The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch9. Rose the silver brownie.

Rose the silver brownie.

The sunset was nice over the calm ocean. Flashes of the rainbow from the water droplets, coated the lapsing waves like a continuos pulse of colour. The weather console of the ship said it is warm and no chance of a storm. 'I am not sure how the dials work though.' Walking lazily over to the dashboard as we approach the island, I could not help but smile at the sleeping Moonlight. Somehow she found a way to get comfortable on the cold steel flooring and fell asleep. I was tired too. I have bin awake for over fifteen hours, and this little body can't take the strain anymore. I had to engulf an entire pot of coffee just to be able to fly the ship. Though the first hour after I drank the coffee made me jump off the walls, 'literally' which would explain the sleeping zebra to be tuckered out. 'Having to chase an over-hyper baby griffin named Winter, through the ship going mack one, just to fly the thing. Must have bin a bit to much to handle.'

Giggling at the thought, I'm usually a calm non-hyper kind of guy. I was immune to anything that would make me have any-sort of sugar rush. Well, this new body didn't have the resilience as my older. 'Kinda sucked a bit.'

The map says we are two more hours away from the destination, an uncharted Island off from the main Zebracan island group, where we can refuel and rest up to check any damages from the storm. Not that their will be any, its better to be safe than sorry.

Trying to keep my face from hitting the floor, I propped myself up against the rail over the wheel viewing the overly armed deck. The black deck glistened to the sun reminding me of the twilight hour.'I wonder, if at night it would be near impossible to see?' Giving a yawn to the question I checked to fuel gauge. 'Half a tank, rest for three days to refuel magic engines,' so resting the ship for periods of time to absorb the natural magical flow of the world, to refill the tanks. 'Sounds legit.'

The magical radar says it has a military like structure on the island. 'Dang, just one normal day.' Sighing, I flopped down from my perch to wake up Moon.

"Hey, wake up," I yawned. She moaned not wanting too. I know she needs rest, but their was no rest for the wicked.

"If you don't get up ill drink more coffee," I threatened. Her eyes darted awake and jumped up at the comment looking to stop me.

"Where are you Winter? I don't want you to get a splinter," she said looking around frantically.

"Good your're up, we're almost there."

"What little one, your joke was not fun!" Moon yelled not happy to her wake up call.

"Look!" I yelled pointed out the window. Looking out the window, Moonlight could see both the island and the sunset. After gazing of the view she pipped down and said sorry for the outburst.

"There, 'doesn't it look nice outside?'" I asked.

"Yes little one, It is lovely in the sun," she said giving a warm grin. She ran off to use the bathroom leaving me to the controls.

Entering the airspace of the island weapons at the ready, waiting for the army to show up for a fight. The magic radar wasn't picking up any signs of an armistice, and the base in the distance was not lighting up. 'Is there anyone home?' Flying over the base nothing coming for a fight, I could not help but feel disappointed. Dropping anchor, letting the heavy metal thing latch onto the building, I set the ship down to a hoover over the complex, and turned off the engines. I pulled out the keys to the ship from the dash, putting them into my front satchel and led Moonlight to the cargo bay.

The hiss of the cranes hydraulics lowering I and Moon down onto the roof of the open concrete fort, receiving a vista of the decrepit military base. Vines lined the walls, hiding most for the neglect. The anchor I found, was embedded in one of the empty areas of the base. The platform landed on the roof with an uneasy thud. Looking around I could see the main control tower was on its side leading into the forest. Moon took four steps off of the safety of the crane. She looked back uneasy coming back on not sure it is a good idea.

"You scared?" I smirked. Moon gave a frown and jumped off the platform, only to fall through the roof.

"Are you alright?!" I yelled hearing a grown telling me she was ok.

"Yes I am, my little lamb!" she called back in a daze.

Gliding down to the zebra, pushing the button to close up the ship before hand. I found a rather grumpy Moon shaking herself of dirt from the ten foot fall. Giggling a bit, she shot a dagger stare, which I just smiled while prancing into the next room. The next room. The smell of old mossy stone, with a hint of annoyance from the zebra trailing behind made for a pleasant experience. The broken up stone flooring wires hanging from the ceiling barely tied to the lighting fixtures ment to illuminate the place. 'Wait a minute.' Stopping for a closer examination, Moon bumped into my back side.

"Why did you stop? Was it for a red dot?" she mused. I could careless.

"This place isn't normal," I said.

"What do you mean? Isn't this peachy clean?" she asked giving me sass. 'Where did this come from?' This place looked like human tech. The wiring was a big give-away. 'Well, too other humans.'

