Summer Sunset

by RobRoyale

It Can't End Like This

Chapter 11

The rescue team raced down the tunnels guided by Sunset’s magic. She was at the head of the group with her horn aglow. She didn’t know the path they were on but her magic guided her to their destination: Twilight.
“Look out!” Spike shouted. He leapt forward drawing his blade and shield. A changeling charged out of the darkness above diving for Sunset. Spike intercepted it and bashed its face with the shield sending it into a wall. Another changeling came out from the side and Spike spun around slashing it across the chest. He landed on the ground in front of the group and sniffed the air. “I smell more of them.”
Rarity stepped to his side and fired off a small magical light pulse ahead of them. The light gave a brief glimpse of the area ahead. The ceiling had risen from its once shallow depth before and tunnel walls had widened. The light pulse flashed over dozens of shadowed bodies and when it faded blue eyes looked down at them through the darkness.
Sunset gritted her teeth. “Well Rainbow, you get your fun now.”
“Aw, yeah!” Rainbow flapped her wings and readied herself. “Come and get it!”
The changelings answered her call and swarmed from the ceiling and a group came at them head on. Rarity fired off a couple light orbs to keep the place illuminated. A changeling launched for her but Spike bashed it into the ground. He reeled his head back inhaling then sprayed the area ahead them with a massive green flame. The less fortunate changelings in front were consumed by the flames while the ones in backs screeched and scattered.
Sunset stepped back to the center of the group. “I can’t use magic without breaking my concentration on Twilight’s location.”
Applejack bucked a changeling in the face as it came forward. “Then we’ll clear a path! Everypony charge! Yehaw!”
The group dashed forward into the fray. Spike was on point slashing and bashing any changeling that came their way. Rainbow Dash was in the air, zipping around the changeling forces confusing them and then finishing each off with a hoof to the face. Pinkie Pie covered the back with Applejack, firing off her party cannon at changelings that tried to flank them. Fluttershy, who preferred to stay out of the fight, stayed close to Sunset, keeping a protective wing over her. The group was a powerful wall charging through the changelings as they came in droves. Having an older Spike in the battle really made a difference this time around as he blew the changelings back.
Sunset focused on keeping her momentum as Spike charged forward. Not one changeling broke through and any that tried were knocked back by the pony’s defense. Sunset knew these were the saviors of Equestria but it surprised her how they fought without fear and plunged into the dark depths of the cavern without hesitation. She knew why she did it; fool hearted reasons concerning love, but these ponies didn’t have those same feelings. It then dawned on her that this was another way friendship could be so powerful, these ponies and dragon were charging to save their friend because they loved her. Even Fluttershy by her side had a serious expression and didn’t falter when the changelings got close.
Another light pulse fired by Rarity illuminated another group of tunnels ahead. Spike bashed another changeling and looked back. “Which way?”
Sunset closed her eyes then pointed to the center one, “There.” The tunnel she pointed to had changelings filing out of it and charging forward.
“Plan B, dear?” Rarity frowned.
“I’ve got this guys!” Rainbow shouted. She flew up to the ceiling doing two loops, then shot down to the opposite end behind them. “Gang way!” She dived and skimmed the ground. The group jumped back as she stormed by, the mac cone formed around her and the moment she met the changelings ahead she shot forward into a sonic rainboom. The shockwave blew the changelings away and Rainbow slammed into the ones still in the way. The group braced against the torrents of wind then raced forward following the rainbow trail left by the pegasus.
The tunnel ahead of them narrowed and the screams of changelings ahead could be heard. After a few seconds, the screams faded, as did the rainbow trail. They saw Rainbow at the end of the corridor looking down and when they met up with her, they were standing on the edge of a large ravine. Below them, the entire area glowed green with hundreds of changelings moving about across various walkways.
Sunset looked up at the high ceiling and saw stairways descending downwards to the walkways, “I think we’ve found the hive.”
“I reckon then Twilight must be right above us?” Applejack tipped her hat back and gulped.
“I hope she’s alright,” Fluttershy stepped away from the edge. “How are we going to get up there?”
Rainbow Dash sighed and extended her wings. “You have wings, Flutters.”
“Oh… right.” She gulped.
“What about the rest of us?” Sunset asked.
Spike rubbed his chin. “I could throw you guys?”
“Ooh, that sounds like fun,” Pinkie Pie bounced.
“No offense Spike, but I prefer my hooves being on the ground.” Applejack frowned.
