The Cosmic King

by Theyellowninja13

Chapter 14 - Griffon the Brush-off

I was just walking across town, making sure that everything was okay, and actually, everything was okay. No monsters, or aliens, or knucklehead mcspazatrons. Yep, everything was fine. That was until I heard a loud boom, and a streak of lightning in front of me curved from it’s designated route, to straight into me.

I immediately fell to the ground, spasming and the lightning kept on coming from the cloud. As much pain I was in, I knew my heart would stop in less than a minute, so I tried to move my left hand over to my right arm. Once I succeeded, I pressed a few buttons to restart my heart in a couple of minutes.

The second after I did so, my heart finally gave out, and I spasmed for a bit more, before falling to the ground, dead.


“Oh crap!” I yelled to Pinkie who was standing on the building next to the cloud I was on. I watched Connor spasm as the lightning hit him in a continuous stream. I tried to stop the lightning, but it was like it was out of control.

Once the lightning stopped after Connor stopped moving and fell down, I flew down next to him, to check to see if he was still alive. I had to put my hoof over my nose so I wouldn’t smell the burnt flesh. Pinkie was instantly next to me, carefully touching his back until we got him to roll over.

I nearly threw up at the look of his face. His face had a look as if he was in extreme pain, and his eyeballs were melting out of their sockets. I tried to hold back the tears at the thought of what we did.

“He’s dead.” Pinkie said , putting away her stetha….steth… doctor’s tool thing.

“We killed him.” I said, regretting thinking of this idea.

“Wait Dashie! Look!” Pinkie said excitedly, pointing to the fact that his metal hoof thing was glowing, spreading a yellow light through all of Connor’s veins.


I take a sudden deep breath as my heart starts pumping again. I try to open my eyes, to realize my eyes aren’t in my sockets any more. Then I start to feel the pain. I start screaming in agony, waiting for my regeneration to kick in. After a minute, my eyes were back in their place, and I was finally able to see.

As the blurriness started to go away as my corneas start healing, I could see Rainbow and Pinkie Pie looking excited. “What happened?” I managed to say, with a raspy voice.

“We’re so glad that your okay Connor!” Pinkie tackled me, causing me to flinch in pain. “Oops, sorry Connor.”

“So, what happened? Lightning doesn’t just come out of nowhere and strike me.” Rainbow and Pinkie looking at each other nervously.

“Well, you see…” Rainbow started.

“You were trying to prank me like you did Spike, with the lightning bolt, expecting me to get scared. But you didn’t know that my body was ionized from when I got my powers so I’m basically a lightning rod.” They both just nodded slowly at my answer. “Don’t worry though, I’m not mad at either of you. You two didn’t know that would happen, if you did, you wouldn’t have done it.” I started to stand up, my body and my clothes fully restored.

They tried to protest me walking around, but I just held out a hand. “Sorry, but if you’ll excuse me, I need to stop by my house and rest a bit. Maybe make myself immune to electricity damage.” I started walking back to my house.

After arriving at my house, I almost fell over on my couch. “Man, that hurt badly. I doubt that will be the last time it will happen too.” I sit up straight and access a panel on my arm. “I hate making myself immune to a kind of damage, but this will probably help a lot.” I start typing in a code that gave me access to my natural electrical resistance ability I don’t usually use.

The next day, after some training, I got an invite from Pinkie Pie to attend a party for Gilda. I just sighed, bracing myself for meeting Gilda, as I walked over to Sugarcube Corner. What I did expect when getting there, was Gilda being a jerk to Pinkie. What I didn’t expect, was the second I entered the building, Pinkie Pie decided to point me out to Gilda, who the second she locked eyes on me, her pupils dilate, and she pounces on me, sending me out into Ponyville’s streets, screaming in fury.

“YOU KILLED HIM, YOU MONKEY!!!!” Gilda screamed in rage, as she started tearing into my chest, blood going everywhere.

I would have yelled back if my lungs weren’t filled with blood, and my organs were minced meat. Luckily the other ponies were there to pull her off of me. As AJ helped me stand back up, I just gave an angry glare at Gilda, who returned it with an even more vicious one.

“G! What’s wrong with you! You can’t just go attacking ponies like that!” Rainbow yelled at Gilda, who was being held back with Twilight’s magic.

“It’s not a pony! It’s a murderer!” Gilda screamed again, breaking out of Twilight’s magic, before charging at me. I just dodged, and then jumped on top of her, putting her in a headlock.

“I don’t murder anyone!” I yelled back, my chest fully healed again.

“LIAR! YOU SPINELESS COWARDLY MONKEY!” She yelled, trying to break free, but I just threw her into a wall, causing her to be disoriented.

