Equestria Girls: Heros Of The Dawn

by Jubilee Crescent

Chapter 1

The large crowd was entranced by the sight of the Dazzling's as they sauntered onto the stage, a shimmering green mist covering the floor making their appearance so mysterious, yet so beautiful. As the three girls began to sing, the green mist began to disappear. But the crowd didn't see, nor did they care. All eyes were on the girls as they moved with grace and poise, and their ruby pendants began to glow, the crowd slowly and deeply fell under their spell permanently.
In a dark alleyway, around the same time
The police sirens blared down the streets as two hooded figures ducked behind a dumpster, barely avoiding the red and blue lights. Only when the sirens were far off into the distance did the two figures emerge from behind the dumpster and under the dim light of a lamppost. One of the figures revealed themselves. Her dark cerulean hair fell perfectly half way down her back and a small piece of her hair rested between her bright green eyes, which narrowed at the figure across from her. She crossed her pitch black arms across her small chest and formed her light pink lips into a tight line before speaking.
"That wasn't worth my time Tirek, nor was it worth getting their energy and love from them! You could've gotten us thrown back into jail or worse, killed! I thought you said they held enough energy to hold us over for a while!"
The other figure, Tirek, revealed himself as well. He was completely bald, except for a bluish gray beard that ran halfway down his neck. He also crossed his maroon arms over his large chest and narrowed his bright yellow eyes at the woman.
"You and I both know that we need to use every given opportunity to gain power, no matter how weak they are. It's the only way we can survive this dreadful place!"
"Yes, but we won't be alive for much longer if we stay trapped in this forsaken alley!" The woman snapped, clenching her fists in anger.
"You and I both also know that we won't survive an hour in the city like this! We need to wait until our power has been restored before we can even think of taking over the city Chrissy!"
Chrissy's lips formed an even tighter line before growling.
"Do not ever call me that you son of a-"
She was suddenly interrupted as a rainbow exploded through the sky and formed a ball. Her eyes grew wide at the sight before shoving past Tirek and raced towards the streets that lead to the city. Tirek spun around and began calling out to her.
"Chrissy! Where in the world do you think you’re-?"
He too was interrupted as his eyes caught sight of the rainbow ball in the sky. Upon closer inspection, he realized that the ball now had...wings? He shook his head before pulling his cloak over him and followed Chrissy towards the city.
Time Skip-Adagio's POV
It wasn't until I felt the soft earth below my boot did I run faster than I've ever run in my entire life. I didn't care if Sonata or Aria were behind me or not, all that mattered is that I get as far away as possible from the Rainbooms. I ran wherever my legs took me, not caring where it was. All that mattered to me is that I get someplace where I can hide and think. I don't know how long I ran, but I stopped suddenly at an alleyway just a few miles out of the city.
'This is perfect,' I thought to myself. 'No one would ever look for us here.'
I sunk down against the cold brick wall and saw my girls running into the alleyway, sweat dripping down both of their faces, smearing their makeup as they leaned against the brick wall and began to catch their breath. Sonata suddenly looked up after a few minutes, her lips formed into a line and her eyes filled with worry.
"What happened back there, Adagio? I thought we had restored all of our power? I thought we were going to win, have everyone in this world do our bidding?"
"Their magic must've been stronger than I thought." I answered simply, putting my hand where my beloved pendant was supposed to be. I had no other answer for her. Now what do we do? Aria glared at the both of us before straightening up and crossing her arms.
"So great. Our connection with our true Equestrian selves is now completely destroyed thanks to you and your brilliant plan, Adagio. We should've went with my plan."
"And what was your plan exactly, Aria?" I snapped back at her, standing up and placing my hands on my hips. Aria only bit her lip and looked away.
"Mm-hmm. That's what I thought." I said with a nod. She throw a quick glare at me before focusing her eyes on Sonata. Here we go...
"It was most likely your fault that your screech was so off key Sonata!"
"No it wasn't! It was yours Aria!" She snapped back. I quickly zoned them out before the argument began, thinking to myself.
'Sonata is right, what happened back there? Our power was fully restored, and they were weakened. We should've fully placed a spell on them, on all of them. Now that our connection to Equestria is fully lost, what do we do?'
I snapped back to reality and face palmed myself before glaring daggers at the two.
"Would you two quit it already?! It's both of your fault that we got banished from Equestria in the first place!"
"Equestria... Now that's a place I haven't heard in a long time..."
Both of the girls immediately shut up and glanced around the alley, fear in their eyes. I looked around the alley as well before narrowing my eyes and clenching my fists.
"Where are you?! Show yourself you coward!" I cried out.
"Why... I'm everywhere my dear... I'm a shadow in the night... And I do not plan of hurting you, I just overheard your problem..."
I slightly unclenched my fist and glanced at the girls, who only shrugged their shoulders in confusion. I turned back to the empty alleyway.
"Are you from Equestria?" I asked softly. The voice chuckled and spoke again.
"I am indeed, and I can understand your problem... You see, I was banished here by the same group of girls..."
"How come? What did you do?" I asked, curious.
"I'd rather not get into that, but I can help you... When I was banished here, my powers came with me... I have more than enough power to make you even more powerful than ever before... But it all comes with a price..."
"What do you need?" I blurted out, this could be a chance of a life time! An opportunity like this may never happen again! He chuckled again.
"It’s quite simple really... get rid of those girls permanently... and we'll be one step closer to world domination..."
I glanced over at my girls, a smirk appearing on my face. The two looked at each other with a smile and walked over to my, placing both hands on their hips.
"That, of course, can be arranged."
Three figures suddenly stepped out of the shadows. One was a woman with cerulean hair and bright green eyes. The other was a bald, lanky man with a beard and bright yellow eyes. The third figure had pitch black hair and a startling shade of scarlet eyes. He grinned, showing off his bright white fangs.