Sunset looked down at the ground again. “I don’t think we have many other options. It’s quicker than Rainbow and Fluttershy flying us all across.” She looked up to Spike and nodded.
Spike grinned. “Alright, Earth ponies first!” He picked up Applejack in his arms.
“Why me?” Applejack squirmed.
“Need to test my aim.” Spike chuckled.
“That ain’t funny!”
“Don’t worry, if I miss Rainbow and Fluttershy will catch you.” He heaved her over his shoulders and launched her like a javelin into the air. Applejack sucked in her breath and kept her gaze on the ledge. However, she overshot it by a little.
“Whoa nelly!” Applejack yelled. She fell from the ledge a few feet when Rainbow and Fluttershy caught her by her front hooves.
“Settle down AJ,” Rainbow laughed, “Afraid of heights?”
“Yes!” Applejack growled.
The pair set the farm pony on the staircase and gave Spike and all clear. Spike picked up Pinkie Pie. “Ready?”
“Yep!” She giggled and stuck her hoof out, ready for take off. Spike launched her through the air. “Geronimo!” She screamed. Unlike before, she was able to land on the ledge without pegasi rescue.
Sunset gulped, “I’m doing this for Twilight, I’m doing this for Twilight.” She repeated over and over to herself. Spike picked her up and spun around, throwing her into the air. Now she realized why unicorns weren’t meant to fly, and why Twilight had such trouble flying. It was terrifying. She hit the side of the staircase and grasped it with her hoofs. Rainbow Dash flew under her and pushed her up onto solid ground.
Sunset hugged the ground. “That was… never again.” She looked over and saw Spike picking up Rarity in his arms. He stepped back and took a running start, jumping high into the air off the ledge and landing gracefully on the staircase. He let Rarity out of his arms and she leaned up giving him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you, Spike.”
Spike blushed and chuckled. “Anything for you, milady.”
Sunset rolled her eyes and focused on the stairs above them. Thankfully, the changelings below had not taken notice of the ponies above. Not wanting to change that, the group ran up the stairs. Most of the hallways were void of guards, who were presumably out defending the palace. Sunset guided the group down a few corridors until they heard what sounded like magical blasts. They followed the sound as it echoed down the hallways. When they rounded the corner, Sunset’s heart leapt into her throat.
Changelings were lying on the ground defeated and at the center of them was Twilight, dusting herself off.
“Twilight!” Sunset yelled and she sprinted ahead of the others and embraced the lavender alicorn. “How did you escape? Are you alright? What did Chrysalis do to you?”
Twilight smiled and nuzzled Sunset’s neck. Sunset tensed and her heartbeat sped up. “I’m alright, when I heard you were coming, I couldn’t let you do all the work. I tricked the guards into taking off a magical clamp they had on my horn, then I freed myself.”
“Resourceful as ever, Twi.” Sunset giggled and hugged her. The other mares came over and joined the embrace expressing their thankfulness that Twilight was alright. However, Spike stood at a distance with a skeptical look. He walked over to a fallen changeling and looked over its body. The body was relatively unharmed with no magical marks or signs of a physical scuffle. He brought his gaze and looked at Twilight whom also looked relatively free of any marks her burns. He walked closer to the group of mares and sniffed again.
His eyes thinned and he drew his sword stepping back. “Step away from her right now.”
“Spike!” Rarity chided. “What in Equestria are you doing?”
“I said step away from her now that’s not Twilight!” He growled.
“What do ya mean it's not Twi? Look at all the changelings she took out.” Applejack defended.
“All the changelings that have no damage on them whatsoever.”
The group now looked closer at the changeling bodies that didn’t show any signs of damage. Spike stepped closer keeping his blade trained on Twilight. “Also her smell… it's not Twilight.”
Sunset raised an eyebrow and stepped in close to Twilight who now drew back slightly. She sniffed the air around her, from what she could remember Twilight constantly smelled like lavender soap with a mix of old parchment. “I smell spice and honey glaze.”
“I smell cake!” Pinkie bounced.
“I smell apples.” Applejack backed away.
Rarity pulled Pinkie and Fluttershy back. “I smell the finest imported aromas from Prance.”
Spike growled. “Changelings emit a pheromone that turns into any scent a pony wishes. It increases the intoxication of one’s affection.”
Now it clicked it Sunset’s mind. She charged her horn with magic and growled. “Where. Is. Twilight?”
