The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch7. Revelations of waifu's, and other things.

Revelations of waifu's, and other things.

Being hole again. It wasn't like I thought it would be like. I thought I would be happy with the things I have done, but its the opposite. Looking around the empty hut trying to find the zerbra to ask some questions about what she did to me. Instead I got the last person I wanted to see. It was the shemale in the black suit and fedora pony form. She had jet black short main and white base. His/her same stupid smile, the absent-minded creeper that decided to break into improve before he/she sent me to Equis. Frowning at the creep just made him/her giggle.

"Allow popit, nice to see ya still alive," he/she said making a bad british impression. Rolling my eyes I gave him/her the bird.

"What do you want?" I asked miserably. He/her just gave a big toothy smile.

"Is that anyway thank me for bringing you here?" it frowned.

"Yes," I smugly replied.

"Don't you want to know why I am here?" it asked.

"Yes," I said. She perked up.

"Well I am here to give you a reward for your mass destruction in Equestria," It cheered.

"Why would you reward me for killing five hundred plus people in a month?" I asked sickened at the thought of how many I killed.

"Well the mass chaos you've bin spreading throughout the land was quiet a show, so I thought id would be nice to give you something to help you do more," he/she said.

A reward. Knowing he/she is a god I could have anything. My depression was still present and I am not going anywhere for a while. I would just get brought back here by the zebras anyway. I thought about going home, but I asked myself. Would I go home? It wasn't the best life, but it was starting to get better, I had no one waiting for me, but knowing my situation she won't let me. Even though I could end up in prison for life I don't leave. 'Man being sane sucks.' I thought.

Clearing my mind, I could ask for anything. I could be a full sized griffin, though I came to enjoy being small again. That's a no. I could make my ship better. That's a yes. I know he/she wont get me something from earth and information on the future is out. I would upgrade my ship. I had some ideas that popped into mind while cleaning it up, and their are things that have bin troubling me as of late. Why did I know so much Latin? I didn't study the language, I just knew how to make basic words, yet I can speak It fluently here. Why was me brother here? I wanted to get away from the psycho. Why am I so magically powerful when I'm mad and not calm? And why can I understand Zebracan? The god saw my face contort with my questions, so being what he/she is the god answered all my thoughts.

"Well late me answer those facial expressions of yours my friend; One, I implanted all the Latin words, combinations, and definitions in that brain of yours to see how you'd use it. Two, your brother is here because I brought him, not telling why though, my reasons. Three I don't know that one, maybe your anger acts like a super conductor or something. Four, that was my doing as well, your welcome by the way. Five, I have a name you know. Its Deus ex machina ,the god of the machine, and Im a girl without a dick you ass," she said while crossing her hooves and turning her head away pouting like a child who got broccoli.

Well that's answers a bit. I know now its a 'she', her name is Deus, and from the way she looked at me before, I can come to the conclusion that she is a totalwaifu. I feel strangely better on my situation towards her. Its not a guy, but a very tomboyish girl, and on the questions I uncovered about my new body, one major question remains.

"Why me, why send me over to this place along with my brother?" I asked. She looked back at me raising an eyebrow giving a smirk.

"Well I brought you here to play a game. Its a big game that has yet to truly start, but all I can tell you is that Its till the last man standing," she rolled on her back checking her hooves for imperfection's.

"You like me," I asked.

"Yes," she said. Realizing what she said her face began blushing red as an apple, she got up turning away to hide her face. I know that this god chose me for some odd reason. That reason I can guess was because she 'liked' me. Now since I can assume this I can tease her some more. If she put me here because she 'liked' me I get to slap her. It would not be a good idea, but I am glad I had myself put back together, I can think rationally again.

"You have a crush on me don't you, My little machy" I said while sitting up on my haunches giving a cheeky grin. This made her freak out like I read her diary out loud in a concert of ten thousand.

"What?! no I don't!" she said while glaring at me. I feel better from my depression, but her glare is telling me to back off. She is a total waifu.

Clearing her embarrassment she answered the rest of the questions.

"I chose you because, you would do something as big as steal the most advanced ship in Equestrian history, and other things. I thought it would be fun to send you and storm together to see who would make things more, interesting ," Deus said.

Trying to get information from her was like giving a cactus a hug. I wouldn't push her any further.

"So do I still get my wish?" I asked.

"I don't know," she deadpanned.

"Please, I wont tell anybody that you have a crush on me," I smiled. She gave me a stink eye.

"Fine you little backstabber trying to blackmail a god, what do you want?" she didn't like the fact I figured out she liked me. As for my wish I knew what I want.

"I want my ship to be upgraded," I asked.

"Ok, that ill do. What kind of upgrades?" she asked curios.

"I want my ship to be made out of black dragon scales for the hull rather than the steel. I want my ship to have an magic/electric powered turbines instead of the propellers and I want the muzzle of the wolf on the bow to open up for a canon. The canon will be powered by two self recharging crystals, they have to be two metre's in diameter. The barrel need's to match the crystals in size and be made out of a reflective surface on the inside that wont break. The crystals should be able to swap out for quick fire and recharge. The crystals should be connected to the bridge that will allow me to cast my spells from there. That's about it." I said happily.