"Well little miss grumpy stumpy, we are in a military base not from Equesrtia nor anywhere else. So stop being mad for falling on your ass and keep an eye out 'okay?'" I said giving her the best 'you don't say' facial expression. Which just creeped her out.

"Please do not make that face again, or else ill start calling you ben," she said. 'Who's ben?'

"Never mind," I deadpaned.

Moving along from my observation, we turned into another room, but this is what I was not expecting. Inside this room was a world war two communications array. A rather busted up one. The old war table was clean and had a unique layout. It was the layout of Equestrian landscape. 'Why is this here?' I asked myself. Looking around the old communications telegraphs, phones, and operator line bypass connectors, I found an old logbook under the table. It was an old leather book with an old looking lock on it. Blowing off the dust revealed a mare in the moon logo, still full of colour. I pulled out a bobby pin and using a claw, I found the tumblers quiet easily on the old mini rusted pad lock. With a click, it opened.

"Hey Moonlight keep a lookout would you please?" I asked. She gave a sigh, closed the door, and laid down by the table next to me. Opening the book to the first page it was english, and held a date.

First contact.

'First contact?' this must be an account of who ever built this here, and the date matches the age of the tech of the building.' Turning over the next page to read on I could not help but feel this was placed here, just like I was.

Since the war was started. We were told to expect the unexpected. All air traffic to our island base was told to return due to monstrous weather. The storm came and it was like nothing we have ever seen. The island was engulfed by the storm, but it was unnatural. The air suffocated everyone. When we woke up the storm past and no causality's.

It has bin five days since the storm. The island base was cut off from the mainland. No communication whatsoever. Thankfully supplies will be plentiful, but their is just one problem. 'Why are we griffins?' Was it a biological attach? If so, then we have underestimated those Germans. If they have have such power to turn all life into something that wasn't normal, than the war is over. If help does not come soon then, Padloping Island, an air deployment base in Nunavut, Canada will become a frozen waste in the coming winter.

This is an air base for the RCAF from back in WW2. 'Why is it here in Equestria?' Reading on.

Day forty after the change. Some of our pilots have made the situation we are inamusing by flying around in their new body's like birds. Though from the other commanders, it is much more pleasing than flying the planes, While others like myself, are trying everything to gain any form of contact to civilization. To cure us of this curse before it is too late.

Canadian pilots flying like real bird's. It would have bin a funny sight. I bet they were saying 'Americans would flip their lids eh?' Smiling at the thought, because I'm from Canada, I would have done it. Looking over to Moonlight wondering what she would do if she found out that I wasn't from this world. 'Would you take it with a grain of salt, or go to demon slaying mode again?' I would not want to find out. Back to my book.

Day one hundred after the change. A strange creature has came before us. She was a dark blue half unicorn, half pegasus. Her mane flowed all on its own in the colour's of the night. She had a moon on her flank, and spoke with such high authority, calling herself Nightmare moon. The other commanders and I, didn't think likely of this figure. That because she said we were no long on earth anymore and other reasons. Three other more smaller ponies as she calls them, were in the same boat as us. 'But why were they not griffins like us?' Nightmare moon made a proposition if memory serves right. She said she will send us all home if we help her win this 'war,' between her and her sister.

"What?!" I shouted making Moonlight jump in her spot. These guys came at least a thousand years ago. And why would Nightmare moon just take this situation like it was normal? 'God damn it, I hate being sane! Now I want to know more!'

"What is it, don't make me fidget," Moon said startled.

Day one hundred and ten after change. We all have come to a consecutive decision to help this mare out in the war. We all came to this decision after we seen her do the impossible. She moved the moon with just her will! Seeing this feet it was possible to go home, but we would have to fight for it. A risk we are willing to take. We have outfitted her army with all the schematics of our technology, so long as it stays on this island for safety reasons. This will be the last log for this book, whoever is reading this. All files from our world except the plane plans are removed. You can find them in the vault. But be warned it wont open. The reason very few pages are written, is due to the lack of time. We are losing the battle, even though the air superiority we gave to the moon princess was unbeatable. We have underestimated the ability that her sister had greater land power. Our history will be in safe keeping with the generations on the island. I hope that one day others like us will come and see our failures as miss-guided ignorance.

From Major Jack Miller.

Closing the book, and setting it aside, I could not help but feel sorry for them. I chose to come here, they didn't. Their hope of returning home was all they had, but it came at the wrong time. Moonlight sat beside me wondering what I was reading. She wouldn't understand.

