The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch.12.The hitch hikers guide to Equestrian magic.

The hitch hikers guide to Equestrian magic.

Two months I have spent distant from Moonlight and Heather, unsure whether or not my actions were acceptable. Slaughtering twenty plus without a second thought, then running to Moonlight bawling for forgiveness, wasn't right in anyway, but I at least paid for my crime.

The eye of foresight has a nasty effect which I found later that night. Waking up to the feeling that my throat was being ripped apart by thousands of knives, making me feel all the pain I caused to those I have wronged, wasn't a pleasant experience. Moonlight bolted into my room to the unholy sound of a choking baby griffin pleading for her to make the pain to go away. It didn't end till the night was over. Moon tried her best with her potions and Heather raiding the medical bay for morphine, which neither worked. It kept going until I was trembling in the corner of my room curled up into a ball, with a scared Moonlight doing her best to comfort me.

The nights to follow weren't as horrible as that one, but it put me on edge. I searched my mind for something to explain the misery I felt that night. Hours of deep meditation after working on loading the ship, led me to a viable explanation. The eye of foresight is based on the seven deadly sins. The sin I came to recognize as the leading cause was Ira or wrath. It makes sense for me as the eye would show me all the pain before it happens, and if I don't stop it, I felt it. I have control of whether or not I do, but if I use the eye, that's when the costs came in. The massive amounts of chaos magic I have to spend, which only lets me use the eye for sixty seconds per day, after that I don't have to wear an eye patch. The pain I feel if I don't stop it I the first place and the paralyzingly effect that holds me still when active.

The requirements to even attempt to active the eye is something most can't even comprehend. One, you need to gain an imprint from a celestial being. Two, have your soul (if fractured) put back together by your own hands, by coming to terms with both halves. Three, do what I did. Kill five hundred in less than two hours, and four. Be a being of pure chaos, a human.

Sleeping with Deus got me the imprint, merging my light and dark half together got my soul put back in place, three is self explanatory and four, is impossible for all Equines, even discord. I can assume I could gain the other eyes eventually from my knowledge of the sins, but after learning the effects of just one worries me of the others. Though one thing is certain. There can be only one with this power.

How I know this is due to what chaos magic does to a person. It corrupts indefinitely. Most beings of this land have a pure soul, others fractured. The pure ones take a lot longer for the magical energy to bend the user, but the fractured ones lose faster than a gun to an arrow. This happens due to the split soul, the pure side loses to the chaos powered dark side. Since both of my side merged perfectly into a chaos form, the corruption effect doesn't work on me. The requirements which I lucked out with, makes me the only one (other than dragons) to use without a problem. I don't think the other chess pieces that come in the future will have a god that would sleep with them, and most of them would have their souls forced hole by their gods. Making them immune to chaos magic, and can't use it without warping the mind. I am stuck with this power and no one to share it with.

Getting up after another dreamless night, I did my usual morning routine. Big cute yawn, arch my back and clean my eyes for the painful eye crud. Once done, I took survey of my room. My gear, which I always wear safely tucked away in the chocolate colored chest at the base of my bed. The shoulder dagger, satchels, throwing knives, bandana, and wing armor. 'Which I found in the trainee armory, making my wings look like they have an elvish style covering from base to tip, sharp as a dragon scale.' Many other additions I collected since I raided the vault; more throwing knives that fit in with the others, holsters for my new akimbo .44 custom black six chamber revolvers, with a white tribal style wolf inlay along the barrels from a snowflake tribal design on the grip. 'Sometimes I wonder if something is giving me the cool things.' A pair of aviator goggles, and a M79 grenade launcher. My bullets for my magnums and launcher was also placed in the chest in ammo boxes. While I gained some; books, quills, ink wells, and parchment placed on my desk. 'Though I think I upgraded my weapons rather than my room. Not that I mind.'

The revolvers were brand new, but as was Silvers .44. I am not sure where they came from, but I can guess. Equestria. The ship designs also came from there when they should have bin in the files from the vault. My assumptions suggest that their was a trade, ship for upgraded weapons. But where did the weapons come from? It is possible that someone figured it out in Equestria, but remained private with it till someone bought those plans and brought it here. *sigh* Another mystery. 'Thanks Silver you suck being dead.'

Getting up from my cloud bed, that cried if I was gone to long, into my bathroom. The large Cloudsdale style bathroom looked to fluffy to be a bathroom. Cloud shaped sink, cloud shaped toilet, cloud shaped tub, ect. I used the overly soft little griffins room, had a quick shower, and fled for breakfast.


The smell of bacon and eggs filled the crew deck in an aroma that pulled me off me feet and guided me to the source. Inside the kitchen was a very happy Heather working her magic on the various grills and counter tops making breakfast. The amount of skill she has is something to look forward to every morning. Heather was as good at cooking as a master chef, making the best meals every day, though Moonlight had to do the dishes afterwards, making her grumpy everyday.