The fake Twilight backed up and laughed. Her eyes went from purple to bright green, and a light green aura radiated off her body. “Well, that was a good meal while it lasted.” Her voice turned murky and dropped but still kept its feminine pitch. “Congratulations young drake, you’re more resourceful than our first encounter.”
The image of Twilight disappeared and was replaced by Chrysalis. She stood taller than the ponies and drake and laughed. The fallen changelings around them stood up. Changeling’s forces charged from the end of the hall cutting off their escape. “You ponies are so easy to fool!”
The group huddled together, facing the changelings approaching them on all sides. Sunset stood forward still her eyes locked on Chrysalis. “How dare you…”
“Interesting, Twilight said the same thing when fooled her by turning into you.” Chrysalis drew her hair back. “Personally, I pulled off the look quite well if I do say so myself.”
“You…” Sunset’s eyes thinned. “You bitch!” Her horn surged and she fired a large blast of magic catching Chrysalis off guard and sending her into the door behind her. She grunted and rubbed her chin.
“Seize them!” The changelings circled the group and charged forward simultaneously. Sunset surrounded them in a bubble of magic cutting off the initial attack. When the shield dropped Spike took up his shield beating back any changelings that tried to get through. Rainbow flew up from the group and encircled them, beating back changelings as them came from above. Applejack continuously bucked them in the face. Rarity and Fluttershy stood on the defensive behind the rest.
Sunset charged forward leaping up and clashed horns with Chrysalis. “Give Twilight back!”
Chrysalis pushed back and chuckled darkly. “There’s nothing you can do. Already that little bit of love I fed off from you is incredible! This feast has only just begun!” Her twisted horn glowed and she seized Sunset in her telekinetic grip. Sunset struggled against it and Chrysalis threw her against the wall.
“Your pony’s love for her gives me more power than I’ve ever felt!” She cackled and threw Sunset across the hall to the adjourning wall. Sunset shifted herself in Chrysalis’s grip and landed on her hooves against the wall.
“I won’t,” She gritted her teeth and pushed back as Chrysalis tried to flatten her. “Let my love for Twilight.” Her horn glowed brightly. “Be used by the likes of you!” Sunset jumped, breaking free of the magical grip. Her eyes glowed brightly and she head bucked the changeling queen. Their horns clashed and the magical energy sparked and blew back the ground around them.
Chrysalis reared up on her back hooves and threw a hoof at Sunset. However, Sunset flipped her body over the incoming punch and landed her hind legs in the back of Chrysalis’s head. Chrysalis staggered forward and rubbed her head, then whirled around to see Sunset bringing her back right hoof into her neck. The wind left Chrysalis’s lungs as Sunset threw three successful kicks to her neck, then brought her other back hoof up, nailing Chrysalis under the chin.
Sunset landed back on the ground and scraped the ground with a hoof. “You’re outclassed here, Chrysalis! Give up!”
Chrysalis rubbed her chin and spat out a glop of green blood. “I wouldn’t get ahead of yourself now, little pony.”
She stepped back and smiled as changelings filled the gap between her and Sunset. Sunset charged her horn, but toppled as a group of Changelings jumped her from behind. She struggled to throw them off with magic, but one sprayed her horn with a green goop cutting off the magical circulation to it. Sunset tried to kick them off, but there were too many and she collapsed under their combined weight. She caught a glimpse of the other ponies and drake falling under dozens of changelings atop them. Changelings sprayed Spike’s mouth with the green goop keeping him from using fire, while the others bonded the others horns and wings.
Chrysalis walked over to Sunset and petted her head. “Don’t worry, you tried your best.” She said with a mocking grin. “You’ll make fine siphons for my army.” The opened the door behind them and the changelings dragged the group one by one into a large room. The room was filled with green cocoon cages as well as upright torture tables. One of them of them was Twilight who had apparently been listening the entire time. She had a concerned look on her face as she looked upon Sunset and the others.
Sunset wanted to look away in shame, but couldn’t avert her gaze from Twilight. She struggled against her changeling escorts as she was thrown into one of the empty cocoons with the rest of the ponies. Spike had his arms and legs chained to the wall.
“Good, good,” Chrysalis started. “We have an audience for this momentous occasion!”
“Let us out of here!” Dash yelled in her cocoon.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” She smiled. “I don’t want you to miss the show.”
“W-what show?” Fluttershy curled up in her cocoon.
“Don’t you dare do a thing to them, Chrysalis.” Twilight interjected.
Chrysalis turned and walked towards Twilight. “Oh no my dear, it’s not about them, they are here to watch what I have in store for you.”