"This was a base for Nightmare moon," I said to the curios Moonlight. She gave me a confused look. She was trying to read while I did, but her frown told me that she had no clue how to read.

"You can read this nonsense?" she said out of rhyme confirming my guess. She was too shocked to even notice that she broke out of her normal way of speech.

"Yes I can, and you can speak like me," I said equally surprised.

"Of course I can, I was banished, I had could longer speak in the old tongue of our kind," she said.

"Then why did you?" I asked.

"To stay in practice," was her reply.

"Ok. getting back on track. I can read this because its the writing of Equines. It really isn't hard to read just hard to understand," I said.

"Oh, sorry, but what did you mean by this is a base of Nightmare moon?" Moon said. 'I don't think I can take her talking normally.'

"This place was used for a war over a thousand years ago, between the mare of the sun, and the mare of the moon," I explained like a sir. This just made her chant like her life depended on it. 'Note to self; anything about anything supernatural makes Moonlight go super sayian shaman on my ass.'

I smacked her upside the head to make her stop wasting time. This led to her picking me up and spank me five for doing so. Holding my now sore butt trying not to cry from both the pain, and being given something I have not had since I was four. Moonlight gave me an angered stare before going back to chanting. Once the pain stopped, I looked around for anything else that gave me information of the island. Their was none,

Jumping onto the table map, I could see the entire mapped world. The island was a main broken red light off the eastern coast. The rest of the map had other colour oriented lights in various locations symbolizing where the other bases are located. Their was a few close by, I could check them out later. One light caught my eye. It was in the Griffin dominion over in a mountain range. 'a bunker of some sort?' I sighed. That location was where I was originally going to go. 'Maybe I could use it as a base if it still usable.' Taking out my map, I marked the location manually.

After I marked the location I..."BANG!"..."What was that?" I asked looking at the frightened Moonlight. She gave me a look unsure of it either.

"There it is again closer this time." I said. It sounded like a big gun. Judging by the interval's of the shot it was a one shot reload type. 'Maybe a .308 brittish?' Another shot was heard even closer.

"Moon we should hide," I said. Moonlight nodded in agreement.



"Awe, he is not here," I said giving a cute duck face to the captain. He just rolled his eyes.

"You have no sense of manlyness don't ya?" He said going back to the ship. I followed suit.

We found an island just a day away like I predicted. But the island was completely destroyed. All the trees were upturned, the animals were either dead or too wounded to even move making them easy prey. The volcano was flattened making the lava coat most of the island in fire. 'I am not sure how solid rock was flattened like a sand castle, but it was.' We barely found a non-burning piece of land to 'land' the ship to look for any clues as to where my brother is. Though, it was clear to all of us that we could see everything that the island had, and it had no Winter.

"Nope," I said happily. Jumping with him like pepy la pew.

"So why ya so interested in your brother?" asked the captain while we walked up the ramp.

"Because, he did so much in Equesrtia. like... um..hmm.. I know, he stole that ship!" I cheered. He just gave me a meanie face.

"Ya know, he killed alot of ponies doing that?" He said darkened at the thought.

"Yep!" I replied. The ship started to move off to the next location. The captain was not very happy with me. 'I wonder why?'

"So what are ya going to do with him?" giving a stern look.

"I am going to kill him!" I cheered.

"WHERE ARE YA YOU TRESPASSERS!" Screamed a maniacal deep male voice with a hint of jagged grain. I and Moon hid underneath a sewer grate. It was thankfully clean of all sewage. The shouter that was chasing us was in the hall we were hiding in. I could have taken him down, but sanity didn't liked that idea. Keeping an eye out, I could see an old looking griffin holding a modified .308 brittish an his claws. Watching the bi-peddle griffin trying very hard to keep balance holding the weapon, gave me an idea. 'It has bin awhile since I used magic.' Thinking of a spell to put him to sleep, I focused my magic into my claw. It was much more faster than the last time. His hind paw walked right over us to a stop just under my head. Moonlight was holding her mouth shut so not to alert the old man. I placed my claw on his paw, and before he could look down I said the magic words.

"sopitur,"(put to sleep) I whispered. The magic flowed into the body and the spell took fast effect. The old griffin gave a big kiss to the floor, snoring like a bear.

"So, what should we do with him?" I asked Moonlight.

"I don't know," She said back.

