Ponies React To

by Matthew_Golezerg

Mane Six Reacts To: Rudy Mancuso

Since Matthew's latest uploaded video had been in view of the public with increasing popularity, many in the comment section expressed their disbelief to witness that these well-known past villains on screen, even his other friends were shocked by the news. Even Princess Celestia couldn't help but share in her subject's surprise towards it, with a hastily written letter delivered to him as proof.

However, as much as Matthew wanted to answer these questions, he had not the strength he needed to sit in a chair and coming up with a reply.

The main reason why was the hard part. Having to fight off a ferocious mouldy sandwich that tried to murder someone needs some convincing for others to believe.

The symptoms were starting to take affect the moment when he woke up, and the situation became a lot more worse as the day progressed. He first experience dizziness before he was starting to feel nauseous the next few hours, loss of appetite the next and finally vomiting and dropping in and out of consciousness.

The other day, Twilight headed to his house to ask a similar question Princess Celestia already asked online, hoping for an answer just as much as her mentor was, but when she entered his house he found him lying on the floor, foams of spit dribbling from his mouth (Although I have to say he wasn't in the best position when she found him).

Twilight mindset changed after that as she ran out to get help, heading to the nearest hospital there is in Ponyville. She should thank her lucky stars when she found out Matthew was still breathing and alive when he was carried to the hospital.

Since the news of him now unconscious and hospitalized have already been told to many of his numerous fans, many were shocked and they took it quite badly, but not to the point where it was chaotic (oh, how much the before-reformed Discord would love that). Some who were quite the hardcore types visited the producer, giving gifts and cards, but most importantly all of them hope for him to get well soon.

This event stretched for a few days and many began to lose faith of him coming back. Doctors were struggling to give any good news about his condition. Sure, his heart rate stabilized and the venom getting diluted and any potential damage it would do was getting limited. However, since ponies are unfamiliar with human anatomy, it was a challenge for the doctors who were trying hard to achieve when despite the basic premise of his body structure is similar to that of a pony's, but in detail there different ways of how it worked comparing to the pony anatomy with its much easier function.

To make things even more worse, doctors don't even know what the type of venom Matthew was suffering from. Besides the fact that it came from a fungal infection, almost next to none was known about the venom. Secondly, preforming any operations will eventually kill him in the end. His blood obviously can't be mixed with a pony like them. Otherwise, he would suffer from blood clotting and will die anyway. With options very limited, it forced these unsung heroes to find details and come up with solutions quickly.

(Hey look, it's true. You can't mix some random bloke's blood with yours. If the blood type isn't suitable, the mix won't happen. I studied in school, okay? [ if you got a problem with this rule, well...life isn't fair, you know? Tell this to your children.])

More time had passed, it was nearly a week. And no response was given from him. Many others, especially friends of him are trying hard to support the belief that he would make it, but time was beginning to change that perspective. Questions began to arise in their heads of doubting the ability for him to recover. He was a different species altogether, but that doesn't mean he was invincible. They all knew one day he might be gone, dead, buried yet none expected it to happen so quickly. He probably ran out of time for him to do whatever he wanted. Some might say he lost his goal in his life: making everyone happy was his objective. But many probably wondered if he had failed, then his death was forever in vain.

The nearby nurse approached, with a sad expression on her face, came to the group with sagged movements. The group turned to her, waiting for what she had to say. With one look towards them back, a simple shake of her head said it all. In response, many of them began to look down in depression, there was no denying it, he was gone, his soul was now had been separated from his body. All of them, all broken and tired, agreed this. He had to go.

But before the nurse left, one of the group demanded her that they would have a moment to see him one last time. Although reluctant at first, she said they were just finishing up their last preparations to put the equipment back in its place and soon said they were allowed to visit, but on one condition they would not mess with the staff or the equipment or even the deceased person. They all agreed and the nurse led them in the patient ward hall and halted at the wooden, strangely grey door in the hallway. The sign on the door that read "Vault 57".

When asked the reason why his door number was different than the rest, the nurse replied that he already booked himself a room a month before the incident. He never explained why, but they complied to do so anyway. She also mentioned that he decided to have his own name on the door number. She hazard a guess he wanted it that way so he could be easily recognizable.

The nurse stood aside of the entrance of the door, signalling to them they were were now clear to come in. The door soon swung open and they entered the dimly-lit room, where laid Matthew on the bed, motionless and peaceful while the other nurses present where putting away the hospital's apparatuses beside him. Some lightly gasped at the sight of the body, what life there had been inside him was already gone. The only sound in the room emitted from the disassembling of medical paraphernalia, the light rain outside; colliding with the nearby window and there stood a nearby heart rate monitor emitting a single long beep. A wall clock ticking also broke the quietness of the room, but other than those, nothing else was heard.

They soon approached the bed, cautiously not to trip over anything or touching the recent corpse. The nurses nearby took a few quick glares at them to make sure they didn't disturb anything important to their work. But the glares were ignored as they were mainly focusing on Matthew. He didn't move a muscle, not once, probably not anymore.

