//------------------------------// // Trust // Story: A Life To Share // by Dante K Freeman //------------------------------// Chapter 3- Trust Twilight looked toward her wounded friend with a mix of sadness, concern and anger in her eyes. She lifted her horn and placed it on top of Fluttershy’s heart as it started to glow. “Rarity, come here," Twilight called her friend, “I need you to help me heal her." Rarity listened and ran over to Twilight's side. "Just put your horn over her heart, like me, and focus your magic on keeping it stable.” “Okay,” Rarity did as Twilight said and started to shine her horn over Fluttershy’s heart while Twilight started to walk away. “Don’t move from here,” Rarity didn't know what Twilight was doing, “if you do, Fluttershy could die,” Rarity grew scared again and focused on Fluttershy. Twilight walked towards Spike, “Spike…,” she kneeled down and hugged him, “…thank-you… for being such a great assistant.” “Twilight…” Spike said, “What’s going on?” “Do you remember the time after the Sombra incident? The spell I learned?” “Spell, what… no, Twilight that’s crazy, there has to be another way. What about the elements?” “There in Canterlot,” Twilight let him go, “and even if they were here, does Fluttershy look like she could use them.” Spike looks over towards Fluttershy, still unconscious and being healed. “I have to do this,” Twilight started to walk away. “Wait Twilight…,” Spike reached for her, but Twilight activated her horn again, causing Spike to halt in his tracks, “What the… I can’t move, Twilight,” she walked away. “Twilight, please don’t do this!” Back in the battle, Minucorn actually started to look a bit shaken. Rainbow Dash and Applejack kept attacking relentlessly, fueled by their new rage for the cruel wizard. Rainbow Dash crashing into him with assault after electrified assault while Applejack smashed through his shield with a wide array of powerful kicks every chance she got. Although it seemed like Minucorn wasn't affected by any of their attacks, his guard had definitely gone up; he had started to get serious. After a few more attacks, Minucorn’s focus was mainly on Applejack, who was by far the more aggressive attacker. Rainbow took his lack of attention as an opportunity to fly as far away from the fight as possible while still keeping them in sight. Minucorn grew confused at the sight of the retreating girl, letting his guard down for just a moment, but that moment was All Applejack needed, catching Minucorn with her lasso while his back was turned. “Gotcha,” she said with a grin, “Now Rainbow!” “Right,” Rainbow Dash increased her speed, and electricity, greatly until a large air pocket formed around her. “Eat this!” she said as the pocket broke, causing a large Sonic-boom as she continued forward with a long rainbow following her. As she hit, a large electrical explosion engulfed them all, but when it cleared, she was shown to have stopped just before Minucorn body while his eyes glowed with intense red light. “What the?” Rainbow Dash said in confusion. “That aint’ possible” confirmed Applejack. Minucorn looked AJ’s way as she started to lift into the air along-side Rainbow, her lasso disintegrating in her hands. With a flick of his head, he threw the two, again, towards the girls. “This guy’s unreal,” Applejack said, trying to get to her feet. “I don’t care… I’m not quitting,” Rainbow said, flying back into the air. “Yes you are,” Twilight said walking beside the two. “What the, when did you…” before Applejack could finish, Twilight had used her magic to freeze them like she did Spike. “Hey Twi, what gives,” Rainbow cried, frozen in the air. “Just let me handle this,” Twilight said, as she kept walking. “What are you talking about? Are you trying to fight him alone?” Applejack yelled. Twilight gave no answer. "Are you crazy!?" Rainbow shouted in response, "if we couldn't beat him together, why would you think you could do it alone?" “I have a way,” she walked off. “How the hey is she…” “You have to stop her!” Spike interrupted, “Please, if you don’t do something, Twilight going to die!” “Die!?” Applejack shuttered at the very word, “You…You don’t know that for sure,” “Listen, Twilight never told anyone this, but after the event in the Crystal Empire, she was really upset that she couldn’t beat Sombra alone. Afterwards, she looked for a spell that could make her stronger, and the one she found could do the trick, but at a price. No-pony that has ever cast that spell has ever survived it.” “What!!!” Rainbow Dash screamed, “Why In All of Equestria Would She Use a Spell Like That?!?!” “Because…its Twilight Sparkle…” Fluttershy