We were bother unsure of what to make of this situation. We could not drag him into the ship nor just leave him here. Though as fate would have it, a third party chose for us. Two more griffins pointing their guns at us came without notice. One was a fully grown female with a white and red colour pallet, firm yet delicate muscle features, crimson eyes that said, 'don't piss me off' which I will, and a long tuft of hair with a red splash at the tip over her left eye. The other was a male heavy build, a dark chocolate white and brown pattern, his much bigger beak in a snarl, hazel eyes, and his hair blown back like he walked through a wind storm. They had the same modified .308's, but looking down the barrels they were not loaded. 'Ok plan B. They didn't have enough time to load up, so they were thinking that just the weapons themselves would scare us. Well Moonlight, she was trembling to the point if you touched her, she would jump up like a cartoon cat.

"Who are you?!" Yelled the brownie. Time to have fun.

"I am your god now bring me your virgins!" I yelled back. The red one didn't find it amusing, thus she shoved the gun right into me face.

"You better tell us now or else," She threatened.

"Your .308 ain't loaded essay, ill go loco on you," giving the best mexican accent I could muster. Both of them blew up in alarm.

"How did you know?" they said in unison.

"Because I'm a smooth criminal," I said standing on my hind paws doing the moon walk over to Moonlight. My plan is working.

" stop it, right now. Or ill...ill shot you!" said the now shaking red griffin.

"You don't have the cajones to kill la kill master," giving them the best troll face I could make. They were now shaking on their spot. Guns unsteady and sweat forming under their chins.

"We will!" the brownie shouted.

"Welcome to the crazy train. You are the first I have met that didn't die within seconds of pointing those at me."

"I would put them down you know? Unless you want to find out why Princess Celestia calls me the prince of darkness," I gave them the widest, most demented toothy, insanitary smile.

They dropped their guns and threw them across the hall. Why are they scared of a kitten of a griffin? Is it because I am not scared of them? Or because I have control of a battleship?

"Why are you scared of me?" I asked them. Moonlight regained herself, but stayed at the other side of the old man. They looked at each other to see who would speak up first.

"Isn't there more of you?" the red one stuttered.

"Nope, just me and scaredy zebra over there," I smiled. They both looked at each other again more at ease.

"Why did you attach us?" brownie asked more composed.

"I didn't he did," pointing at the old man.

"He did! But what of the ship overhead?! and what did you do to him!" 'Jeez the red one liked to yell.'

"First, that's me ship and there is only two members, Me and Moonlight the zebra. Two, don't worry he is just knocked-out, and three, STOP YELLING!"

They gave a sigh of relief for the old griffin. The red one left to get the guns while the brownie blushed for being scared at a baby. The old geezer stirred in his sleep. He was about to wake up. Grabbing the .308 and giving it to the red one, Moonlight stepped away from him just in case he had some fight left.

"Huh? What happened?" asked the old guy.

"Are you alright, captain?" asked brownie.

"Ya I'm... I'm fine brownie," said the man. 'His name was actually Brownie. His parents have no creativity or a good sense of humor.'

"I hope you won't try to kill me again" I said indifferent.

"Who are you little one?" asked the captain. The other two filled him in while I and Moonlight just waited for our turn. The old man's face contorted to shame to the fact that he tried to kill a cub.

"I am greatly sorry for my actions toward you and your servant little one. I am Captain Silver, and the brown one is Brownie, and the red one is Rose. When our village saw your ship land over the old fort, we thought it was a raid of the vault of glass. That vault holds things that could devastate the world. Why are you here, is it for the vault? or something else?" Silver asked.

"I am Winter and this is Moonlight. She is not a servant she is a pony. I am currently on the run from Equestria for stealing the black ship overhead, and yes I would like to see the vault," I said.

"On the run? For stealing that ship. But you are so little!" Rose said in bafflement.

"Yep, trust me. If you were to meet me back then you wouldn't be standing here right now," I giggled like it was nothing.

"You both must have travelled far and must be hungry, but as for the vault, it has bin sealed for over a thousand years. Their is no way to open it. Many have tried in our bloodline, but all have failed." Silver shook his head in disappointment.

"Well I could open it, it wouldn't be to hard, and yes we are hungry," I said to Silver.

"I would like to see you try pipsqueak," said Rose. Brownie just gave a dis-believing look while Silver smiled.

"Come let us get you two some food first. It will be dark soon," said Silver.

The three led I and Moonlight out of the base to the village. I passed out halfway there. Moonlight picked me up by the scruff and put me on her back. I was too tired to move anymore. Flying the ship and that last minute spell took the last of my strength. The only reason I managed to stay up and about, was because Moon wasn't safe. Now that she is I can rest easy. I let my dreams take me not that ill have any.