The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch.10. The vault of glass.

The vault of glass.

Moonlight POVISON.

'The poor little thing, too tired to keep going.' Winters tiny form was curled on my back in a deep sleep. Brownie and Rose looked back , frequently every now and again worried that if they wake the little demon, they would be burned in hellfire. Silver wasn't awake to see them almost wet themselves to the performance Winter put on. Catching one of them glancing back, I raised my eyebrow making the griffin shoot back like a spring. 'If they are afraid of him while he slept, I can't imagine how they would react when he is angry.'

Feeling his breaths pulsed with a subtle calmness. Every few minutes his back leg would twitch followed by a little flutter of his wings leading into a small stretch. 'He doesn't like to stay still while he slept.' Looking over my shoulder to the babe, I can't help but wonder, 'he looks old for being so young. What would drive him to grow up before his time?' He was a wise, intelligent, and a patient griffin. He carried traits most don't gain till the grey's of old age set's in. Even when he was broken, I could sense it deep within him waiting to be free again. It is not my place to ask for his past troubles, but I don't think he'll tell me right away, he needs his own time. His thought is becoming less clouded, and he is no longer going into danger like a madpony. 'I just hope it stays, his kindness, even though it only sparked when we first met is something this world needs.'

Silver led the charge of our group. To my surprise, he was quiet friendly. Almost too friendly. I can't help but feel paranoid being around him. Its like Silver was hiding something. They carried strange weapons only Winter recognized, and they tried to use them on us. If it were not for Winter for making a strange but effective plan, we would have bin less alive than before. 'Though they took Winters gamble like it was a normal occurrence.' This vault made of glass, was what calmed them. Especially when Winter said he could open it, 'I am not sure how?' But the little one was too cleaver for his own good.

My mane was telling me that this whole thing was out of place, like a rose in a field of daises. If they are planing to force Winter to open it.They will have to go through me... or Winter first. When Winter wake's up from his rest, he could tell me if something is hiding in the shadows. He must have bin too worn out to notice. He could read anything like it was as clear as day so long as he has rest before hand. 'Which is a problem, he needs more naps.'

Going through the old 'military base' as Winter calls it, was interesting. The smooth stone untouched by the wear of time, the strange metal vines lined the ceiling making the veins of the stone body. The cool breeze that flows within the corridors made it feel like I was swimming in an underground river of air. They're stories here, tales which I wouldn't mind knowing.

Their was the smell of moss that carried with the wind, My hooves didn't feel comfortable walking on such a hard surface. This maze we were walking through was confusing, I am not sure how these three could find the path. 'Maybe they had many travels in here?' Looking around all I could see was plain stone, moss and vines.


Dreaming again. This time its not the same black void as the last, but I was in a place I wish I could forget. My old home. The run-down, mold infested, death filled, garbage dump of a victorian style two story house. I was in the living room. An old scratched black leather couch underneath the main window turning the room slightly more ugly, papers covered the table making it look paper itself, the chairs nowhere to be found. The wood flooring was splintered to the point of a death sentence. You were lucky not to have an one inch wooden spike embedded in your foot on a day to day basis. The only thing that made this place worthy of any praise was the T.V set. A brand new sixty inch on a black wooden stand giving this area a look more modern then it should. This was still far from being a living room.

I could see I was human again. The baggy blue jeans that I had to wear a cheep belt to keep it up. My purple hoodie, the only new thing I had. My light tan skin, and wolfish jet black hair and black eyes. I was happy the I didn't have the sensitive griffin nose active, or ill be throwing up to the smell of two year old rot that lingered in the stale dry air. 'Yep this was my house. I kinda was hoping I ended up in my sisters, at least there I didn't have to put up with this.' Walking around the ugly white painted house was awful. The feeling of an old haunted house was something I didn't find pleasant. I could never get over the sensation of being constantly watched when I lived here. Many people died in this house before we moved in. All of them died in the living room. Flies gathered in the center, smelling the death wanting the free meal that will never come.

The bathroom was... surprisingly clean despite how this place was treated. The white marble matching set of a toilet, tub, and sink, all with a white rose style shape. Looking in the mirror over the white sink, I saw a much more healthy face. I could not describe what I saw, but I looked more strong, noble and wolfish than before. I gave the person before me a toothy smile. 'Still had those K9's, sharp to the point.' My old look was pretty awesome. The girls, when I wasn't being shyer than a virgin school girl, always gave me the looks of desire, like I was the big bad wolf and they were my prey. My appearance made me look that way, and I liked it. I was born with black eyes for some reason, as well as an extra set of eye teeth making me look like more animal then man. It could be a reason why my family treated me like a ghost, but that was very unrealistic.

