//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: A Warm Summer's Evening // by TAW //------------------------------// Five months later, Luna sat on the throne once more, playing her part in a political meeting between the Equestrian government and the Griffon ambassador, working out the last few details of a trade agreement. It was shockingly dull, but these things had to be done. Just half a year ago, Celestia would never have allowed Luna to take part. She could do it, she didn't need any help. Luna should be out enjoying herself, or resting, or any number of things that weren't her royal heritage. Not now, though. To top it all off, though the meeting was surely boring Celestia to death too, she was smiling. Truly and honestly smiling, not the fake smile she had so often worn, but the smile of somebody who is content with their lot. Luna had more things to thank Twilight than she could find time for, but that smile was the main one. It wasn't the practised, "could silence a room" smile, it was just an honest one. Luna knew why, as well. Twilight was on a train even now, as they hammered out the last few details, and Celestia had taken the rest of the night off. Apparently they were going to buy a telescope and find a nice position somewhere on the mountain to gaze from. Luna had Celestia's word that should she pull any pranks, Celestia would have her thrown in the dungeons. Luna didn't doubt it. She considered writing another message or two anyway. That was something else Luna had to thank Twilight for. The constant, unending stream of letters both to and from Celestia that made even the loneliest night so much more enjoyable. Luna knew that if a copy of the letter where Celestia had managed to insert three hearts into the word "Twily" were ever to make it to a printing press, Celestia would never live it down. She would never do it, of course, but she loved to see her sister blush when she threatened. Luna smiled too.