As they discussed earlier in the hallway, they all decided if his soul was still with him and could still hear them, they at least say some few last words. As expected, many did, some which were long yet full of emotions mixed in, while others kept it short but ended up shedding many tears instead. But all of them knew he wasn't coming back, and even to alicorn standards, resurrecting him would be impossible. Not that it was that challenging but the fact that since he was from another universe altogether their magic would have no direct or indirect effect on him whatsoever. They already tried this before he was sent to the hospital.

Spike was the last in turn to say anything. He approached the bed, closer than the rest had gone. Although it was all pre-written since he wasn't in the mood to say anything earlier, he still poured them out all from his heart.

"Matthew... I-I know *sniffles* we didn't spend a-a lot of t-time together. But *sobs* you're still one of my best friends a dragon could have. A person like you who actually cared for my well-being. So, I owe you an um-uh-" he couldn't mumble out another word.

"Dammit!" he slammed his fist onto Matthew's chest.

"Spike!" Everyone else screamed at his sudden behaviour.

But suddenly as he slammed his fist onto his chest, they heard a sound that they all thought they would never hear again.


Everyone in the room froze, confused and probably thinking they just imagined it, until Spike slammed his fist again onto him to be sure.


No, this was real. This was happening! The nurses raised the volume of the heart rate monitor, still unsure if it was still true but they had to try. They all soon took their individual places. One of the nurses motioned Spike to move out of the way so they could work, and another put his hoofs on his ribcage and instantly plunged it in again and again, massaging the heart to reincarnate its pumping motion.

Beep Beep Beep

This was it! This is a miracle! Against all of the odds, the venom and the separation, he still managed to be alive! The nurses tensed up and adrenaline was back inside them. They kept on pumping, ensuring that he could still function normally. Soon enough, they stopped when they were convinced his heart rate was back to normal.

The faces of sorrow and regret was instantly replaced with broad smiles and tears of joy. They couldn't believe he was still alive but it happened, and they didn't care either. They were all relieved that he was still in this world, a second chance for redemption they guessed.

Although not very subtle, his eyelids began to twitch very quickly and with heavy effort was starting to make movements, furiously fighting to unveil his eyes to the world. His vision was once again disoriented and most of the sound channeled into his ear was mostly incoherent, faint noises. But soon started to regenerate their efficiency, making vision clearer and sounds more distinguishable.

And soon enough, his right arm lifted a tad, shaking yet alive. He then moved his head to the right, to find his best friends, crying... but in a very happy way. Must've something tragic just happened but turned into a happy ending he guessed.

Matthew lifted himself up, letting out a deep exhale doing so. He took his time rubbing his temple, his head still a bit disoriented.

"*groan* did I have a hangover or something?"

His friends didn't answer his question. They don't have to, what mattered to them was he was alive. They all soon hugged Matthew together, who was still bewildered of what was going on.

"Oh okay, okay guys. I'm fine." he mentioned before returning the hug to them.

They soon let go, wiping their tears away. Sorrow no more, everypony would be delighted to hear that he was alive and breathing.

"But seriously though, what's going on? Why am I here?" he still waited for his answer from them.

"Ya don't know?" Applejack asked back. He then shook his head.

With a sigh, she started her summary of what happened for the last week to him, with a bit of added commentary from the rest into the mix. When she was done, Matthew was left with many questions to himself, wondering on how others loved him. He was just doing his work for fun and uploaded it so he could easily share it with the rest of the world, he never wanted anything else. But it seems that his work brought everypony else closer than ever before. (which was kind of obvious. Dammit, Matthew how can you not see this?)

But he guessed that didn't matter, at least not for a while. He has to get onto more important stuff.

Like making another reaction video. I mean, at the moment that's what he was good at, and some would be probably go batcrap mad when they see that sort of thing again. And that's one thing the doctor can't cure, his addiction. Well, he didn't think anyone would want it to be gone anyway.

"Oh Matthew,"-Celestia decided to blurt out, knowing the time then would be more appropriate than ever-" I do want to add a bit of news to you,"

She then went into her bag she was carrying and extracted out something shiny with her magic. Others saw the object and was wondering what was Celestia seems to be holding.

"Here, have a look at it." she then levitated the object to Matthew.

Matthew took a moment to inspect the shiny thing on his hand. The "casing" appeared to be made of crystal (waste of precious minerals if you ask me), a black screen appeared to be on one side. He started to feel a sort of deja-vu with it. A feeling like he had that sort of thing before.

"Let me guess, it's a phone. Isn't it?" he faced back to her, waving the phone as he did so.

Celestia, in all honesty, was surprised to know he could figure it out so quickly. The others in the room didn't say a word to each other, but they know they were asking the same thing.

"Why yes, how did you know?"

"I have something similar at home." he stretched his hand to hand it back to her, who then Celestia levitated it back to herself.

"But I do want to ask though, how does it work? As far as I can tell, electricity wasn't your forte. Even in technology." he let himself say a question everyone else was about to ask her.

With clearing a throat out of the way, she started the explanation, " Well, the engineers have came up with this yesterday, and started giving the prototype to me for testing today. They call it the Crystalphone, the first-ever portable smartphone they seem to claim."

