task ..." "And what is that task ?" "I am weak . I need to feed of the souls of happy ponies . Do you think you could do it in exchange of that friendship you desire ?" Shock hesitated , considering the dangers and consequences of such act . "If I do this , you swear you'll bring me friends ?" the young stallion asked . "Of course my dear , and much more if you want. " answered the shadow " Even answers about why everypony avoids you ." The eyes of the batpony widened , and , motivated by that last argument , he answered . "Then I'll do it." His answer was clear , and he was determined to have friends at all costs . The shadow said a few unintelligible words and a shiny object appeared . It was a knife . Shock looked at it a few minutes . He knew what it was for and he knew he must do it . The answers to why he spent his young years alone were in his grasp , he just needed to do one little thing to get them . He took the knife between his hooves , and he looked at it : something was strange . "Why is this knife so light ? I can swing it effortlessly ." wondered the stallion. "It's my creation . " answered Kaomet , " I infused it with magic . Not only it's lightweight , but it's sharper than a razor ." "On who am I supposed to use it ?" "I let you choose your victims . After all , you're the one wielding the weapon ." Kaomet answered with a smile . Star Shock thought about it . Names were coming trough his head , and he couldn't choose who would be his first victim . "I know ... First , I'll show the ones to the party that I'm not a pony to avoid !" A disturbing smile was showing on his face , revealing his teeth . A laughter rang trough the night . The laughter of a mad pony in great need of answers and vengeance . The scene was set , now he needed the actors .