The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch.11 Inception.


Two months had passed since we broke out of prison. Breaking into the vault, which held weapons that did not belong in this world. I worked during this time to collect, sort and file all items inside the vault to my ship. There was enough firepower to turn Equestria into a wasteland of fire and fallout. 'Yes, their was a nuke.' Thankfully it was disarmed a long time ago. The files held schematics for jets, rocket's weapons, fighter jets, and dropships that griffins and pony kind alike could use. During this time, I thought about magic to keep my mind from other things.

Knowing that Latin has great influence on more linear spells, I came to the conclusion that if I know the meaning of the word in mind without reciting it verbally, I could cast a spell without speaking it. It is a heavy multitask having to think of the spell, meaning and intention all at once, but with practice, it could work. Having an abundance of knowledge on the Latin language lets me reduce the thinking time of the spell to only intention, but there is a problem I found with linear magic. Power and sequence. Power is a problem without a catalyst with Latin magic. The problem is the sequencing. A one-word spell or 'function' makes the casters intention of the property the spell to a specific task like 'push.' The intentions can be simplified by adding more words making a bar (or measure) for more complexity. Latin spells, I figured was like music. Using the proper words and rhythm make it more viable for restoration and protection based spells. Using a one-word function to cause harm or ill intent without a specific direction could have a bad reaction to the caster if backfired.

The more words you use in a spell, without having a cad that has enough magical power could kill the caster. I was lucky that I was only using one-word spells, or else I would have been dead. Latin based magic is useful, but causes more problems then it needs to be. Griffins have weather magic just like pegasi. We can control various types of matter; Water, air, sound, density, pressure, and energy. Knowing this, I created a theory. I have the most potent of magical energy available. Lightning. From physics class, an average lightning strike carries over one million volts of power, which is enough to form a plasma discharge capable of distorting electrical magnetic fields, or creating them. Having that in mind, adding density and pressure, I could possibly make a mass acceleration canon among other things that could be useful.

One billion volts from my calculations is enough energy to remake the hurricane from awhile ago. I have yet to attached myself to a lightning rod during a thunderstorm to find out, but it is still possible. Calculating one billion volts to magic power was easy. a small gem lamp is about two amps. I learned this from one of the files I found.

One day from my endless thinking of magic, I could not help but think of how Unicorns are naturally in-tune with the world, letting them have unlimited access to all forms of magical energy. The rest of the worlds inhabitants could use this, but in limited amounts, like weather control. Our emotions best show this. When we are happy we feel more happy and are more receptive to change, while being angry will overflow you will the more 'darker' of the worlds energy. Which explains back in the warren why I was more over the top then I should have bin.

The dark side of magic in this world. Thinking about it more, it could be very hazardous to have that kind of influence over your feelings. But what was considered evil in this world? Nightmare moon came first to mind. She was created out of the fears of Princess Luna, but something was missing from that. 'Corruption.' The only kind of corruption that would complete the change has to be Chaos magic. Magic of imagination and absolute control. That kind of magic can only be control by people that has come to terms with all aspects of the soul, like most dragons since they are completed within their egg before hand.

Being who I am know, I could use it without any problem. Being that I am part human, one of the most chaotic beings in existence and my soul being put hole again. But ponies like Twilight sparkle are the weakest mentally. She could go insane and wreck havoc all over Ponyville with just a taste of it. Then there is discord. Well he is not insane, but rather curios to the extreme. He must have bin a dragon before hand, that had a passion to understand chaos magics capability's. I wouldn't mind having a cup of explosive chocolate milk with him and learn his secrets.

Then their is dark based magic. Necromancy, soul binding, life drain type spells. I would not want to use these for any reason. It could kill me instantly or worse. As for light based magic its in the same boat. The purity effects are not what I want. I could lose all sense of self identity.

Foresight is a spell that could be used with both the casters intent or if it is willed without knowing. I learnt it the latter way. This spell once used for the first time becomes permanent. The only way to even attempt this spell is if you have mastery over a certain type of magic. Since I gained both Latin magic, and chaos magic. The mix made it viable for me to use. My left eye was now red, leaving my right eye the same azure blue. I had to cover it up so I didn't see the future 24/7. Doing so would drain all of my magic in minutes and be very annoying. Its both a curse and a blessing. One I was glad for.

Two months earlier.

Feeling the warmth of a familiar Zebra, I woke up in my daily routine. One, yawn like a kitten. Two, arch my back till all disks popped. Three, sit on my haunches and wipe the eye buggers from my sockets. Four, find out we were in a Jail cell. 'What happened?' Looking over to a sleeping zebra, I can guess she was tricked into coming here. I still had all my things on. My eight throwing knives, two satchels, one with my lock picking materials, and the other my map. My dagger was in its holster over my shoulder, and I had a gem lamp lighting the room.

'I should have guessed this would happen.' Sighing, I jumped onto the cold floor. The door was a simple one way pad lock door with an opening for food. Having no windows the door was the only way out. 'Well I should figure a way out.' The door was a one inch thick cold steel, industrial grad. The gem lamp was caged making it useless. 'Wait a minute.' I could use it to go up.

Moonlight stirred awake. The stripped mare looked at me uneasily, shuffling unsure what to say or do. Shame welled within her face making her to look away. I knew that look. She was putting herself down for a mistake like it was. thee, worst, thing, she had ever done.

"I am sorry little one. I have put us here." she said. Jumping onto the very bouncy cot beside her.

"It is not your fault, so stop putting yourself down so much."

"Look at where we are, I put us in this cell."

"Yep and?"

"And? But are you not mad at me?"

"Nope, I could careless. Right now we need to get out of here."


