Shadows from the past

by chil304

Apple Jack

Apple Jack sighed. She was half-way through washing off all the apples they had harvested when someone had come knocking. Probably somepony advertising something they didn't want or need. The orange pony was tired and more focused on finishing her work than chatting so decided quickly just to tell the pony knocking to "buck off."

Twilight wasn't really surprised by this response as she replied "Apple jack, please come out for a second I need to talk to you."

Apple Jack was surprised to find out it was Twilight who had been knocking. She was worrying that she might anger some big corporation by swearing at one of their representatives but it was just Twilight Sparkle which, in her mind at least, made her reactions even more justified than they already were. Never the less, she decided to show courtesy and respect towards her former friend and try reasoning with her to reach a conclusion they could both agree on.

"Twi, ah said BUCK OFF!"

Well, it was courtesy according to Apple Jack at least.

"Apple Jack! listen to reason!"

" Ah don't need any oh that fancy-schmancy froo-froo reasoning! no means no!" and soon, Apple Jack was back inside washing apples off.

The silence that followed lingered like a bad smell, wafting around as a reminder to Apple Jack that she had just told her former friend to buck off. To Apple Jack it felt surprisingly good, similar to the feeling after you complete a long exam, but without the lingering boredom portion.

"Fine then, I guess you don't want this book on apples."

"wait, what did y'all say?"

"I think you heard me the first time."

"Yah think ah am that obsessed with apples?"

"well... I... er..."

"well y'all are correct. Ah'm listenin."

"I think it would be better for all of us if we all made up and were friends again."

"Ah'm not listenin." and that was the end of the conversation.


Apple Jack sighed as she washed the apples off. It seemed like only yesterday her friends broke up. she could remember it so clearly too:

Pinkie Pie had recently got a special somepony at the time, by the name of Treacle Toffee. A candy maker and the only real rival to the bon family. Well, at least the only real rival in ponyville. The two had naturally started to sing a song about their love for each other because gosh darnit this was ponyville and they were going to have at least one song a week. Mid-song the couple were cut off by none other than Rainbow Dash:

"Treacle! I thought we were going to do some more flight practice today!"

pinkie had then proceeded to chime in before Treacle Toffee could speak. "nu-uh he's my baking buddy!"

Rainbow Dash paused mid-flight. "Baking Buddy?"

"yeah! my baking buddy!"

"please... help..." Treacle Toffee managed to stammer to someone walking past before Pinkie Pie interrupted again.

"well maybe if someone wasn't so stressy, we might be baking hot dogs right now."

"I-i'm vegetarian."

Pinkie Pie just glared at him.

"ohhh... never mind."

Then Rarity joined in. "Why doesn't Treacle Toffee decide what he want's to do?"

At that point, Apple Jack had decided that not enough fighting was happening so decided to join into the argument. "Well ah think we should all 'ave a good competition to decide."

Rarity just stood there, slightly surprised. "Does... does no-one care about free-will here?"

That was as far as Apple Jack could remember of the argument. The rest was just a haze of drunken punch ups and swearing. It was surprisingly fun, they had to do that more often.


The sun had started to set on sweet apple acres when Apple Jack finally finished her chores. The sunset was absolutely stunning from the barn windows - you could see the harmony between the greens of the fields and the oranges of the sunset wonderfully. If Rarity was living here, she probably would never leave the window whenever the sun set but because of the fact it was Apple Jack... she didn't really care that much. Apple Jack had soon tucked herself into her bed, the blanket providing a gentle warmth that lulled her softly to sleep, like a lullaby.



Apple Jack was abruptly woken to the sound of metal hitting metal. It echoed around the barn-house for a bit, serving as a crude reminder that her dreams about apples were interrupted again.


From all her experience at the farm, Apple Jack had learnt that allot of problems can be solved by giving them a good kick. It worked on cart wheels that wouldn't stay on; apple trees with stubborn fruit; your sister's homework and now, apparently, Alicorns that teleport into your house in the dead of night.


That didn't sound good. Twilight began to stand up wearily, a mild concussion starting to make itself at home with her.


"Well y'all know better than to sneak up on me! now tell me what ya'll are doing here before ah kick you into next week.

"Can we just try being friends again?"




Twilight Sparkle, now pretty frustrated, decided it would be much easier if she used for magic to keep Apple Jack from talking.

"Look, the royal guards have said we need to."


"now, if I let you go, will you try being friends again?"

Apple Jack nodded and was released. Her element of harmony was thrust onto her neck.

"Why do I need this again?"

"I'm not really sure, but it helped in the past."

Apple Jack sighed and just decided to accept it. It was clear she wasn't going to get a clearer answer from her.

"well, what do we do now then?"

"My original plan was to go to rarity's and get her to come and become friends again."

"Ah think that we should do that too." and so, in a slightly convenient to the plot twist because I was too lazy to end this properly... the two mares walked off for rarity's boutique, to hopefully make friends with her again.