
by xjuggernaughtx

Cheerilee's Thousand - The Lost Chapters - Chapter Five (Comedy, Random, Slice-of-Life)

“Come on. You can do it!”

Cheerilee bit her lip and waved her hooves frantically to the left, willing her bowling ball to alter its doomed course. She swore when it landed in the gutter with a thunk and rumbled its way to the return mechanism.

“Ooh! Almost!” Roseluck flashed her a pained grin before licking the end of her pencil and entering in a zero for the frame. “Really close that time!”

Rolling her eyes, Cheerilee flopped in the modeled chairs surrounding the ball return. “Yeah, I only missed the pins by ten feet this time.”

“It’s in your release,” Roseluck picked up a bag of talc lying on the scoring table and tapped it lightly against both hooves. “You’re letting the ball go to the left on your backswing, so it goes right when you let go of it. Watch me.”