"Don't. I sorta figured out Silver would do this. He was too calm, despite being taken down by a five year old, and the giant ship hovering over there."

"Sorry little one."

"I already got a way out, so please stop mopping and lets get going." I cheered. Moon couldn't help but smile at my cheep rhyme.

"So what is this plan of yours?"

"Simple, you stand over there by the door and watch."

Moonlight now in a better mood, stood by the door. My plan consisted of the gem lamp and massive improve. Focusing my magic into my claw, pointing it at the lamp. Moonlight looking at me with a curios gaze. I thought of a spell.

"lapidibus," I said activating the spell.

The lamp lit up and a darker glow. The gem erupted in a flash of light making a sound of drilling though a mine. Within a second, a clean circular hole in the roof through the building, let the clear blue sky shine in, replacing the odd gem lamp. Moonlight's jaw dropped like a bag of rocks.

"Follow me." I said causing the mare to snap back to reality.

Moonlight somehow jumped into the room with me. Looking around we were in another cell. By the door was this cells prisoner. She was shaking, eye to pinpricks, and clearly scared out of her mind. She was maybe in her teen years. She had the same dark brown and white fur color pattern as Brownie but with grey eyes.

"Hello, I hope I didn't scare you, but we are in a hurry. If you want to come with us don't fall behind." I said.

She broke out to see us jumped onto the roof. It was morning, the sea breeze hung in the air. The sound of birds and chaos from our breakout boomed throughout the town. The brown griffin followed behind was looking outwards. Taking a breath of fresh air looking over to Moonlight doing the same overcast as I was. I spot my ship looming a short distance away to the north. To the west was the mountain. I assume the vault would be there.

"So whats your name?" I asked the brown griffin.

"Huh... oh. I'm heather." she replied.

"Alright heather, I am going to the vault. Moonlight take Heather to the ship and wait there." Moonlight nodded, Heather followed. They took off leaving me to deal with the hoard. 'Never a dull moment.'

They both left, and just as I was I was assaulted be a vision and a pain coming from my left eye. Cringing from the horrors and the pain taking a solid hold. I closed my eye shut which caused the vision and the pain to stop. 'What was that?' Panting I made a new plan. Hoping that the future outcome would not happen.

I caught up to the pair in the middle of the forest halfway to the bunker. Moonlight and Heather was tired from all the running. Thankfully Heather stayed on the ground so that they would be less ease to follow. They looked at me exhausted from the four mile run, which was odd.

"Little one, why are you here, and what happened to your eye?" Moonlight asked.

"I thought you would lead them to the vault?" said Heather.

"I would have, but if I did you two would be killed," I said. They looked at me uneasy. I guess being told they would have died If I didn't stepped in, put them in worry.

"We would have died?" Moonlight asked.

"Ill talk about it later. Right now follow me. We are not going to do this without the ship. Heather, come with me if you want to live," I said with my best Arnold accent. She gave a weak smile.

All three of us made it back to the fort, but instead of going through it we went around it. Seeing the ambush squad enter over head through the hole made by the ship. Moonlight and Heather looked at me realizing what I just did they waited for my next move.

"Heather I need you to carry Moonlight onto the deck of the ship and wait for me. I will keep them at bay."

"You are going to take them all on your own?!" Heather said. The disbelief show in her eyes.

"Yes now do as I say unless you want to join me." She smartened up and carried Moonlight onto the deck of the ship. Her bigger form made it easy to do so. Once they were safe I flew to the hole.

"HEY YOU FUCK TITYS, COME GIVE YOU SHIT A KISS!!" I yelled into the hole.

The group of griffins led by Silver, Brownie and Rose, jumped up to the roof. Their was the same amount of troops all twenty four of them. They all held a .308 rifle and a simple black bullet prof vest carrying extra ammo for the guns. Silver held the same silver .44 magnum pointing it at me like he owns the world. A stupid smile plastered on his face filled with passive insanity. This time no chances.

"So you come out to play boy!" Silver yelled.

"Yep!" I yelled back. We were a good ten meters away from each other. The group surrounded me in a circle Brownie and Rose on opposite ends of the encasement. I focused my magic into the spell that saved me last time.

"You are not going to leave here alive," Silver said lifting his hand. The group prepped their guns and took aim.

"That's what you think!" I said. I will not kill Brownie or Rose, but the rest I could careless.

"Mora imperium," I said and just like in my vision, time stopped.

I slit the throats of all but Silver, Brownie and Rose. Just like last time I took the gun from Silver as well as his ammo, then I stood back in my original spot. Releasing the spell didn't drain me like my vision did. The griffins all went limp in unison coating the roof in blood making a water fall into the building like a waterfall. Silver Brownie and Rose froze in horror. I pointed the gun at Silver and pulled the trigger before he could react. his head exploded from the bullet. The recoil from the gun left a bruise on my wrist. Brownie and Rose looked at me terrified. I pointed the gun at Brownie.

"Do you want to live?" I asked.

"Yes," he cried. I pointed the gun at Rose.

"Do you want to live?" I asked Rose. She gave the same reply.

"Then you two tell the town that if they don't listen to me, bad things will happen."

"Well, GET GOING!" They both said 'yes sir' while flying away as fast as they could.

I flew up to the duo. Moonlight and Heather was silent watching me approach with unease. I gave them a sad smile. Moonlight knew what it ment. She ran over and gave me a warm embrace. I didn't fight it. I stopped time for a minute and ended the live's of twenty one without a second though. Like their live's were worthless. My sanity was catching up with my morals, making me feel remorse and the pain of losing someone. I bawled like a baby in her hooves.