She picked me up out of nowhere and gave me a bear hug. "That is the most kickass thing ever!" Deus said with a new found joy.

she put me down smiling.

"Ill get on that, but once I'm done imma out here and no more wishes. bye bye" With that last word she disappeared.

Laying back down to have a nap, the zebra that was taking care of me decided to come in. She saw me awake and rushed to my side dropping her potions at the tent flap.

"Little one your awake, I thought your life was at stake!" she said worried giving me a suffocating embrace crushing my little wings.

"I'm fine, really, let go" I said dying from lack of breath.

She let go and went to grab her potions. Trying not to die I got ready for another fatal hug. It didn't come. She sat down beside me looking me from head to toe. I didn't want to worry her any more so I sat down and got ready for her therapy of rhyme. I was in this situation once before. On a spot that was soft to sit on, it was like I was back in the psyc ward. I wasn't crazy I just ended up there after I tried to tell my mother of how fucked up storm was. Remembering how much I knew about reading people I could tell how messed up he was, and with some research on basic psychology. I was insanely accurate. I pleaded my case to my doctor at the time which led him to release me early. I spent three weeks there. The upside was I got unlimited pizza and ice cream.

"Please lay down, sitting up would make for a funny clown," she said while directing me to lay in my bedroll trying to lighten up the mood. I did without a fight.

"Good now, tell me the how you beat demon without being a sea man." she said. I tried not to laugh at that bad rhyme. I was like a bad verse of a rap song.

"I beat him by coming to terms with him, he and I are one and hole again. No more conflicting emotions and please no more potions," I replied.

She looked at me with a horrified expression. It wasn't normal. It was like I said the most unholy thing ever to her. Though she thought I would vanquish my demon making me pure rather than merge into one entity. She began to chant something and wouldn't stop. I think she was trying to purify me. I think I should get out of here before I get the cross burning. Getting up, I found my things and put them on with haste. I took me thirty seconds, that's when I noticed the zebra was glaring at me with death like daggers for eyes.

"Little demon you must not leave, for you heart is dark from the evil seed," she said. Yep I'm out.

"Um no its not. You just tried to get me to destroy half of my soul," I said slowly sliding to the tent flap. Her eyes went to slits. I think I just told her I was a demon that was not at my true form and that she helped me finish my transformation.

"You were devil spawn, now I must slay you my son," She said.

She lunged at me. I rolled under here while she was mid air, coming out of the roll a bolted out of the tent. It was dark out a cool breeze washed over my matted bloodstained fur sending giving me a shutter. The hut I vacated was the only one here. I thought I was in a village. I wasn't. I could see my ship off in the distance. This girl was a hermit, probably sent here away from her original home. She was alone just like me. When she saw a lone baby griffin, she saw it as a chance to take care of me as her own. Sure It was a bit extreme of how she took me in, she see's me as a lost dark person that needed healing. I hear her behind me.

Turning around, I seeing the zebra in a new shape. She was enraged. I felt pity for her, which was a feeling I had not felt ever till now. I suppose I should be happy about that. When I was first walking into this world I had lost my ability to read people. Now thanks to her I have that trait back. She was afraid of me, not of what I was, but for trying to leave on my ship off this island. I could see how she was treated in her tribe. She was a daughter to a wise potion master, and was next in line to be the tribe shaman, or was. She fell in love with another, leading to a child. This made the tribe take a drastic measure. They saw the child as a devil spawn and killed it. Then for added pain she was banished to this island, damning her to a life of solitude. When she seen me go about my day of hunting and lounging on the beach. She took it as a sign that her lonelyness was over. While I just treated her like a tool. She wasn't angered but grieving at the loss of her adopted child. Me. Though I was here for a short time she instantly attached to me. Fuck I hate being sane everything was all so simple.

"You must be cured, so don't fly my little bird," the zebra said. I know I am going to regret this, but I couldn't leave her alone. Damn I growing a heart.

I walked up to her , this made her get ready for a fight. I flexed my wings outward, causing the mare to fall back onto her haunches. I tackled her giving the frightened mare an embrace. She was trembling, she didn't know what to do nor did I. I knew I wasn't going back to my insane self any time soon. She went out of her way to make me be the person I wanted to be back on earth; a caring, kind, helpful, soother of pain and loss. I wanted to give the warmth of someone who cared to those that were born into the family like mine. When I came here I had lost all of that. I quickly became a bloodthirsty fluffy ball of death, with an obsession of going to Gem fido. I stole a ship killing the crew of five hundred and levelled most of Hoofington. I am hiding on an island waiting for the the recovery team to get here so I could send them back with the message that this ship is mine. I must have looked like a mess to this zebra. She was right to trank me, I would have killed her on sight. Then where would I be? Still killing ponies by the hundreds.

I was crying, something I haven't done since my first wake up at the hospital. Why was I crying? I didn't know for sure, but it felt right. This mare was warm a feeling that I had forgotten altogether. I felt her hooves wrap around me in response. Hearing her cry with me in a strange understanding of how we both felt. I now know why I was crying. It was because I fucked up my life here, not on purpose, I knew I wasn't going back a hero, but as a prince of darkness.