Sitting down in an empty fold up table that you would find in most high schools, just with lower benches. Moonlight brought me my share and gave me a happy hello before going back for hers. Moonlight and heather sat down at another open table. They sat down away from me everyday, leaving this griffin alone to his devices. Both of them finished as fast as they could, then left the ship for most of the day. I know why. They think I am cursed with something that would put them in the same boat as me, from that day. I could understand why, not wanting to feel the amount of torment I did for that length of time. I don't like the fact that they avoid me like the plague.

Putting my dishes away from a lonely but wonderful breakfast away, and went to the ships sparing room. Moonlight and Heather usually go to the town to do whatever they do. Sometimes I see Moon collecting herbs, or Heather flying around with Brownie and Rose, While I spend my day practicing magic trying to pretend they didn't just ditched me.

The sparing room was located in the crew deck by the gym. The difference was from the gym was that this room was ment for serious damage. The circular colosseum style room the size of a typical small town hockey rink with greek bleachers, over a protected wall one story up, that could be accessed by the change room connected to the main gym. The walls and flooring were made from some enchanted steel that lined the rim of the arena to safeguard the bystanders.

Today like everyday, I work with spells or study how spells effect the world. 'I think ill work on teleportation using chaos magic.' Latin teleportation spells are very long to do. In order for a Latin based teleport to work; you have to write down a three stage pentagram on the floor, write the Latin words of your choice to the desired location you want to go, have three charged gems at each corner of the triangle within the pentagram just in case the spell fails, and cast by standing in the middle and use the words,' transpono,(Latin name).'

Chaos magic however, should cut all of that out. 'I want to go to the other side of the room. How should I go about this? Should I just picture where I want to go, or just think it?' Focusing my chaos magic like I can with Latin, I pictured where I want to go and release.


Opening my eye to see what happened, I found that the spell worked, but their was just one problem.

"WHERE THE FUCK AM I!" I screamed.


"Uhh. . . did ya here that big mac?"


Looking into the Everfree forest to find where that squeak came. To my surprise, a baby griffin came out of the tree line covered head to hoof in mud and twigs. Apple bloom raced over to the little feller. 'I should go to.'

"Big mac, I'ma gonna take care of this. Can ya finish this up?"



"Howdy!" said Apple bloom. Applejack Not to far behind. Realizing how botched up my attempt was, I focus my magic again before I warp the soon to be element of honesty and change all of history. 'That, and I'm suppose to be dead.' Applejack managed to catch up just in time to see me leave.

"Goodbye!" I said teleporting away.

I heard a 'whatcha mean' as I jumped.


A few hours later.

After jumping all over Equestria, from Ponyville to Hoofington, Manehattan to Roam. I came to a conclusion that I can jump anywhere. I finally figured out after a jump into a volcano, how chaos teleportation works. 'Just think of where you want to go and no more, if I want to go to Ponyville just think it.' having to picture it all confuses the spell, sending me somewhere else. Though, a couple of times I ended up in strip clubs and cat houses made me enjoy the randomness, but I couldn't stay long. No kids allowed.

Back in the ship tired and covered in ash, mud and a thong that I stole and ran around in one of the strip clubs on my head yelling, 'And I say heyyeyaaeyaaaeyaeyaa!' Dirty from various things, I made my way to the showers not wanting to move anymore in filth. While I clean myself from the poisonous sulfur soot I collected from the volcano and others, I gauged how much chaos magic it took to teleport. The eye spell drains me out with one use while the many jumps got me halfway there. 'Ok, then I am a lot stronger than I thought I was.' Leaving cleaner I went back to the arena for more practice.

Still having enough energy, and not wanting to jump anymore I chose my next spell. I was going to try was a shadow clone that I could spar with. So I just focused my magic and thought shadow clone. Focusing the last of my chaos magic and released. To my surprise that I had enough energy left that was spent on the clone held up good. 'An exact replica of me.' We walked up to each other checking ourselves if everything was in place. I made the first comment.

"Hi am Winter your master, you can be named Rain for now. " I said.

"Alright but just so we can be clear. How long will this spell last?" Rain asked.

"I assume ten minutes, which should be long enough for us to go a round."

"Ok. Ermm. . . a round of what?" he asked.

"A sparing round." I say.

"Why?" he Rain asked.

"To get stronger physically." I said.

He gave me a right hook sending me tumbling. Getting up from the cheep shot, I look over to my opponent. Just like I thought,' butt in the air, wings spread out, and head close to the ground. A typical stance of play then fight. Just like me.' I stood up on my hinds using my tail for balance. Folding up my wings while I moved my right foot forward leaning on my left putting my right arm outward and left over my head as a scorpion two fingers out on both. Rain gave a smirk and bolted at me on all fours. 'A fools effort.' I mused.

He jumped at me claws out going for the throat. I caught both of his arms, jerking him into me using his forward momentum to give an upper cut with my left knee. Which from the sound of a snapping neck told me he died instantly. Rain evaporated in a puff of smoke giving me back some of my magic. Disappointed from how fast my match was, I called it quits for the day.