said, finally out of her coma, causing the rest to look her way. “Twilight wants to protect us. To her…, if she can do that… she doesn’t care what happens to her…, as long as we’re safe.” Twilight walked up to Minucorn and got ready, “(I’m sorry girls; there’s just no other way.”) her horn begins to shine more and more intensely, until her whole body begins to do the same as she began to lift into the air. Minucorn sensed the massive energy source and looked her way to see her body glowing and her eyes shining with a pure white light. Minucorn smiled a cocky smile as his own eyes began glowing again. “That’s the spell,” Spike said worried, “someone has to do something!” “We can’t move. How do we stop her?” Rainbow Dash asked “We had better think of something fast.” Applejack answered “I can’t do anything; I’m the only one keeping Fluttershy alive right now.” Rarity stated “Twilight…” Fluttershy said, still in a lot of pain. Back at town hall, their sixth friend had walked outside onto the back porch. “Man what is taking them all so long,” Pinkie said, looking out for the rest of her friends. “Don’t those girls know that not even a Pinkie party can start until the guest of honor arrives?” Eventually her gaze lead her to what she assumed was a ‘massive light show’ in the distance. “Wow, what a crazy light show.” She began to run towards the lights in hopes of seeing what was making them. “Twilight, stop this. Cancel the spell!” Rainbow shouted as loud as she could. The rest started shouting similar notions, but Twilight didn’t even bother looking their way. “I’m going to finish this, now.” Twilight raised her arm to the sky and focusing her energy into her horn to a level she had never thought possible before. “(So much power. I just hope this will be enough.)” Minucorn gave another cocky smile as he pointed one of his marked hands Twilight’s way and started forming another energy orb, this one bigger than all the rest. “This isn’t good, She aint’ listenin’ to a word we say.” Applejack said. “There has to be something we can…,” before Rainbow Dash could finish that sentence, she was interrupted by their pink friend. “Oh girls, there you are,” Pinkie said, “it’s about time I found you. Do you know how long you kept the party waiting?” “Pinkie?” said Applejack, “Where did you… never mind listen Pinkie, we need you to…” “Hey girls, why are you all just sitting on the ground? Except you Rainbow, you’re just flying in the air.” “Pinkie, listen, it’s about Twilight, she’s…” “Oh yeah, isn’t that her in front of that shiny guy? Oh that reminds me, there’s something that I wanted to ask him. Just wait here girls; I’ll be right back,” “What, no Pinkie stop! Don’t go over there,” Applejack shouted to the pinkie girl, but she wasn’t listening either. “Hello, excuse me,” she said as she got to Minucorns side, “Mr. glow-y guy, can I please have your attention please.” her call got the attention of Minucorn and Twilight. “Pinkie!” Twilight shouted in surprise. “Hello there, I just wanted to ask you something,” Minucorn got a little closer to the pink-girl, “that’s a pretty cool light show you’re doing right now. You see me and my friends are kind of throwing a little party for our good friend Fluttershy, well actually it’s more like a major-awesome-appreciation-Pinkie-party, and when I saw that light show of yours, I started to think, ‘do you know what would make this party even more majorly-awesome… a fire works show,’ and since you seem to be pretty good at that I was thinking that you would be the perfect person to do it. So what do you say; you’re more than welcome to come and enjoy the rest of the party as well of course, and you know what they say, ‘there aint’ no party like a Pinkie Pie Party.’” “Pinkie, this is not some random circus performer. You are talking to an evil wizard. He’s not going to…” “Sure.” The group went into shock after hearing Minucorn not only talk, but actually accept Pinkie's crazy idea. “Really!? You’ll really come to the party and do that awesome show for every-pony!?” Pinkie said in excitement. “Of course, who could say no to a party, especially a Pinkie Party? It sounds like great fun.” “Yeah it does!” “In fact, why don’t I give you an example of my ‘display.’” Minucorn Held his hand to Pinkies face and started charging it again. “Ooooo, shiny.” Pinkie looked on in wonder. “Pinkie, Move!!!” Twilight shouted, causing her to loose her focus on her spells and free her friends. “Hey,” Applejack said, “I can move again” “Well then let’s go,” Rainbow said as she activated her Buccaneer Blaze again and flew toward Twilight while Applejack ran to Pinkie Pie. “Damn it! You’re not