“Gilda! Why do you think he murdered somepony!” Rainbow asked Gilda, who was still seething in rage.

“Because Dash! He murdered my brother!” I just gave her a bewildered stare.

“G! Connor didn’t murder anypony! He doesn’t kill!” Rainbow yelled at Gilda.

“He still killed my brother! My brother was a guard at a secret corporation, but my family got a letter a year ago, saying that he was murdered because of this monkey attacking the building and blowing it up!” The Mane Six (minus Twilight) and I all gasped at that fact.

“You mean your brother was working for Creatures for the Destruction of Ponies?” Pinkie asked. “Because you might not know this, but they are a meanie pants group that tries to kill ponies.” Gilda seemed angrier at that.

“LIAR! My brother wouldn’t join a group like that!” She lunged at Pinkie, but I quickly pushed her out of the way, and grabbed Gilda’s beak, preventing her from biting me. But while doing that, I left the rest of my body open to be torn by Gilda’s talons.

As Gilda knocked me back to the ground, tearing into me some more, I could feel my consciousness slipping. I glanced at my chest for a second to see that my organs were all over to place, torn to shreds. Right before I lost consciousness, I sent a burst of energy into Gilda, sending her flying into a wall.


The ponies all tried to remove Gilda from Connor. Twilight tried using magic. Rainbow tried brute force. Pinkie tried, well whatever Pinkie does. Rarity tried to fire some gems at Gilda. Applejack tried to lasso her off. Fluttershy tried to politely ask her to stop. But as much as they all tried, Gilda just wouldn’t come off of Connor, she just kept on tearing into him, organs and blood flying everywhere.

Finally after at least a minute of Gilda brutally tearing into Connor, Connor finally was able to blast Gilda off of him with the last of his energy. When Gilda was flung into the wall, all the ponies ran over to see if they could help Connor, but by the time they got to his body, they could see that he didn’t survive. Shreds of guts and organs were everywhere. His heart was nowhere to be found. While some of the ponies started crying, Rainbow Dash looked over to see Gilda getting up, walking over to Connor with anger in her eyes.

When Rainbow put herself in between Connor and Gilda, Gilda stopped walking. “Get outta my way Dash. The monkey’s body needs to be completely destroyed.” Rainbow Dash didn’t move at all.

“Seriously Gilda! I thought we were friends. You know, this is not how I thought my old friend would treat my new friends. If you’re just gonna attack Connor without any reason to, and treat Pinkie like how you were earlier, then why don’t you find someplace else to go?” Rainbow Dash said, anger in her voice.

“You don’t understand Dash! That monkey, killed my brother! How can you even trust an alien like that?!” Gilda spoke with venom.

“You wanna know why Gilda? Because he saved my life, while risking his own. He attacked the building your brother worked at, because they were harming ponies! He risked his life to save a close friend of mine! I don’t care what you think he did. I know what I saw!” Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof down for emphasis.

“Yeah? Well... You... You... You are such a-a-a ‘flip-flop’! Cool one minute, and lame the next. When you decide not to be lame anymore, give me a call…” Gilda started to walk away, before a voice spoke out.

“Flip-flop? Seriously? That is one of the lamest insults I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard several lame insults.” Everyone looked at the voice, to see a smirking Connor. His wounds were perfectly healed, not even leaving a scar.

Gilda roared, charging past Rainbow Dash, heading straight for Connor. Right before Gilda reached him however, Connor brought his fist back, sending energy into it, until it was on fire. Connor threw his fist forward, colliding with Gilda’s face, before Gilda got sent flying miles away. “FALCON PUNCH!”

All the ponies weren’t sure what to be shocked about, the Captain’s punch, or the fact that Connor was standing, perfectly healed. Then they remembered who Connor was, before group hugging Connor.

“You okay, Rainbow?” Connor asked Rainbow, who was clearly downtrodden.

“Yeah, sure. Of course I’m fine! I’m amazing!” Rainbow said, boastfully.

Connor rolled his eyes, before kneeling down, and placing his right hand on her shoulder. “That was one of the most loyalist things a person could do. Being loyal not only to some of your friends, but yourself as well. You stood up for your beliefs, rather than trying to go with Gilda. I respect you for that, and thank you as well.”

All the ponies gasped at that, not expecting Connor to say that. “I may be a powerful fighter, or hero as some may call me, but I haven’t had someone that looks after me since…” Connor trailed off, sorrow evident in his eyes. “Since I got my powers.”

Connor stood up, leaving everyone thinking about what he said, as Connor left the area, heading back to his house.