//------------------------------// // Rarity // Story: Shadows from the past // by chil304 //------------------------------// The walk back to Ponyville was long and boring. To pass the time, Twilight started to talk about books. Much to Apple Jack's dissmay. "So I recently read a book on the life cycle of a house fly." Apple Jack rolled her eyes. "uh-huh." "Apparently house flies don't just come in plain black coloring but also green, blue and wow that really looks like black but we want to call it something other than black grey!" "that's wonderful." "In fact, house flies can-" "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS HIGHWAYMEN!" "wait wha-" WHUMP two balls of orange and white fur proceeded to jump at the two girls. The white ball of fluff managed to tackle Twilight Sparkle no problem but the orange one just seemed to bounce off Apple Jack, harmlessly. Then Apple Bloom jumped out of the bushes with a paper sword. Apple Jack looked around for a second. Scootaloo was now holding on to her leg for dear life. "Y'all can't be serious." "Give us all yer money!" chimed Apple Bloom "AH MY EYE!" Sweetie Bell had managed to put her horn into Twilight's eye while tackling her. "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Scootaloo was now trying way too hard to pull Apple Jack over."hnnnngh" Apple Bloom's jaw dropped almost as fast as her sword. "er... I um... we..." Apple Jack looked her sister dead in the eye. "Y'all can't be serious." "MY EYE HAS ENTERED NEW DIMENSIONS OF PAIN!" Scootaloo was now flapping her wings as hard as she could, desperate to do something to Apple Jack's leg. Apple Bloom started to back off. "I CAN ONLY SEE BLOOD, PAIN AND SADNESS!" Scootaloo then managed to move Apple Jacks leg by about a centimeter and had declared this a victory. "I have you now!" Apple Bloom started backing off quickly now. "er girls... ah think we need to RUNNN!!!" Just like that, the cutie mark crusaders started to run as fast as they could into some nearby bushes. Applejack considered chasing after them but decided that they had learned their lesson. "MY EYE FEELS LIKE CELESTIA HERSELF HAS SMITTEN IT!" Apple Jack sighed. "oh stop being such a wuss Twi." "EASY FOR YOU TO SAY, YOU STILL HAVE TWO EYES!" "it's not as bad as all that." ***** One hour later, two mares eventually arrived at the carousel boutique. They would have been there sooner but Twilight insisted they stop her eye from bleeding first. The doors and windows of the boutique had been boarded up and when Twilight knocked on the door, a wail was heard from inside "go away! my life is RUINED! RUINED I tell you bwaaaaa!" Twilight took a deep breath before responding. "Rarity, your being like Apple Jack was." "Don't compare me to that slut!" Apple Jack reached into her saddle bag and brought out a baseball bat. "how about this slut gives yah a new makeover?" Twilight stared at Apple Jack, stunned. "Why the hell do you have a baseball bat in you saddle bag?" "I use it to hit apples out of trees." Apple Jack Hissed in response. "It makes you look like a psychopath!" Twilight Sparkle hissed in response. Apple Jack held the bat slightly closer to Twilight. "How about ah show you personally how much of a psychopath having a bat makes me?" "d-did I say psychopath? i meant... er... perfectly sane pony?" "That's what ah thought. Now, where was ah?" "Threatening to pound Rarity's face in?" "Yeah, that sounds right." Apple Jack stood taller and prouder now, clutching the bat in her teeth. "gmmph truhl laht vahcah tu" The sobbing from the house stopped for a second. "What was that dear?" Turning around and spitting out the bat, Apple Jack exclaimed: "Ah said ah'm coming into get y'all." Then she bucked rarity's door as hard as she could and by that I mean kicked, not the other thing. Rarity's door no longer existed. In it's place stood some splintered door frame, chunks of wood thrown around a terrified Sweetie Bell. Twilight stood in disbelief. "Apple Jack! That was a bit extreme!" Apple Jack picked up the bat again. "Really? Y'all really want to push that?" "Ok! Ok! let's just get this over with." Apple Jack dropped the bat. "Rarity! get your froo-froo ass down here before I do it for you!" Stomping was heard from upstairs, and a slightly annoyed Rarity appeared at the bottom of the stairs shortly after. "Darling, just because I am not a Pony who rolls around in dirt like a pig doesn't mean I am froo-froo" Twilight started to form a protective spell. "Well ah think yah are the most froo-froo gal ah ever met." Twilight's protective spell was now fully formed. "Darling, if you want to go there then I say BRING. IT. ON." THWACK Twilight was stunned. "Apple Jack! Were trying to be friends! remember?" "What? she said to bring it on." Rarity stumbled and fell onto the floor, face first. "Gmmphtrrb." "What was that, sugarcube?" "Gmmphtrrb." Twilight tilted her head slightly. "I think she's hurt." "Gmmphtrrb." Sweetie bell stared at the mares. "I bucking hate all of you." "OH BUCK SHE'S STILL HERE" Apple Jack screamed. "Gmmphtrrb." Twilight started to think before speaking. "I think Rarity is saying 'yes'" "Gmmphtrrb." "See? she agrees with me. Rarity peeled herself off the floor. "I think my face just imploded." Sweetie bell just stared, shocked. Twilight started to lose her cool at this point. "I think she needs a hospital." "All I can see is blood, pain and tears." Apple Jack's bat started to rise again. "Sugarcube, no-one cares about how you feel." "WHAT DID YOU BUCKING DO!?" "Sweetie bell, shut up. Ah don't care how shattered yah conscience is right now." "My face has entered a new dimension of pain. I would scream and cry but the pain is too great to do either." "Y'all can shut up too." Twilight tapped Apple Jack's shoulder. "Can you please try to be kind?" "Ah thought that was flutter-shy's deal." "Just do it." "Once apon a time I had a face. A face that was unbroken and I could see out of. That wonderful face is now just pain." Twilight Sparkle started to look worried. "We really should take her to a doctor..." "YES YOU SHOULD YOU BUCKING SHIT HEADS!" "and we should really teach Sweetie Bell some appropriate language." "I WILL HAVE NIGHTMARES ABOUT THIS FOR YEARS AFTERWARDS!" "Dear Princess Celestia, today my friends taught me, through the power of friendship, that having a face is optional in this world." Twilight sighed a depressed sigh. "Rarity, i'm sorry about Apple Jack pulverizing your face. please can you try being friends though? I would really appreciate it." "no." "Ah'll hit your face again if yah don't." "Fine." "GET OUT OF OUR BUCKING HOUSE OR CELESTIA DAMMIT I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" "We're planning on going right now."