Not Evil, Only Dark

by Guardian Angel



I can't say this is terribly surprising to me, considering all the unfinished ideas for projects that filled my spare notebook in high school, but I really can't bring myself to continue writing this story.

Lucas Macarthur was a character that I had written for a GURPS game, and became very fond of. However, all three of the games I attempted to play him in died, and in relatively short order, too. This left me with a very nice character that I had no use for. After a binge of vampire-related material, I began writing this.

However, the spark simply isn't there anymore. I literally had nothing planned and was just writing as I went. The story had no antagonist, no conflict, barely any semblance of a plot apart from a predictable "human in Equestria" story.

However, I'm not giving up writing altogether. I've come up with something that actually has some potential; a slice-of-life story about what happens when a human who went to Equestria to become a hero comes back to Earth, and has to deal with re-adjusting to her own homeworld.