Pulling away from my vanity I headed back to the living room. Leaving the door, I could hear faint music playing from upstairs. I recognized the song. It was the silent hill OST, one of my all time video game songs. The tune was gradually growing louder. "sigh" I went to check it out before my life becomes more strange.

The stairs creaked like a banshee with each step. grabbing onto the railing just in case I don't trip over the unnaturally steep steps, I made a prediction. 'Some one is in my dream trying to mess with my head.' If so, then whoever it is better run.

The upstairs had two main rooms and a side attic. One room was mine, the other was my brother's. My room had the side attic, a mouse ridden hole in the wall that I had to keep closed at all times. The song was playing from my room. 'I bet it was empty with just a music box playing in the center of the room.' Opening the ugly red door into my room, I could see the source. A music box at the center of the empty room playing all by itself. 'Heh, called it.' Rolling my eyes, I called out to the shadows.

"You suck at scaring so come on out." I said to the room.


"Alright bye loser."

Closing the door behind me and walking down the stairs holding onto the railing for safety, the door swung open crashing into the wall making a door-nob shaped hole in the drywall.

"WAIT!" cried a female.

Looking back to see someone new. 'Time to mess with my intruder.'

"Why? this is my dream you know."

"Because, I'm here to help you." she said.

"With what?" I asked.

"Come up here and ill tell you," she said while going back into the room.

Rolling my eyes for the second time, I should go see what she had to say.

In my room was a women in a one piece white dress with a mini skirt barely over her thighs and a white ribbon tying her waist, Her short black hair had a white bow on the left side. She had no shoes, a black collar around her neck with a snow flake as a dog tag, and a golden bracelet simple in design. She was fairly cute, the only thing that was throwing me off was her azure blue eyes. They we just too...weird, even for me. She twirled her left foot and hid her face off to the side trying not to show her blush.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Deus ex machina," she whispered.

"Deus... you?"

My head was flowing at the speed of light. This was not the crazy tomboy what the fuck-a-thon I'm used too. She was just too girlie I can not see the the suit wearing boy girl like this.


"Are you lying?"

"No, why would I be?"

"Cause the Deus I know was a BDSM loving tomboy, aaaannnd, I don't see it with you."

"So did you prefer my other look?" she asked.

Crossing my arms leaning against the wall for support, this was level three type crazy, even for a god. 'Why did I get her? Why not someone like Hylia, or Lucifer?

"No, not really."

"Don't you like this one? I spent over two hours just to make myself like this," she frowned.

"Yes, I like you this way much more than the creepy slenderman look."

"Really... Oh well, I guess I should leave then, you meanie," she pouted.

'What did I do now?'

"You don't have to leave, I just wasn't expecting you to be like this, or ever seeing you at all."

"Oh. Did I get you a little scared?"

"Sorry, but I am very hard to scare." I smiled.

"Hmpf. I guess I could stay, after all I was going to give you something you might like," she said seductively.

She walked over to me swaying her waist back and forth biting her lower lip. She put her delicate arms around my shoulders. Looking back I saw a bed had popped up behind me. Turning back around her tender lips locked with my mine. My mind raced like a race car trying to understand why she was acting like this. I quickly calmed getting ready to take control over the situation. She leaned into me more, causing me to sit down on the bed. Pushing me on my back, she sat over my groin placing her legs around my waist in the cowgirl position. Laying down on top of me.

Her tongue was fearfully delighted at my endeavor's. Deus was moaning quietly, I could feel evermore present grinding, making herself more in-tune with my rhythm. Feeling my package almost at full erection, she pulled away from our oral battle. Her eyes soften, telling me she was begging for more. I knew now what she ment by, 'might like.' Giving a wolfish grin while watching her take off everything but the collar. 'Please don't wake me up. I have god domination too attend to.'

'I will never understand gods. At least I can cross off have sex with a god from my bucket list.'

Moonlight POVISION.

"Tell me Moonlight, what do you know about your little friend?"

"I know little Silver, why do you ask, please do not be so rash."

"Doesn't he seem different to you?"