"-The phone is powered by flowing in fluid-like magic into it. It can do everything from-" she was interrupted by Matthew saying,

"-From calls, messages, notifications to music and applications. I think I get it," (Okay, that was rude.)

Celestia was already started to feel so impressed on how Matthew knew all about these things it started to feel scary. "Oh, um... yes. I do want to question on how you're able to know so much about technology."

Matthew wouldn't want to say much, considering he already spat out enough saliva drops already, he was a bit of a sprayer. But then again, he suppose he wasn't going to let that question go unanswered, not that he hate it.

"From where I came from, friendship wasn't our top priority. Ever since from the birth of Adam, we wanted to create something, anything. And that, my friend, was the reason our love and strive for technology has been going forward fast. And by the way, yours is catching up quick." he then looked around for a minute. "Say, has anyone seen my clothes?"

Ponies React To:


This Episode:

Rudy Mancuso

The video was shortened and cut into several short 6-second clips to save a lot of time and effort for the reactors to watch without any long description.

The person (AKA Rudy) was walking along acting cool singing and dancing to a song... right until he ended up hitting something when he wasn't looking in front of him.

"Oh! that would hurt." she closed her mouth in shock.

"I- wasn't expecting that," she shook her head in admittance, with the same amount of shock as Twilight.

"You know this reminds me of the third episode where Applejack was working by herself too hard." Noted Pinkie Pie with another fourth wall break that I, behind the camera didn't get what she was saying. "What?"

"Darling, I believe it is a good idea to watch where you're going. Okay?"

Racist Elevator
Three men entered a lone elevator together. When the door has been shut, many were transformed into their stereotypical clothes all of a sudden, to their surprise. The Asian being a Japanese ninja, an African being the typical thug and the Hispanic as the mexican dancer. Though I do have to say, he enjoyed it when it happened.

Um... I don't believe I've heard of racism, what does it mean?"... I best not answer her question.

"Ah believe Rarity said something similar to this,"

"Racism is bad, and you should feel bad,"... for some reason when I heard Twilight say this, I get an image of a mutant crab shouting the same quote.

When You Find Random Things in Your Couch...
Rudy decided to inspect the deep crevices in his plump couch. When he reached for something in it, he was surprised to have refound his lost car keys, a stray dollar bill and a- wait, was there someone in that couch? Oh, and he proceeded to take back that dollar bill the other bloke was holding.

Rarity was still shocked by the sudden appearance of Couch Guy. "Well, at least I have something to do with my drama couch,"

The rest of the cast except Applejack pondered aloud to the camera if they could do the same thing for Rarity's couch.

"There's pretty much more stuff to be found in mah house, like that set of Granny Smith's dentures under the house I found last two weeks ago."

Wooden floors be like
Rudy then exited the bathroom, minding his own business. Suddenly, the wooden floor creaked in a strange, squeaky voice when he stepped his foot on it. He retracted in surprise and put his foot back slowly onto the floor again to confirm if that was the source of the sound, sure enough it did. But then he shrugged it off in annoyance and continued walking anyway, with a song accompanied to it.

Applejack sniggered to herself, This was the exact same issue with mah house too. But without the spanish singing or whatever it was singin' just now,"

Pinkie practically wept with laughter, "That was a good one!"

Fluttershy wasn't keen on having that in her house, but the skit was funny enough for her to earn a chuckle.

"Dear, you need some little modification to your floors. Please?"

Hispanic Commercials
Most of them involved reimagining certain commercials from famous companies with adding a little bit of blurbs to add the flavour of a Hispanic way of making a commercial. Little blurbs like "I think I just got diabetes.", "I-I mean, you don't have to. I can do it for like, 12 dollars." and "Who are born in Mexico,".

"I'm not so sure if that's appropriate but I guess I should respect their way of making a commercials:brutal honesty,"

"Wow, going for the reality, are we?"

"That's so true!"

Question Time

Did you like those videos?

"Not really,"


"Twasn't bad,"

"Not much,"


"Yeah I dig it!"

There's a social media app available on Earth called Vine that shares videos only for 6 seconds each and no more, yet it's one of the successful apps in the world. What do you think when an app only allows 6 second videos can be so popular?

"Not entirely sure, but it has something to do with how psychology works towards a specific group of individuals who are into it,"

"Short videos don't take up much time and is a lot easier producing content,"

"Some ponies have short attention span,"

"There's something about it that makes it work. Something that involves less time and more humor,"

"Don't know, you tell me,"

Why do funny video like these are memorable?

"Come to think of it, there's a certain part of the brain that if something makes you happy, you will want more happiness called dopamine. Hence, in the search for more happiness you will remember it,"

"If something funny happens, you will remember it because it's funny,"

"I don't know, but I guess it just helps you to be happy,"

"Duh, it's funny so it is memorable,"

Have you ever encountered a situation similar to these videos?

"I do, loads of times,"

"Yes, but just some of them,"


Last question, do you think this app could be the next generation of entertainment?

"The evidence is there, of course it will,"

"I suppose it might,"

"Definitely! I mean how are you not entertained by this sort of thing?"

"If it does, then it would be awesome!"