She circled Twilight turning into Pinkie Pie. “I’ve given it some thought and I have discovered what a glorious opportunity I have here!”
Her form shifted from Pinkie Pie to Applejack. “I had originally intended on replacing you for a while and feeding that way. But then I thought of something else.”
Applejack became Rainbow Dash. “Lure the Princesses here. I knew if I captured you they would come for you. They may be holding their own against me, but my armies in the hive below are ready to overwhelm them at my command!”
She laughed and became Rarity. “But I want the honor and pleasure of killing them myself!”
The white unicorn turned into a cream colored pegasus. “So I’ll drain you of your magic and love.”
Finally she turned into Sunset Shimmer. “And your friends will watch as I do so.” She cooed and nuzzled Twilight's neck. From inside Sunset’s cocoon she was boiling with rage. Her fur stood on end and she clenched her hooves tightly.
Twilight cringed and drew away from Chrysalis Sunset. “I told you once that achieving my ability of magic isn’t just about raw power alone! It comes from years of practice and study.”
“Oh yes, that boring lecture again.” Sunset Chrysalis leaned up close to pressing her muzzle against Twilight’s. “And I once gave you an offer to become my pupil in order to save your friends. I won’t give you that option now! Your raw power alone is enough to push my abilities to heights never achieved.” She drew back, licking her lips and turned back to her original form. Her horn glowed bright green and she rested it against Twilights and opened her maw.
“No! Stop!” Sunset yelled. “Take me instead! Take my magic! Take my love!”
Everyone looked to her in shock; Chrysalis had closed her mouth and now looked upon her with intrigue. “Oh? What do we have here?”
Sunset rested her head against the see through surface of the cocoon. She gritted her teeth and clenched her hooves. “Take my magic! I’m a former student of Celestia! I have magic reserves and knowledge of dark magic! Please spare Twilight, and take my magic instead!”
“Why would I want the power of a second rate unicorn like yourself?” Chrysalis approached the cocoon.
Sunset gulped. “I may not be an Alicorn, but I know magic Twilight doesn’t! I’ve traveled to and gained power from other worlds! I’ve connected with the Elements of Harmony and I have more love inside me than Twilight could ever have!”
Chrysalis raised an eyebrow and rubbed her chin. “Hm, if that is the case, then why would you willingly give yourself up in Twilight’s case?”
“Because I love her!” Sunset looked up with tear streaked eyes and her face was flushed red. “Take all my love for her, it’s stronger than anything you can imagine! Just don’t…” Her voice grew soft. “Don’t hurt her…. Please.”
Twilight and the others looked at her with expressions mixed between astonishment and slight shock. She blushed and spoke softly, “Sunset...”
Chrysalis circled the cocoon looking over Sunset. “Hm, touching. You make a good case…” she rested a hoof on the see through part of the cocoon.
“S-so you’ll take my magic and love?” Sunset looked up hopefully.
Chrysalis gave her a look that could've mistaken for tenderness. “Of course...” Her tender look turned into a maniacal grin. “After I’m finished with Twilight and the Princesses!” She laughed and turned back to Twilight.
Sunset beat her hooves against the cocoon. “No!”
The other mares followed suite and Spike struggled to break free from his chains. Chrysalis walked over to Twilight and placed her twisted horn against hers, and she opened her maw.
“Get away from her! Stop it! Stop!” Sunset screamed, she threw her body against the cocoon wall.
Twilight jerked her head back, trying to pull away from Chrysalis, but she was restrained firmly in place. Her body glowed green and she screamed in pain as the essence of her love and magic began pulling away from her. Chrysalis salivated as the energy entered her mouth and she savored the taste. Her body began glowing with the same light as Twilights. Sunset and the others looked on in horror as Chrysalis drained Twilight of her power.
Unlike Tirek’s ability to drain power and magic, Chrysalis’s ability had a harsher physical effect. Twilight’s perfect shape began to deteriorate and become rigid. Her coat and mane lost their vibrant and healthy colors and grayed out. Her healthy muzzle and face grew wrinkles and sunk inward. Her muscle definition shrank and her hooves looked similar to Granny Smith’s. Her beautiful wings shriveled and faded away, with the feathers falling to the ground. Twilight screams faded and grew softer as her body underwent these changes.