Yes he was rather different than most underlings I have met. Children his age usually played with others in games of imagination, not of grand theft and manipulation. It not my place to say that Winter is strange, even though he is. What ever brought him to the state he is in, must have bin too much for his little heart to handle.

"Yes he is off, but he is stronger because of it. What ever made him this way, put him in a place most do not return from unscathed. It is like he was throw into Tartarus and came out untouched. Though I do not wish too see him in the dark. The kindness he is capable of, is matched to his bloodlust. Once he go's overboard, I pray too the stars to all who holds a weapon, runs to the far corners of this world where he cannot reach."

Questions welled within Silvers face, consuming all thought. He remained silent as we veered into a trail. Brownie and Rose was more anxious than before not daring too slowdown or to look back. Brownie's tail twitched while from my position I could see he eyes dart around trying not take anymore notice. Rose on the other hoof, flexed her wing checking to see if her gun was at the ready.

"Would you believe me if I said Winter was using you for his own personal gain?"

"What?! How can you say such a thing? Winter is not someone that would use others."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because he wouldn't have told me that he killed hundreds before coming here. He was honest with a stranger. He told the things he was wrong for out of trust. He does not use ponies."

"Hmmm. That's what you think." he said.

We arrived safely at their village. Houses similar to that of Equestrian design. Angled roofs, wide glass walls surrounded by wood painted in various shades of white. The locals whom was also griffins trotted along their paths minding their own business. The roads were made of the same flat grey stone as the air temple. Several griffins gave a friendly hello to our group under the metal trees giving off an orange light.

I received curios looks from many. Rose and Brownie broke off and went their separate ways leaving me with Winter and Silver. The older griffin led us to a building similar to the air temple. The heavy metal doors opened. Inside was the same flate grey stone with metal vines lining the walls. This time there was no soft wind flowing through the complex. Silver talked to a griffin behind a metal desk chained to the floor at the far side of the room. The only noticeable thing was the barred gate beside the desk, leading into a hall with various other doors.

Giving me a gesture telling me to follow,we were led down the hall through the gate into a room. The door closed behind and the sound of a lock being placed. 'Oh no.'

Looking frantically at the empty cold flat stone room. A single cot with a thin grey blanket was all that was in here, tucked away in the far corner. Grabbing Winter by the scruff, setting him of the cot. The little cub curled into a ball resting his head into his right side. A small shutter pulsed through his little form. The dry cold stone cooled the air making though's who are not used too the feeling drained, if enough time had passed. I and my little friend wasn't going anywhere. Pulling the blanket over Winter and I. The cot was quiet soft despite the springs making it more bouncy than it needs to be. Laying beside the babe to keep him warm, I can not help but wonder what he is dreaming about. He has had a smile placed firm for the last hour. 'His dreams must be comfortable to be in. He can't have the heart to use others, nor hurt those's he cares about. I hope I can share a dream with him as sleep takes me away. I hope he forgives me for our situation.


Feeling the warmth of a familiar Zebra, I woke up in my daily routine. One, yawn like a kitten. Two, arch my back till all disks popped. Three, sit on my haunches and wipe the eye buggers from my sockets. Four, find out we were in a Jail cell. 'What happened?' Looking over to a sleeping zebra, I can guess she was tricked into coming here. I still had all my things on. My eight throwing knives, two satchels, one with my lock picking materials, and the other my map. My dagger was in its holster over my shoulder, and I had a gem lamp lighting the room.

'I should have guessed this would happen.' Sighing, I jumped onto the cold floor. The door was a simple one way pad lock door with an opening for food. Having no windows the door was the only way out. 'Well I should figure a way out.' The door was a one inch thick cold steel, industrial grad. The gem lamp was caged making it useless. 'Wait a minute.' I could use it to go up.

Moonlight stirred awake. The stripped mare looked at me uneasily, shuffling unsure what to say or do. Shame welled within her face making her to look away. I knew that look. She was putting herself down for a mistake like it was. thee, worst, thing, she had ever done.

"I am sorry little one. I have put us here." she said.

Jumping onto the very bouncy cot beside her.

"It is not your fault, so stop putting yourself down so much."

"Look at where we are, I put us in this cell."

"Yep and?"

"And? But are you not mad at me?"

"Nope, I could careless. Right now we need to get out of here."


"Don't. I sorta figured out Silver would do this. He was too calm, despite being taken down by a five year old, and the giant ship hovering over there."

"Sorry little one."