going to hurt any more of my friends!” Twilight tried to blast Minucorn out of the air, but was hit from the side by a speeding Rainbow Dash, while Minucorn fired his blast at Pinkie, only for her to be pushed out of the way at the last second. Rainbow and Twilight landed to the side, with Rainbow pinning Twilight onto the ground. “Rainbow, what are you doing?!” Twilight yelled while struggling in Rainbow's grasp, “Just let me handle this, none of you can defeat him, and I’m the only one who has a chance. It has to be me who takes him down.” Rainbow Dash pulled back one of her arms, balled her fist, and punched Twilight square in the cheek. The sensation caused Twilight to drop her spell while Rainbow dropped her field. “You idiot,” Rainbow said, “You… DAMN IDIOT!!! Just what the hey’ were you trying to prove with that little stunt!? What in Equestria makes you think that we would want to beat this thing so badly that we would actually risk losing you in the process,” Rainbow started to tear up. “The whole reason that we’re fighting him in the first place is because he’s trying to hurt our town… all of our friends, so do you think we can really call it a win if we lose one of our best friends in the process.” Twilight looked over to her friends and noticed that Spike, Rarity and the now awake Fluttershy all had tears in their eyes too; Applejack was telling Pinkie what had happened and she started to look at Twilight with tears in her eyes as well, while Applejack just gave her a stare of disappointment. Twilight was starting to cry now too. “So maybe we messed up on some party, maybe we got caught up in something’s that made us ditch you when you needed us, but don’t think that means that you can’t trust us to help when it really counts. So don’t you ever try taking things into your own hooves like that again. And I swear to Celestia, if you ever really do jump the gun like that, I will follow you to death and kick you ass all the way back to Equestria if I have to,” she gave a slight smile at the statement. Twilight didn’t know what to say. “She’s correct you know,” Twilight heard a familiar voice coming from behind her, causing her to look to see who it was. She saw a tall woman with long, light, muti-colored hair, wearing a white dress, a gold crown, and bearing the mark of a large sun on her shoulder. Next to her was a shorter woman with dark-blue hair, wearing a black-frilled dress, a black tiara, and the mark of a moon surrounded by darkness on her shoulder. They both had both a long horn on their left arms, wings on there ankles, and where flying just behind Twilight. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, how did you…” Twilight said in shock and ahhh “We suspected that something was wrong, so we finished our business in Saddle-Arabia and rushed back here,” Luna stated “My young student, I understand that your heart was in the right place, but remember, this opponent survives by consuming the negative emotion of those around him. Say your spell did work, how do you think your friends would feel after?” Twilight stared to think just how miserable she would feel if she saw her friends die and figured that they would feel the same way. “Even if you did defeat him, he would just feed on that newly placed misery and come back,” Added Luna. Twilight couldn’t believe herself; just how pointless her attack… her death would have really been, “Princesses… I just…,” she started to cry uncontrollably and feel into Celestia’s embrace. Celestia held her student while looking over to their opponent, who seemed to be extra furious to see Celestia specifically. “Come Twilight, I believe it’s time that we ended this.” she stated. “We couldn’t have said it better sister,” Luna said as she grabbed Twilight’s waist and followed her sister back into the sky. “Twilight Sparkle, do you remember the spell that we told your shy friend to tell you.” “Light shell? But that spell is one of the most basic imprisonment spells there is. How is that going to help us?” “Normally it is,” Celestia said, “but when cast by the hands of a master spell-caster, or three, it becomes infinitely more.” Celestia held out her horn, Luna did the same. They both looked at Twilight as she added her horn to the group. “Ready,” Luna asked; Twilight nodded. They all powered up their horns and pointed them towards Minucorn. He knew what came next, so he tried desperately to attack, but it was too late. “I’m sorry,” Celestia whispered under her breath as they all fired the light shell, canceling Minucorn’s attack, hitting him square on, and sending him back to the hole that he came from; sealed away once again.