Chrysalis threw her head back as she sucked up the last of Twilight’s power. She trembled and drew her head down grinning wide and licking her lips. “Such power! It’s divine! It’s perfection!” Her body was shrouded in a dark green and purple flame. From what everyone could see, from the outside, Chrysalis’s body was changing. When the flames died she emerged. Her back was covered in spikes and her mane was now a black spine like appendage, also covered with spikes. Her hooves were now decorated with claws that glowed with dark purple energy and her bug like wings were now demonic long wings, similar to dragons.
She laughed; her voice had a soulful echo to it that sent chills up the others spines. “Finally!” She turned to the changelings. “Dispose of Twilight. I’ll be back for the rest of others soon! For now,” Her horn glowed with dark purple magic. “I have two princess to dethrone!” There was a flash and she was gone from the room with the echo of her laughter fading.
The changelings approached Twilight’s crippled form. She was barely breathing and each time she did it came out as a ghastly wheeze. They lit their curved horns and grew closer. Everyone banged on their cocoons and screamed for them to stop.
Sunset kept throwing herself at the cocoon. “Get away from her!” Her eyes were filled with tears. “Get away! Get away! Get away!” Her eyes glowed and the goop binding her horn dissipated. She blasted the cocoon apart and charged out, seizing the changelings in her telekinetic grip. The other changelings leapt at her, but she threw the ones she held at them. She placed herself in front of Twilight and yelled. Her eyes were pinpricks and she reared up on her hooves slamming them into the ground sending out a magical shockwave that blew the changelings back. “Run!” She screamed.
They did, the changelings ran in fear like they had before. Sunset panted hard and fired a beam of magic cutting the cocoons open and slicing through Spike’s chains. They rushed over to Twilight as Sunset unlatched her restraints and set her down on the ground. They circled her with grim looks and tear filled eyes.
“C-c’mon Twi,” Applejack stuttered. “W-wake up.” She nudged her side.
Sunset kneeled and gripped Twilight’s rigid hoof. “P-please Twilight…”
Twilight was still wheezing as she breathed slowly. Her eyes opened slightly and she turned her head to the group. She was barely able to crack a small smile. “I’m sorry.” She spoke softly.
“Don’t apologize, darling.” Rarity choked up. “This was Chrysalis’s doing. Not yours.”
Twilight shook her head slightly. “No, I’m sorry for failing all of you…” She coughed a couple times and wheezed again. “Your love for me and mine for you is now being used for evil… I’m sorry I let that happen.”
“You have nothing to apologize for Twilight.” Spike kneeled down and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Would you rather us not love you?” He cracked a half smile.
Twilight looked up at him. She weakly raised a hoof and Spike took it. “Of course not… thank you all for everything you’ve given me.”
“H-hey, don't say stuff like that, Twilight!” Rainbow growled through her forming tears. “Makes it sound like you’re saying…” She trailed off at the end.
“Goodbye?... I’m sorry, but… taking a ponies magic and love is more than just taking what makes them a pony… unlike Tirek… Chrysalis has my life essence…” She rested her head against the ground and let her hoof from Spike held fall.
“N-no,” Sunset cringed and fought back tears. “It’s not supposed to be like this. It’s not fair! Don’t you dare die, Twilight! You’ve faced worse than this! You’ve told me about all those adventures!” She gripped Twilight’s hoof and drew closer to her. “Backed into a corner with the odds against you, dragons, hydras, manticores, moon spirits, changelings, and even me! You’ve always come out okay… please…”
Twilight gently stroked Sunset’s cheek and smiled up at her. “Well… I guess this just wasn’t one of those adventures… Sunset… go and be the best you can be in life… I just wish… we could have had a few more adventures this summer…” Her hoof fell to the ground and her body went limp. Her eyes closed and the wheezing breath ceased.
There was silence in the room. The mares and drake sat there with Twilight’s body in the middle of them. Pinkie Pie was the first to break down verbally crying with Fluttershy following. Rarity huddled against Spike who was failing at keeping it together. Applejack had her hat tucked against her chest as she sobbed and Rainbow wrapped her wings around herself as she cried. Sunset didn’t make a sound as the tears fell. She kept staring at Twilight’s body, wanting her to wake up, hoping that if she willed it enough, Twilight would open her eyes. But there was nothing. Twilight was gone.
Sunset lowered her head with her mane covering her face from view. She stood up and walked to the center of the room lighting her horn. Rarity looked up from Spike’s embrace. “Darling? Where are you going?”
She didn’t turn around to respond. A glowing red sword materialized in front of her and she gripped it with her magic. She turned her head only slightly that her right eye would be visible. It glowed bright blue under her dark expression. “I’m going to kill Chrysalis.”