Having another quiet dinner with Moonlight and Heather who sat by on a different table I ate my food before they could finish. I flew up to the bridge to do a check-up. Sitting over the main console gazing at the sunset, I hear the door open behind me. Looking back to see Heather walk up to me unsure if she would get cursed or not. The quiet Heather looked around the bridge trying to calm herself before talking, once she gained some form of composure she spoke.

"Hey Winter how are you doing?" she said sitting beside me.

"I am fine," I lied. I wasn't fine and I knew it. Being outright ignored by the only people you trust, hurt, being a baby griffin started to hurt, and having an eye that could cause great pain, double hurt.

"No, you're not." Heather frowned.

"'How can you tell?'" I said annoyed.

"Welp... that one night for one." she said.

"Nooooo really." I smiled.

"Stop being so pissy. I'm just here to help."

"Weeeelll excuuuuse meeee princess, but I get to be pissy cause you and Moon ditched me everyday." I say. "And I doubt you can help."

"Can you stop sassing for a minute and listen!" she snapped. "One, Moon and I have found a way to cure you of that evil eye you have. Two, We had to stay far away so we don't get it and three. You are just a kid, you do not have a say whether or not what we do. it is not your business." she explained.

'I wish she could cure me of the eye, but its no use. Ill have it till they day I die.'

Turning back to view the last of the sunset before it leaves for another time.

"I wish that was true," I smiled weakly. "But its impossible."

"I am a grown up, you don't know better, nothing is impossible!" she exclaimed.

"I know more about magic than you do." I say. "The eye is permanent, there is nothing you can do. I am sorry, but your efforts at finding a cure was useless. Though, be thankful that the requirements to gain the eye is near impossible. You are safe around me, it can't pass on." I explained.

"NO. WE. CAN'T!" she yelled. 'God I hate yelling.'

"Griffins can't use magic, and whatever you think you can do is the result of the eye. If we don't cure it in time, you can die!" she yells. "Do you know what that means?!"

"Yes I do, but the eye itself wont kill me outright, and please stop yelling."

"How do you know?" she asked.

"You either believe my word or don't." I say. "Their is nothing you can do, no amount of potions or the like can cure this. This eye I will live with till the day I die. It is up to me whether or not to use it and feel the aftereffects. You can't stop me nor the pain I could feel in the end." I say.

"I. . .we. . ." she sniffled unsure on how to react. Not that Id blame her. Being told by a child that they are ready to die would kill the humanity, or in this case griffanity of all hope for the child.

"I know, it sucks not being able to save someone with such a fate. Failing at every turn you make, the regret of failing the task over and over again even though you give it your all, only to be kicked back to the beginning with you hope spat on like a piece of dirt." I gave a chuckle. "I can live with it, it is up to you and Moon to decide to live with it as well." smiled halfheartedly.

"But. . . you're so young, and. . we didn't even try," Heather sniffled some more. "How can you say things like that?"

"I grew up too fast. Lost all my innocence at the age of two, almost murdered by my mother at four, and kicked out of the family at five. I know you two will fail. Its not hard for me to see." I say. "I'm much older than I should be aren't I?" I asked. She looked at me with new found shock. Heather must have took a hard hit. Being told a quick summery of a part of my life i'd rather forget, broke down into her mind in deep revelations of who I was on the inside.


"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Heather asked taken from her train of thought followed by a violent jerk of the ship.

"That would be an incoming fire alarm." I sighed. " Looks like my pursuers finally caught up." I say.

"ISN'T THAT A BAD THING!" she yelled out of her slump. If my assumptions are right, ' which mostly are' Moonlight told her that someone was chasing me.

"Yep." I smiled. Moonlight burst through the door.

"What. . . is. . . wrong?!" She asked catching her breath. I looked over at my magic radar thing on the console.

"Four ships, one heading to the center of the island, one firing on the town, and two firing on us." I say. 'Time to get to work.'

"WHAT?!" they both yelled in unison.

"STOP YELLING AND LET ME THINK!" I shouted back. After a moment of silence and more hits from the other ships I had a plan.

"Heather, Moonlight you two head to the town and save as many as you can. Bring them to the ship and load them in through the cargo bay, while I take on our unwanted house guest's." I directed.

"But what of your eye?!" asked Moon.

"GO NOW!" I yelled. Moon and Heather snapped into line and followed my orders. I lift the eye patch off, and used the spell.

I waited patiently on the bow of my ship. The two ships stopped firing after they realized their canon balls can't even scratch black dragon scales. Each hit flattened the ball into a patty, falling lifelessly to the ground, rejected. Someone flew from one of the two ships, landing behind me. Turning around to see a griffin basking in the moonlight. The griffin had a bright pink cat half and whitish pink bird half. His eyes were also the strange pink, but it was hard to tell. His eyes were pinpricks, filled with an insanitary lust for something, a creepy grin that stretched from ear to ear in utter glee to see me. He was fairly built and bigger then me. Much bigger. He towered over my little form at what I could guess, five foot five standing. Then he spoke.

"Hello brother."