//------------------------------// // Interlude - New Unit // Story: φόβος // by Windy Writer //------------------------------// Phobos sighed calmly, walking along the route he was on. Celestia’s sun had just risen above the horizon and the birds had just awoken. A refreshing chill was remaining on the air from the night prior and the grass along the side of the dirt road had trace amounts of dew covering it’s blades. Pulling a letter out of his saddlebag, he took a better look at the invitation he received. It was a simple letter stating that the youngest class at the Ponyville schoolhouse was beginning their short unit on cutie marks. Cherilee requested several citizens from the town take about twenty to forty minutes of their time to explain the story of how they got their cutie mark and what it means. It perplexed him as to why she chose him, but he was sure it had to do with teaching the foals of Ponyville how diverse ones’ talents may be. “Come on Cloudy, we’re going to be late!” he heard an excited voice calling out from behind him. Turning his head he saw a pink unicorn filly with an equally pink mane and tail pushing a blue pegasus filly with a white mane. “Sugar, I can walk at my own pace,” Cloudy told what seemed to be her friend, “I know you’re excited about seeing aunt Maud at the presentation, but she’ll probably be there later than we will.” Sugar let out a groan. “Fine, I’ll see you when you get there, slowpoke!” Phobos blinked, watching the filly run to the schoolhouse that he could start to see ahead. “Ah, Pinkie Pie’s daughters,” he realized. ‘Pinkie’s sister is going to be there? That will be an interesting tale I might stick around for.’ Phobos came up to the school, entering along side the several foals and sparse number of adults into the building. Taking a spot by the wall in the back of the room to sit by, he looked around the room at some of the stallions and mares that would be giving presentations. Talking to Cherilee with some earnest appeared to be Applebloom and Pipsqueak, the latter of which did not seem to have kept his name’s sake into adulthood. Chatting together by the door were some of the random farmer folks from the east side of town, however he also noticed Zecora in there. “Excuse me, sir, do you have a moment?” Phobos heard somepony ask with a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Filthy Rich, a now elderly stallion with some business application still running through his veins. “Hello, Mr. Rich. What can I do for you?” “I simply wished to know who you were. I have been out of town for several years and haven’t had time to catch up with all the new residents in town.” Phobos nodded, thinking it true that he had only seen photos and heard stories of the stallion in front of him. Though, he was far younger in those tales. “My name’s Phobos. I’m a rather low-key citizen. Y’know, not really showing on the surface much, but still there if you care to find me.” Rich hummed in thought, “What do you do exactly? Your cutie mark suggests astronomy, however, your name gives me darker ambitions.” Phobos waved a hoof, ignoring the implication, “I do background work for Ponyville Hospital. I’m a-” he thought for a moment “-Psychiatric Ward of sorts.” Rich smiled, “Do you take house calls?” he cackled, earning a chuckle from Phobos as well. After a moment, Filthy spoke again, “Although, in all seriousness, my daughter probably does need some kind of help. Whenever she thinks she’s alone, all she does is mutter about ‘a wasted childhood’ or something along the lines of ‘backstabbing apple filly.’” “I’ll let my roommate know.” After another moment, the bell rung, and the classroom quieted down. The adults spread around the back walls, some foals offering the older citizens like Zecora and Filthy their seats, while the remaining foals took their assigned seats at their desks. Shortly after, Cherilee cleared her throat at the front of the room. “Alright, so, for starters, I’d like to thank everypony for attending the Cutie Mark Expo. If at any point, you have any questions, I’d like you to address them with my daughter, June Bug,” she stated nodding towards a young mare with a magenta coat whom waved from behind a small desk. “Now, the point of this is to introduce these little ponies to the greater world of possibilities. This way, we’re showing that any which way they go in life, they’ll find something to make a passion.” She smiled. “So, with that being so; Archer, would you start us out?” After several hours, and a quick lunch break, the number of adults in the room were dwindling. The students had been well treated by several stories, such as Filthy’s recollection of Barnyard Bargain’s time of being handed down, Pipsqueak on his adventures in Zebrica and the lands dominated by the dragons and griffons to the south and north, and even a quick snippet that proved to be touching, yet philosophical, Applejack’s childhood revelation. “Let’s see,” June said quietly, “Next up is...Phobos.” Said orange stallion nodded, walking through the rows of foals to the front of the room. He heard diverse mutters and general silence compared to the noisy interest towards the others’ stories. Phobos walked behind Cherilee’s desk and grabbed a piece of chalk in his magic. He lifted it to the board and wrote a quick couple of characters and a symbol. After such, he faced the room. “I’ll start with the story of how I got my cutie mark. However, I do have to warn, the tale is as scarring as my talent is to some....”