"I already got a way out, so please stop mopping and lets get going." I cheered.

Moon couldn't help but smile at my cheep rhyme.

"So what is this plan of yours?"

"Simple, you stand over there by the door and watch."

Moonlight now in a better mood, stood by the door. My plan consisted of the gem lamp and massive improve. Focusing my magic into my claw, pointing it at the lamp. Moonlight looking at me with a curios gaze. I thought of a spell.

"lapidibus," I said activating the spell.

The lamp lit up and a darker glow. The gem erupted in a flash of light making a sound of drilling though a mine. Within a second, a clean circular hole in the roof through the building, let the clear blue sky shine in, replacing the odd gem lamp. Moonlight's jaw dropped like a bag of rocks.

"Follow me." I said causing the mare to snap back.

Moonlight somehow jumped into the room with me. Looking around we were in another cell. By the door was this cells prisoner. She was shaking, eye to pinpricks, and clearly scared out of her mind. She was maybe in her teen years. She had the same dark brown and white fur color pattern as Brownie but with grey eyes.

"Hello, I hope I didn't scare you, but we are in a hurry. If you want to come with us don't fall behind." I said.

She broke out to see us jumped onto the roof. It was morning, the sea breeze hung in the air. The sound of birds and chaos from our breakout boomed throughout the town. The brown griffin followed behind was looking outwards. Taking a breath of fresh air looking over to Moonlight doing the same overcast as I was. I spot my ship looming a short distance away to the north. To the west was the mountain. I assume the vault would be there.

"So whats your name?" I asked the brown griffin.

"Huh... oh. I'm heather." she replied.

"Alright heather, I am going to the vault. Moonlight take Heather to the ship and wait there." Moonlight nodded, Heather followed. They took off leaving me to deal with the hoard. 'Never a dull moment.'

The giant metal door blocked me from the vault. I managed to lose my chasers in the city, giving me a few minutes to work. Their is a smaller crew door with an old terminal sitting beside it. The green light giving off of the monitor and the sound of yelling coming from behind, filled my heart with strange glee.

The terminal booted up leaving me with a password screen. "Well I could guess it would be," I said while typing Jack miller into the password prompt. The small door opened with a hiss from the old hydraulics. The terminal closed up and hid into the wall. Turning around to see my search party breaking into the clearing. Trotting inside the place, hearing the sound of gunfire blast behind me, while the door closed back up. Made me smile.

Weapons development and storage;Vault of glass.

Inside was like the bunker under my ship, but only led to another door that was wooden with a golden door nob. I walked into a huge open room with missiles, tanks, helicopters, f-18 fighter jets, ammo of all grads, and a section had metal crates filled with what I assume was the documents for all of this. The Vault door opened behind me. and a barrage of very pissed off griffins surrounded me. Moonlight was taken captive as well as Heather whom I just met. Silver put a .44 mag to Moonlight'a head and fired.

Moonlight went limp, her eyes filled with sadness. "Bang," Heather fell next to Silvers gun. The old man just smiled, no remorse for what he just did. The other griffins held their guns preparing to fire on me. I had no time to react. My first friend in this world was killed in-front of me in cold blood, just when I was starting to really know her. Heather, only knew freedom for a few seconds before she to left the world the same way Moon did. I did not now how to respond. My little body trembled in place.

I pushed my emotions for them aside and looked into the cold lifeless eyes of Silver. I knew the perfect spell for them. It would drain me to my limits without a charged gem, but I will make him pay. Their guns at the ready. I focused my magic into the words I will say. Silver lifted his hand then dropped.

"Mora imperium!" I yelled.

Everything stopped. The bullets just inches away from their mark, was held in eternal entropy. The griffins, all in armor stood in stone. Silver's stupid face was frozen like he was getting a butt plug shoved up his ass. I walked around the bullets feeling the strain of the spell beginning to wear me down. Using my claws I slit all of their throats except Silvers. I took his .44 from his hand and walked back into my original spot moving the bullets so they would not hurt me.

Releasing the spell, which caused me to fall from complete magical exhaustion. Just in time to watch a wave of twenty two griffin blood fountain's coat the floor in a sea of red. Silver looked at me realizing that I was not dead turned to his followers. He reaction was what I expected.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Looking at me, I had a dark look of hate.

He pointed a banana at me thinking it was a gun. I pointed his real gun towards his head. Once in focus I pulled the trigger killing Silver by explosive decapitation.